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Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?

Year 2015, Volume: 65 Issue: 2, 100 - 160, 01.12.2015


The issue of protecting domestic industries against competition of foreign
industries is a major argument among trade policy debates. While main
argument concentrates on protecting against foreigners’ unfair practices, 
a lot of reasons can be put forward for protection under fair competition
as well. Textbooks, related with international economics and international
trade are full of protective policy measures and economic analysis of them.
Trade unions, employers’ unions, business NGOs and political parties still
believe in that protecting domestic industries is an easy policy choice; and
are exerting pressures on governments toward this direction. However,
the developments, such as the increase of mutual economic dependency
among countries, the internalization of production and supply chains and
ever increasing recognition by almost all trading nations of the discipline
of multilateral trading system since the beginning of the second half the
20th century, especially after 1980s, have made obsolete most of the policy
tools of the past and their rezoning. Laid the foundation in 1948 with the
enactment of the GATT and reinforced by the establishment of the WTO
in 1994, multilateral trading system has disciplined the protectionism to a
considerable extent. Protectionism in traditional sense is no more a trade
policy tool which can easily be used today.



  • Agreement Customs Valuation (1994). (16.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Antidumping (Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General
  • Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994). (14.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Import Licenses (1994). (16.12.2105)
  • Agreement on Preshipment Inspection. (1994). (22.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Rules Origin (1994). (22.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Safeguard (1994). (14.12.2015) Agreement on Sanitary and Photosanitay Measures. (12.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. (1994). www.wto. org. (9.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Textile and Clothing (1994). (14.12.2015)
  • Agreement Technical Barrier to Trade (1994). (12.12.2015)
  • AKP, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (2015). 7 Haziran Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi
  • Baldwin, R. E. (1969, ss. 295-305). ‘The case against infant industry tariff protection. Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 77, No.3 (May-June 1969)
  • Barone, B. and R. Bendini. (2015). Protectionism in the G 20. http:// STU(2015)549028_EN.pdf
  • Corden, W.M. (1994). Economic Policy, Exchange Rates, and the International System, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Crowley, M. A. (2006), ‘Do safeguard tariffs and antidumping duties open or close technology gaps?’, Journal of International Economics 68(2): 469-484.
  • DTM (Ekonomi Bakanlığı). (2007). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye. Altıncı baskı. Ankara: DTM
  • Eichengeren, B. (1987). Did International Economic Forces Cause the Great Depression? Working Paper, University of California
  • Ekonomi Bakanlığı. (2015). 2015 Ürün Güvenliği Tebliğleri. www. (16.12.2015)
  • Emerson, M., T. Kovziridse and V. Movchan. (2014). Russia’s Punitive Trade Policy Measures towards Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. Working Document no:400. Brucelles: Centre for European Policy Studies. (26.11.2015)
  • EU Commission (2015). Food and Feed Safety, Animal Health and Welfare, Plant Health. index_en.htm (21.12.2015)
  • EU Commission (2015a). Technical Barriers to Trade. http://trade. (24.11.2015
  • Evenet, S. J., J. Fritz. (20015). The Tide Turns? Trade, Protectionism, and Slowing Global Growth The 18th Global Trade Alert Report. London: CEPR, Centre for Economic Policy Research
  • GATT 94 (1994). General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994. www.
  • Gawande, K., B. Hoekman, Y. Cui (2011). Determinants of Trade Policy Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5862
  • Grasstek, C. V. (2013). The History and Future of the World Trade Organization. Geneva: WTO Publications.
  • Hoekman, B. (2012). “Trade policy so far so good?”. Finance and Development. June 2012. fandd/2012/06/pdf/hoekman.pdf (26.12.2015)
  • IISD, International Institute for Sustainable Development ve UNEP, United Nations Environment Program (2014). Trade and Green Economy: A Handbook. Third edition. Geneva: IISD
  • Irwin, D. A. (2015) ‘World trade and production: a long-run view’. (ed) Hoekman, B. The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal? A eBook.: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
  • ISO, International Standardization Organization, (2015). Standards. http:// (24.11.2015 İstanbul İhracatçı Birlikleri Genel Sekreterliği (2013) Sirküler Tarih/No: 01.08.2013/593
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı. (2014). Onuncu Kalkınma Planı 2014-2018, İthalata Olan Bağımlılığın Azaltılması Eylem Planı. Ankara
  • Karluk, R. (2009). Uluslararası Ekonomi, Teori-Politika. Geliştirilmiş 9. Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş
  • Krugman, P.R., M. Obsfeld and M. J. Melitz. (2015). International Economics-Theory and Policy. Tenth edition (Global edition), Essex:Pearson
  • Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi (2015) 1 Kasım Seçim Beyannamesi
  • Ossa, R. (2015). Is the WTO a failure or a success. http://www. (17.12.2015)
  • Prutzin, D. (2014). Trade Facilitation at WTO, Power point sunum, Geneva
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (2013), Uluslararası İktisat Teori Politika ve Uygulama. Geliştirilmiş 19. Baskı. İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları No. 28
  • Stern, M. R. (2007). The Multilateral Trading System. Discussion Paper no:569. Michigan University.
  • Suranovic, S. M. (2003). International Trade Theory and Policy, e-book. Washington D.C:The International Economic Study Center. http:// (26.11.2015)
  • Türk Gümrük Kanunu (4458 Sayılı Kanun), Resmi Gazete 4/11/1999 Sayı : 23866, Ankara: Başbakanlık
  • UNCTAD/WTO. (1996). Business Guide To the Uruguay Round. Geneva :ITC/CS
  • Wessels, J. W. (2006). Economics. Forth edition. Newyork: Barons World Bank, WITS, World Integrated Trade Solution. http://wits.
  • (1.12.2015)
  • WTO. (2014a). World Tariff Profile. Geneva:WTO
  • WTO. I-TIP Goods: Integrated analysis and retrieval of notified non-tariff measures. (11.12.2015).
  • WTO. (2009). World Trade Report 2009 Trade Policy Commitments and Contingency Measures. Geneva: WTO
  • WTO. (2012). World Trade Report 2012 Trade and Public Policies: A closer look at non-tariff measures in the 21st century. Geneva: WTO
  • WTO. (2012a). United States-Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft -Second Complaint. dispu_e/cases_e/ds353_e.htm (9.12.2015)
  • WTO. (2012b). Understanding the WTO. Fifth edition. Geneva: WTO WTO. (2014). Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 21st printing, Cambridge UK: WTO
  • WTO. (2015). International Trade Statistics 2015. (12.12.2015)
  • WTO. (2015). Trade Monitoring. tpr_e/trade_monitoring_e.htm (22.11.2015)
  • WTO. (2015a). Members and Observers. thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/org6_e.htm (23.11.2015
  • WTO. Understanding the WTO. whatis_e/tif_e/org6_e.htm (1.12.2015)
  • Yaşar, E. (1993). Türk Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Sektörü. İstanbul: İTKİB, İstanbul Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon İhracatçı Birlikleri


Year 2015, Volume: 65 Issue: 2, 100 - 160, 01.12.2015


Ulusal sanayilerin yabancı rakipler karşısında korunması meselesi ti-
caret politikası tartışmalarının başata gelen konularındandır. Yabancıların
haksız rekabetine karşı koruma temel argüman olmakla birlikte, adil re-
kabet ortamında bile koruma konusunda çok sayıda gerekçe bulunabilir.
Uluslararası iktisat ve ticaretle ilgili ders kitapları uygulanabilecek koruma
politikaları ve bunların etkilerinin ekonomik analizleri ile doludur. İşçi ve
işveren sendikaları, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve siyasi partiler hala koruma-
nın kolay bir ticaret politikası olduğuna inanmakta ve bu konuda hükümet-
lere baskı yapmaktadırlar. Hâlbuki 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından, özellikle
de 1980’lerden itibaren uluslararası ticarette karşılıklı bağımlılığın artması,
üretim ve tedarik zincirinin uluslararasılaşması ve çok taraflı ticaret siste-
minin dünyada gittikçe yerleşmesi gibi gelişmeler, geleneksel anlamdaki
koruma gerekçeleri ve koruma araçlarının birçoğunu devreden çıkartmıştır.
Temelleri 1948’de GATT’ın yürüğe girmesi ile atılan ve 1994’te DTÖ’nün
kurulması ile sağlamlaşan çok taraflı ticaret sistemi, korumayı önemli
ölçüde disiplin altına almıştır
. Günümüzde, geleneksel anlamdaki koruma-
cılık artık kolayca başvurulan bir ticaret politikası değildir. 


  • Agreement Customs Valuation (1994). (16.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Antidumping (Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General
  • Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994). (14.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Import Licenses (1994). (16.12.2105)
  • Agreement on Preshipment Inspection. (1994). (22.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Rules Origin (1994). (22.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Safeguard (1994). (14.12.2015) Agreement on Sanitary and Photosanitay Measures. (12.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. (1994). www.wto. org. (9.12.2015)
  • Agreement on Textile and Clothing (1994). (14.12.2015)
  • Agreement Technical Barrier to Trade (1994). (12.12.2015)
  • AKP, Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (2015). 7 Haziran Genel Seçimleri Seçim Beyannamesi
  • Baldwin, R. E. (1969, ss. 295-305). ‘The case against infant industry tariff protection. Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 77, No.3 (May-June 1969)
  • Barone, B. and R. Bendini. (2015). Protectionism in the G 20. http:// STU(2015)549028_EN.pdf
  • Corden, W.M. (1994). Economic Policy, Exchange Rates, and the International System, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Crowley, M. A. (2006), ‘Do safeguard tariffs and antidumping duties open or close technology gaps?’, Journal of International Economics 68(2): 469-484.
  • DTM (Ekonomi Bakanlığı). (2007). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye. Altıncı baskı. Ankara: DTM
  • Eichengeren, B. (1987). Did International Economic Forces Cause the Great Depression? Working Paper, University of California
  • Ekonomi Bakanlığı. (2015). 2015 Ürün Güvenliği Tebliğleri. www. (16.12.2015)
  • Emerson, M., T. Kovziridse and V. Movchan. (2014). Russia’s Punitive Trade Policy Measures towards Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. Working Document no:400. Brucelles: Centre for European Policy Studies. (26.11.2015)
  • EU Commission (2015). Food and Feed Safety, Animal Health and Welfare, Plant Health. index_en.htm (21.12.2015)
  • EU Commission (2015a). Technical Barriers to Trade. http://trade. (24.11.2015
  • Evenet, S. J., J. Fritz. (20015). The Tide Turns? Trade, Protectionism, and Slowing Global Growth The 18th Global Trade Alert Report. London: CEPR, Centre for Economic Policy Research
  • GATT 94 (1994). General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994. www.
  • Gawande, K., B. Hoekman, Y. Cui (2011). Determinants of Trade Policy Responses to the 2008 Financial Crisis. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5862
  • Grasstek, C. V. (2013). The History and Future of the World Trade Organization. Geneva: WTO Publications.
  • Hoekman, B. (2012). “Trade policy so far so good?”. Finance and Development. June 2012. fandd/2012/06/pdf/hoekman.pdf (26.12.2015)
  • IISD, International Institute for Sustainable Development ve UNEP, United Nations Environment Program (2014). Trade and Green Economy: A Handbook. Third edition. Geneva: IISD
  • Irwin, D. A. (2015) ‘World trade and production: a long-run view’. (ed) Hoekman, B. The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal? A eBook.: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
  • ISO, International Standardization Organization, (2015). Standards. http:// (24.11.2015 İstanbul İhracatçı Birlikleri Genel Sekreterliği (2013) Sirküler Tarih/No: 01.08.2013/593
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı. (2014). Onuncu Kalkınma Planı 2014-2018, İthalata Olan Bağımlılığın Azaltılması Eylem Planı. Ankara
  • Karluk, R. (2009). Uluslararası Ekonomi, Teori-Politika. Geliştirilmiş 9. Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş
  • Krugman, P.R., M. Obsfeld and M. J. Melitz. (2015). International Economics-Theory and Policy. Tenth edition (Global edition), Essex:Pearson
  • Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi (2015) 1 Kasım Seçim Beyannamesi
  • Ossa, R. (2015). Is the WTO a failure or a success. http://www. (17.12.2015)
  • Prutzin, D. (2014). Trade Facilitation at WTO, Power point sunum, Geneva
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (2013), Uluslararası İktisat Teori Politika ve Uygulama. Geliştirilmiş 19. Baskı. İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları No. 28
  • Stern, M. R. (2007). The Multilateral Trading System. Discussion Paper no:569. Michigan University.
  • Suranovic, S. M. (2003). International Trade Theory and Policy, e-book. Washington D.C:The International Economic Study Center. http:// (26.11.2015)
  • Türk Gümrük Kanunu (4458 Sayılı Kanun), Resmi Gazete 4/11/1999 Sayı : 23866, Ankara: Başbakanlık
  • UNCTAD/WTO. (1996). Business Guide To the Uruguay Round. Geneva :ITC/CS
  • Wessels, J. W. (2006). Economics. Forth edition. Newyork: Barons World Bank, WITS, World Integrated Trade Solution. http://wits.
  • (1.12.2015)
  • WTO. (2014a). World Tariff Profile. Geneva:WTO
  • WTO. I-TIP Goods: Integrated analysis and retrieval of notified non-tariff measures. (11.12.2015).
  • WTO. (2009). World Trade Report 2009 Trade Policy Commitments and Contingency Measures. Geneva: WTO
  • WTO. (2012). World Trade Report 2012 Trade and Public Policies: A closer look at non-tariff measures in the 21st century. Geneva: WTO
  • WTO. (2012a). United States-Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft -Second Complaint. dispu_e/cases_e/ds353_e.htm (9.12.2015)
  • WTO. (2012b). Understanding the WTO. Fifth edition. Geneva: WTO WTO. (2014). Legal Texts: The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, 21st printing, Cambridge UK: WTO
  • WTO. (2015). International Trade Statistics 2015. (12.12.2015)
  • WTO. (2015). Trade Monitoring. tpr_e/trade_monitoring_e.htm (22.11.2015)
  • WTO. (2015a). Members and Observers. thewto_e/whatis_e/tif_e/org6_e.htm (23.11.2015
  • WTO. Understanding the WTO. whatis_e/tif_e/org6_e.htm (1.12.2015)
  • Yaşar, E. (1993). Türk Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Sektörü. İstanbul: İTKİB, İstanbul Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon İhracatçı Birlikleri
There are 53 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Hasan Parıltı This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 65 Issue: 2


APA Parıltı, H. (2015). Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 65(2), 100-160.
AMA Parıltı H. Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası. December 2015;65(2):100-160.
Chicago Parıltı, Hasan. “Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası 65, no. 2 (December 2015): 100-160.
EndNote Parıltı H (December 1, 2015) Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası 65 2 100–160.
IEEE H. Parıltı, “Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 100–160, 2015.
ISNAD Parıltı, Hasan. “Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası 65/2 (December 2015), 100-160.
JAMA Parıltı H. Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası. 2015;65:100–160.
MLA Parıltı, Hasan. “Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?”. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, vol. 65, no. 2, 2015, pp. 100-6.
Vancouver Parıltı H. Multilateral Trading System And Trade Policies: Is Proteting In Import An Easy Task?. İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası. 2015;65(2):100-6.