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Continuity at the Two Poles of Everyday Life Sociology: Henri Lefebvre in the Footnote of Michel De Certeau

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 2, 319 - 350, 31.12.2021


Henri Lefebvre’s and Michel de Certeau’s approaches to everyday life continue to remain the two most dominant paradigms in today’s social sciences. As two distinguished figures of everyday life sociology, Lefebvre’s and de Certeau’s methodological tools, sources, and intellectual backgrounds as well as the scope they purposed to reach differ from each other. Despite all these differences, the area where their long-term conceptualizations of everyday-life theory intersect offers an opportunity to frame an important perspective on everyday life sociology. De Certeau, who significantly benefitted from Lefebvre, only mentioned Lefebvre once in a footnote on his study of everyday life, a footnote that makes up the starting point of this study. By drawing from this footnote, studying the everyday life works of two thinkers together conspicuously allows the everyday life critiques of Lefebvre to be traced in de Certeau’s everyday life theory. This study is an attempt to study the everyday life approaches of both thinkers together beyond an eclectic adaptation of the theories of Lefebvre and de Certeau and follows the continuity of the ways the two thinkers problematized everyday life using their conceptual trajectory.


  • Abrams, L., & Brown, C. G. (2010). Introduction: Conceiving the everyday in the twentieth century. In L. Abrams, & C. G. Brown (Eds.), A History of everyday life in twentieth-century Scotland (pp. 1–18). Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
  • Agamben, G. (2010). Çocukluk ve tarih. (B. Parlak, Çev.) Kanat Kitap.
  • Beck, D., & Purcell, R. (2015). Everyday experience and community development practice. Radical Community Work Journal, 1(1), 1–15.
  • Brewer, J. (2010). Microhistory and the histories of everyday life. Cultural and Social History, 7(1), 87–109.
  • Buchanan, I. (1997). De certeau and cultural studies. New Formations, 31, 175–188.
  • Butler, C. (2012). Henri Lefebvre: Spatial politics, everyday life and the right to the city. Routledge.
  • Colebrook, C. (2002). The politics and potential of everyday life. New Literary History, 33(4), 687–706.
  • Courpasson, D. (2017). The politics of everyday. Organization Studies, 38(6), 843–859.
  • Dant, T. (2003). Critical social theory: Culture, society and critique. Sage Publication.
  • De Certeau, M. (1988). The practice of everyday. UCP. De Certeau, M. (2008). Gündelik hayatın keşfi I (L. A. Özcan, Çev.). Dost Kitabevi.
  • Derry, J., & Parrot, M. (2013). Introduction: Questioning everyday life. In J. Derry & M. Parrot (Eds.), The everyday: Experiences, concepts, and narratives (pp. 1–19). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. During, S. (2005). Cultural studies: A critical introduction. Routledge.
  • Ebrey, J. (2016). The Mundane and insignificant, the ordinary and the extraordinary: Understanding everyday participation and theories of everyday life. Cultural Trends, 25(3), 158-168.
  • Epstein, A. (2008). Critiquing “La Vie Quotidienne”: Contemporary approaches to the everyday. Contemporary Literature, 49(3), 476–487.
  • Fiske, J. (2011). Understanding popular culture. Routledge.
  • Fiske, J. (2012). Popüler kültürü anlamak (S. İrvan, Çev.). Parşömen.
  • Gardiner, M. (1995). Utopia and everyday life in French social thought. Utopian Studies, 6(2), 90–123.
  • Gardiner, M. (2016). Gündelik hayat eleştirileri (D. Özçetin, B. Taşdemir & B. Özçetin, Çev.) Heretik.
  • Geldof, K. (1997). Authority, reading, reflexivity: Pierre Bourdieu and the aesthetic judgment of Kant. Diacritics, 27(1), 20–43.
  • Giard, L. (2008). Bir Araştırmanın Hikayesi. M. d. Certeau (Ed.), Gündelik Hayatın keşfi I; Eylem, uygulama, üretim sanatları içinde (L. A. Özcan, Çev., s. 9–37). Dost kitabevi.
  • Giard, L. (2009). Anlar ve mekanlar üzerine. M. d. Certeau, L. Giard, & P. Mayol (Ed.), Gündelik hayatın keşfi II konut, mutfak işleri içinde (Ç. Eroğlu & E. Ataçay, Çev., s. 11–23). Dost Kitabevi.
  • Harvey, D. (2014). Sonsöz. H. Lefebvre (Ed.), Mekanın Üretimi içinde (C. Özpınar, Çev., s. 419–426). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Hawhee, D. (2004). Bodily arts: Rhetoric and athletics in Ancient Greece. University of Texas Press.
  • Highmore, B. (2002a). Everyday life and cultural theory: An introduction: Routledge.
  • Highmore, B. (2002b). Introduction: Questioning everyday life. In B. Highmore (Ed.), The Everyday Life Reader (pp. 1–36). Routledge.
  • Highmore, B. (2006). Michel de Certeau: Analysing culture. Continuum.
  • Highmore, B. (2017). The everyday, taste, class. In I. Szeman, S. Blacker & J. Sully (Eds.), A companion to critical and cultural theory (pp. 327–338). Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Hoa, J. H. (2014). Totality and the common: Henri Lefebvre and Maurice Blanchot on everyday life. Cultural Critique,88, 54–78.
  • Knott, S. (2015). Amateur craft history and theory. Bloomsbury Academic. Law, A. (2014). Social theory for today: Making sense of social worlds. Sage.
  • Lazzarinia, L. (2016). The everyday (in) urbanism: What’s new on the spot. Sociology Study, 6(4), 255–266.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1971). Everyday life in the modern world (S. Rabinovitch, Trans.). Penguin.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1976a). The Survival of capitalism reproduction of the relations of production. (F. Bryant, Trans.). St. Martin’s Press.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1976b). Reflections on the Politics of Space. Antipode, 8, 30–37.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1988). Toward a leftist cultural politics: Remarks occasioned by the centenary of Marx’s death. In L. G. Gary Nelson (Ed.), Marxism and the ınterpretation of culture (D. Reifman, Trans., pp. 75–88). Macmillan.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1996). Marx’ın sosyolojisi. (S. Hilav, Çev.). Sorun Yayınları.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2002). Critique of everyday life: Volume II foundations for a sociology of the everyday. (J. Moore, Trans.). Verso.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2003). The inventory.In S. Elden, E. Lebas & E. Kofman (Eds.), Henri Lefebvre key writings (pp. 166–176). Continuum.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2007). Modern dünyada gündelik hayat (I. Gürbüz, Çev.). Metis. Lefebvre, H. (2012). Gündelik hayatın eleştirisi I (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2013). Gündelik hayatın eleştirisi II Gündelik hayat sosyolojisinin temelleri (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2014). Mekanın üretimi (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2015). Gündelik hayatın eleştirisi III moderniteden modernizme (Gündelik hayatın meta-felsefesi) (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2016). Metaphilosophy. (S. Elden, Dü., & D. Fernbach, Trans.). Verso.
  • McHoul, A., & Miller, T. (1998). Popular culture and everyday life. Sage.
  • Michael, M. (2006). Technoscience and everday life: The complex simplicities of the mundane. Open University Press. Moran, J. (2005). Reading the everyday. Routledge.
  • Paterson, M. (2006). Consumption and everyday life. Routledge.
  • Poster, M. (1975). Existential Marxism in postwar France From Sartre to Althusser. Princeton University Press.
  • Roberts, J. (2013). Gündelik hayatın felsefesi: Devrimci praksis ve kültürel kuramın kaderi (E. C. Ercan, Çev.). Doruk.
  • Sayeau, M. (2013). Against the event: The everyday and evolution of modernist narrative. Oxford University Press.
  • Schilling, D. (2003). Everyday life and the challenge to history in postwar France: Braudel, Lefebvre, Certeau. Diacritics, 33(1), 23–40.
  • Schilling, D. (2009). French sociologies of the Quotidian: From dialectical Marxism to the anthropology of everyday practice.In M. H. Jacobsen (Ed.), Encountering the everyday: An ıntroduction to the sociologies of the unnoticed (pp. 187–210). Macmillan International Higher Education.
  • Schneider, G. (2010). Comics and everyday life: From Ennui to contemplation. European Comic Art, 3(1), 37-63.
  • Scott, S. (2009). Making sense of everyday life. Polity Press. Sheringham, M. (2000). Attending to the everyday: Blanchot, Lefebvre, Certeau, Perec. French Studies, LIV(2), 187-199.
  • Sheringham, M. (2006). Everyday life theories and practices from surrealism to the present. Oxford University Press.
  • Shields, R. (1999). Lefebvre, love and struggle spatial dialectics. Routledge. Sim, L. (2015). Theorising the everyday. Australian Feminist Studies, 30(84), 109–127.
  • Trebitsch, M. (2002). Preface: The moment of radical critique. In H. Lefebvre (Ed.), Critique of everyday life, Vol. II. Foundations for a sociology of the everyday (J. Moore, Trans., pp. ix–xxix). Verso.
  • Yoka, L., & Paschalidis, G. (2015). Introduction: That bloody riddle. In L. Yoka, & G. Paschalidis (Eds.), Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the everyday (pp. vii–2). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 2, 319 - 350, 31.12.2021


Henri Lefebvre ve Michel de Certeau’nun gündelik hayat yaklaşımları, bugün hala sosyal bilimlerde en baskın iki paradigma olmaya devam ediyor. Gündelik hayat sosyolojisinin iki önemli figürü olarak Lefebvre ve de Certeau’nun metodolojik araçları, kaynakları, entelektüel bagajları ve ulaşmayı hedefledikleri menzil birbirinden farklıdır. Aralarındaki tüm bu farklıklara rağmen her ikisinin de gündelik hayata ilişkin açtığı uzun soluklu kavramsallaştırmaların sürekliliği, gündelik hayat sosyolojisine ilişkin önemli bir perspektifi çerçevelemenin imkânını sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın hareket noktasını oluşturan Lefebvre’den önemli ölçüde yararlanan de Certeau’nun gündelik hayat çalışmasında kendisinden yalnızca bir kez bahsettiği bir dipnottur. Söz konusu dipnottan hareketle her iki düşünürün gündelik hayat çalışmasını birlikte okumak de Certeau’nun gündelik hayat teorisinde Lefebvre’nin gündelik hayat eleştirilerinin çarpıcı bir biçimde izini sürme imkânı verir. Lefebvre ve de Certeau’nun teorilerinin karşılaştırılması ve eklektik bir uyarlamasından öte, her iki düşünürün gündelik hayat yaklaşımlarını birlikte okuma denemesi olan bu çalışmada, gündelik hayatın sorunsallaştırılma biçiminin iki düşünür arasındaki sürekliliği kavramsal izlek üzerinden takip edilmektedir.


  • Abrams, L., & Brown, C. G. (2010). Introduction: Conceiving the everyday in the twentieth century. In L. Abrams, & C. G. Brown (Eds.), A History of everyday life in twentieth-century Scotland (pp. 1–18). Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
  • Agamben, G. (2010). Çocukluk ve tarih. (B. Parlak, Çev.) Kanat Kitap.
  • Beck, D., & Purcell, R. (2015). Everyday experience and community development practice. Radical Community Work Journal, 1(1), 1–15.
  • Brewer, J. (2010). Microhistory and the histories of everyday life. Cultural and Social History, 7(1), 87–109.
  • Buchanan, I. (1997). De certeau and cultural studies. New Formations, 31, 175–188.
  • Butler, C. (2012). Henri Lefebvre: Spatial politics, everyday life and the right to the city. Routledge.
  • Colebrook, C. (2002). The politics and potential of everyday life. New Literary History, 33(4), 687–706.
  • Courpasson, D. (2017). The politics of everyday. Organization Studies, 38(6), 843–859.
  • Dant, T. (2003). Critical social theory: Culture, society and critique. Sage Publication.
  • De Certeau, M. (1988). The practice of everyday. UCP. De Certeau, M. (2008). Gündelik hayatın keşfi I (L. A. Özcan, Çev.). Dost Kitabevi.
  • Derry, J., & Parrot, M. (2013). Introduction: Questioning everyday life. In J. Derry & M. Parrot (Eds.), The everyday: Experiences, concepts, and narratives (pp. 1–19). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. During, S. (2005). Cultural studies: A critical introduction. Routledge.
  • Ebrey, J. (2016). The Mundane and insignificant, the ordinary and the extraordinary: Understanding everyday participation and theories of everyday life. Cultural Trends, 25(3), 158-168.
  • Epstein, A. (2008). Critiquing “La Vie Quotidienne”: Contemporary approaches to the everyday. Contemporary Literature, 49(3), 476–487.
  • Fiske, J. (2011). Understanding popular culture. Routledge.
  • Fiske, J. (2012). Popüler kültürü anlamak (S. İrvan, Çev.). Parşömen.
  • Gardiner, M. (1995). Utopia and everyday life in French social thought. Utopian Studies, 6(2), 90–123.
  • Gardiner, M. (2016). Gündelik hayat eleştirileri (D. Özçetin, B. Taşdemir & B. Özçetin, Çev.) Heretik.
  • Geldof, K. (1997). Authority, reading, reflexivity: Pierre Bourdieu and the aesthetic judgment of Kant. Diacritics, 27(1), 20–43.
  • Giard, L. (2008). Bir Araştırmanın Hikayesi. M. d. Certeau (Ed.), Gündelik Hayatın keşfi I; Eylem, uygulama, üretim sanatları içinde (L. A. Özcan, Çev., s. 9–37). Dost kitabevi.
  • Giard, L. (2009). Anlar ve mekanlar üzerine. M. d. Certeau, L. Giard, & P. Mayol (Ed.), Gündelik hayatın keşfi II konut, mutfak işleri içinde (Ç. Eroğlu & E. Ataçay, Çev., s. 11–23). Dost Kitabevi.
  • Harvey, D. (2014). Sonsöz. H. Lefebvre (Ed.), Mekanın Üretimi içinde (C. Özpınar, Çev., s. 419–426). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Hawhee, D. (2004). Bodily arts: Rhetoric and athletics in Ancient Greece. University of Texas Press.
  • Highmore, B. (2002a). Everyday life and cultural theory: An introduction: Routledge.
  • Highmore, B. (2002b). Introduction: Questioning everyday life. In B. Highmore (Ed.), The Everyday Life Reader (pp. 1–36). Routledge.
  • Highmore, B. (2006). Michel de Certeau: Analysing culture. Continuum.
  • Highmore, B. (2017). The everyday, taste, class. In I. Szeman, S. Blacker & J. Sully (Eds.), A companion to critical and cultural theory (pp. 327–338). Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Hoa, J. H. (2014). Totality and the common: Henri Lefebvre and Maurice Blanchot on everyday life. Cultural Critique,88, 54–78.
  • Knott, S. (2015). Amateur craft history and theory. Bloomsbury Academic. Law, A. (2014). Social theory for today: Making sense of social worlds. Sage.
  • Lazzarinia, L. (2016). The everyday (in) urbanism: What’s new on the spot. Sociology Study, 6(4), 255–266.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1971). Everyday life in the modern world (S. Rabinovitch, Trans.). Penguin.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1976a). The Survival of capitalism reproduction of the relations of production. (F. Bryant, Trans.). St. Martin’s Press.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1976b). Reflections on the Politics of Space. Antipode, 8, 30–37.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1988). Toward a leftist cultural politics: Remarks occasioned by the centenary of Marx’s death. In L. G. Gary Nelson (Ed.), Marxism and the ınterpretation of culture (D. Reifman, Trans., pp. 75–88). Macmillan.
  • Lefebvre, H. (1996). Marx’ın sosyolojisi. (S. Hilav, Çev.). Sorun Yayınları.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2002). Critique of everyday life: Volume II foundations for a sociology of the everyday. (J. Moore, Trans.). Verso.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2003). The inventory.In S. Elden, E. Lebas & E. Kofman (Eds.), Henri Lefebvre key writings (pp. 166–176). Continuum.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2007). Modern dünyada gündelik hayat (I. Gürbüz, Çev.). Metis. Lefebvre, H. (2012). Gündelik hayatın eleştirisi I (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2013). Gündelik hayatın eleştirisi II Gündelik hayat sosyolojisinin temelleri (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2014). Mekanın üretimi (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2015). Gündelik hayatın eleştirisi III moderniteden modernizme (Gündelik hayatın meta-felsefesi) (I. Ergüden, Çev.). Sel Yayıncılık.
  • Lefebvre, H. (2016). Metaphilosophy. (S. Elden, Dü., & D. Fernbach, Trans.). Verso.
  • McHoul, A., & Miller, T. (1998). Popular culture and everyday life. Sage.
  • Michael, M. (2006). Technoscience and everday life: The complex simplicities of the mundane. Open University Press. Moran, J. (2005). Reading the everyday. Routledge.
  • Paterson, M. (2006). Consumption and everyday life. Routledge.
  • Poster, M. (1975). Existential Marxism in postwar France From Sartre to Althusser. Princeton University Press.
  • Roberts, J. (2013). Gündelik hayatın felsefesi: Devrimci praksis ve kültürel kuramın kaderi (E. C. Ercan, Çev.). Doruk.
  • Sayeau, M. (2013). Against the event: The everyday and evolution of modernist narrative. Oxford University Press.
  • Schilling, D. (2003). Everyday life and the challenge to history in postwar France: Braudel, Lefebvre, Certeau. Diacritics, 33(1), 23–40.
  • Schilling, D. (2009). French sociologies of the Quotidian: From dialectical Marxism to the anthropology of everyday practice.In M. H. Jacobsen (Ed.), Encountering the everyday: An ıntroduction to the sociologies of the unnoticed (pp. 187–210). Macmillan International Higher Education.
  • Schneider, G. (2010). Comics and everyday life: From Ennui to contemplation. European Comic Art, 3(1), 37-63.
  • Scott, S. (2009). Making sense of everyday life. Polity Press. Sheringham, M. (2000). Attending to the everyday: Blanchot, Lefebvre, Certeau, Perec. French Studies, LIV(2), 187-199.
  • Sheringham, M. (2006). Everyday life theories and practices from surrealism to the present. Oxford University Press.
  • Shields, R. (1999). Lefebvre, love and struggle spatial dialectics. Routledge. Sim, L. (2015). Theorising the everyday. Australian Feminist Studies, 30(84), 109–127.
  • Trebitsch, M. (2002). Preface: The moment of radical critique. In H. Lefebvre (Ed.), Critique of everyday life, Vol. II. Foundations for a sociology of the everyday (J. Moore, Trans., pp. ix–xxix). Verso.
  • Yoka, L., & Paschalidis, G. (2015). Introduction: That bloody riddle. In L. Yoka, & G. Paschalidis (Eds.), Semiotics and Hermeneutics of the everyday (pp. vii–2). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sosyoloji

Mustafa Ertürk 0000-0001-7172-7133

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 41 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ertürk, M. (2021). Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, 41(2), 319-350.
AMA Ertürk M. Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi. Aralık 2021;41(2):319-350.
Chicago Ertürk, Mustafa. “Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 41, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 319-50.
EndNote Ertürk M (01 Aralık 2021) Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 41 2 319–350.
IEEE M. Ertürk, “Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, c. 41, sy. 2, ss. 319–350, 2021.
ISNAD Ertürk, Mustafa. “Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 41/2 (Aralık 2021), 319-350.
JAMA Ertürk M. Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi. 2021;41:319–350.
MLA Ertürk, Mustafa. “Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, c. 41, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 319-50.
Vancouver Ertürk M. Gündelik Hayat Sosyolojisinin İki Kutbunda Süreklilik: Michel De Certeau’nun Dipnotundaki Henri Lefebvre. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi. 2021;41(2):319-50.