Research Article
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Year 2004, Issue: 16, 135 - 152, 16.08.2014


Yap1salc1ltk sonras1 di.i~i.ini.irlerin onde gelenlerinden Jacques Derrida ile Michel Foucault' nun yakla~1mlann111 temelinde yap1salc1 di.i~i.inceye getirdikleri ele~tiri yatmaktad1r. Yap1salcI11k ele~tirisi ile yola 91kan bu di.i~i.ini.irler , i.irettikleri terimler 9er9evesinde farklt yakla~1mlann1 ~ekillendirmi~lerdir. Bu 9alt~man111 ilk boli.imi.inde Jacques Derrida'n111 dil ve metin alanlar111da kulland1g1 terimler ve one si.irdi.igi.i gori.i~ler incelenecektir. ikinci boli.imde ise Michel Foucault'nun soylem, delilik ve erk kavramlar111a yi.ikledigi anlamlar tart1~Ilacakt1r. Son boli.imde ise bu di.i~i.ini.irlerin 9alt~malann111 9eviribilime olas1 yansnnalanna deginilecektir.  


  • Arrojo. Rosemary. "The Revision of the Traditional Gap between Theory and Practice and the Empowerment of Translation in Postmodern Times'', Translator. s. l. 1998. ss.25-48
  • Arrojo, Rosemary. "Assymetrical Relations of Power and the ethics of Translation". TextContext, S. 11. 1997. SS. 5-24
  • Arrojo. Rosemary. "The "Death" of the Author and the Limits of the Translator's Visibility", Translation a.1· lnterrnlt11ral Co11111111nication. ed. Mary Snell-Hornby. Zuzuna Jettmarova. Klaus Kaindl. John Benjamins publishing Company, Amsterdam. 1995, ss. 21-32 /
  • Bcngi-Oner, ~111. (_'eviribilim Terimleri So::liigii. Sci Yayme1hk, istanbul, 2001 Culler. Jonathan. ''Jacques Derrida", Stmct11ralis111 and Since, ed. John Sturrock, Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1979, s.165
  • Derrida. Jacques. ,;Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences", Modern Criticism and Theot)'. cc.I. David Lodge, Longman Group, Essex, 1989. ss. l 08-123
  • Derrida, Jacques, "Des Tours de Babel'', Difference in Translation, ed. Joseph G. Graham, Cornell University Press. Ithaca. 1985: 209-248.
  • Dolta~. Dilek, "Soylcm ve Yazm", Soyle111 Uzerine. ed. Ahmct Kocaman, Hitit Yay111evi, Ankara, 1996. s.69. 75
  • Eagleton. Terry. Literary Theory, MPG Books Llc.l. Cornwall. 1997, s. 113, 197
  • Foucault. Michel. Ders Notlar1. c;ev. Selahattin Hilav. Yap1 Kredi Yay111lan. istanbul. 1995, s. 11. 75.94
  • Foucault. Michel. "What is an Author?". Modem Criticism and Theo1:y. ed. David Lodge. Longman Group. Essex, 1989. ss. 197-2 10
  • Hawthorn, Jeremy. /\ Concise Glossa1:y of Conte111poraray Literary Theo1:v. Edward Arnold, London. 1994. s.45
  • Hermans; Theo. 'The Production and Reproduction of Translation'', Baogzi<;,i Onivcrsitcsi' ndeki <;eviri Konferans1'nda sunulan bildiri, '.997
  • Hermans, Theo, "Translation as an Institution". Translation as /n1erc11lt11ral Co11111111nicatio11 , ed.
  • Mary Snell-Hornby, Zuzuna Jcttmarova, Klaus Kaindl, John Bcnjamins publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1995, ss. 3-21
  • Holmes, James S., "The Name and Nature of Translation Studies". Translated!. ed. Raymond van den Broeck, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1988, ss. 67-81
  • Lechte, John, Fifty Key Contemporary '/11inkers, Routledge. London. 1994, s. I IO, 112-11 3 Lilla, Mark, "The politics of Jacques Derrida, http:/
  • Lodge. David. Modem Criticism and Theoty, Longman Group, Essex, 1989, ss. l 07-108 Moran, Berna. Edebiyat K11ramlar1 ve e~· tiri . Cem Yaymlan. istanbul. 1994. s.184
  • Rifat, Mehmet, Dilbilim ve Gostergebilimin <;:agda$ K11ram/an. DUzlem Yaymlan, istanbul. 1990. ss.13-18
  • Toury, Gideon. In Search of a Theo1y of Translation". Porter In stitute for Poetics and Semiotics. Tel Aviv. 1980, ss.34. 51-62
  • Vermeer, Hans J., "Skopos and Commission in Tra.1slation Action". Readings in Translation Theory, ed. A. Chesterman. Oy Finn Lectura Ab. pp. 173-200
  • Vermeer, Hans J., A Skopos 11ieory of Translation (pre-print), Heidelberg. 1995, s.97
  • White, Hayden, "Michel Foucault". Stmct11ralism and Since. ed. John Sturrock. Oxford Un iversity Press, Oxford. 1979. ss.85. 88-89. 97


Year 2004, Issue: 16, 135 - 152, 16.08.2014


Poststructuralist Approaches And Translation Studies
Ayşe ECE

The theoretical views put forth by the pioneering post-structuralist thinkers, Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault, triggered the formulation of postmodernist approaches to translation. In the first part of this article the theoretical terms and views put forward by Jacques Derrida are dwelt on. The
second part is devoted to the analysis of Michel Foucault's approach to discourse, power and insanity. The probable influences of these postmodernist views on the contemporary translation theories are discussed in the last part with an emphasis on the interactions between cultural theories and translation studies.


  • Arrojo. Rosemary. "The Revision of the Traditional Gap between Theory and Practice and the Empowerment of Translation in Postmodern Times'', Translator. s. l. 1998. ss.25-48
  • Arrojo, Rosemary. "Assymetrical Relations of Power and the ethics of Translation". TextContext, S. 11. 1997. SS. 5-24
  • Arrojo. Rosemary. "The "Death" of the Author and the Limits of the Translator's Visibility", Translation a.1· lnterrnlt11ral Co11111111nication. ed. Mary Snell-Hornby. Zuzuna Jettmarova. Klaus Kaindl. John Benjamins publishing Company, Amsterdam. 1995, ss. 21-32 /
  • Bcngi-Oner, ~111. (_'eviribilim Terimleri So::liigii. Sci Yayme1hk, istanbul, 2001 Culler. Jonathan. ''Jacques Derrida", Stmct11ralis111 and Since, ed. John Sturrock, Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1979, s.165
  • Derrida. Jacques. ,;Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences", Modern Criticism and Theot)'. cc.I. David Lodge, Longman Group, Essex, 1989. ss. l 08-123
  • Derrida, Jacques, "Des Tours de Babel'', Difference in Translation, ed. Joseph G. Graham, Cornell University Press. Ithaca. 1985: 209-248.
  • Dolta~. Dilek, "Soylcm ve Yazm", Soyle111 Uzerine. ed. Ahmct Kocaman, Hitit Yay111evi, Ankara, 1996. s.69. 75
  • Eagleton. Terry. Literary Theory, MPG Books Llc.l. Cornwall. 1997, s. 113, 197
  • Foucault. Michel. Ders Notlar1. c;ev. Selahattin Hilav. Yap1 Kredi Yay111lan. istanbul. 1995, s. 11. 75.94
  • Foucault. Michel. "What is an Author?". Modem Criticism and Theo1:y. ed. David Lodge. Longman Group. Essex, 1989. ss. 197-2 10
  • Hawthorn, Jeremy. /\ Concise Glossa1:y of Conte111poraray Literary Theo1:v. Edward Arnold, London. 1994. s.45
  • Hermans; Theo. 'The Production and Reproduction of Translation'', Baogzi<;,i Onivcrsitcsi' ndeki <;eviri Konferans1'nda sunulan bildiri, '.997
  • Hermans, Theo, "Translation as an Institution". Translation as /n1erc11lt11ral Co11111111nicatio11 , ed.
  • Mary Snell-Hornby, Zuzuna Jcttmarova, Klaus Kaindl, John Bcnjamins publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1995, ss. 3-21
  • Holmes, James S., "The Name and Nature of Translation Studies". Translated!. ed. Raymond van den Broeck, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1988, ss. 67-81
  • Lechte, John, Fifty Key Contemporary '/11inkers, Routledge. London. 1994, s. I IO, 112-11 3 Lilla, Mark, "The politics of Jacques Derrida, http:/
  • Lodge. David. Modem Criticism and Theoty, Longman Group, Essex, 1989, ss. l 07-108 Moran, Berna. Edebiyat K11ramlar1 ve e~· tiri . Cem Yaymlan. istanbul. 1994. s.184
  • Rifat, Mehmet, Dilbilim ve Gostergebilimin <;:agda$ K11ram/an. DUzlem Yaymlan, istanbul. 1990. ss.13-18
  • Toury, Gideon. In Search of a Theo1y of Translation". Porter In stitute for Poetics and Semiotics. Tel Aviv. 1980, ss.34. 51-62
  • Vermeer, Hans J., "Skopos and Commission in Tra.1slation Action". Readings in Translation Theory, ed. A. Chesterman. Oy Finn Lectura Ab. pp. 173-200
  • Vermeer, Hans J., A Skopos 11ieory of Translation (pre-print), Heidelberg. 1995, s.97
  • White, Hayden, "Michel Foucault". Stmct11ralism and Since. ed. John Sturrock. Oxford Un iversity Press, Oxford. 1979. ss.85. 88-89. 97
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Makaleler

Ayşe Ece This is me

Publication Date August 16, 2014
Submission Date August 16, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2004 Issue: 16


APA Ece, A. (2014). YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies(16), 135-152.
AMA Ece A. YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM. Litera. August 2014;(16):135-152.
Chicago Ece, Ayşe. “YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, no. 16 (August 2014): 135-52.
EndNote Ece A (August 1, 2014) YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 16 135–152.
IEEE A. Ece, “YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM”, Litera, no. 16, pp. 135–152, August 2014.
ISNAD Ece, Ayşe. “YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies 16 (August 2014), 135-152.
MLA Ece, Ayşe. “YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM”. Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, no. 16, 2014, pp. 135-52.
Vancouver Ece A. YAPISALCILIK SONRASI YAKLAŞIMLAR VE ÇEViRiBiLiM. Litera. 2014(16):135-52.