Research Article
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John Lawrence Smith’in Osmanlı İmparatorluğundaki Mineraloji, Maden ve Jeokimya Araştırmalarına Katkıları

Year 2021, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 219 - 239, 05.07.2021


On dokuzuncu yüzyıl boyunca Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, endüstriyel kalkınma planlarının kapsamında, dünyanın farklı yerlerinden mühendis, bilim insanı ve uzmanları davet etmiştir. Bu uzmanlar arasında, az bilinenlerden biri John Lawrence Smith’tir (1818-1883). Dönemin aydınlanmacı ruhuna uygun şekilde, çok yönlü bir bilim insanı olarak yetişmiş olan John Lawrence Smith, Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda pamuk ziraatini geliştirmek amacıyla 1846 yılında Sultan Abdülmecid tarafından davet edilen uzmanlardan biridir. Buna karşın, bu alandan farklı olarak; mineraloji, madencilik, termal kaynaklar ve jeokimya alanlarında öncü çalışmalar yapmış efesit, liebigit ve mecidit isimlerini verdiği farklı mineral türlerini keşfetmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra farklı maden ve mineral yatakları keşfeden Smith, Batı Anadolu ve İsrail civarındaki termal kaynakları incelemiş, bu kaynaklardan aldığı örneklerin kimyasal analizlerini yapmıştır. İstanbul’da geçirdiği süre boyunca günümüzde Fişekhane olarak bilinen demir-çelik fabrikasında mineraloji ve metalurji dersleri veren Smith, 1850 yılında Osmanlı İmparatorluğundan ayrılmıştır.

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Project Number

Destekleyen bir proje bulunmamaktadır.


Yazarlar, sayın Feza Günergun'a Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndaki termal sular hakkındaki yayınları kendileriyle paylaştığı için teşekkür etmektedir.


  • Aydoğan, Selman ve Mohssen Moazzen. “Origin and Metamorphism of Corundum-rich Metabauxites at Mt. Ismail in the Southern Menderes Massif, SW Turkey.” Resource Geology 62, 3 (2010): 243-262.
  • Bektaş, Yakup. “Displaying the American Genius: The Electromagnetic Telegraph in the Wider World.” The British Journal for the History of Science 34, 2 (2001): 199-232.
  • Bernard, Charles Ambroise. Les Bains de Brousse: en Bithynie (Turquie d’Asie) avec une Vue des Bains et un Plan des Environs de Brousse. Constantinople: Imprimerie de Mille Frères, 1842.
  • Bozkurt, Nebi.“Pamuk.” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 2007),34:154-156.
  • Damlıbağ, Fatih. “Batı Anadolu’da İhracat İçin Pamuk Üretimi (1860-1870).” Sosyal Siyaset Konferanslar Dergisi 64, 60 (2011): 433-471.
  • Eisenlohr, Thomas, Pfister Martin ve Werner Balderer. “Environmental Isotope Study and 2-D Modelling of Cold and Thermal Karst within the Gemlik (Bursa) Area of Northwestern Turkey.” Active Tectonics of Northwestern Anatolia-The Marmara Poly-Project. Editörler C. Shindler ve M. Pfister içinde 229-238. Zurich: Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zurich-Swiss, 1997.
  • Ersoy, E. Yalçın, İbrahim Çemen, Cahit Helvacı ve Zeki Billor. “Tectono-stratigraphy of the Neogene Basins in Western Turkey: Implications for Tectonic Evolution of the Aegean Extended Region.” Tectonophysics635 (2014): 33-58.
  • Frondel, Clifford. Systematic Mineralogy of Uranium and Thorium. US Government Printing Office, Report 1064, 1958.
  • Götter, Heinz-Dieter, Thomas Kirnbauer, Susanne Petra Schwenzer ve Bernard Sick. “Who in Mineral Names: Archduke Stephan Franz Victor of Habsburg-Lorraine (1817–1867).” Rocks & Minerals 78, 6 (2003): 408-411.
  • Gülmez, Fatma, Emre Damcı, Umut Barış Ülgen ve Aral Okay. “Deep Structure of Central Menderes Massif: Data from Deep Geothermal Wells.” Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 28 (2019): 531-543.
  • Gürdal, Hatice. “Tıbbi Ekoloji ve Hidroklimatoloji’nin Tarihçesi.” Ege Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2, 1 (2019): 10-11.
  • Halil Ethem [Eldem]. İlm-i Maadin ve Tabakatü’l-Arz. İstanbul: Mihran Matbaası 1307 (1890-91).
  • Marvin, Joseph Benson. A Biographical Sketch of Professor J. Lawrence Smith, Prepared by Request for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences of Boston, Feb. 1884. Louisville, Ky: John P. Morton & Co, 1884.
  • Jolivet, Laurent, Claudio Faccenna, Benjamin Huet, Loïc Labrousse, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Olivier Lacombe, Emmanuel Lecomte, Evguenii Burov, Yoann Denèle, Jean-Pierre Brun, Mélody Philippon, Anne Paul, Gwenaëlle Salaün, Hayrullah Karabulut, Claudia Piromallo, Patrick Monié, Frédéric Gueydan, Aral I. Okay, Roland Oberhänsli, Amaury Pourteau, Romain Augier, Leslie Gadenne ve Olivier Driussio. “Aegean Tectonics: Strain Localisation, Slab Tearing and Trench Retreat.” Tectonophysics 597 (2013): 1-33
  • “Lettre de M. de Tchihatchef à M. Élie de Beaumont sur le Gisement de l’Émeri en Asie Mineure (Constantinople, 1848),” Compte rendu des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences 26 (1848): 363-366.
  • Nevins, Allan, ve Henry Steele Commager. A Short History of the United States. Modern Library (No. 235), 1956.
  • Öztürk, Hülya. “Charles Ambroise Bernard’ın (1808-1844) Kaplıca Risalesi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.” Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi 37, 2 (2015): 1-8.
  • Pe-Piper, Georgia. “Geochemistry of Miocene Shoshonites, Lesbos, Greece.” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 72, 2 (1980): 387-396.
  • Sampey, John R. “J. Lawrence Smith.” Journal of Chemical Education 5 (1928): 122.
  • Silliman Jr., Benjamin. “Memoir of John Lawrence Smith, (1818-1883).” National Academy of Sciences(1884): 217-248.
  • Silliman Jr., Benjamin. Sketch of the Life and Scientific Work of Dr. J. Lawrence Smith. Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1884.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “On the Means of Detecting Arsenic in the Animal Body, and of Counteracting its Effects.” American Journal of Science and Arts (Silliman’s Journal) 40, 2 (1842): 278-293.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “The Composition and Products of Distillation of Spermaceti, with some few Remarks upon its Oxidation by Nitric Acid.” The American Journal of Science and Arts 43, 2(1842): 301-321.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Two New Minerals - Medjidite (sulphate of uranium and lime) - Liebigite (carbonate of uranium and lime),” TheAmerican Journal of Science and Arts 5, 15(1848): 336-338.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Chrome and Meerschaum in Asia Minor.” The American Journal of Science and Arts7 (1849): 283-286.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Nouveau Microscope destiné spécialement aux Recherches chimico-microscopiques.”Comptes rendus des Séances et Mémoires de la Société de Biologie (Paris) (1850): 155-156.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Memoir on Emery.” TheAmerican Journal of Science and Arts 10(1850) : 354-369.
  • Smith, John Laurence. “Mémoire sur l’Émeri d’Asie Mineure, dans ses Rapports géologique, minéralogique et commercial, et sur les Minéraux associés avec l’Éméri.” Compte rendu des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences 31 (1850): 48-50, 191-193.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “On the Minerals Associated with Emery: Corundum, Hydrargillite, Diaspore, Zinc Spinel, Fholerite, Ephesite (A New Species), Emery-Lite (A New Species), Muscovite, Chloritoid (A New Variety), Black Tourmaline, Chlorite, Magnetic Oxide of Iron, Oligist Iron, Hydrated Oxide of Iron, Iron Pyrites, Rutile, Ilmenite, and Titaniferous Iron.” The American Journal of Science and Arts11, (1851): 53-66.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Thermal Waters of Asia Minor.” The American Journal of Science and Arts, 12 (1850): 10-16, 366-377.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “The Inverted Microscope: A New Form of Microscope; with Description of a New Micrometer and Goniometer.” The American Journal of Science and Arts 14 (1852): 233–241.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Notes on the Corundum of North Carolina, Georgia, and Montana, with a Description of the Gem Variety of the Corundum from These Localities.” The American Journal of Science and Arts 6, 33 (1873): 180.
  • Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. Relation d’un Voyage du Levant fait par Ordre du Roy contenant l’Histoire ancienne & moderne de plusieurs Isles de l’Archipel de Constantinople, des Côtes de la Mer Noire, de l’Arménie, de la Georgie, des Frontières de Perse & de l’Asie mineure. Lyon: Chez Anisson et Posuel, 1717.
  • Efesit minerali genel özellikleri. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.
  • John Lawrence Smith'in Harvard Üniversitesi Mineralojik ve Jeolojik Müzesi'ne bağışladığı örnekler. Erişim: 14 Haziran 2021.
  • John Lawrence Smith Madalyası. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.
  • John Lawrence Smith Fotoğrafı. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.,_1854.jpg
  • Margarit mineral ailesi için. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.
  • Nachet firması tarafından üretilen ters mikroskop. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.

John Lawrence Smith’s Contributions to Mineralogy, Mining, and Geochemical Research in the Ottoman Empire

Year 2021, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 219 - 239, 05.07.2021


Throughout the nineteenth century, the Ottoman Empire employed engineers, scientists, and experts from around the world as part of its industrial development policy. John Lawrence Smith (1818–1883) was one of these little-known experts. He was a versatile scientist educated with the Enlightenment philosophy of that period. In 1846, he was invited by Sultan Abdülmecid to improve cotton agriculture in the Ottoman Empire. He also conducted pioneering studies in mineralogy, mining, and geochemistry, as well as the investigation of thermal springs. As a mineralogist, he discovered ephesite, liebigite, and medjidite. Additionally, he discovered various mines and mineral deposits, performed pioneering studies in the thermal springs in western Anatolia and Israel, and subsequently conducted chemical analyses on samples he collected from such springs. During his stay in Istanbul, he taught mineralogy and metallurgy courses in the iron and steel factory known today as Fişekhane. Smith left the Ottoman Empire in 1850.

Project Number

Destekleyen bir proje bulunmamaktadır.


  • Aydoğan, Selman ve Mohssen Moazzen. “Origin and Metamorphism of Corundum-rich Metabauxites at Mt. Ismail in the Southern Menderes Massif, SW Turkey.” Resource Geology 62, 3 (2010): 243-262.
  • Bektaş, Yakup. “Displaying the American Genius: The Electromagnetic Telegraph in the Wider World.” The British Journal for the History of Science 34, 2 (2001): 199-232.
  • Bernard, Charles Ambroise. Les Bains de Brousse: en Bithynie (Turquie d’Asie) avec une Vue des Bains et un Plan des Environs de Brousse. Constantinople: Imprimerie de Mille Frères, 1842.
  • Bozkurt, Nebi.“Pamuk.” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi (Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 2007),34:154-156.
  • Damlıbağ, Fatih. “Batı Anadolu’da İhracat İçin Pamuk Üretimi (1860-1870).” Sosyal Siyaset Konferanslar Dergisi 64, 60 (2011): 433-471.
  • Eisenlohr, Thomas, Pfister Martin ve Werner Balderer. “Environmental Isotope Study and 2-D Modelling of Cold and Thermal Karst within the Gemlik (Bursa) Area of Northwestern Turkey.” Active Tectonics of Northwestern Anatolia-The Marmara Poly-Project. Editörler C. Shindler ve M. Pfister içinde 229-238. Zurich: Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zurich-Swiss, 1997.
  • Ersoy, E. Yalçın, İbrahim Çemen, Cahit Helvacı ve Zeki Billor. “Tectono-stratigraphy of the Neogene Basins in Western Turkey: Implications for Tectonic Evolution of the Aegean Extended Region.” Tectonophysics635 (2014): 33-58.
  • Frondel, Clifford. Systematic Mineralogy of Uranium and Thorium. US Government Printing Office, Report 1064, 1958.
  • Götter, Heinz-Dieter, Thomas Kirnbauer, Susanne Petra Schwenzer ve Bernard Sick. “Who in Mineral Names: Archduke Stephan Franz Victor of Habsburg-Lorraine (1817–1867).” Rocks & Minerals 78, 6 (2003): 408-411.
  • Gülmez, Fatma, Emre Damcı, Umut Barış Ülgen ve Aral Okay. “Deep Structure of Central Menderes Massif: Data from Deep Geothermal Wells.” Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 28 (2019): 531-543.
  • Gürdal, Hatice. “Tıbbi Ekoloji ve Hidroklimatoloji’nin Tarihçesi.” Ege Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi 2, 1 (2019): 10-11.
  • Halil Ethem [Eldem]. İlm-i Maadin ve Tabakatü’l-Arz. İstanbul: Mihran Matbaası 1307 (1890-91).
  • Marvin, Joseph Benson. A Biographical Sketch of Professor J. Lawrence Smith, Prepared by Request for the American Academy of Arts and Sciences of Boston, Feb. 1884. Louisville, Ky: John P. Morton & Co, 1884.
  • Jolivet, Laurent, Claudio Faccenna, Benjamin Huet, Loïc Labrousse, Laetitia Le Pourhiet, Olivier Lacombe, Emmanuel Lecomte, Evguenii Burov, Yoann Denèle, Jean-Pierre Brun, Mélody Philippon, Anne Paul, Gwenaëlle Salaün, Hayrullah Karabulut, Claudia Piromallo, Patrick Monié, Frédéric Gueydan, Aral I. Okay, Roland Oberhänsli, Amaury Pourteau, Romain Augier, Leslie Gadenne ve Olivier Driussio. “Aegean Tectonics: Strain Localisation, Slab Tearing and Trench Retreat.” Tectonophysics 597 (2013): 1-33
  • “Lettre de M. de Tchihatchef à M. Élie de Beaumont sur le Gisement de l’Émeri en Asie Mineure (Constantinople, 1848),” Compte rendu des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences 26 (1848): 363-366.
  • Nevins, Allan, ve Henry Steele Commager. A Short History of the United States. Modern Library (No. 235), 1956.
  • Öztürk, Hülya. “Charles Ambroise Bernard’ın (1808-1844) Kaplıca Risalesi Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.” Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi 37, 2 (2015): 1-8.
  • Pe-Piper, Georgia. “Geochemistry of Miocene Shoshonites, Lesbos, Greece.” Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 72, 2 (1980): 387-396.
  • Sampey, John R. “J. Lawrence Smith.” Journal of Chemical Education 5 (1928): 122.
  • Silliman Jr., Benjamin. “Memoir of John Lawrence Smith, (1818-1883).” National Academy of Sciences(1884): 217-248.
  • Silliman Jr., Benjamin. Sketch of the Life and Scientific Work of Dr. J. Lawrence Smith. Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1884.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “On the Means of Detecting Arsenic in the Animal Body, and of Counteracting its Effects.” American Journal of Science and Arts (Silliman’s Journal) 40, 2 (1842): 278-293.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “The Composition and Products of Distillation of Spermaceti, with some few Remarks upon its Oxidation by Nitric Acid.” The American Journal of Science and Arts 43, 2(1842): 301-321.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Two New Minerals - Medjidite (sulphate of uranium and lime) - Liebigite (carbonate of uranium and lime),” TheAmerican Journal of Science and Arts 5, 15(1848): 336-338.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Chrome and Meerschaum in Asia Minor.” The American Journal of Science and Arts7 (1849): 283-286.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Nouveau Microscope destiné spécialement aux Recherches chimico-microscopiques.”Comptes rendus des Séances et Mémoires de la Société de Biologie (Paris) (1850): 155-156.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Memoir on Emery.” TheAmerican Journal of Science and Arts 10(1850) : 354-369.
  • Smith, John Laurence. “Mémoire sur l’Émeri d’Asie Mineure, dans ses Rapports géologique, minéralogique et commercial, et sur les Minéraux associés avec l’Éméri.” Compte rendu des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences 31 (1850): 48-50, 191-193.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “On the Minerals Associated with Emery: Corundum, Hydrargillite, Diaspore, Zinc Spinel, Fholerite, Ephesite (A New Species), Emery-Lite (A New Species), Muscovite, Chloritoid (A New Variety), Black Tourmaline, Chlorite, Magnetic Oxide of Iron, Oligist Iron, Hydrated Oxide of Iron, Iron Pyrites, Rutile, Ilmenite, and Titaniferous Iron.” The American Journal of Science and Arts11, (1851): 53-66.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Thermal Waters of Asia Minor.” The American Journal of Science and Arts, 12 (1850): 10-16, 366-377.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “The Inverted Microscope: A New Form of Microscope; with Description of a New Micrometer and Goniometer.” The American Journal of Science and Arts 14 (1852): 233–241.
  • Smith, John Lawrence. “Notes on the Corundum of North Carolina, Georgia, and Montana, with a Description of the Gem Variety of the Corundum from These Localities.” The American Journal of Science and Arts 6, 33 (1873): 180.
  • Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. Relation d’un Voyage du Levant fait par Ordre du Roy contenant l’Histoire ancienne & moderne de plusieurs Isles de l’Archipel de Constantinople, des Côtes de la Mer Noire, de l’Arménie, de la Georgie, des Frontières de Perse & de l’Asie mineure. Lyon: Chez Anisson et Posuel, 1717.
  • Efesit minerali genel özellikleri. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.
  • John Lawrence Smith'in Harvard Üniversitesi Mineralojik ve Jeolojik Müzesi'ne bağışladığı örnekler. Erişim: 14 Haziran 2021.
  • John Lawrence Smith Madalyası. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.
  • John Lawrence Smith Fotoğrafı. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.,_1854.jpg
  • Margarit mineral ailesi için. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.
  • Nachet firması tarafından üretilen ters mikroskop. Erişim: 23 Mart 2021.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Gönenç Göçmengil 0000-0002-1955-8026

Fatma Gülmez This is me 0000-0003-1835-0036

Project Number Destekleyen bir proje bulunmamaktadır.
Publication Date July 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


Chicago Göçmengil, Gönenç, and Fatma Gülmez. “John Lawrence Smith’in Osmanlı İmparatorluğundaki Mineraloji, Maden Ve Jeokimya Araştırmalarına Katkıları”. Osmanli Bilimi Arastirmalari (Studies in Ottoman Science) 22, no. 2 (July 2021): 219-39.