Bu makale, Konsta11ti11opolis Kilisesi '11i11 kurn!U$lll11111 tarihsel ve mitolojik temel!erini sorgula111ay1 amar;la111aktad1r. Makale, Patrik/1a11e11i11 k11ruc11 havarisi ola11 Andreas '111 roliinil sorgufamakta ve omm isminin kurucu havari olarak ser;il111esini11 gerisi11de siyasal faktorlerin yatttgm1 sav11nmaktad1r. Bu g6rii~ii11 teme/inde ise, erken donem kilise literatiirii11ii11 Konsta11ti11opolis ve Andreas arasmda herhangi bir bagla11t1ya yer vermemesi vard1r. <;alt$ma, Ko11stanti11opolis Kilisesi '11i11 tarihsel olarak IV. Yiizy11da h11parator Ko11stantin11s zamanmda kuru/d11gum1 ve Konstantinus oncesi donemin biitii11iiyle mitolojik ofdugun11 ortaya koymaktadtr. Donemi11 kilise kaynaklan ve modern bait literatiiriinde a/an/a ilgili r;alt$malar, yaz111111 temel refera11slartd1r.
liavari Andreas Konsta11ti1111s Ko11sta11fi110polis Patrikhane Biza11s Kilisesi
This paper aims at investigating the mythological and historical aspects of the referances 011 the foundations of the church of Byzantion. The paper questions the authencity of the the tradition of the Apostle Andrew as the fo1111der of the church of Byzantion and identifies this tradition as a mythological construct of the late ninth century, and places the real foundation of the church in the first quarter of the fourth centwy The main explanation for the Andrew tradition is its late invention/or political purposes, as the tradition did not exist in the early sources. The historical perspectives have offered l1ere are that the growt/1 of the Byzantine capital city accompanies the rise of its re/Jgious head. The sources used here are the contemporary ecclesiastical materials and the products of the modem western scholarship 011 the field.
Apostle Andrew Constanti1111s Constantinopolis Patriarchate Byzantine Church
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makalesi |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 14 Ağustos 2014 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2008 Sayı: 14 |