Kentleşme ve Biyoçeşitlilik Birbirine Karşıt mı? Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz
Year 2024,
Issue: 48, 121 - 135, 05.07.2024
Mehmet Ali Çelik
Emrah Çelik
Kentleşme, biyoçeşitliliği olumsuz yönde etkileyen bir süreçtir. Birçok araştırmacı doğal yaşam alanlarının kentsel gelişmeden zarar gördüğünü rapor etmektedir. Kentleşmenin neden olduğu ekosistem parçalanmasının sonucunda bitki ve hayvan türlerinin yaşam alanları daralmaktadır. Sonuç olarak endemik türler yok olmakta ve yerli türler sayıca azalmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile temelde kentsel yayılımın biyolojik çeşitlilik ile ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Bu amaç kapsamında Scopus veri tabanında “biodiversity”, “urban” anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak bir arama yapılmış, bu arama daha sonra “loss” kelimesi ile filtrelenmiştir. Söz konusu işlemlerin sonucunda elde edilen toplam nihai 1827 doküman kayıt edilmiş ve devamında Bibliometrix adıyla bilinen araç kullanılarak bibliyometrik ağ analizine tabi tutulmuştur. İncelenen çalışmalar sonuç olarak özetle, geçtiğimiz birkaç yüzyılda dünyadaki ormanların yarısının ve sulak alanların önemli bir kısmının tahrip edildiğini göstermektedir. Buna ek olarak her yıl milyonlarca insan hava kirliliğinden ölmekte ve dünya nüfusunun bir milyarı kronik açlık çekmektedir. Geçmişi 1990'lı yıllara kadar dayanan çalışmaya konu 1827 doküman kentleşmenin, sulak alanlar ve ormanlar ve dolayısıyla da hayvan ve bitki türlerinin yaşam alanları üzerindeki potansiyel etkilerinin belirlenmesi için daha fazla sayıda derinlikli araştırmanın gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır.
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- Aria M, Cuccurullo C (2017). A brief introduction to bibliometrix. Journal of Informetrics, 11(4): 959-975. google scholar
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- Ayanlade A, Proske, U. (2015). Assessing wetland degradation and loss of ecosystem services in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Marine and Freshwater Research, 67(6), 828-836. google scholar
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- Bellard C, Bertelsmeier C, Leadley P, Thuiller W, Courchamp F (2012). Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity. Ecol Lett 15(4): 365-377. google scholar
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- Bir6 M, Czûcz B, Horvath F, Revesz A, Csatari B, Molnar Z (2013). Drivers of grassland loss in Hungary during the post-socialist transformation (1987-1999). Landsc Ecol 28: 789-803. google scholar
- Bogan E, Doina S, Vârvâruc D (2015). The impact of anthropogenic activities on components of the natural environment of the Titu Plain. GEOREVIEW: Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. Geography Series, 24(1), 54-64. google scholar
- Boyle F, Sherman D (2006). Scopus™: The product and its development. The Serials Librarian, 49(3): 147-153. google scholar
- BP, M., Mamdapur, G. M. N., & Sahoo, S. (2021). Twenty-Five Years Study (1995-2019) of Food and Bioproducts Processing: An Overview of Research Trends. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 5196, 01-15. google scholar
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- Burnham JF (2006). Scopus database: a review. Biomedical digital libraries, 3(1): 1-8. google scholar
- Cai D, Fraedrich K, Guan Y, Guo S, Zhang C, Carvalho LM, Zhu X (2019). Causality of Biodiversity Loss: Climate, Vegetation, and Urbanization in China and America. Sensors, 19(20), 4499. google scholar
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- Çelik E, Sarıboğa L (2023). Assessment of The Role of Birds in Seed Distribution: A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on This Subject (Book Chapter). Recent Advances in Natural and Engineering Sciences, 38-60. google scholar
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Are Urbanisation and Biodiversity Antithetical? A Bibliometric Analysis
Year 2024,
Issue: 48, 121 - 135, 05.07.2024
Mehmet Ali Çelik
Emrah Çelik
Urbanisation is a process that negatively affects biodiversity. Many scholars report that natural habitats suffer from urban development. The habitats of plant and animal species shrink because of the fragmentation of ecosystems caused by urbanisation. This leads to the extinction of endemic species and a decline in the number of resident species. The main interest of the present study was to examine how urban expansion relates to biodiversity. To this end, a basic search on Scopus using the keywords “biodiversity” and “urban” was made, later which was filtered with the keyword “loss”. The obtained final total of 1827 documents were recorded and then subjected to the bibliometric network analysis by using the tool named Bibliometrix. These studies conclude in sum that half of the world's forests and a significant proportion of wetlands have been destroyed over the past few centuries. Moreover, millions of people die each year from air pollution, and one billion of the world's population suffers from chronic hunger. The 1827 documents retrieved date back to the 1990s, suggesting that more in-depth research is required to determine the potential impacts of urbanisation on the wetlands and forestry and consequently on the habitat of animal and plant species.
- Aria M, Cuccurullo C (2017). A brief introduction to bibliometrix. Journal of Informetrics, 11(4): 959-975. google scholar
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- Aurelle D, Thomas S, Albert C, Bally M, Bondeau A, Boudouresque CF, Fady B (2022). Biodiversity, climate change, and adaptation in the Mediterranean. Ecosphere 13(4): e3915. google scholar
- Ayanlade A, Proske, U. (2015). Assessing wetland degradation and loss of ecosystem services in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Marine and Freshwater Research, 67(6), 828-836. google scholar
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- Bogan E, Doina S, Vârvâruc D (2015). The impact of anthropogenic activities on components of the natural environment of the Titu Plain. GEOREVIEW: Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. Geography Series, 24(1), 54-64. google scholar
- Boyle F, Sherman D (2006). Scopus™: The product and its development. The Serials Librarian, 49(3): 147-153. google scholar
- BP, M., Mamdapur, G. M. N., & Sahoo, S. (2021). Twenty-Five Years Study (1995-2019) of Food and Bioproducts Processing: An Overview of Research Trends. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 5196, 01-15. google scholar
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- Burnham JF (2006). Scopus database: a review. Biomedical digital libraries, 3(1): 1-8. google scholar
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- Çelik E, Sarıboğa L (2023). Assessment of The Role of Birds in Seed Distribution: A Bibliometric Analysis of Studies on This Subject (Book Chapter). Recent Advances in Natural and Engineering Sciences, 38-60. google scholar
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- Davenport, R. J. (2020). Urbanization and mortality in Britain, c. 180050. The Economic History Review, 73(2): 455-485. google scholar
- De Moya-Aneg6n F, Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z, Vargas-Quesada B, Corera-Âlvarez E, Munoz-Fernandez FJ, Gonzalez-Molina A, Herrero-Solana V (2007). Coverage analysis of Scopus: A journal metric approach. Scientometrics, 73: 53-78. google scholar
- Di Cosmo A, Pinelli C, Scandurra A, Aria M, D’Aniello, B (2021). Research trends in octopus biological studies. Animals, 11(6), 1808. google scholar
- Egorova T, Sedlacek J, Sukhodolov T, Karagodin-Doyennel A, Zilker F, Rozanov E (2023). Montreal Protocol’s impact on the ozone layer and climate. Atmos Chem Phys 23(9): 5135-5147. google scholar
- Elmqvist T, Zipperer WC, Güneralp B (2015). Urbanization, habitat loss and biodiversity decline: Solution pathways to break the cycle. In The Routledge handbook of urbanization and global environmental change (pp. 163-175). Routledge. google scholar
- Fang X, Pyle JA, Chipperfield MP, Daniel JS, Park S, Prinn RG (2019). Challenges for the recovery of the ozone layer. Nat Geosci 12(8): 592-596. google scholar
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- Garg M, Singh M (1990). Environmental Degradation. Environment Planning and Management in India, 2, 119. google scholar
- Gavel Y, Iselid L (2008). Web of Science and Scopus: a journal title overlap study. Online information review, 32(1): 8-21. google scholar
- Grimmond S (2007). Urbanization and global environmental change: local effects of urban warming. Geogr J 173(1): 83-88. google scholar
- Gönençgil, B. (2011) Şehirleşmenin Sıcaklık Trendleri Üzerine Etkileri ve Şehirsel Isı Adası Kavramı, Fiziki Coğrafya Araştırmaları, Sistematik ve Bölgesel. Prof. Dr. M. Yıldız Hoşgören Anısına Armağan, Türk Coğrafya Kurumu Yayını google scholar
- Guisan A, Broennimann O, Buri A, Cianfrani C, D’Amen M, Di Cola V, Vittoz P (2019). Climate change impacts on mountain biodiversity. In Biodiversity and climate change: Transforming the biosphere (pp. 221-233). Yale University Press. google scholar
- Harvey JA, Tougeron K, Gols R, Heinen R, Abarca M, Abram PK, Chown SL (2023). Scientists’ warning on climate change and insects. Ecol Monogr 93(1): e1553. google scholar
- Faraji, O., Asiaei, K., Rezaee, Z., Bontis, N., & Dolatzarei, E. (2022). Mapping the conceptual structure of intellectual capital research: A co-word analysis. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(3), 100202. google scholar
- IPCC (2012) Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation. In: A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds CB Field, V Barros, TF Stocker et al.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, NY, USA google scholar
- Jedwab R, Vollrath D (2015). Urbanization without growth in historical perspective. Explor Econ Hist 58: 1-21. google scholar
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- Jentsch A, Beierkuhnlein C (2008). Research frontiers in climate change: effects of extreme meteorological events on ecosystems. C. R. - Geosci 340(9-10): 621-628. google scholar
- Jiguet F, Brotons L, Devictor V (2011). Community responses to extreme climatic conditions. Curr Zool 57(3): 406-413. google scholar
- Koo M (2017). A bibliometric analysis of two decades of aromatherapy research. BMC Res. Notes 10, 46. google scholar
- Kulak M, Ozkan A, Bindak R (2019). A bibliometric analysis of the essential oil-bearing plants exposed to the water stress: How long way we have come and how much further?. Sci Hortic 246, 418436. google scholar
- Lane TP, King AD, Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE, Pitman AJ, Alexander LV, Arblaster J M, ... Ukkola AM (2023). Attribution of extreme events to climate change in the Australian region-A review. Weather and Climate Extremes, 100622. google scholar
- Lin Y, Qiu R, Yao J, Hu X, Lin J (2019). The effects of urbanization on China’s forest loss from 2000 to 2012: Evidence from a panel analysis. J Clean Prod 214: 270-278. google scholar
Marselle MR, Stadler J, Korn H, Irvine KN, Bonn A (2019). Biodiversity and health in the face of climate change (p. 481). Springer Nature. google scholar
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