Research Article
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Sosyal Dışlanma ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması

Year 2015, Issue: 69, 135 - 158, 22.12.2017


Yoksulluk ve sosyal dışlanma kavramları yoksunluklar boyutuyla karşılaştırıldığında

sosyal dışlanma yaklaşımının maddi yoksunluklarla beraber temel haklar ve sosyal

ilişkilerle ilgili yoksunlukları da kapsadığı görülmektedir. Sosyal dışlanma yaklaşımı bu

yönüyle mutlak yoksulluk yaklaşımından farklılık göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada önce

sosyal dışlanma kavramının mutlak ve göreli yoksulluk kavramlarıyla kapsamlı bir

değerlendirilmesi yapılacaktır. Bu değerlendirmede sosyal dışlanma kavramının çalışma

hayatında işle ilgili yoksunlukların algılanmasında mutlak yoksulluk yaklaşımından daha

kapsamlı ve kullanılabilir olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu değerlendirmenin ardından

insana yakışır iş kavramının unsurları çalışma koşulları ve işle ilgili yoksunluklarla ilişkili

olarak tartışılacaktır. Yapılan değerlendirme sonunda ‘insana yakışır iş’ kavramının

unsurlarının sosyal dışlanmaya yol açan yoksunlukların belirlenmesinde önemli bir araç

olarak kullanılabileceği öne sürülmektedir.


  • Alcock, Pete: “Yoksulluk ve Sosyal Dışlanma”, Çev. Boran Ali Mercan, Sosyal Politika Kuramlar ve Uygulamalar, Ed. by, Pete Alcock, Margaret May, Karen Rowlingson, Ankara, Siyasal Yayınevi, 2011. Atkinson, Rob, Simin Davoudi: “Combating Social Exclusion in the Europe: The New Urban Policy Challenge”, Urban Studies, Vol. 37, No. 5-6, 2000. (Çevrimiçi),, 15 Aralık 2013. Barnes, Matt: ‘Social Exclusion and The Life Course’, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Europe, Edwar Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002. Beall, Jo, Laure- Helene Piron: DFID Social Exclusion Review, The London School of Economics and Political Science, 2005. Budd, John W.: “Achieving Decent Work by Giving Employment a Human Face”, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2004. Burchardt, Tania, Julian Le Grand, David Piachaud: Understanding Social Exclusion, New York, Oxford University Press, 2002. Fields, Gary S.: “Decent International labor Standarts and Decent Work: Perspectives From the Developing World”, Ed. by. R. J. Flanagan & W. B. Gould IV, International Labor Standarts: Globalization, Trade, and Public Policy. Standford, CA, Standford University Press, 2003, pp.61-80. Gallie, Duncan and Paugam Serge: “Unemployment, Poverty, and Social Isolation; an Assessment of the Current State of Social Exclusion Theory”, Resisting Marginalization, Unemployment Experience and Social Policy in The European Union, Ed. by. Duncan Gallie, New York, Oxford University Press, 2004. ILO: Facts on Social Security, (Çevrimiçi), -dgreports/- -- dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_067588.pdf, 09 Nisan 2014. ILO: Decent Work, Report of the Director General, (Çevrimiçi), http: // i.htm, (1 Nisan 2014). ILO: Decent Work FAQ: Making decent work a global goal, (Çevrimiçi): ilo/newsroom/features/WCMS_071241/lang-- en/index.htm, (04 Nisan 2014) ILO: Decent Work Agenda, (Çevrimiçi) ilo/decent-work- agenda/lang-- en/index.htm. 01 Nisan 2014 ILO: Employment Creation, (Çevrimiçi) ilo/decent-work- agenda/employment-creation/lang- -en/index.htm. 01 Nisan 2014. ILO: Global Employment Trends 2013: Recovering from a second jobs dip / International Labour Office, Geneva: ILO, 2013. ILO: ILO, Rights at Work, (Çevrimiçi) ilo/decent-work- agenda/rights-at- work/lang-- en/index.htm. 01 Nisan 2014. ILO: From precarious work to decent work: outcome document to the workers' symposium on policies and regulations to combat precarious employment, International Labour Office, Bureau for Workers' Activities, Geneva, ILO, 2012. (Çevrimiçi), 12 Şubat 2014. -ed_dialogue/- -- actrav/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_179787.pdf ILO: ‘Social Dialogue’, (Çevrimiçi), ilo/decent-work- agenda/social-dialogue/lang- -en/index.htm, 2 Nisan 2015. ILO: The Benefits of International Labour Standarts, (Çevrimiçi) international-labour- standards/the-benefits- of-international- labour-standards/lang- -en/index.htm. 1Nisan 2014 Millar, Jane: “Social Exclusion and Social Policy Research: Defining Exclusion” Multidisciplinary Handbook of Social Exclusion Research adlı çalışmada yayınlanan bölüm, editörler: Dominic Abrams, Julie Christian, David Gordon, Wiley Press, 2007, pp. 1-16. Munck, Ronaldo: Globalization and Social Exclusion: A Transformationalist Perspective, Bloomfield, CT, USA, Kumarian Press, 2004. Pierson, John: Social Exclusion, Editör: Bent Greve, The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxon, Routledge International Handbooks, 2013. Pursey, Stephen: “The Decent Work Agenda: Modernizing the ILO’s Mission”, Global Social Policy, 2002, 2: 5 (Çevrimiçi) http: // 01 Nisan 2014 Rodgers, Gerry: “What is special about a “social exclusion” approach?”, Social Exclusion: Rhetoric Reality, Responses, Ed. By. Gerry Rodgers, Charles Gore, Jose B. Figueiredo, International Institute For Labour Studies, United Nations Development Programme, ILO, 1995. Rodgers, Gerry: “Decent Work As A Goal For The Global Economy”, International Labour Organization, Geneva. (Çevrimiçi) /@publ/documents/publication/wcms_079307.pdf , 15 Mart 2014. Saith, Ruhi: “Social Exclusion: The Concept and Application to Developing Countries”, Working Paper Number 72, Quenn Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 2001. Schulte, Bernd: “A European definition of Poverty. The fight against poverty and social exclusion in the member states of the European Union”, World Poverty, New Policies to Defeat an Old Enemy, Ed by. Peter Townsend ve David Gordon, United Kingdom, The Policy Press, 2002. Silver, Hilary and Mary Daly: “Social Exclusion and Social Capital: A Comparison and Critique”, Theory and Society, Springer Publications, Vol.37, 2008. Smith, Janie Percy: Policy Responses to Social Exclusion, Great Britain, Open University Press, 2000. Townsend, Peter: “Poverty as relative deprivation: resources and style of living”, Poverty, Inequality and Class Structure, Ed. by. Dorothy Wedderburn, London, Cambridge University Press, 1974. pp. 15-43. TUİK: Yoksulluk, (Çevrimiçi), http: //, 10 Nisan 2014.
Year 2015, Issue: 69, 135 - 158, 22.12.2017



  • Alcock, Pete: “Yoksulluk ve Sosyal Dışlanma”, Çev. Boran Ali Mercan, Sosyal Politika Kuramlar ve Uygulamalar, Ed. by, Pete Alcock, Margaret May, Karen Rowlingson, Ankara, Siyasal Yayınevi, 2011. Atkinson, Rob, Simin Davoudi: “Combating Social Exclusion in the Europe: The New Urban Policy Challenge”, Urban Studies, Vol. 37, No. 5-6, 2000. (Çevrimiçi),, 15 Aralık 2013. Barnes, Matt: ‘Social Exclusion and The Life Course’, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Europe, Edwar Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002. Beall, Jo, Laure- Helene Piron: DFID Social Exclusion Review, The London School of Economics and Political Science, 2005. Budd, John W.: “Achieving Decent Work by Giving Employment a Human Face”, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2004. Burchardt, Tania, Julian Le Grand, David Piachaud: Understanding Social Exclusion, New York, Oxford University Press, 2002. Fields, Gary S.: “Decent International labor Standarts and Decent Work: Perspectives From the Developing World”, Ed. by. R. J. Flanagan & W. B. Gould IV, International Labor Standarts: Globalization, Trade, and Public Policy. Standford, CA, Standford University Press, 2003, pp.61-80. Gallie, Duncan and Paugam Serge: “Unemployment, Poverty, and Social Isolation; an Assessment of the Current State of Social Exclusion Theory”, Resisting Marginalization, Unemployment Experience and Social Policy in The European Union, Ed. by. Duncan Gallie, New York, Oxford University Press, 2004. ILO: Facts on Social Security, (Çevrimiçi), -dgreports/- -- dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_067588.pdf, 09 Nisan 2014. ILO: Decent Work, Report of the Director General, (Çevrimiçi), http: // i.htm, (1 Nisan 2014). ILO: Decent Work FAQ: Making decent work a global goal, (Çevrimiçi): ilo/newsroom/features/WCMS_071241/lang-- en/index.htm, (04 Nisan 2014) ILO: Decent Work Agenda, (Çevrimiçi) ilo/decent-work- agenda/lang-- en/index.htm. 01 Nisan 2014 ILO: Employment Creation, (Çevrimiçi) ilo/decent-work- agenda/employment-creation/lang- -en/index.htm. 01 Nisan 2014. ILO: Global Employment Trends 2013: Recovering from a second jobs dip / International Labour Office, Geneva: ILO, 2013. ILO: ILO, Rights at Work, (Çevrimiçi) ilo/decent-work- agenda/rights-at- work/lang-- en/index.htm. 01 Nisan 2014. ILO: From precarious work to decent work: outcome document to the workers' symposium on policies and regulations to combat precarious employment, International Labour Office, Bureau for Workers' Activities, Geneva, ILO, 2012. (Çevrimiçi), 12 Şubat 2014. -ed_dialogue/- -- actrav/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_179787.pdf ILO: ‘Social Dialogue’, (Çevrimiçi), ilo/decent-work- agenda/social-dialogue/lang- -en/index.htm, 2 Nisan 2015. ILO: The Benefits of International Labour Standarts, (Çevrimiçi) international-labour- standards/the-benefits- of-international- labour-standards/lang- -en/index.htm. 1Nisan 2014 Millar, Jane: “Social Exclusion and Social Policy Research: Defining Exclusion” Multidisciplinary Handbook of Social Exclusion Research adlı çalışmada yayınlanan bölüm, editörler: Dominic Abrams, Julie Christian, David Gordon, Wiley Press, 2007, pp. 1-16. Munck, Ronaldo: Globalization and Social Exclusion: A Transformationalist Perspective, Bloomfield, CT, USA, Kumarian Press, 2004. Pierson, John: Social Exclusion, Editör: Bent Greve, The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State, Oxon, Routledge International Handbooks, 2013. Pursey, Stephen: “The Decent Work Agenda: Modernizing the ILO’s Mission”, Global Social Policy, 2002, 2: 5 (Çevrimiçi) http: // 01 Nisan 2014 Rodgers, Gerry: “What is special about a “social exclusion” approach?”, Social Exclusion: Rhetoric Reality, Responses, Ed. By. Gerry Rodgers, Charles Gore, Jose B. Figueiredo, International Institute For Labour Studies, United Nations Development Programme, ILO, 1995. Rodgers, Gerry: “Decent Work As A Goal For The Global Economy”, International Labour Organization, Geneva. (Çevrimiçi) /@publ/documents/publication/wcms_079307.pdf , 15 Mart 2014. Saith, Ruhi: “Social Exclusion: The Concept and Application to Developing Countries”, Working Paper Number 72, Quenn Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 2001. Schulte, Bernd: “A European definition of Poverty. The fight against poverty and social exclusion in the member states of the European Union”, World Poverty, New Policies to Defeat an Old Enemy, Ed by. Peter Townsend ve David Gordon, United Kingdom, The Policy Press, 2002. Silver, Hilary and Mary Daly: “Social Exclusion and Social Capital: A Comparison and Critique”, Theory and Society, Springer Publications, Vol.37, 2008. Smith, Janie Percy: Policy Responses to Social Exclusion, Great Britain, Open University Press, 2000. Townsend, Peter: “Poverty as relative deprivation: resources and style of living”, Poverty, Inequality and Class Structure, Ed. by. Dorothy Wedderburn, London, Cambridge University Press, 1974. pp. 15-43. TUİK: Yoksulluk, (Çevrimiçi), http: //, 10 Nisan 2014.
There are 1 citations in total.


Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Makaleler

İlhan Doğan This is me

Publication Date December 22, 2017
Submission Date September 10, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 69


APA Doğan, İ. (2017). Sosyal Dışlanma ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması. Journal of Social Policy Conferences(69), 135-158.
AMA Doğan İ. Sosyal Dışlanma ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. December 2017;(69):135-158.
Chicago Doğan, İlhan. “Sosyal Dışlanma Ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, no. 69 (December 2017): 135-58.
EndNote Doğan İ (December 1, 2017) Sosyal Dışlanma ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 69 135–158.
IEEE İ. Doğan, “Sosyal Dışlanma ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması”, Journal of Social Policy Conferences, no. 69, pp. 135–158, December 2017.
ISNAD Doğan, İlhan. “Sosyal Dışlanma Ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 69 (December 2017), 135-158.
JAMA Doğan İ. Sosyal Dışlanma ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. 2017;:135–158.
MLA Doğan, İlhan. “Sosyal Dışlanma Ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, no. 69, 2017, pp. 135-58.
Vancouver Doğan İ. Sosyal Dışlanma ve İnsan Onuruna Yakışır İş: Yoksunlukların Algılanması. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. 2017(69):135-58.