The Huá-yí-yì-yǔ (華夷譯語) is a general name for the various wordbooks between
the Chinese language and its neighboring languages compiled from the beginning of
the Ming dynasty. It has broadly 4 different classes. In the wordbooks of the third
class the words of each foreign language were transliterated only in Chinese
characters and the letters of the language in question were not used. To this third
class belongs the manuscript in the collection of the library of Seoul National
University. Its seventh volume is for the Uighur language. It contains 19 categories.
Its eighth category is 人物門 rén-wù-mén ‘the category of persons’ with 62 entries.
In this paper, the word 把根赤 bǎ/bà-gēn-chì of this category will be treated. In this
manuscript and AB, the Uighur counterpart of the fourth Chinese word 陰陽 yīn-yáng
is given as 忒必 tè-bì, whereas the Uighur counterpart of the third Chinese word 大人
dà-rén as 把根亦 bǎ/bà-gēn-yì. According to BT and SB, the scribe made a mistake
in the sequence and omitted one word in this manuscript and AB. 把根亦 is a scribal
error for 把根赤. Based on Old Uighur körümči, 把根赤 can be read as baqïmčï,
which survives in Uig. baqimči and Bšk. baγïmsï.