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Mersin’de Kent ve Liman Arasındaki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, Issue: 44, 183 - 191, 08.07.2022


21. yüzyıl liman kentinin özellikleri, limanlar ve bulundukları şehirlerle mekânsal ilişkilerini tanımlama açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin konteyner limanları arasında yer alan Mersin Limanı ile Mersin kenti arasındaki liman-kent ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Mersin’in hangi limankent sınıfında olduğunu ve Mersin’de liman ve kentsel alanın kesiştiği noktada mekânsal ilişkilerin nasıl kurulduğunu incelemektir. Bu inceleme için, limankent sınıflandırmalarında kullanılan bölgesel ölçekte değerlendirilen yöntem olarak Bağıl Yoğunlaşma Endeksi (RCI) kullanılmıştır. Yöntem, kıyı kentlerinin kentleşme süreçlerinde bölgesel düzeyde liman ve kent ilişkileri konusunu ortaya koymaktadır. Mersin Limanı’nın Türkiye’deki konteyner limanları arasında 2007 yılından bu yana “Aktarma Merkezi” değerlerine sahip olduğu görülmektedir. “Aktarma Merkezi”, kentsel mekânsal alanda liman-kent kesişim alanında üretilecek mekânsal planlama politikalarının vurgulanması gereken liman-kent sınıfları arasındadır. Mersin, potansiyel bir liman-kent imajına sahip, kıyı kenti karakterini ve alanın görünürlüğünü sağlamak için yeni planlama araçlarına ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Kent ile liman arasındaki geçiş bölgesinin “yaşayan kentsel liman alanı” imajı kazandırmak için canlandırma projelerinin planlama stratejileri ve politikaları ile bütünleştirilmesi önemlidir. Mekânsal planlama alanında kıyı kentlerinin kent kimliklerinde, iç bölgelerdeki kentlerden farklı kıyı kentlerinin potansiyellerinde işlevsel olarak baskın rollere sahiptir. Günümüz kent kimliğine vurgu açısından, liman ağırlıklı şehirlerde limanla yaşayan şehir merkezlerini ön plana çıkaran plan kararları önemli konular arasında yer almaktadır.


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  • Macdonald, E. (2018). Urban Waterfront Promenades. Routledge. google scholar
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  • Meyer, H. (1999). City and port: Urban planning as a cultural venture in London, Barcelona, New York, and Rotterdam: changing relations between public urban space and large-scale infrastructure. International Books. google scholar
  • MP (Mersin Port). Tarihce/14/2/0 Accessed October 24, 2020. google scholar
  • MTSO (Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası). (2001) Bir Dünya Kenti Mersin- A World City. Mersin Sanayi ve Ticaret Odası Mersin Kitapları Dizisi. google scholar
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  • Özer, A. (2004). Yerelleşme ve kentleşme bağlamında bir kent: Mersin. Değişen-Dönüşen Kent ve Bölge. 745-755. google scholar
  • Pages Sanchez, J. M. (2015). Port city relation: Integration-conflict-coexistence: Analysis of good practices. 51st International Congress, 1-15. google scholar
  • Pearson, M. N. (1998). Port cities and intruders: The Swahili coast, India, and Portugal in the early Modern Era. The Johns Hopkins University Press. google scholar
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  • Voorde, E.V. D. (1995). Sea ports, land use and competitiveness: How important are economic and spatial structures? Transport and urban development. In D. Banister (Ed.) (pp. 218-240). E&FN Spon. google scholar
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Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey

Year 2022, Issue: 44, 183 - 191, 08.07.2022


It is important to understand the characteristics of a 21st century port city in terms of the spatial relations of the city and its port. In this study, the port/city relations between the container port of Mersin in Turkey and Mersin city itself are examined. The purpose of this study is to examine which class of port city Mersin falls within and how spatial relations are established at the intersection of the port and urban area in Mersin. The Relative Concentration Index is used for evaluation at the regional scale, as used in port city classifications. The method reveals the importance of port and urban relations at a regional level in the urbanization processes of coastal cities. It is seen that Mersin Port has been at the level of a Hub since 2007 among the container ports of Turkey. ‘Hub’ is among the port city classes for which spatial planning policies in the port/city intersection area should be emphasized. It is important to integrate the revival projects with planning strategies and policies to engender a ‘living urban port area’ image for the transition zone between city and port.


  • Akova, S. (1999). Mersin Serbest Bölgesi: Özellikleri, etkileri ve etkilediği coğrafi şartlar. Coğrafya Dergisi, 7, 151-182. google scholar
  • ASBAS. (2020). Retrieved from Accessed October 21, 2020 google scholar
  • Bilgin, İ., Fehl, G., Yeğenoğlu, H., Korkmaz, T., Schubert, D., Cohen, J-L., Bartels, O., Kütükçüoğlu, B., & Akın, G. (2012). Liman kentleri: Amsterdam, Barselona, Hamburg. (Ed.): İ. Bilgin, İ. Erkol, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları. google scholar
  • Bird, J.H. (1973). Of central places, cities and seaports. Geography, 58(2), 105-118. google scholar
  • Beaven, B., Bell, K., & James, R. (2016). Port towns and urban cultures: International histories of the waterfront, c.1700—2000. B. Beaven, K. Bell, & R. James (eds.), Springer Nature. google scholar
  • Boulos, J. (2016). Sustainable development of coastal cities-proposal of a modelling framework to achieve sustainable city-port connectivity. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 216, 974-985. https:// google scholar
  • Bruns-Berentelg, J. (2012). Hafencity Hamburg: Making a new downtown. Learning Cities Platform. Retrieved from http:// june-2012s.pdf. google scholar
  • Charlier, J. (1992). The Regeneration of Old Port Areas for New Port Uses In B. Hoyle & D. Pinder (Eds.), European port cities in transition (pp. 137-154). Belhaven. google scholar
  • CORINE. (2019). Accessed July 25, 2019 google scholar
  • Ducruet, C. (2006). Port city relationships in Europe and Asia. Journal of International Logistics and Trade, 4(2), 13-35. 10.24006/jilt.2006.4.2.13 google scholar
  • Ducruet, C., & Jeong, O. (2005). European port city interface and its Asian application. halshs- 00458542. google scholar
  • Ducruet, C., & Lee, S. W. (2006). Frontline soldiers of globalisation: port city evolution and regional competition. Geojournal, 67(2), 107-122. google scholar
  • DTO. (2020). Denizcilik sektör raporu. İstanbul ve Marmara, Ege, Akdeniz, Karadeniz Bölgeleri Deniz Ticaret Odası. google scholar
  • Gleave, M. B. (1997). Port activities and the spatial structure of cities: The case of Freetown, Sierra Leone. Journal of Transport Geography, 5(4), 257-275. google scholar
  • Hafencity. (2006). HafenCity Hamburg-The masterplan. (Ed.): J. Bruns-Berentelg. google scholar
  • Hayuth, Y. (1982). The port-urban interface: An area in transition. Area, 14(3), 219-224. google scholar
  • Hoyle, B. S. (1989). The port- city interface: Trends, problems and examples. Geoforum, 20(4), 429-435. google scholar
  • Hoyle, B. S. (1988). Development dynamics at the port city interface. (Eds.): B. S. Hoyle, D. A. Pinder & M. S. Husain, Revitalising the waterfront: International dimensions of dockland redevelopment (pp. 5- 19), Belhaven Press. google scholar
  • Hoyle, B. S. (1997). Cities and ports: Concepts and issues. VEGUETA, 3, 263-278. google scholar
  • Hoyle, B. (2000). Global and local change on the port city waterfront. Geographical Review, 90(3), 395-417. 3250860 google scholar
  • Hoyle, B., & Pinder, D. (Eds.). (1992). Cities and the sea: Change and development in contemporary Europe. European Port Cities in Transition, In B. Hoyle & D. Pinder (Eds.) (pp. 1-9). Belhaven Press. google scholar
  • KGM. (2022). Otoyollar/Otoyollar.aspx Accessed January 20, 2022. google scholar
  • Lee, S., Song, D., & Ducruet, C. (2008). A tale of Asia’s World ports: The spatial evaluation in global hub port cities. Geoforum, 39, 521533. google scholar
  • Macdonald, E. (2018). Urban Waterfront Promenades. Routledge. google scholar
  • Merk, O., & Hesse, M. (2012). The Competitiveness of Global Port cities: The Case of Hamburg - Germany. OECD Publishing. google scholar
  • MERSIN. (2020). Accessed October 11, 2020. google scholar
  • MESBAS. (2020). Accessed October 21, 2020. google scholar
  • Meyer, H. (1999). City and port: Urban planning as a cultural venture in London, Barcelona, New York, and Rotterdam: changing relations between public urban space and large-scale infrastructure. International Books. google scholar
  • MP (Mersin Port). Tarihce/14/2/0 Accessed October 24, 2020. google scholar
  • MTSO (Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası). (2001) Bir Dünya Kenti Mersin- A World City. Mersin Sanayi ve Ticaret Odası Mersin Kitapları Dizisi. google scholar
  • OECD. (2014). The competitiveness of global port cities. OECD Publishing. google scholar
  • Özer, A. (2004). Yerelleşme ve kentleşme bağlamında bir kent: Mersin. Değişen-Dönüşen Kent ve Bölge. 745-755. google scholar
  • Pages Sanchez, J. M. (2015). Port city relation: Integration-conflict-coexistence: Analysis of good practices. 51st International Congress, 1-15. google scholar
  • Pearson, M. N. (1998). Port cities and intruders: The Swahili coast, India, and Portugal in the early Modern Era. The Johns Hopkins University Press. google scholar
  • Polanyi, K. (1963). Ports of trade in early societies. The Journal of Economic History, 23(1), 30-45. google scholar
  • Polyzos, S., & Niavis, S. (2013). Evaluating port efficiency in the Mediterranean. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 5(1), 84-100. 051742 google scholar
  • Schubert, D. (2012). Barcelona-Hamburg: Structural Changes of Seaport Cities from local particularities to global challenges. Harbour Cities: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hamburg, In İ. Bilgin & İ. Erkol (Eds.) (pp. 105-126), Istanbul Bilgi University Press 401. google scholar
  • TUIK. (2020a). Accessed October 27, 2020. google scholar
  • TUIK. (2020b). Accessed October 11, 2020. google scholar
  • TUIK. (2020c). Accessed October 11, 2020. google scholar
  • UAB. (2022). Accessed January 20, 2022. google scholar
  • UAB. (2020). Accessed October 11, 2020. google scholar
  • UBAK. (2014). Accessed October 23, 2014. google scholar
  • Van der Knaap, B., & Pinder, D. (1992). Revitalising the European waterfront: Policy evolution and planning issues. European Port Cities in Transition B. Hoyle & A. D. Pinder (Eds.) (pp. 155-175), Belhaven. google scholar
  • Voorde, E.V. D. (1995). Sea ports, land use and competitiveness: How important are economic and spatial structures? Transport and urban development. In D. Banister (Ed.) (pp. 218-240). E&FN Spon. google scholar
  • Williams, R. (1992). European Spatial Planning and the Cityport System. European Port Cities in Transition In B. Hoyle & D. Pinder (Eds.) (pp. 59-79). Belhaven Press. google scholar
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Merve Yılmaz 0000-0002-5049-3224

Publication Date July 8, 2022
Submission Date September 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 44


APA Yılmaz, M. (2022). Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey. Coğrafya Dergisi(44), 183-191.
AMA Yılmaz M. Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey. Coğrafya Dergisi. July 2022;(44):183-191. doi:10.26650/JGEOG2022-1001157
Chicago Yılmaz, Merve. “Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey”. Coğrafya Dergisi, no. 44 (July 2022): 183-91.
EndNote Yılmaz M (July 1, 2022) Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey. Coğrafya Dergisi 44 183–191.
IEEE M. Yılmaz, “Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey”, Coğrafya Dergisi, no. 44, pp. 183–191, July 2022, doi: 10.26650/JGEOG2022-1001157.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Merve. “Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey”. Coğrafya Dergisi 44 (July 2022), 183-191.
JAMA Yılmaz M. Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey. Coğrafya Dergisi. 2022;:183–191.
MLA Yılmaz, Merve. “Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey”. Coğrafya Dergisi, no. 44, 2022, pp. 183-91, doi:10.26650/JGEOG2022-1001157.
Vancouver Yılmaz M. Assessment of the Relationship Between City and Port in Mersin, Turkey. Coğrafya Dergisi. 2022(44):183-91.