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Year 2012, Volume: 75 Issue: 4, 53 - 59, 15.04.2013


Amaç: Olaya ilişkin potansiyeller (OİP); duysal, motor ya da bilişsel bir işlev ile zamansal olarak kilitli bir şekilde
insanın saçlı derisinden kaydedilen voltaj değişiklikleridir. P3 potansiyeli, bilişsel elektrofizyolojide üzerinde en fazla
çalışma yapılan OİP bileşenidir. P3 potansiyeli oddball paradigmasında, hedef uyaranlara yanıt olarak oluşan pariyetal
yayılımlı bir dalgadır. P3 potansiyelinin seçici dikkat ve belleğin güncellenmesi süreçlerini yansıttığı kabul edilir. Bu
çalışmada, soyut imgeler ve tanıdık nesne görüntüleri şeklindeki görsel hedeflerin OİP yanıtları üzerine olan etkilerinin
araştırılması amaçlandı.
Materyal ve metod: Çalışmamıza 14 sağlıklı gönüllü (yaşları 19 ile 23 arasında) katıldı. OİP’ler, görsel oddball
paradigması kullanılarak, 30 elektrot bölgesinden (uluslararası 10/20 sistemine göre) kaydedildi. Kullanılan oddball
paradigmasında; mavi kareler standart, eşit büyüklükteki renkli resimler ise hedef uyaranları oluşturuyordu. Hedef
uyaranlar “Tanıdık Nesne” ve “Soyut İmge” resimler olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Hedef uyaranların oranı %20 idi. Süreleri
750 ms olan görsel uyaranlar, her 2 s’de bir deneğin 90 cm önünde bulunan bir bilgisayar ekranı aracılığı ile rastlantısal
olarak uygulandı.
Bulgular: Her iki hedef uyaran grubundaki OİP yanıtların genlik ve latansları ölçüldü ve tekrarlayan ölçümler için
varyans analizi (ANOVA) testi ile analiz edildi. İstatistiksel analizler, bu iki hedef uyaran grubundaki N1, N2 ve P3
potansiyellerinin genlik ve latansları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmadığını gösteriyordu (p > 0.05).
Sonuç: Bulgularımız soyut ve tanıdık görsel h0edeflerin benzer P3 potansiyelleri oluşturduğuna işaret etmektedir.


  • Başar E. EEG-Brain Dynamics, Amsterdam: Elsevier/ North Holland Biomedical Press, 9-152, 1980.
  • Campbell KB, Colrain IM. Event-related potential measures of the inhibition of information processing: II. The sleep onset period. Int J Psychophysiol, 46: 197-214, 2002.
  • Carpenter RHS. Neurophysiology, 2nd Ed., London: Edward Arnold, 1990:49-86.
  • Carretie L, Hinojosa JA, Albert J, Mercado F. Neural response to sustained affective visual stimulation using an indirect task. Exp Brain Res, 174: 630–637, 2006.
  • Codispoti M, Ferrari V, Junghofer M, Schupp H.T. The categorization of natural scenes: brain attention networks
  • Neuroimage, 32: 583–591, 2006. dense sensor
  • ERPs. 6. Conroy MA, Polich J. Affective valence and P300 when stimulus arousal level is controlled. Cognition Emotion, 21: 891–901, 2007.
  • Coull JT. Neural correlates of attention and arousal: insights from electrophysiology, functional neuro- imaging and psychopharmacology. Prog Neurobiol, 5: 343–161, 1998.
  • Delplanque S, Lavoie ME, Hot P, Silvert L, Sequeira, H. Modulation of cognitive processing by emotional valence studied through eventrelated potentials in humans. Neurosci Lett, 356: 1–4, 2004.
  • Delplanque S, Silvert L, Hot P, Rigoulot S, Sequeira H. Arousal and valence effects on event-related P3a and P3b during emotional categorization. Int J Psychophysiol, 60: 315–322, 2006.
  • Duncan CC, Barry RJ, Connolly JF, Fischer C, Michie PT, Näätänen R, Polich J, Reinvang I, Van Petten C. Event-related potentials in clinical research: guidelines for eliciting, recording, and quantifying mismatch negativity, P300, and N400. Clin Neurophysiol, 120: 1883-1908, 2009.
  • Ergenoglu T, Uslu A, Ergen M, Reşitoğlu B, Beydagi H. Demiralp T. Olaya ilişkin potansiyellerin N2 dalgası uyaranların yeniliğini yansıtmaktadır. Erciyes Tıp Dergisi, 28: 49–56, 2006.
  • Friedman D, Cycowicz YM, Gaeta H. The novelty P3: An event-related brain potential (ERP) sign of the brain's evaluation of novelty. Neurosci Biobehav R, 25: 355–373, 2001.
  • Goodin DS. Event-Related Potentials, Aminoff MJ. (ed.) Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 609-626, 2005.
  • Hernandez OH, Vogel-Sprott M. OSP parameters and the cognitive component of reaction time to a missing stimulus: Linking brain and behavior. Brain Cognition, 71: 141-146, 2009.
  • Maraşlıgil B, Ergenoğlu T. "İnsanlarda Yenilik N2 Yanıtı Hedef Uyaranların Zamansal Sınıflamasını Yansıtır", Deneysel ve Klinik Tıp Dergisi, 28 (2): 64- 70, 2011.
  • Muller-Gass A, Campbell K. Event-related measures of the inhibition of information processing: I. Selective attention in the waking state. Int J Psychophysiol, 46: 177-195, 2002.
  • Nieuwenhuis S, De Geus, EJ. Aston-Jones G. The anatomical and functional relationship between the P3 and autonomic components of the orienting response. Psychophysiology in pres, DOI: 10.1111/j.1469- 8986.2010.01057.x. 2012.
  • Polich J, Comerchero MD. P3a from visual stimuli: typicality, task, and topography. Brain Topogr. 2003 Spring;15(3):141-52.
  • Polich J, Criado JR. Neuropsychology and neuro- pharmacology of P3a and P3b. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 60: 172–185, 2006.
  • Polich J. P300 in clinical applications: Meaning, Method, and measurement. In: Electroencephalo- graphy: Basic Principles, Clinical Applications, and Related Fields (3rd Ed). Niedermeyer E, Lopes da Silva FH (Eds.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, pp: 1005-1018, 1993.
  • Polich J. Theoretical overview of P3a and P3b. Polich J. (ed.) Detection of Change: Event-related potential and fMRI findings, New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 83-98, 2003.
  • Polich J. Updating P300: An integrative theory of P3a and P3b. Clin Neurophysiol, 118: 2128-48, 2007.
  • Potts GF, Liotti M, Tucker DM, Posner MI, Frontal and inferior temporal cortical activity in visual target detection: evidence from high spatially sampled event- related potentials. Brain Topogr, 9: 3–14, 1996. 24. Regan D.Human Brain
  • Electrophysiology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 195-245: 1989.
  • Sayers BA, Beagley HA, Henshall WR. Mechanism of auditory evoked responses. Nature, 247: 481-483, 1974.
  • Schupp H, Flaisch T, Stockburger J, Junghöfer M. Emotion and attention: event-related brain potential studies. In: Anders S, Ende M, Junghöfer M, Kissler J, Wildgruber D. Eds. Prog Brain Res, 156: 31–51, 2006.
  • Speckmann EJ, Elger CE. Introduction to the neurophysiological basis of the EEG and DC potentials. Niedermeyer E, Lopes da Silva FH. Electroencephalography: Basic Principles, Clinical Applications, and Related Fields, 5th Ed., Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 18-31, 2005.
  • Vogel EK, Luck SJ. The visual N1 component as an index of a discrimination process. Psychophysiology, 37(2): 190–203, 2000.
Year 2012, Volume: 75 Issue: 4, 53 - 59, 15.04.2013



  • Başar E. EEG-Brain Dynamics, Amsterdam: Elsevier/ North Holland Biomedical Press, 9-152, 1980.
  • Campbell KB, Colrain IM. Event-related potential measures of the inhibition of information processing: II. The sleep onset period. Int J Psychophysiol, 46: 197-214, 2002.
  • Carpenter RHS. Neurophysiology, 2nd Ed., London: Edward Arnold, 1990:49-86.
  • Carretie L, Hinojosa JA, Albert J, Mercado F. Neural response to sustained affective visual stimulation using an indirect task. Exp Brain Res, 174: 630–637, 2006.
  • Codispoti M, Ferrari V, Junghofer M, Schupp H.T. The categorization of natural scenes: brain attention networks
  • Neuroimage, 32: 583–591, 2006. dense sensor
  • ERPs. 6. Conroy MA, Polich J. Affective valence and P300 when stimulus arousal level is controlled. Cognition Emotion, 21: 891–901, 2007.
  • Coull JT. Neural correlates of attention and arousal: insights from electrophysiology, functional neuro- imaging and psychopharmacology. Prog Neurobiol, 5: 343–161, 1998.
  • Delplanque S, Lavoie ME, Hot P, Silvert L, Sequeira, H. Modulation of cognitive processing by emotional valence studied through eventrelated potentials in humans. Neurosci Lett, 356: 1–4, 2004.
  • Delplanque S, Silvert L, Hot P, Rigoulot S, Sequeira H. Arousal and valence effects on event-related P3a and P3b during emotional categorization. Int J Psychophysiol, 60: 315–322, 2006.
  • Duncan CC, Barry RJ, Connolly JF, Fischer C, Michie PT, Näätänen R, Polich J, Reinvang I, Van Petten C. Event-related potentials in clinical research: guidelines for eliciting, recording, and quantifying mismatch negativity, P300, and N400. Clin Neurophysiol, 120: 1883-1908, 2009.
  • Ergenoglu T, Uslu A, Ergen M, Reşitoğlu B, Beydagi H. Demiralp T. Olaya ilişkin potansiyellerin N2 dalgası uyaranların yeniliğini yansıtmaktadır. Erciyes Tıp Dergisi, 28: 49–56, 2006.
  • Friedman D, Cycowicz YM, Gaeta H. The novelty P3: An event-related brain potential (ERP) sign of the brain's evaluation of novelty. Neurosci Biobehav R, 25: 355–373, 2001.
  • Goodin DS. Event-Related Potentials, Aminoff MJ. (ed.) Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone, 609-626, 2005.
  • Hernandez OH, Vogel-Sprott M. OSP parameters and the cognitive component of reaction time to a missing stimulus: Linking brain and behavior. Brain Cognition, 71: 141-146, 2009.
  • Maraşlıgil B, Ergenoğlu T. "İnsanlarda Yenilik N2 Yanıtı Hedef Uyaranların Zamansal Sınıflamasını Yansıtır", Deneysel ve Klinik Tıp Dergisi, 28 (2): 64- 70, 2011.
  • Muller-Gass A, Campbell K. Event-related measures of the inhibition of information processing: I. Selective attention in the waking state. Int J Psychophysiol, 46: 177-195, 2002.
  • Nieuwenhuis S, De Geus, EJ. Aston-Jones G. The anatomical and functional relationship between the P3 and autonomic components of the orienting response. Psychophysiology in pres, DOI: 10.1111/j.1469- 8986.2010.01057.x. 2012.
  • Polich J, Comerchero MD. P3a from visual stimuli: typicality, task, and topography. Brain Topogr. 2003 Spring;15(3):141-52.
  • Polich J, Criado JR. Neuropsychology and neuro- pharmacology of P3a and P3b. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 60: 172–185, 2006.
  • Polich J. P300 in clinical applications: Meaning, Method, and measurement. In: Electroencephalo- graphy: Basic Principles, Clinical Applications, and Related Fields (3rd Ed). Niedermeyer E, Lopes da Silva FH (Eds.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, pp: 1005-1018, 1993.
  • Polich J. Theoretical overview of P3a and P3b. Polich J. (ed.) Detection of Change: Event-related potential and fMRI findings, New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 83-98, 2003.
  • Polich J. Updating P300: An integrative theory of P3a and P3b. Clin Neurophysiol, 118: 2128-48, 2007.
  • Potts GF, Liotti M, Tucker DM, Posner MI, Frontal and inferior temporal cortical activity in visual target detection: evidence from high spatially sampled event- related potentials. Brain Topogr, 9: 3–14, 1996. 24. Regan D.Human Brain
  • Electrophysiology, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 195-245: 1989.
  • Sayers BA, Beagley HA, Henshall WR. Mechanism of auditory evoked responses. Nature, 247: 481-483, 1974.
  • Schupp H, Flaisch T, Stockburger J, Junghöfer M. Emotion and attention: event-related brain potential studies. In: Anders S, Ende M, Junghöfer M, Kissler J, Wildgruber D. Eds. Prog Brain Res, 156: 31–51, 2006.
  • Speckmann EJ, Elger CE. Introduction to the neurophysiological basis of the EEG and DC potentials. Niedermeyer E, Lopes da Silva FH. Electroencephalography: Basic Principles, Clinical Applications, and Related Fields, 5th Ed., Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 18-31, 2005.
  • Vogel EK, Luck SJ. The visual N1 component as an index of a discrimination process. Psychophysiology, 37(2): 190–203, 2000.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Tolgay Ergenoğlu This is me

Atilla Uslu

Berrin Maraşlıgil This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2013
Submission Date November 15, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 75 Issue: 4


APA Ergenoğlu, T., Uslu, A., & Maraşlıgil, B. (2013). SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, 75(4), 53-59.
AMA Ergenoğlu T, Uslu A, Maraşlıgil B. SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR. İst Tıp Fak Derg. April 2013;75(4):53-59.
Chicago Ergenoğlu, Tolgay, Atilla Uslu, and Berrin Maraşlıgil. “SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 75, no. 4 (April 2013): 53-59.
EndNote Ergenoğlu T, Uslu A, Maraşlıgil B (April 1, 2013) SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 75 4 53–59.
IEEE T. Ergenoğlu, A. Uslu, and B. Maraşlıgil, “SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR”, İst Tıp Fak Derg, vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 53–59, 2013.
ISNAD Ergenoğlu, Tolgay et al. “SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 75/4 (April 2013), 53-59.
MLA Ergenoğlu, Tolgay et al. “SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR”. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, vol. 75, no. 4, 2013, pp. 53-59.
Vancouver Ergenoğlu T, Uslu A, Maraşlıgil B. SOYUT VE TANIDIK GÖRSEL HEDEFLER BENZER NİTELİKTE P3 POTANSİYELİ OLUŞTURUR. İst Tıp Fak Derg. 2013;75(4):53-9.

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Addressi: İ.Ü. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı, Turgut Özal Cad. 34093 Çapa, Fatih, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE


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