Research Article
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A Bataillean Perspective on Migration and the Nation-State: The Politics of Active Matter as an Irreducible Force

Year 2024, , 49 - 63, 31.12.2024


This study explores the relationship between migration and classical materialist reductionist approaches to matter through Bataille’s concept of base materialism which focuses on the idea of formless matter. Bataille’s notion of formless matter challenges the conceptual idealism of classical materialism by emphasizing the baseness and lowness of matter, understood in its vulgarity. His provocative use of the term “base” serves as a declaration: the baseness of matter is not something to be overlooked or dismissed, but rather embraced as a fundamental characteristic of its irreducible nature. Bataille’s idea of formless matter opposes the conceptual idealism of classical materialism, highlighting the notions of baseness and lowness in the sense of vulgarism of the concept of matter. Bataille’s provocative usage of the word base is a declaration of the baseness of matter is not By doing so, it allows for a reevaluation of migration not as a social threat but as an integral part of homogeneous culture. This work draws on Bataille’s dualism of homogeneous and heterogeneous concepts to rethink the political philosophy concerning the nation-state and migration. The analogical relationship between passive, reductive materialist views and migration is examined, emphasizing that migration should be understood beyond a mere problem. Instead, it should be seen as a constitutive element of societies. Bataille’s critique of materialism suggests that matter, when viewed through its formless and base characteristics, can offer a new perspective on migration. This perspective allows for the recognition of migration as an essential response within homogeneous cultures rather than an external threat. The study argues that this approach provides a more profound understanding of migration movements, acknowledging their foundational role in shaping societies. By integrating Bataille’s theories, this research aims to challenge the reductionist views of classical materialism and propose a more nuanced interpretation of migration. It contends that migration, analyzed through the lens of base materialism, is vital for comprehending its complex impact on social structures.


  • Bataille, Georges, Encyclopedia Acephalica, trans. Iain White, London: Atlas Press, 1995. google scholar
  • Bataille, Georges. İç Deney. Çeviren Mehmet Mukadder Yakupoğlu. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2018. google scholar
  • Bataille, Georges. Lanetli Pay. Çeviren Işık Ergüden, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2010. google scholar
  • Bataille, Georges. “Visions of Excess Selected Writings 1927-1939”. Çeviren Allan Stoekl - Carl R. Lovitt - Donald M. Leslie Jr. Theory and History of Literature, Vol. 14. US: University of Minnesota Press, 1985. google scholar
  • Blumenberg, Hans. “The Theory of Non-Conceptuality”. History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberd Reader. edit. Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs, Joe Paul Kroll. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020: 257-295. google scholar
  • Çetinkaya, Hüsamettin. Gilbert Simondon Bireyleşme Felsefesi. Çanakkale, Akademim Yayınları, 2024: 24-27. google scholar
  • Derin, Özlem. “Bataille’da İhlal Kavramı”. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2019. google scholar
  • Gasche, Rodolphe. Georges Bataille: phenomenology andphantasmatology. Çeviren Roland Vegso. California, Standord University Press, 2012. google scholar
  • Girard, Denis, Gaston Dulong. Cassell’s New French-English English-French Dictionary. London, Cassel and Company LTD, 1964. google scholar
  • Hirsch, A. “Sovereignty surreal: Bataille and Fanon beyond the state of exception”. Contemporary Political Theory 13 (2014): 287-306. google scholar
  • Hollier, Denis. Against Architecture: The Writings of Georges Bataille. Çeviren Betsy Wing. USA: The MIT Press, 1992. google scholar
  • Hollier, Denis. “From Beyond Hegel to Nietzsche’s Absence”. On Bataille Critical Essays. Edit. Çeviren Leslie Anne Bold-Irons, USA: The State University of Newyork, 1995: 61-79. google scholar
  • Hollier, Denis ve Hilari Allred. “The Dualist Materialism of Georges Bataille”. Yale French Studies. 78 (1990): 124-39. google scholar
  • Joris, Pierre. “Translator’s Preface”, The Unavowable Community. Çeviren Pierre Joris, Newyork: Station Hill Press, 1988: xvi-xvii. google scholar
  • Löwith, Karl. Hegel’den Nietzsche’ye. Çeviren Reyhan Ay. İstanbul, Otonom Yayıncılık, 2021. google scholar
  • Nail, Thomas. Göçmen Figürü. Çeviren Dılşa Ritsa Eşli. İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2022. google scholar
  • Norris, Andrew. “Giorgio Agamben and the Politics of the Living Dead.” Diacritics 30. 4 (2000): 38-58. google scholar
  • Noys, Benjamin. “Georges Bataille’s Base Materialism”. Journal for Cultural Research 2. 4 (1998): 499-517. google scholar
  • Stoekl, Allan. “Bruno, Sade, Bataille: Matter and Energy, Death and Genorosity”. Bataille’s peak: energy, religion, and postsustainability. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 2007: 3-32. google scholar
  • Strong, Will. Georges Bataille and Contemporary Thought. UK: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2017. google scholar
  • Surya, Michel. “Faşizmin Son Mabedi”. Georges Bataille Ölüm Uğraşı. Çeviren Işık Ergüden. İstanbul, 2013: 480-486. google scholar
  • Pawlett, William. Georges Bataille: The Sacred and Society. New York, Routledge, 2016. google scholar

Göç ve Ulus Devlet Üzerine Bataillecı Bir Bakış: İndirgenemez Bir Güç Olarak Aktif Maddenin Politikası

Year 2024, , 49 - 63, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışma, Bataille’ın temel materyalizm kavramı aracılığıyla göç olgusu ve klasik materyalizmin indirgemeci yaklaşımları arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktadır. Bataille’ın formsuz madde anlayışı, klasik materyalizmin kavramsal idealizmine karşı çıkarak, madde teriminin bayağılık ve aşağılık anlamlarını ön plana çıkarır. Bu yaklaşım, göçün toplumsal bir tehdit olarak değil, homojen kültürün ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak yeniden değerlendirilmesine olanak tanır. Bu çalışma, Bataille’ın homojen ve heterojen kavram çiftleri üzerine inşa edilerek, ulus-devlet ve göç arasındaki ilişkiyi politik açıdan yeniden düşünmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı maddeyi pasif ve indirgemeci bir biçimde ele alan klasik materyalist görüşler ile göç olgusunun ele alınışı arasındaki paralelliği inceleyerek, göçün sadece bir problem olarak değil, toplumların yapı taşlarından biri olarak anlaşılması gerektiğini vurgulamaktır. Bataille’ın materyalizm eleştirisi, maddenin formsuz ve bayağı özellikleriyle ele alındığında, göç hakkında yeni bir bakış açısı sunar. Bu bakış açısı, göçü dışsal bir tehdit olarak değil, homojen kültürler içinde temel bir tepki olarak tanıma imkânı sağlar. Çalışma, bu yaklaşımın, göç hareketlerinin daha derinlemesine anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunacağını ve onların toplumları şekillendirmedeki temel rolünü vurgulayacağını iddia etmektedir. Bataille’ın düşünceleri aracılığıyla, bu araştırma, klasik materyalizmin indirgemeci görüşlerini sorgulamakta ve göçü daha incelikli bir perspektiften ele almayı önermektedir. Göçün temel materyalizm merceğinden analiz edilmesinin, toplumsal yapılar üzerindeki karmaşık etkilerini anlamada hayati olduğunu savunmaktadır.


  • Bataille, Georges, Encyclopedia Acephalica, trans. Iain White, London: Atlas Press, 1995. google scholar
  • Bataille, Georges. İç Deney. Çeviren Mehmet Mukadder Yakupoğlu. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2018. google scholar
  • Bataille, Georges. Lanetli Pay. Çeviren Işık Ergüden, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2010. google scholar
  • Bataille, Georges. “Visions of Excess Selected Writings 1927-1939”. Çeviren Allan Stoekl - Carl R. Lovitt - Donald M. Leslie Jr. Theory and History of Literature, Vol. 14. US: University of Minnesota Press, 1985. google scholar
  • Blumenberg, Hans. “The Theory of Non-Conceptuality”. History, Metaphors, Fables: A Hans Blumenberd Reader. edit. Hannes Bajohr, Florian Fuchs, Joe Paul Kroll. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020: 257-295. google scholar
  • Çetinkaya, Hüsamettin. Gilbert Simondon Bireyleşme Felsefesi. Çanakkale, Akademim Yayınları, 2024: 24-27. google scholar
  • Derin, Özlem. “Bataille’da İhlal Kavramı”. Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2019. google scholar
  • Gasche, Rodolphe. Georges Bataille: phenomenology andphantasmatology. Çeviren Roland Vegso. California, Standord University Press, 2012. google scholar
  • Girard, Denis, Gaston Dulong. Cassell’s New French-English English-French Dictionary. London, Cassel and Company LTD, 1964. google scholar
  • Hirsch, A. “Sovereignty surreal: Bataille and Fanon beyond the state of exception”. Contemporary Political Theory 13 (2014): 287-306. google scholar
  • Hollier, Denis. Against Architecture: The Writings of Georges Bataille. Çeviren Betsy Wing. USA: The MIT Press, 1992. google scholar
  • Hollier, Denis. “From Beyond Hegel to Nietzsche’s Absence”. On Bataille Critical Essays. Edit. Çeviren Leslie Anne Bold-Irons, USA: The State University of Newyork, 1995: 61-79. google scholar
  • Hollier, Denis ve Hilari Allred. “The Dualist Materialism of Georges Bataille”. Yale French Studies. 78 (1990): 124-39. google scholar
  • Joris, Pierre. “Translator’s Preface”, The Unavowable Community. Çeviren Pierre Joris, Newyork: Station Hill Press, 1988: xvi-xvii. google scholar
  • Löwith, Karl. Hegel’den Nietzsche’ye. Çeviren Reyhan Ay. İstanbul, Otonom Yayıncılık, 2021. google scholar
  • Nail, Thomas. Göçmen Figürü. Çeviren Dılşa Ritsa Eşli. İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2022. google scholar
  • Norris, Andrew. “Giorgio Agamben and the Politics of the Living Dead.” Diacritics 30. 4 (2000): 38-58. google scholar
  • Noys, Benjamin. “Georges Bataille’s Base Materialism”. Journal for Cultural Research 2. 4 (1998): 499-517. google scholar
  • Stoekl, Allan. “Bruno, Sade, Bataille: Matter and Energy, Death and Genorosity”. Bataille’s peak: energy, religion, and postsustainability. Minneapolis: The University of Minnesota Press, 2007: 3-32. google scholar
  • Strong, Will. Georges Bataille and Contemporary Thought. UK: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2017. google scholar
  • Surya, Michel. “Faşizmin Son Mabedi”. Georges Bataille Ölüm Uğraşı. Çeviren Işık Ergüden. İstanbul, 2013: 480-486. google scholar
  • Pawlett, William. Georges Bataille: The Sacred and Society. New York, Routledge, 2016. google scholar
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects History of Philosophy (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Er 0000-0002-2527-4484

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date August 1, 2024
Acceptance Date December 4, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Chicago Er, Ahmet. “Göç Ve Ulus Devlet Üzerine Bataillecı Bir Bakış: İndirgenemez Bir Güç Olarak Aktif Maddenin Politikası”. Felsefe Arkivi, no. 61 (December 2024): 49-63.