Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozden Sozalan: A Deconstructive Feminist Approach To Anayurt Oteli.
Yusuf Atilgan's novel Anayurt Oteli (Hotel Homeland) has been usually read as a metaphor for Turkey during the years of martial law, with its central character standing for a confused and suppressed nation doomed to gradual self-destruction. One of the novel's strongest points is the link it reveals to exist between the individual's tragedy and patriarchy as the system that causes it. In this respect, sexuality and sexual problems can be considered to constitute the main theme of Anayurt Oteli, which follows Zebercet's journey, through murder and insanity, to suicide. What is intriguingly significant in this stream-of-consciousness narrative is the abundance of women characters from his memories, who keep converging and diverging by means of a series of images, metaphors, and symbols endlessly traversing the text. In this manner, the text first constructs and then deconstructs a set oppositions, on which the language rests, to the point of non-signification, where language ceases to mean at the symbolic level. Detached from the male order of signification and representation, Zebercet's death symbolises a return to the pre-linguistic associated with the female, as the text's language becomes increasingly disturbed.
Yusuf Atilgan'm 1973 y1lmda kaleme ald1g1 Anayurt Oteli, Anadolu'da tzmir'e yakm bir kasabada otel katibi olarak 9ah§an Zebercet'in, gizemli bir kadmm bir geceligine otelde konaklamas1yla ba§layan ve once otelde 9ah§an ortahk91 kad1m, daha sonra da kendini oldtirmesiyle sonu9- lanan i9 yolculugunun, bilin9 akl§I teknigiyle anlatild1g1 bir roman. Ele§-
tirmenler tarafmdan genellikle, otel/tilke ko§utlugu temel almarak, 70'1i y11larda bireyin kendine ve topluma yabanc1la§masmm ve toplumsal/cinsel kimlik arayi§mm sonu9lannm anlatild1g1 bir roman olarak degerlendirilen metin, yap1bozucu feminist bir okumaya davetiye 91karan ozelliklere sahip. Okurunu, daha i§in ba§mda, hem romanm, hem de romanm ayncahkh mekamnm ad1 olan 'Anayurt Oteli' sozctiklerinin, metaforik katlanmalarla daha da gti9lenen bir anlam 9ogulluguna vard1gm1 ammsatarak uyaran metin, daha ilerki bir bOltimde, Zebercet'in agzmdan "Ne 9ok yalan soyleniyordu yerytiztinde; sozle, yaz1yla, resimle, ya da susarak" (66) diyerek, dilsel ve diger sembolik, temsili dizgelerin, ger9egin mimetik bir yans1mas1 olmad1gm1, ger9ekle ger9egin simgesel temsili arasmdaki u9urumun kapatilmas1 i§inin, okurdan beklendiginin ipu9larm1 verir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Creative Arts and Writing |
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 16, 2014 |
Submission Date | August 16, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2003 Issue: 15 |