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Şarktaki Gezinti: Oryantalizmin Işığında Flaubert’in Doğusu

Year 2024, Issue: 45, 51 - 66, 03.10.2024


Gustave Flaubert’in Voyage en Orient adlı eserindeki Oryantalist unsurları incelerken, Edward Said’in Oryantalizm (1978) adlı eserinde ortaya koyduğu eleştirel çerçeveyi temel almak elzemdir. Said, kitabında, Oryantalizmin yalnızca masum bir akademik alan olmadığını, Batı’nın Doğu’ya hükmetmek, onu yeniden yapılandırmak ve üzerinde otorite sahibi olmak için kullandığı karmaşık bir ideolojik yapı olduğunu savunur. Bu düşünce tarzı, Doğu ile Batı arasında yapılan ontolojik ve epistemolojik bir ayrıma dayanır ve bu ayrım, doğal ya da kaçınılmaz bir kategorizasyon olmaktan uzak, sömürgecilik ve emperyalizmin güç dinamiklerinin bir ürünüdür. Said, Batılı anlatıların Doğu toplumları, kültürleri ve halkları hakkında çarpıtılmış bir vizyon yarattığını ve bu vizyonun Batı hegemonyasını meşrulaştırmaya hizmet ettiğini ileri sürer. Bu bağlamda, Flaubert’in 1849-1851 yılları arasında Mısır, Filistin, Lübnan ve Türkiye’ye yaptığı seyahatleri konu alan Voyage en Orient adlı eseri, Said’in eleştirel perspektifiyle incelenmelidir. Flaubert’in Doğu’yu tasvir edişi ve anlatı tercihleri üzerinden Oryantalist klişeleri nasıl güçlendirdiği araştırılmalıdır. Eserin estetik değerlerine rağmen, Doğu toplumlarının egzotikleştirilmesi ve ötekileştirilmesi gibi unsurların ne ölçüde mevcut olduğu sorgulanmalıdır. Bu inceleme, Flaubert’in eserine dair anlayışımızı, Oryantalist söylem bağlamında derinleştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Sonuç olarak, Said’in teorik içgörülerine dayanan bu analiz, Voyage en Orient’ın daha derin ve eleştirel bir şekilde değerlendirilmesine katkıda bulunmayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Beaulieu, Jill, and Mary Roberts. Orientalism’s Interlocutors: Painting, Architecture, Photography. Duke University Press, 2002. google scholar
  • Behdad, Ali. “Orientalism and Middle East Travel Writing.” Orientalism and Literature, edited by Geoffrey P. Nash, 185-201. Cambridge University Press, 2019. google scholar
  • Clayson, Hollis. “Henri Regnault’s Wartime Orientalism.” Orientalism’s Interlocutors: Painting, Architecture, Photography. Edited by Jill Beaulieu and Mary Roberts, 131-178. Duke University Press, 2002. google scholar
  • Curtis, Michael. Orientalism and Islam: European Thinkers’ View on Oriental Despotism in the Middle East and India. Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar
  • Flaubert, Gustave. “Voyage en Orient 1849-1851.” The Letters of Gustave Flaubert, edited by Francis google scholar
  • Steegmuller, 99-140. London: Faber and Faber, 1981. google scholar
  • Flaubert, Gustave. Voyage en Orient (1849-1851). Paris: Librairie de France, 1925. google scholar
  • Mackenzie, John M. Orientalism: History, Theory and the Arts. Manchester University Press, 1995. google scholar
  • Said, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Random House, 1994. google scholar
  • Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Random House, 1979. google scholar
  • Stolzenberg, Daniel. “Les ‘langues orientales’ et les racines de l’orientalisme academique: une enquete preliminaire.” Dix-Septieme Siecle 3, no: 268 (2015): 409-426. Presses Universitaires de France. google scholar
  • Taraud, Christelle. “Les femmes, le genre et les sexualites dans le Maghreb colonial (1830-1962).” Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire, no: 33 (2011): 157-191. google scholar
  • URL-1: google scholar
  • URL-2: google scholar
  • URL-3: google scholar

Journey in the Orient: Flaubert’s East in the Context of Orientalism

Year 2024, Issue: 45, 51 - 66, 03.10.2024


This study critically engages with Gustave Flaubert’s Voyage en Orient through the lens of Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978), a pivotal work that redefined the understanding of Western representations of the East. Said argues that Orientalism is not merely a scholarly pursuit but a powerful ideological tool used by the West to justify its dominance over the East. By constructing the “Orient” as an exotic, backward, and fundamentally different entity, Orientalist discourse reinforces Western superiority and colonial ambitions. Applying Said’s critique to Flaubert’s travelogue, which chronicles his journey through Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, and Turkey between 1849 and 1851, this paper explores how the narrative embodies Orientalist tendencies. The analysis focuses on how Flaubert’s descriptions and characterizations of Eastern societies contributed to the exoticization and othering of the “Orient.” This study examines the power dynamics embedded in Flaubert’s portrayal of the East, questioning how these representations align with or diverge from Orientalist stereotypes. This investigation does not seek to diminish Flaubert’s literary skill. However, it aims to situate his work within the broader framework of Orientalist discourse, thereby providing a deeper understanding of the complex ways Western literature has historically engaged with and constructed images of the East.


  • Beaulieu, Jill, and Mary Roberts. Orientalism’s Interlocutors: Painting, Architecture, Photography. Duke University Press, 2002. google scholar
  • Behdad, Ali. “Orientalism and Middle East Travel Writing.” Orientalism and Literature, edited by Geoffrey P. Nash, 185-201. Cambridge University Press, 2019. google scholar
  • Clayson, Hollis. “Henri Regnault’s Wartime Orientalism.” Orientalism’s Interlocutors: Painting, Architecture, Photography. Edited by Jill Beaulieu and Mary Roberts, 131-178. Duke University Press, 2002. google scholar
  • Curtis, Michael. Orientalism and Islam: European Thinkers’ View on Oriental Despotism in the Middle East and India. Cambridge University Press, 2009. google scholar
  • Flaubert, Gustave. “Voyage en Orient 1849-1851.” The Letters of Gustave Flaubert, edited by Francis google scholar
  • Steegmuller, 99-140. London: Faber and Faber, 1981. google scholar
  • Flaubert, Gustave. Voyage en Orient (1849-1851). Paris: Librairie de France, 1925. google scholar
  • Mackenzie, John M. Orientalism: History, Theory and the Arts. Manchester University Press, 1995. google scholar
  • Said, Edward. Culture and Imperialism. New York: Random House, 1994. google scholar
  • Said, Edward. Orientalism. New York: Random House, 1979. google scholar
  • Stolzenberg, Daniel. “Les ‘langues orientales’ et les racines de l’orientalisme academique: une enquete preliminaire.” Dix-Septieme Siecle 3, no: 268 (2015): 409-426. Presses Universitaires de France. google scholar
  • Taraud, Christelle. “Les femmes, le genre et les sexualites dans le Maghreb colonial (1830-1962).” Clio: Femmes, Genre, Histoire, no: 33 (2011): 157-191. google scholar
  • URL-1: google scholar
  • URL-2: google scholar
  • URL-3: google scholar
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Durak 0009-0001-6716-8276

Publication Date October 3, 2024
Submission Date June 12, 2024
Acceptance Date July 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 45


Chicago Durak, Ahmet. “Journey in the Orient: Flaubert’s East in the Context of Orientalism”. Şarkiyat Mecmuası, no. 45 (October 2024): 51-66.