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Year 2013, Issue: 28, 141 - 174, 30.12.2013


Psychedelic Drugs and Mystical Experıence: Shortcut to Religious Experience Psychedeligs such as LSD, psilocybin and mescaline which are obtained from some kinds of mushrooms, cactuses and ivies have been seen as sacred substances that provides mystical experiences and help to overcome hard situations in different communities for centuries. The psychedeligs, which do not have narcotizing and addictive effects, are used either raw or drugs. In this study which has done with a viewpoint of the psychology of religion, we have researched similarities between the drug experiences and classical mystical experiences. In addition to this, we tried to show the debates around this topic in the literature and give our evaluations on it. As a result, we have found that there are so many similarities between them.


  • Albayrak, Ahmet, “Din Görevlilerinin Mistik Tecrübe Düzeyleri”, Din Bilimleri Akademik Dergisi, IX, 2009, sayı: 1. Albayrak, Ahmet, “Dini Tecrübenin Dışa Vurum Problemi”, Milel ve Nihal, 2 (2), 71.
  • Barnard, Mary, “The God in the flowerpot”, The Pscyhedelig Review, 1(2), 1963.
  • Barrigar, Robert H., “The Regulation of Psychodelig Drugs”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(4), 1964.
  • Blofeld, John, “High Yogic Experience Achieved with Mescaline”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(7), 1966, 27-32.
  • Clark, W.H., “Psychodelics and Religion”, Psychedelics, edt: B. Aaoronson, H. Osmond, Doubleday & Company, 1970.
  • The Editors, “The Treatment of Alcoholism with Psychedelics”, The Pscyhedelig Review, 1(2), 1963.
  • The Editors, “The Subjective After-Effects of Psychedelic Experience: A Summary of Four Recent Questionnaire Studies”, The Pschedelig Review, 1(1), June 1993.
  • Grof, Stanislav, “#nsan Bilinçdışının Alanları, LSD Araştırmasından Gözlemler”, Ego Ötesi, edts: Roger G. Walsh & Frances Vaughan, terc: Halil Ekşi, #nsan Yay., #stanbul, 2001.
  • Horowitz M. & Palmer, C., “Moksha: Aldous Huxley’s Classic Writings on Psychodelics and the Visionary Experience”, Park Street Press, 1999 (The Paris Review, 1960’da yayınlanan röportajın yeniden yayımı)
  • Hruby, P.J., “The Varieties of Mystical Experience, Spritual Practices and Psychedelig Drug Use among College Student”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Nothern Illinois University, 1996.
  • Jagel, Jadu M., “Entheogens and Ecopsychology: Comparing Mystical Experiences and Ecological Orientation”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 2007.
  • Kusel, Heinz, “Ayahuasca Drinkers among the Chama Indians of Northeast Peru”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(6), 1965.
  • Leary, Timoty, “Five Psychodelig Prayers Adopted from the Tao Te Ching”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(7), 1966.
  • Leary, Timoty, “The Religious Experience: Its Production and Interpretation”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(3), 1964.
  • Ling T. M. & Buckman J., “The Treatment of Frigidity with LSD and Ritalin”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(4), 1964, s. 450-452.
  • Marderosian, Ara H. Der et al., “A Uterina Stimulant Effect Extract of Morning Glory Seeds”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(3), 1964.
  • Mangini, M. V., “Yes, Mom Took Acid: The Socio-historical Influence of Prior Psychedelic Drug Use in Adults”, University of California, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2000.
  • Metzner, R. et al, “The Relation Expectation and Mood to Psylocybin Reactions”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(5), 1965, ss. 3-36.
  • Pahnke, W. N., “Drugs and Mysticism”, Psychology of Religion, edt: L. B. Brown, Penguin Education, Great Britain, 1973, s. 309-316.
  • Patteson, James D., “Psychodelig Drugs and Spiriuality”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, California State University, 1995.
  • Stace,Walter T., Mistisizm ve Felsefe, #nsan Yay., #stanbul 2004.
  • Swain, Frederick et al, “Four Psilocybin Experiences”, The Pscyhedelig Review, 1(2), 1963, ss. 222-229.
  • Wasson, R. Gordon, “The Present Status of Ololiuhqui and Hallucinogens of Mexico”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(3), 1964, ss. 270- 280.
  • Wulff, David M., Psychology of Religion, USA, John Wiley&Son inc, 1997, s. 187


Year 2013, Issue: 28, 141 - 174, 30.12.2013


Belirli mantar, kaktüs ve sarmaşıklardan elde edilen LSD, psilosibin ve meskalin gibi
psikodeligler, çağlar boyu dünyanın çeşitli coğrafyalarında mistik deneyim sağlayan ve zor
zamanlarda insanlara yardım eden kutsal maddeler olarak itibar görmüştür. Narkotiklerden
farklı olarak uyuşturucu özelliği taşımayan ve bağımlılık yapmayan psikodeligler, ham veya
ilaçlara benzer şekilde işlenmiş olarak alınmaktadır. Din psikolojisi bakış açısıyla gerçekleştirilen
bu çalışmada psikodeliglerle elde edilen deneyimlerin klasik mistik deneyimlere olan
benzerliği araştırılmış, konu üzerinde cereyan eden tartışmalara ve buna ilişkin değerlendirmelerimize
yer verilmiştir. Sonuçta iki tür deneyimin pek çok açıdan benzer oldukları tespit


  • Albayrak, Ahmet, “Din Görevlilerinin Mistik Tecrübe Düzeyleri”, Din Bilimleri Akademik Dergisi, IX, 2009, sayı: 1. Albayrak, Ahmet, “Dini Tecrübenin Dışa Vurum Problemi”, Milel ve Nihal, 2 (2), 71.
  • Barnard, Mary, “The God in the flowerpot”, The Pscyhedelig Review, 1(2), 1963.
  • Barrigar, Robert H., “The Regulation of Psychodelig Drugs”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(4), 1964.
  • Blofeld, John, “High Yogic Experience Achieved with Mescaline”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(7), 1966, 27-32.
  • Clark, W.H., “Psychodelics and Religion”, Psychedelics, edt: B. Aaoronson, H. Osmond, Doubleday & Company, 1970.
  • The Editors, “The Treatment of Alcoholism with Psychedelics”, The Pscyhedelig Review, 1(2), 1963.
  • The Editors, “The Subjective After-Effects of Psychedelic Experience: A Summary of Four Recent Questionnaire Studies”, The Pschedelig Review, 1(1), June 1993.
  • Grof, Stanislav, “#nsan Bilinçdışının Alanları, LSD Araştırmasından Gözlemler”, Ego Ötesi, edts: Roger G. Walsh & Frances Vaughan, terc: Halil Ekşi, #nsan Yay., #stanbul, 2001.
  • Horowitz M. & Palmer, C., “Moksha: Aldous Huxley’s Classic Writings on Psychodelics and the Visionary Experience”, Park Street Press, 1999 (The Paris Review, 1960’da yayınlanan röportajın yeniden yayımı)
  • Hruby, P.J., “The Varieties of Mystical Experience, Spritual Practices and Psychedelig Drug Use among College Student”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Nothern Illinois University, 1996.
  • Jagel, Jadu M., “Entheogens and Ecopsychology: Comparing Mystical Experiences and Ecological Orientation”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, 2007.
  • Kusel, Heinz, “Ayahuasca Drinkers among the Chama Indians of Northeast Peru”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(6), 1965.
  • Leary, Timoty, “Five Psychodelig Prayers Adopted from the Tao Te Ching”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(7), 1966.
  • Leary, Timoty, “The Religious Experience: Its Production and Interpretation”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(3), 1964.
  • Ling T. M. & Buckman J., “The Treatment of Frigidity with LSD and Ritalin”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(4), 1964, s. 450-452.
  • Marderosian, Ara H. Der et al., “A Uterina Stimulant Effect Extract of Morning Glory Seeds”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(3), 1964.
  • Mangini, M. V., “Yes, Mom Took Acid: The Socio-historical Influence of Prior Psychedelic Drug Use in Adults”, University of California, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, 2000.
  • Metzner, R. et al, “The Relation Expectation and Mood to Psylocybin Reactions”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(5), 1965, ss. 3-36.
  • Pahnke, W. N., “Drugs and Mysticism”, Psychology of Religion, edt: L. B. Brown, Penguin Education, Great Britain, 1973, s. 309-316.
  • Patteson, James D., “Psychodelig Drugs and Spiriuality”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, California State University, 1995.
  • Stace,Walter T., Mistisizm ve Felsefe, #nsan Yay., #stanbul 2004.
  • Swain, Frederick et al, “Four Psilocybin Experiences”, The Pscyhedelig Review, 1(2), 1963, ss. 222-229.
  • Wasson, R. Gordon, “The Present Status of Ololiuhqui and Hallucinogens of Mexico”, The Psychedelic Review, 1(3), 1964, ss. 270- 280.
  • Wulff, David M., Psychology of Religion, USA, John Wiley&Son inc, 1997, s. 187
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ümit Horozcu This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 28


APA Horozcu, Ü. (2013). PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology(28), 141-174.
AMA Horozcu Ü. PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology. December 2013;(28):141-174.
Chicago Horozcu, Ümit. “PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology, no. 28 (December 2013): 141-74.
EndNote Horozcu Ü (December 1, 2013) PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology 28 141–174.
IEEE Ü. Horozcu, “PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU”, Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology, no. 28, pp. 141–174, December 2013.
ISNAD Horozcu, Ümit. “PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology 28 (December 2013), 141-174.
JAMA Horozcu Ü. PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology. 2013;:141–174.
MLA Horozcu, Ümit. “PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology, no. 28, 2013, pp. 141-74.
Vancouver Horozcu Ü. PSİKODELİG İLAÇLAR VE MİSTİK DENEYİM: MİSTİK DENEYİMİN KISA YOLU. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Theology. 2013(28):141-74.