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Eski Uygurca Cheng weishi lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. ve 13. Yapraklar)

Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 2, 467 - 492, 31.12.2019


Çinli seyyah, mütercim ve keşiş Xuanzang (玄奘) (602-664) 629-645 tarihleri arasında Orta Asya ve Güney Asya’yı baştan sona ziyaret ederek Budist ana akım ekollerini ve bunların ileri gelenlerini tanımıştır. Xuanzang, Çin’e döndüğü vakit Faxiang ‘öğreti özellikleri’ ekolünü Yogācāra temelinde şekillendirmiştir. Bu çalışmaya konu olan metin de Budizmin Yogācāra ekolünden gelişen Faxiang ekolüne (法相宗 Faxiang zong) aittir. Yogācāra’nın kurucularından olan Vasubandhu’nun Triṃśikā adlı eseri ve bu eser üzerine mensur olarak kaleme alınmış olan on tefsir Xuanzang’ın Cheng weishi lun adlı eserinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Burada neşri gerçekleştirilecek olan Eski Uygurca metin bugün Berlin Turfan Koleksiyonu’nda korunan derleme şeklindeki bir yazma eserin 21. bölümüne ait olup K. Kitsudō’nun tespitine göre, ilgili bölüm Xuanzang’ın Cheng weishi lun adlı eserine Queiji tarafından yazılmış tefsirin Eski Uygurcaya bir tercümesidir. Bu çalışmanın giriş bölümünde Faxiang ekolü, Xuanzang ve Cheng weishi lun hakkında kısaca bilgi verilecek sonraki bölümlerde ise bahsi geçen Eski Uygurca yazmanın 21. bölümünün daha önce neşredilmemiş 12. ve 13. yapraklarının yazı çevirimi ve harf çevirimi, Türkiye Türkçesine çevirisi, metne ilişkin notları ve analitik dizini de ihtiva eden sözlüğü sunulacaktır.


  • Clauson, Sir G. (1972). An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish. Oxford: Oxford at the Clarendon Press.
  • Edgerton, F. (1953). Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary. c. II: Dictionary. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Giles, H. A. (1912). A Chinese-English Dictionary. Part I-II. 2. bs. Shanghai/London: Kelly and Walsh.
  • Hirakawa, A. (1997). A Buddhist Chinese-Sanskrit Dictionary. Tōkyō: Reiyukai.
  • Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (1979) Tōkyō: Daitō Shunppansha.
  • Lin, C. (2016). “Svalakṣaṇa (Particular) and Sāmānyalakṣaṇa (Universal) in Abhidharma and Chinese Yogācāra Buddhism” Text, History, and Philosophy. Abhidharma across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions. ed. Bart Dessein, Weijen Teng, Leiden & Boston: Brill. (Brill’s Indological Library. 50)
  • Lustahaus, D. (2002). Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogācāra Buddhism and the Ch’eng Wei-shih lun. London & New York: Routledge Curzon.
  • Lusthaus, D. (2004a). “Faxiang School”, ed. Robert E. Buswell. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume Two: A-L. Appendix, Index. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson Gale: 283a-284b.
  • Lusthaus, D. (2004b). “Vasubandhu”, ed. Robert E. Buswell. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume Two: M-Z. Appendix, Index. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson Gale: 878a-b.
  • Lusthaus, D. (2004c). “Yogācāra School”, ed. Robert E. Buswell. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume Two: M-Z. Appendix, Index. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson Gale: 914a-921a.
  • Monier-Williams, M. (1899). A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Özertural, Z. (2012). Alttürkische Handschriften Teil 16: Mahāyāna-sūtras und Kommentartexte, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. (Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. XIII, 24.)
  • Röhrborn, K. (1977-1998). Uigurisches Wörterbuch. Sprachmaterial der vorislamischen türkischen Texte aus Zentralasien, 1-6. Wiesbaden: Steiner.
  • Röhrborn, K. (2010). Uigurisches Wörterbuch. Sprachmaterial der vorislamischen türkischen Texte aus Zentralasien, Neubearbeitung. I. Verben. Vol. 1: ab- - äzüglä-. Stuttgart: Steiner.
  • Ruegg, D. S. (1981). The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Scharlipp, W. (1986). “Fragmente eines uigurischen Kommentars zur Triṃśikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhi des Vasubandhu”, Ural-altaische Jahrbücher, Neue Folge 6: 122-136.
  • Shōgaito, M. (2014). The Uighur Abhidharmakośabhāṣya preserved at the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. (Turcologica 99).
  • Soothill, W. E. ve L. Hodous (1937). A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms: with Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.
  • Suzuki, D. T. (1907). Outlines of Mahâyâna Buddhism. London: Brill.
  • DDB = Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, (Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2019).
  • Mainz 702 (T I D 7): [recto:] (Erişim tarihi 25.08.2019) ve [verso:] (Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2019)
  • Mainz 710 (T I D 6.a): [recto:] (Erişim tarihi 25.08.2019) ve [verso:] (Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2019)
  • Taishō No. 1830, c. 43, 229a-606c: cit (Erişim tarihi: 28.08.2019)

Two Old Uyghur Fragments of A Commentary of Cheng weishi lun (12th and 13th Leaves)

Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 2, 467 - 492, 31.12.2019


The Chinese pilgrim, translator and monk Xuanzang (玄奘) (602-664) traveled thorough Central Asia and South Asia between the years of 629 and 645, and learned about Buddhist mainstream schools and their authorities. When Xuanzang returned to China, he formed the school of Faxiang ‘dharma characteristics’. The text, which forms the subject of the paper, belongs to the Faxiang school (法相宗 Faxiang zong), which was developed from the Yogācāra school of Buddhism. Triṃśikā, written by Vasubandhu, and its ten prose commentaries, led to the emergence of Xuanzang’s Cheng weishi lun. Old Uyghur fragments published here belong to chapter 21 of a manuscript in the shape of a compilation, which is preserved in the Berlin Turfan Collection, and according to Kitsudō’s identification, the aforementioned chapter is a translation into Old Uyghur from a commentary to Xuanzang’s Cheng weishi lun by Queiji. In this paper, brief information will be given on Faxiang school, Xuanzang and Cheng weishi lun in the introduction part and in the following chapters, an unpublished 12th and 13th leaves of chapter 21 of the Old Uyghur manuscript will be presented as well as their translations into Turkish and notes concerning the text and glossary with an analytical index


  • Clauson, Sir G. (1972). An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish. Oxford: Oxford at the Clarendon Press.
  • Edgerton, F. (1953). Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary. c. II: Dictionary. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Giles, H. A. (1912). A Chinese-English Dictionary. Part I-II. 2. bs. Shanghai/London: Kelly and Walsh.
  • Hirakawa, A. (1997). A Buddhist Chinese-Sanskrit Dictionary. Tōkyō: Reiyukai.
  • Japanese-English Buddhist Dictionary (1979) Tōkyō: Daitō Shunppansha.
  • Lin, C. (2016). “Svalakṣaṇa (Particular) and Sāmānyalakṣaṇa (Universal) in Abhidharma and Chinese Yogācāra Buddhism” Text, History, and Philosophy. Abhidharma across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions. ed. Bart Dessein, Weijen Teng, Leiden & Boston: Brill. (Brill’s Indological Library. 50)
  • Lustahaus, D. (2002). Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogācāra Buddhism and the Ch’eng Wei-shih lun. London & New York: Routledge Curzon.
  • Lusthaus, D. (2004a). “Faxiang School”, ed. Robert E. Buswell. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume Two: A-L. Appendix, Index. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson Gale: 283a-284b.
  • Lusthaus, D. (2004b). “Vasubandhu”, ed. Robert E. Buswell. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume Two: M-Z. Appendix, Index. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson Gale: 878a-b.
  • Lusthaus, D. (2004c). “Yogācāra School”, ed. Robert E. Buswell. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume Two: M-Z. Appendix, Index. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Thomson Gale: 914a-921a.
  • Monier-Williams, M. (1899). A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Özertural, Z. (2012). Alttürkische Handschriften Teil 16: Mahāyāna-sūtras und Kommentartexte, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. (Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland. XIII, 24.)
  • Röhrborn, K. (1977-1998). Uigurisches Wörterbuch. Sprachmaterial der vorislamischen türkischen Texte aus Zentralasien, 1-6. Wiesbaden: Steiner.
  • Röhrborn, K. (2010). Uigurisches Wörterbuch. Sprachmaterial der vorislamischen türkischen Texte aus Zentralasien, Neubearbeitung. I. Verben. Vol. 1: ab- - äzüglä-. Stuttgart: Steiner.
  • Ruegg, D. S. (1981). The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
  • Scharlipp, W. (1986). “Fragmente eines uigurischen Kommentars zur Triṃśikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhi des Vasubandhu”, Ural-altaische Jahrbücher, Neue Folge 6: 122-136.
  • Shōgaito, M. (2014). The Uighur Abhidharmakośabhāṣya preserved at the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. (Turcologica 99).
  • Soothill, W. E. ve L. Hodous (1937). A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms: with Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.
  • Suzuki, D. T. (1907). Outlines of Mahâyâna Buddhism. London: Brill.
  • DDB = Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, (Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2019).
  • Mainz 702 (T I D 7): [recto:] (Erişim tarihi 25.08.2019) ve [verso:] (Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2019)
  • Mainz 710 (T I D 6.a): [recto:] (Erişim tarihi 25.08.2019) ve [verso:] (Erişim tarihi: 25.08.2019)
  • Taishō No. 1830, c. 43, 229a-606c: cit (Erişim tarihi: 28.08.2019)
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Uğur Uzunkaya 0000-0003-4534-9305

Tümer Karaayak This is me 0000-0002-2322-9663

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date September 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 59 Issue: 2


APA Uzunkaya, U., & Karaayak, T. (2019). Eski Uygurca Cheng weishi lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. ve 13. Yapraklar). Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 59(2), 467-492.
AMA Uzunkaya U, Karaayak T. Eski Uygurca Cheng weishi lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. ve 13. Yapraklar). Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. December 2019;59(2):467-492.
Chicago Uzunkaya, Uğur, and Tümer Karaayak. “Eski Uygurca Cheng Weishi Lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. Ve 13. Yapraklar)”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 59, no. 2 (December 2019): 467-92.
EndNote Uzunkaya U, Karaayak T (December 1, 2019) Eski Uygurca Cheng weishi lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. ve 13. Yapraklar). Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 59 2 467–492.
IEEE U. Uzunkaya and T. Karaayak, “Eski Uygurca Cheng weishi lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. ve 13. Yapraklar)”, Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 467–492, 2019.
ISNAD Uzunkaya, Uğur - Karaayak, Tümer. “Eski Uygurca Cheng Weishi Lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. Ve 13. Yapraklar)”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 59/2 (December 2019), 467-492.
JAMA Uzunkaya U, Karaayak T. Eski Uygurca Cheng weishi lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. ve 13. Yapraklar). Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2019;59:467–492.
MLA Uzunkaya, Uğur and Tümer Karaayak. “Eski Uygurca Cheng Weishi Lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. Ve 13. Yapraklar)”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 59, no. 2, 2019, pp. 467-92.
Vancouver Uzunkaya U, Karaayak T. Eski Uygurca Cheng weishi lun Tefsirine İlişkin İki Fragman (12. ve 13. Yapraklar). Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2019;59(2):467-92.