Research Article
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Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier

Year 2023, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 167 - 195, 30.12.2023


Bu makale, askerî sosyoloji disiplininin ortaya çıkış sürecini Samuel A. Stouffer ve onun önderliğindeki “The American Soldier” projesi kapsamında ele almaktadır. Yarım milyondan fazla askere uygulanan 200’ün üzerinde farklı anket ve mülakatlar, bu projeyi o döneme kadar uygulanan en büyük saha araştırması yapmıştır. Bu çerçevede öncelikle “The American Soldier” projesini ortaya çıkaran koşullar ele alınmıştır. İki savaş arası dönemde ABD’de sosyolojinin durumu, kamusal çıktılar üretme işlevi ve gücü, kuram ile uygulama arasındaki konumlanışı gibi hususlar ele alınmıştır. Ardından “The American Soldier” projesinin gündeme gelmesi, projenin amaçları, süreçleri genel hatlarıyla tanıtılmıştır. Projenin ürünleri değerlendirilerek özellikle sosyal psikoloji ve sosyoloji kapsamına giren yayımlar içeriklerine göre ele alınmıştır. “The American Soldier” kapsamında yapılan orduya ve savaşa uyum çalışmaları, göreve atanma ve iş memnuniyeti çalışmaları, etnik temelli araştırmalar ile atama için üretilmiş puanlama sisteminin genel özellikleri, projedeki bulgularıyla birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak “The American Soldier” çalışmasının askerî sosyolojinin kurumsallaşma süreçlerine giden yolu hazırlayarak bir alt disiplinin doğuşunu hazırlayan mihenk taşlarından birisi olmuştur.


  • What the Soldier Thinks: A Monthly Digest of War Department Studies on the Attitudes of American Troops. (1943). No. 1. (Morale Services Division, Army Service Forces, War Department, December). google scholar
  • Abbott, A. (1999). Department & discipline: Chicago sociology at one hundred. The University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Ateş, B. (2020). Askeri sosyoloji: Kuruluş, gelişim ve gelecek üzerine bir değerlendirme. Türk Savaş Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 53-74. google scholar
  • Ateş, B. (2022). Askerî Sosyoloji: Ordu ve toplum Araştırmaları. Selenge Yayınları. google scholar
  • Başpınar, A. (2010). Askerî sosyoloji: Tarih ve kaynaklar (Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü). google scholar
  • Breslau, D. (1990). The scientific appropriation of social research: Robert Park’s human ecology and American sociology. Theory and Society, 19(4), 417-446. google scholar
  • Calhoun, C. (2007). Sociology in America, a history. The University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Camfield, T. M. (1977). “Will to Win” — The U.S. Army Troop Morale Program of World War I. Military Affairs, 41(3), 125-128. google scholar
  • Carter, C. F. Jr., Archer, M. A., & Murray, A. E. (1988). Description of selected army staff functions: Targets for planning aids (U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences). google scholar
  • Davis, J. A. (1959). A formal interpretation of the theory of relative deprivation. Sociometry, 22(4), 280-296. google scholar
  • Demerath, N. J. (1949). Review of The American Soldier: Volume I, Adjustment During Army Life. Social Forces, 28(1), 87-90. google scholar
  • Driskell, J. E., & Olmstead, B. (1989). Psychology and the military: Research applications and trends. American Psychologist, 44(1), 43-54. google scholar
  • Gavin, J. M. (1949, May 29). A monumental study of the citizen-soldier in war. The New York. google scholar
  • Goodwin, G. A., & Scimecca, J. A. (2018). Klasik sosyolojik teori: Sosyolojinin vaadinin yeniden keşfi (E. Aykut, çev.). Say Yayınları. google scholar
  • Hauser, P. M. (1961). In memoriam: Samuel Andrew Stouffer, 1900-1960. American Journal of Sociology, 66(4), 364-365. google scholar
  • Hauser, P. M. (1962). On Stouffer’s social research to test ideas. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 26(3), 1-52. google scholar
  • Hyman, H. H. (1991). Taking society’s measure: A personal history of survey research (H. J. O’Gorman Ed.) Russell Sage Foundation. google scholar
  • Jencks, C., & Riesman, D. (1968). The academic revolution. Doubleday. google scholar
  • Lazarsfeld, P. F. (1949). The American soldier-an expository review. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 13(3), 377-404. google scholar
  • Marshall, S. L. A. (2000). Men against fire: The problem of battle command. University of Oklahoma. google scholar
  • Martindale, D. (1976). American sociology before World War II. Annual Review of Sociology, 2, 121-143. google scholar
  • Merton, R. K., & Lazarsfeld, P. F. (Eds.). (1950). Continuities in social research: Studies in the scope and method of “The American Soldier”. The Free Press. google scholar
  • Moskos, C. C. (1970). The American enlisted man: The rank and file in today’s military. Russell Sage. google scholar
  • Murdock, G. P. (1949). The American Soldier: Combat and Its Aftermath. American Sociological Review, 14(6), 814-815. google scholar
  • Pettigrew, T. F. (2015). Samuel Stouffer and relative deprivation. Social Psychology Quarterly, 78(1), 7-24. google scholar
  • Riley, J. W. (1949). The American Soldier: Adjustment During Army Life. American Sociological Review, 14(4), 557-559. google scholar
  • Rostker, B. D. (2013). Providing fort he Casualties of War: The American Experience Through World War II. Rand Corporation. google scholar
  • Ryan, J. W. (2013). Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey: Sociologists and soldiers during the Second World War. University of Tennessee Press. google scholar
  • Schiffman, J. (1949). The education of negro soldiers in World War II. The Journal of Negro Education, 18(1), 22-28. google scholar
  • Schwartz, T. P., & Marsh, R. M. (1999). The American Soldier Studies of WWII: A50TH anniversary commerative. Journal of Political & Military Sociology, 27(1), 21-37. google scholar
  • Schweber, L. (2002). Wartime research and the quantification of American Sociology. The view from ‘The American Soldier. Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines, 1(6), 65-94. google scholar
  • Segal, D. (2013). Samuel A. Stouffer and military sociology. In J. W. Ryan (Ed.), Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey: Sociologists and Soldiers in the Second World War (pp. xiii-xxxii). University of Tennessee Press. google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A. (1930). Reliability of the attitude test score. An experimental comparison of statistical and case history methods of attitude research (Doctoral dissertation, Department of Sociology, The University of Chicago, June 1930). google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A. (1948). Studying the attitudes of soldiers. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 92(5), 336-338. google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A., Lumsdaine, A. A. Lumsdaine, M. H., Williams, R. M. Jr., Brewster Smith, M., Janis, I. L., Star, S. A., & Cottrell, L. S.Jr. (1949b). The American soldier: combat and its aftermath (Vol. II). Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A., Suchman, E. A., Devinney, L. C., Star, S. A., & Williams, R. M. (1949a). The American soldier: Adjustment during army life (Vol. I). Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Toby, J. (1980). Samuel A. Stouffer: Social research as a calling. In R. K. Merton, & M. W. Riley (Eds.), Sociological traditions from generation to generation (pp. 131-151). Ablex Publishing Company. google scholar Turner, S. P., & Turner, J. H. (1990). The impossible science: An institutional analysis of American sociology. Sage. google scholar
  • Yerkes, R. M. (1918). Psychology in relation to the war. Psychological Review, 25(2), 85-115. https:// google scholar

The Founding of Military Sociology: The American Soldier

Year 2023, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 167 - 195, 30.12.2023


This article examines the emergence of the discipline of military sociology in the context of Samuel A. Stouffer and his project, The American Soldier. More than 200 different questionnaires and interviews with over half a million soldiers made this project the largest field research ever conducted. In this context, the study first discusses the conditions that gave rise to The American Soldier project, such as the status of sociology in the USA in the interwar period, its function and power to produce public results, and its positioning between theory and practice. Next, the study presents in general terms the agenda of The American Soldier project, its goals, and its processes. The study then evaluates the output of the project and discusses the publications that fall within the scope of social psychology and sociology according to their content. The article then evaluates the general characteristics of military and war adaptation studies, deployment and job satisfaction studies, ethnic-based research, and the deployment scoring system developed in The American Soldier alongside the findings from the project. As a result, The American Soldier project was a milestone that paved the way for the institutionalization of military sociology and prepared the birth of a subdiscipline.


  • What the Soldier Thinks: A Monthly Digest of War Department Studies on the Attitudes of American Troops. (1943). No. 1. (Morale Services Division, Army Service Forces, War Department, December). google scholar
  • Abbott, A. (1999). Department & discipline: Chicago sociology at one hundred. The University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Ateş, B. (2020). Askeri sosyoloji: Kuruluş, gelişim ve gelecek üzerine bir değerlendirme. Türk Savaş Çalışmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 53-74. google scholar
  • Ateş, B. (2022). Askerî Sosyoloji: Ordu ve toplum Araştırmaları. Selenge Yayınları. google scholar
  • Başpınar, A. (2010). Askerî sosyoloji: Tarih ve kaynaklar (Yüksek lisans tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü). google scholar
  • Breslau, D. (1990). The scientific appropriation of social research: Robert Park’s human ecology and American sociology. Theory and Society, 19(4), 417-446. google scholar
  • Calhoun, C. (2007). Sociology in America, a history. The University of Chicago Press. google scholar
  • Camfield, T. M. (1977). “Will to Win” — The U.S. Army Troop Morale Program of World War I. Military Affairs, 41(3), 125-128. google scholar
  • Carter, C. F. Jr., Archer, M. A., & Murray, A. E. (1988). Description of selected army staff functions: Targets for planning aids (U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences). google scholar
  • Davis, J. A. (1959). A formal interpretation of the theory of relative deprivation. Sociometry, 22(4), 280-296. google scholar
  • Demerath, N. J. (1949). Review of The American Soldier: Volume I, Adjustment During Army Life. Social Forces, 28(1), 87-90. google scholar
  • Driskell, J. E., & Olmstead, B. (1989). Psychology and the military: Research applications and trends. American Psychologist, 44(1), 43-54. google scholar
  • Gavin, J. M. (1949, May 29). A monumental study of the citizen-soldier in war. The New York. google scholar
  • Goodwin, G. A., & Scimecca, J. A. (2018). Klasik sosyolojik teori: Sosyolojinin vaadinin yeniden keşfi (E. Aykut, çev.). Say Yayınları. google scholar
  • Hauser, P. M. (1961). In memoriam: Samuel Andrew Stouffer, 1900-1960. American Journal of Sociology, 66(4), 364-365. google scholar
  • Hauser, P. M. (1962). On Stouffer’s social research to test ideas. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 26(3), 1-52. google scholar
  • Hyman, H. H. (1991). Taking society’s measure: A personal history of survey research (H. J. O’Gorman Ed.) Russell Sage Foundation. google scholar
  • Jencks, C., & Riesman, D. (1968). The academic revolution. Doubleday. google scholar
  • Lazarsfeld, P. F. (1949). The American soldier-an expository review. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 13(3), 377-404. google scholar
  • Marshall, S. L. A. (2000). Men against fire: The problem of battle command. University of Oklahoma. google scholar
  • Martindale, D. (1976). American sociology before World War II. Annual Review of Sociology, 2, 121-143. google scholar
  • Merton, R. K., & Lazarsfeld, P. F. (Eds.). (1950). Continuities in social research: Studies in the scope and method of “The American Soldier”. The Free Press. google scholar
  • Moskos, C. C. (1970). The American enlisted man: The rank and file in today’s military. Russell Sage. google scholar
  • Murdock, G. P. (1949). The American Soldier: Combat and Its Aftermath. American Sociological Review, 14(6), 814-815. google scholar
  • Pettigrew, T. F. (2015). Samuel Stouffer and relative deprivation. Social Psychology Quarterly, 78(1), 7-24. google scholar
  • Riley, J. W. (1949). The American Soldier: Adjustment During Army Life. American Sociological Review, 14(4), 557-559. google scholar
  • Rostker, B. D. (2013). Providing fort he Casualties of War: The American Experience Through World War II. Rand Corporation. google scholar
  • Ryan, J. W. (2013). Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey: Sociologists and soldiers during the Second World War. University of Tennessee Press. google scholar
  • Schiffman, J. (1949). The education of negro soldiers in World War II. The Journal of Negro Education, 18(1), 22-28. google scholar
  • Schwartz, T. P., & Marsh, R. M. (1999). The American Soldier Studies of WWII: A50TH anniversary commerative. Journal of Political & Military Sociology, 27(1), 21-37. google scholar
  • Schweber, L. (2002). Wartime research and the quantification of American Sociology. The view from ‘The American Soldier. Revue d’Histoire des Sciences Humaines, 1(6), 65-94. google scholar
  • Segal, D. (2013). Samuel A. Stouffer and military sociology. In J. W. Ryan (Ed.), Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey: Sociologists and Soldiers in the Second World War (pp. xiii-xxxii). University of Tennessee Press. google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A. (1930). Reliability of the attitude test score. An experimental comparison of statistical and case history methods of attitude research (Doctoral dissertation, Department of Sociology, The University of Chicago, June 1930). google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A. (1948). Studying the attitudes of soldiers. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 92(5), 336-338. google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A., Lumsdaine, A. A. Lumsdaine, M. H., Williams, R. M. Jr., Brewster Smith, M., Janis, I. L., Star, S. A., & Cottrell, L. S.Jr. (1949b). The American soldier: combat and its aftermath (Vol. II). Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Stouffer, S. A., Suchman, E. A., Devinney, L. C., Star, S. A., & Williams, R. M. (1949a). The American soldier: Adjustment during army life (Vol. I). Princeton University Press. google scholar
  • Toby, J. (1980). Samuel A. Stouffer: Social research as a calling. In R. K. Merton, & M. W. Riley (Eds.), Sociological traditions from generation to generation (pp. 131-151). Ablex Publishing Company. google scholar Turner, S. P., & Turner, J. H. (1990). The impossible science: An institutional analysis of American sociology. Sage. google scholar
  • Yerkes, R. M. (1918). Psychology in relation to the war. Psychological Review, 25(2), 85-115. https:// google scholar
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)

Nazlı Terzi 0000-0002-3369-8068

Adem Başpınar 0000-0002-2125-1832

Publication Date December 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 43 Issue: 2


APA Terzi, N., & Başpınar, A. (2023). Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, 43(2), 167-195.
AMA Terzi N, Başpınar A. Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi. December 2023;43(2):167-195. doi:10.26650/SJ.2023.43.2.0099
Chicago Terzi, Nazlı, and Adem Başpınar. “Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 43, no. 2 (December 2023): 167-95.
EndNote Terzi N, Başpınar A (December 1, 2023) Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 43 2 167–195.
IEEE N. Terzi and A. Başpınar, “Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier”, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 167–195, 2023, doi: 10.26650/SJ.2023.43.2.0099.
ISNAD Terzi, Nazlı - Başpınar, Adem. “Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi 43/2 (December 2023), 167-195.
JAMA Terzi N, Başpınar A. Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi. 2023;43:167–195.
MLA Terzi, Nazlı and Adem Başpınar. “Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 2, 2023, pp. 167-95, doi:10.26650/SJ.2023.43.2.0099.
Vancouver Terzi N, Başpınar A. Askerî Sosyolojinin Kuruluşu: The American Soldier. İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Dergisi. 2023;43(2):167-95.