Research Article
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Kentlerin markalaş(ama)ması ve Kurumsallaş(ama)ma Perspektifi: Van Örneği

Year 2022, Issue: 45, 111 - 124, 30.12.2022


Bu çalışma, yer markalaşma teorisine odaklanarak Türkiye’nin Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’nde yer alan bir şehir olan Van’da yürütülmüştür. Van kentinin paydaş yaklaşımıyla markalaşma sürecinde fiziksel, kültürel ve yaşayan hafızasına ilişkin deneyimlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma nitel araştırma stratejisiyle fenomenolojik desende, paydaşlarla hem yüz yüze hem de telefon görüşmelerine (n=30) dayanan nitel bir vaka çalışmasını benimsemektedir. Araştırma bulguları, katılımcıların hepsi şehirlerinin markalaşması konusunda istekli olduklarını ifade etmiş olmalarına rağmen, profesyonel markalaşma organizasyonları ve paydaş temelli markalaşma süreçleri gibi batı temelli yaklaşımların, kırsal “aşiret” kültürü ve gelenekleri etrafında örgütlenmiş bir topluluğun ihtiyaçlarını karşılamadığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bu örnek olay incelemesine rağmen, marka imajı ilgili tüm gruplar tarafından kabul edilerek mekânsal ve zamansal bağlamlar dikkate alınmalıdır. Bu makale, gelişmekte olan ekonomiler bağlamında politika yapıcılara ve turizm profesyonellerine yer markalaşması konusunda yapıcı öneriler sunmaktadır.


  • Adiloğlu-Yalçınkaya, L., & Besler, S. (2021). Institutional factors influencing business models: The case of Turkish Airlines. Journal of Air Transport Management, 91, 101989. google scholar
  • Aksom, H., & Tymchenko, I. (2020). How institutional theories explain and fail to explain organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(7), 1223-52. doi:10.1108/JOCM-05-2019-0130 google scholar
  • Anagnostopoulos, D., Sykes, G., Mccrory, R., Cannata, M., and Frank, K. (2010). Dollars, distinction, or duty? The meaning of the national board for professional teaching standards for teachers’ work and collegial relations.” American Journal of Education, 116, 337-369. google scholar
  • Anholt, S. (2006). The Anholt-GMI city brands index: How the world sees the world’s cities. Place branding, 2(1), 18-31. doi:10.1057/ palgrave.pb.5990042 google scholar
  • Beritelli, P. (2011). Cooperation among prominent actors in a tourist destination. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(2), 607-629. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2010.11.015 google scholar
  • Braun, E., Kavaratzis, M., & Zenker, S. (2013). My city-my brand: The different roles of residents in place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 6(1), 18-28. google scholar
  • Chappell, L. (2006). Comparing political institutions: Revealing the gendered” logic of appropriateness”. Politics & Gender, 2(2), 223235. doi:10.1017/S1743923X06221044. google scholar
  • Cohen, E., & Cohen, S. A. (2012). Current sociological theories and issues in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(4), 2177-2202. google scholar
  • Cova, B. (1997). Community and consumption: Towards a definition of the ‘‘linking value’’ of products and services. European Journal of Marketing, 31(3-4), 297-316. 10162380. google scholar
  • Earl, A., & Hall, C. M. (2021). Institutional Theory in Tourism and Hospitality. Routledge: London. google scholar
  • Frandsen, F., & Winni, J. (2013). Public relations and the new institutionalism: In search of a theoretical framework. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(2), 205-221. doi:10.1177/2046147X13485353 google scholar Freeman, R. Edward. (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Boston: Pitman. google scholar
  • Hakan, S. (2020). Osmanli modernleşmesi ve yerel yönetimler: Van Örneği (1847-1915). [Masters dissertation, Van Yuzuncu Yil University]. google scholar
  • Hall, C. M. (2007). Tourism and regional competitiveness. In J. Tribe, & D. Airey (Eds.), Advances in Tourism Research, New Directions, Challenges and Applications (pp. 217-230). Oxford: Elsevier. google scholar
  • Hall, C. M. (2017). Tourism and geopolitics: The political imaginary of territory, tourism and space. In D. Hall (Ed.), Tourism and geopolitics: Issues from Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 15-24). Wallingford: CABI. google scholar
  • Hankinson, G. (2007). The management of destination brands: Five guiding principles based on recent developments in corporate branding theory. Journal of Brand Management, 14(3), 240-254. google scholar
  • Hatch, M.J. & Schultz, M. (2008), Taking brand initiative: How companies align strategy, culture and identity through corporate branding. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. google scholar
  • Hoffman, A.J. (2001). From heresy to dogma: An institutional history of corporate environmentalism. Stanford: Stanford University Press. google scholar
  • Hollinshead, K. (1999). Surveillance of the worlds of tourism: Foucault and the eye-of-power. Tourism Management, 20(1), 7-23. https:// google scholar
  • Hosany, S., Ekinci, Y., & Uysal, M. (2006). Destination image and destination personality: An application of branding theories to tourism places. Journal of Business Research, 59(5), 638-642. google scholar
  • Houghton, J. P., & Stevens, A. (2011). City branding and stakeholder engagement. In K. Dinnie (Ed.), City Branding (pp. 45-53). London: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Huggins, R., & Thompson, P. (2015). Culture and place-based development: A socio-economic analysis. Regional Studies, 49 (1), 130-159. google scholar Immergut, E. M. (1998). The theoretical core of the new institutionalism. Politics & Society, 26(1), 5-34. google scholar
  • Jamal, T. & Stronza A. (2009). Collaboration theory and tourism practice in protected areas: Stakeholders, structuring and sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(2), 169-189, Doi:10.1080/09669580802495741 google scholar
  • Karhunen, P. (2008). Managing international business operations in a changing institutional context: The case of the St. Petersburg hotel industry. Journal of International Management, 14, 28-45. google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2005). Place branding: A review of trends and conceptual models. The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342. https:// google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2008). From city marketing to city branding: An interdisciplinary analysis with reference to Amsterdam, Budapest and Athens. (Unpublished PhD thesis). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen. google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2012). From “necessary evil” to necessity: Stakeholders’ involvement in place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 5(1), 7-19. google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M., & Hatch, M. J. (2013). The dynamics of place brands: An identity-based approach to place branding theory. Marketing Theory, 13(1), 69-86. google scholar
  • Konecnik, M., & Go, F. (2008). Tourism destination brand identity: The case of Slovenia. Journal of Brand Management, 15(3), 177-189. google scholar
  • Lavandoski, J., Albino Silva, J., & Vargas-Sanchez, A. (2014). Institutional theory in tourism studies: Evidence and future directions. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics Discussion Papers, (2014-3). google scholar
  • Lew, A. A. (2017). Tourism planning and placemaking: Place-making or placemaking? Tourism Geographies, 19(3), 448-466. https://doi.or g/10.1080/14616688.2017.1282007 google scholar
  • Lowndes, V. (2010). The institutional approach. In D. Marsh & G. Stoker (Eds.), Theory and methods in political science (pp. 60-79). London: Macmillan. google scholar
  • McCarthy, B. (2012). From fishing and factories to cultural tourism: The role of social entrepreneurs in the construction of a new institutional field. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24(3-4), 259-282, doi:10.1080/08985626.2012.670916 google scholar
  • Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R., & Wood, D. J. (1997). Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what counts. Academy of Management Review, 22(4), 853-886. google scholar
  • Mossberg, L., & Getz D. (2006). Stakeholder influences on the ownership and management of festival brands. Scandinavian Journal ofHospitality and Tourism, 6(4), 308-326, DOI: 10.1080/15022250601003273 google scholar
  • Oliver, C. (1992). The antecedents of deinstitutionalization. Organization Studies, 13(4), 563-588. DOI: 10.1177/017084069201300403 google scholar
  • Okur, H. (2017). The strong kingdom of Eastern Anatolia: Urartians. Journal ofHistory School, 10(24), 313-355. google scholar
  • Özkul, S. (2017). Türkiye’deki Marka Şehir Kamu Politikaları. (PhD Dissertation). Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul. google scholar
  • Pınarcık, P. (2014). Urartu capitals. Journal of Historical Studies, 33(56), 35-54. google scholar
  • Reed, M. G. (1997). Power relations and community-based tourism planning. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(3), 566-591. https://doi. org/10.1016/S0160-7383(97)00023-6 google scholar
  • Saraniemi, S. (2011). From destination image building to identity-based branding. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5(3),247-254. google scholar
  • Scott, W. R. (2014). Institutions and organizations: Ideas, interests, and identities (4th edition). Los Angeles: Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Seo, M. G., & Creed, W. D. (2002). Institutional contradictions, praxis, and institutional change: A dialectical perspective. Academy ofManagement Review, 27(2), 222-247. google scholar
  • Tilaki, M. J. M., & Hedayati, M. (2015). Exploring barriers to the implementation of city development strategies (CDS) in Iranian cities. Journal of Place Management and Development, 8(2), 123141. google scholar
  • Todd, L., Leask, A., & Ensor, J. (2017). Understanding primary stakeholders’ multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management. Tourism Management, 59, 494-509. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.09.010 google scholar
  • Tosun, C. (2000). Limits to community participation in the tourism development process in developing countries. Tourism Management, 21(6), 613-633. google scholar
  • Wang, Y. (2008). Collaborative destination marketing: Roles and strategies of convention and visitors bureaus. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(3), 191-209. google scholar
  • Wang, Y., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2007). Collaborative destination marketing: A case study of Elkhart County, Indiana. Tourism Management, 28(3), 863-875. google scholar
  • Warren, G., & Dinnie, K. (2018). Cultural intermediaries in place branding: Who are they and how do they construct legitimacy for their work and themselves? Tourism Management, 66, 302-314. google scholar
  • Yang, I-C. M. (2020). A journey of hope: An institutional perspective of Japanese outbound reproductive tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(1), 52-67, doi:10.1080/13683500.2019.1577806 google scholar
  • Zenker, S. (2011). How to catch a city? The concept and measurement of place brands. Journal of Place Management and Development. 4(1), 40-52. google scholar
  • Zenker, S., Braun, E., & Petersen, S. (2017). Branding the destination versus the place: The effects of brand complexity and identification for residents and visitors. Tourism Management, 58, 15-27. https:// google scholar
  • Zucker, L. G. (1987). Institutional theories of organization. Annual Review of Sociology, 13(1), 443-464. google scholar

(Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey

Year 2022, Issue: 45, 111 - 124, 30.12.2022


This study focuses on place branding theory with a case study from a city in Eastern Turkey. The experiences of the city of Van in branding its physical, cultural, and living memories potentially revise the stakeholder approach in tourism branding. The present phenomenological article adopts a qualitative case study, which was based on both face-to-face and phone interviews (n=30) with stakeholders. Although the participants were all enthusiastic about the branding of their city, the study revealed that Western-based approaches such as professional branding organizations and stakeholder-based branding processes do not seem to meet the needs of a community organized around rural “clan” culture and social customs. Rather, in the case study, the brand image had to be agreed upon by all groups involved and the spatial and temporal contexts had to be considered. This paper offers suggestions which will aid policymakers and tourism professionals in place branding in the context of emerging economies.


  • Adiloğlu-Yalçınkaya, L., & Besler, S. (2021). Institutional factors influencing business models: The case of Turkish Airlines. Journal of Air Transport Management, 91, 101989. google scholar
  • Aksom, H., & Tymchenko, I. (2020). How institutional theories explain and fail to explain organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 33(7), 1223-52. doi:10.1108/JOCM-05-2019-0130 google scholar
  • Anagnostopoulos, D., Sykes, G., Mccrory, R., Cannata, M., and Frank, K. (2010). Dollars, distinction, or duty? The meaning of the national board for professional teaching standards for teachers’ work and collegial relations.” American Journal of Education, 116, 337-369. google scholar
  • Anholt, S. (2006). The Anholt-GMI city brands index: How the world sees the world’s cities. Place branding, 2(1), 18-31. doi:10.1057/ palgrave.pb.5990042 google scholar
  • Beritelli, P. (2011). Cooperation among prominent actors in a tourist destination. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(2), 607-629. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2010.11.015 google scholar
  • Braun, E., Kavaratzis, M., & Zenker, S. (2013). My city-my brand: The different roles of residents in place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 6(1), 18-28. google scholar
  • Chappell, L. (2006). Comparing political institutions: Revealing the gendered” logic of appropriateness”. Politics & Gender, 2(2), 223235. doi:10.1017/S1743923X06221044. google scholar
  • Cohen, E., & Cohen, S. A. (2012). Current sociological theories and issues in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(4), 2177-2202. google scholar
  • Cova, B. (1997). Community and consumption: Towards a definition of the ‘‘linking value’’ of products and services. European Journal of Marketing, 31(3-4), 297-316. 10162380. google scholar
  • Earl, A., & Hall, C. M. (2021). Institutional Theory in Tourism and Hospitality. Routledge: London. google scholar
  • Frandsen, F., & Winni, J. (2013). Public relations and the new institutionalism: In search of a theoretical framework. Public Relations Inquiry, 2(2), 205-221. doi:10.1177/2046147X13485353 google scholar Freeman, R. Edward. (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Boston: Pitman. google scholar
  • Hakan, S. (2020). Osmanli modernleşmesi ve yerel yönetimler: Van Örneği (1847-1915). [Masters dissertation, Van Yuzuncu Yil University]. google scholar
  • Hall, C. M. (2007). Tourism and regional competitiveness. In J. Tribe, & D. Airey (Eds.), Advances in Tourism Research, New Directions, Challenges and Applications (pp. 217-230). Oxford: Elsevier. google scholar
  • Hall, C. M. (2017). Tourism and geopolitics: The political imaginary of territory, tourism and space. In D. Hall (Ed.), Tourism and geopolitics: Issues from Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 15-24). Wallingford: CABI. google scholar
  • Hankinson, G. (2007). The management of destination brands: Five guiding principles based on recent developments in corporate branding theory. Journal of Brand Management, 14(3), 240-254. google scholar
  • Hatch, M.J. & Schultz, M. (2008), Taking brand initiative: How companies align strategy, culture and identity through corporate branding. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. google scholar
  • Hoffman, A.J. (2001). From heresy to dogma: An institutional history of corporate environmentalism. Stanford: Stanford University Press. google scholar
  • Hollinshead, K. (1999). Surveillance of the worlds of tourism: Foucault and the eye-of-power. Tourism Management, 20(1), 7-23. https:// google scholar
  • Hosany, S., Ekinci, Y., & Uysal, M. (2006). Destination image and destination personality: An application of branding theories to tourism places. Journal of Business Research, 59(5), 638-642. google scholar
  • Houghton, J. P., & Stevens, A. (2011). City branding and stakeholder engagement. In K. Dinnie (Ed.), City Branding (pp. 45-53). London: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Huggins, R., & Thompson, P. (2015). Culture and place-based development: A socio-economic analysis. Regional Studies, 49 (1), 130-159. google scholar Immergut, E. M. (1998). The theoretical core of the new institutionalism. Politics & Society, 26(1), 5-34. google scholar
  • Jamal, T. & Stronza A. (2009). Collaboration theory and tourism practice in protected areas: Stakeholders, structuring and sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(2), 169-189, Doi:10.1080/09669580802495741 google scholar
  • Karhunen, P. (2008). Managing international business operations in a changing institutional context: The case of the St. Petersburg hotel industry. Journal of International Management, 14, 28-45. google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2005). Place branding: A review of trends and conceptual models. The Marketing Review, 5(4), 329-342. https:// google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2008). From city marketing to city branding: An interdisciplinary analysis with reference to Amsterdam, Budapest and Athens. (Unpublished PhD thesis). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen. google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M. (2012). From “necessary evil” to necessity: Stakeholders’ involvement in place branding. Journal of Place Management and Development, 5(1), 7-19. google scholar
  • Kavaratzis, M., & Hatch, M. J. (2013). The dynamics of place brands: An identity-based approach to place branding theory. Marketing Theory, 13(1), 69-86. google scholar
  • Konecnik, M., & Go, F. (2008). Tourism destination brand identity: The case of Slovenia. Journal of Brand Management, 15(3), 177-189. google scholar
  • Lavandoski, J., Albino Silva, J., & Vargas-Sanchez, A. (2014). Institutional theory in tourism studies: Evidence and future directions. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics Discussion Papers, (2014-3). google scholar
  • Lew, A. A. (2017). Tourism planning and placemaking: Place-making or placemaking? Tourism Geographies, 19(3), 448-466. https://doi.or g/10.1080/14616688.2017.1282007 google scholar
  • Lowndes, V. (2010). The institutional approach. In D. Marsh & G. Stoker (Eds.), Theory and methods in political science (pp. 60-79). London: Macmillan. google scholar
  • McCarthy, B. (2012). From fishing and factories to cultural tourism: The role of social entrepreneurs in the construction of a new institutional field. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24(3-4), 259-282, doi:10.1080/08985626.2012.670916 google scholar
  • Mitchell, R. K., Agle, B. R., & Wood, D. J. (1997). Toward a theory of stakeholder identification and salience: Defining the principle of who and what counts. Academy of Management Review, 22(4), 853-886. google scholar
  • Mossberg, L., & Getz D. (2006). Stakeholder influences on the ownership and management of festival brands. Scandinavian Journal ofHospitality and Tourism, 6(4), 308-326, DOI: 10.1080/15022250601003273 google scholar
  • Oliver, C. (1992). The antecedents of deinstitutionalization. Organization Studies, 13(4), 563-588. DOI: 10.1177/017084069201300403 google scholar
  • Okur, H. (2017). The strong kingdom of Eastern Anatolia: Urartians. Journal ofHistory School, 10(24), 313-355. google scholar
  • Özkul, S. (2017). Türkiye’deki Marka Şehir Kamu Politikaları. (PhD Dissertation). Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul. google scholar
  • Pınarcık, P. (2014). Urartu capitals. Journal of Historical Studies, 33(56), 35-54. google scholar
  • Reed, M. G. (1997). Power relations and community-based tourism planning. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(3), 566-591. https://doi. org/10.1016/S0160-7383(97)00023-6 google scholar
  • Saraniemi, S. (2011). From destination image building to identity-based branding. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 5(3),247-254. google scholar
  • Scott, W. R. (2014). Institutions and organizations: Ideas, interests, and identities (4th edition). Los Angeles: Sage Publications. google scholar
  • Seo, M. G., & Creed, W. D. (2002). Institutional contradictions, praxis, and institutional change: A dialectical perspective. Academy ofManagement Review, 27(2), 222-247. google scholar
  • Tilaki, M. J. M., & Hedayati, M. (2015). Exploring barriers to the implementation of city development strategies (CDS) in Iranian cities. Journal of Place Management and Development, 8(2), 123141. google scholar
  • Todd, L., Leask, A., & Ensor, J. (2017). Understanding primary stakeholders’ multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management. Tourism Management, 59, 494-509. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.09.010 google scholar
  • Tosun, C. (2000). Limits to community participation in the tourism development process in developing countries. Tourism Management, 21(6), 613-633. google scholar
  • Wang, Y. (2008). Collaborative destination marketing: Roles and strategies of convention and visitors bureaus. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 14(3), 191-209. google scholar
  • Wang, Y., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2007). Collaborative destination marketing: A case study of Elkhart County, Indiana. Tourism Management, 28(3), 863-875. google scholar
  • Warren, G., & Dinnie, K. (2018). Cultural intermediaries in place branding: Who are they and how do they construct legitimacy for their work and themselves? Tourism Management, 66, 302-314. google scholar
  • Yang, I-C. M. (2020). A journey of hope: An institutional perspective of Japanese outbound reproductive tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(1), 52-67, doi:10.1080/13683500.2019.1577806 google scholar
  • Zenker, S. (2011). How to catch a city? The concept and measurement of place brands. Journal of Place Management and Development. 4(1), 40-52. google scholar
  • Zenker, S., Braun, E., & Petersen, S. (2017). Branding the destination versus the place: The effects of brand complexity and identification for residents and visitors. Tourism Management, 58, 15-27. https:// google scholar
  • Zucker, L. G. (1987). Institutional theories of organization. Annual Review of Sociology, 13(1), 443-464. google scholar
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Şeremet 0000-0003-3416-4794

Emine Cihangir 0000-0001-8514-6655

Emre Karaduman 0000-0002-2921-8295

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date April 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 45


APA Şeremet, M., Cihangir, E., & Karaduman, E. (2022). (Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey. Journal of Geography(45), 111-124.
AMA Şeremet M, Cihangir E, Karaduman E. (Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey. Journal of Geography. December 2022;(45):111-124. doi:10.26650/JGEOG2022-1100847
Chicago Şeremet, Mehmet, Emine Cihangir, and Emre Karaduman. “(Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey”. Journal of Geography, no. 45 (December 2022): 111-24.
EndNote Şeremet M, Cihangir E, Karaduman E (December 1, 2022) (Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey. Journal of Geography 45 111–124.
IEEE M. Şeremet, E. Cihangir, and E. Karaduman, “(Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey”, Journal of Geography, no. 45, pp. 111–124, December 2022, doi: 10.26650/JGEOG2022-1100847.
ISNAD Şeremet, Mehmet et al. “(Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey”. Journal of Geography 45 (December 2022), 111-124.
JAMA Şeremet M, Cihangir E, Karaduman E. (Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey. Journal of Geography. 2022;:111–124.
MLA Şeremet, Mehmet et al. “(Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey”. Journal of Geography, no. 45, 2022, pp. 111-24, doi:10.26650/JGEOG2022-1100847.
Vancouver Şeremet M, Cihangir E, Karaduman E. (Non)Branding Cities and (De)Institutionalization Perspectives: A Case Study of Van, Turkey. Journal of Geography. 2022(45):111-24.