Research Article
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Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany

Year 2023, Volume: 63 Issue: 2, 383 - 407, 27.12.2023


In 1975, novelist and short story writer Füruzan came to West Berlin following the invitation of the German Academic Exchange Service and spent the next five years on and off in Berlin until 1980. Following her travels, she published her journalistic essays/memoirs Yeni Konuklar (1977) and Ev sahipleri (1981), her children’s book Vom rotgesprenkelten Spatzen (1980), and her novel Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği (1988). While she gained a transregional perspective on issues concerning labour migration and class during her time in Germany, her works resulting from it introduced these subjects to her readership in Turkey. Her Yeni Konuklar and Ev sahipleri in particular provide a significant amount of data on the subject of labour migration to Germany, while her Vom rotgesprenkelten Spatzen and Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği elaborate upon the inherent large cultural shifts on both sides resulting from labour migration. This article examines the works Füruzan produced following her stay in Germany in the 1970s. It discusses the ways in which she presents the perspectives of the children as previously underexplored material on issues concerning global labour mobility. It looks at how children’s experiences reveal a more complicated reality in regards to social and cultural integration with an emphasis on the difficulties that they face and go unnoticed. Moreover, it also argues for the distinct potentialities of integration rendered possible through the relationship between the immigrant children and the elderly Germans due to a shared experience of marginalisation.


  • Abadan, N. (1964). Batı Almanya’daki Türk İşçileri ve Sorunları. Ankara: Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. google scholar
  • Abadan-Unat, N. (Ed.). (1976). Turkish Workers in Europe 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal. Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Alkan, B. (2018). Promethean Encounters: Representation of the Intellectual in the Modern Novel of the 1970s. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. google scholar
  • Andaç, F. (1988). Yaşamı Sevgiyle Kuşatabilmek: Füruzan’ın Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği Adlı Romanı Üzerine. YeniDüş-ün (23), 57-59. google scholar
  • Andaç, F. (1989). Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği İletisi Sevgi Yüklü Bir Roman: Füruzan’ın Romanı Üzerine. Çağdaş Türk Dili 2(14), 136-137. google scholar
  • Bilmen, M. S. (1976). Educational Problems Encountered by the Children of Turkish Migrant Workers. In N. Abadan-Unat (Ed.). Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal (pp. 235-252). Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Castles, S. and Kosack, G. (1972). The Function of Labour Immigration in Western European Capitalism. New Left Review (73), 3-21. google scholar
  • Castles, S. and Kosack, G. (1973). Immigrant Workers and Class Structure in Western Europe. New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Chin, R. (2007). The Guest Worker Question in Postwar Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (1976). Frau ohne Schleier. Vienna: Europaverlag. google scholar
  • Füruzan (1996). Parasız Yatılı. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (1989). Yeni Konuklar. Istanbul: Can. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2007). Benim Sinemalarım. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2014). Evsahipleri. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2015). Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2018). 47liler. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan, Küchenmeister, W. and Küchenmeister, C. (1980). Vom rotgesprenkelten Spatzen: Ein Bilderbuch über die Türkei. [East] Berlin: Der Kinderbuchverlag. google scholar
  • Göbenli, M. (2003). Zeitgenössische türkische Frauenliteratur: Eine vergleichende Literaturanalyse ausgewahlter Werke von Leylâ Erbil, Füruzan, Pinar Kür und Aysel Özakin. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag. google scholar
  • Kıray, M. B. (1976). The Family of the Immigrant Worker. In N. Abadan-Unat (Ed.). Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal (pp. 210-234). Leiden: Brill. https://doi. org/10.1163/9789004492844_014 google scholar
  • Klee, E. (1971). Die Nigger Europas. Zur Lage der Gastarbeiter. Eine Dokumentation. Düsseldorf: Patmos. google scholar
  • Klee, E. (Ed.). (1972). Gastarbeiter. Analyse und Berichte. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. google scholar
  • Leudesdorff, R. and ZilleBen, H. (Eds.). (1971). Gastarbeiter-Mitbürger: Bilder, Fakten, Gründe, Chancen, Modelle, Dokumente. Gelnhausen: Burckhardthaus-Verlag. google scholar
  • Libal, K. (2016). Child Poverty and Emerging Children’s Rights Discourse in Early Republican Turkey. In B. C. Fortna (Ed.), Childhood in the Late Ottoman Empire and After (pp. 48-72). Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Maksudyan, N. (2021). Küçük Umutlar, Serçeler ve Çocuklar. In H. Tezgör & A. Erdem (Eds.) Bahçelerinde Yaz: Füruzan Edebiyatı Üzerine (pp. 123-140). İstanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Maksudyan, N. (2022). “Revolution is the Equality of Children and Adults”: Yaşar Kemal Interviews Street Children, 1975. International Journal of Middle East Studies 54(1), 1-20. google scholar
  • Meral, M. (2010). Can Literary Translation Help Societies Transcend Integration Problems?. In K. Gregor & S. Spetschinsky (Eds.). Concerning Peace: New Perspectives on Utopia (pp. 193-199). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. google scholar
  • Milewski, N. (2010). Immigrant Fertility in West Germany: Is There a Socialization Effect in Transitions to Second and Third Births?. European Journal of Population /Revue Europeenne de Demographie (26), 297-323. google scholar
  • Narlı, M. (2002). Almanya’ya Göçün Türk Romanına Yansıması. Hece: Aylık Edebiyat Dergisi (65-67), 388-396. google scholar
  • Nikolinakosi, M. (1973a). Politische Ökonomie der Gastarbeiterfrage. Migration und Kapitalismus. Hamburg: Rowohlt. google scholar
  • Nikolinakos, M. (1973b). Notes on an Economic Theory of Racism. Race 14(4), 365-381. https://doi. org/10.1177/030639687301400402 google scholar
  • Nikolinakos, M. (1975). Notes Towards a General Theory of Migration in Late Capitalism. Race & Class 17(1), 5-17. google scholar
  • Portes, A. (1978). Toward a Structural Analysis of Illegal (undocumented) Immigration. International Migration Review 12(4), 469-484. google scholar
  • Power, J. and Hardman, A. (1976). Western Europe’s Migrant Workers. London: Minority Rights Group. google scholar
  • Rist, R. C. (1979a). Migration and Marginality: Guestworkers in Germany and France. Daedalus 108(2) 95-108. google scholar
  • Rist, R. C. (1979b). Guestworkers in Germany: Public Policies as the Legitimation of Marginality. Ethnic and Racial Studies 2(4), 401-415. google scholar
  • Rist, R. C. (1979c). On the Education of Guest-Worker Children in Germany: A Comparative Study of Policies and Programs in Bavaria and Berlin. The School Review 87(3), 242-268. google scholar
  • Sassen-Koob, S. (1978). The International Circulation of Resources and Development: The Case of Migrant Labour. Development and Change 9(4), 509-545. google scholar
  • Schulz, P. (1975). Turks and Yugoslavs: Guests or New Berliners?. International Migration 13(1-2), 53-59. google scholar
  • Shanin, T. (1978). The Peasants are Coming: Migrants who Labour, Peasants who Travel and Marxists who Write. Race & Class 19(3), 277-288. google scholar
  • Soysal, L. (2023). Workers, Turks, Muslims: Ethnographies of Migration to Germany-in-Europe Revisited. In A. D. Weber (Ed.), Former Neighbors, Future Allies?: German Studies and Ethnography in Dialogue (pp. 161-186). New York: Berghahn Books. google scholar
  • Squires Okur, J. (2007). Weibliche Umwurzelung: Die Darstellung Interkultureller Begegnungen in den Werken von Füruzan, Alev Tekinay und Elif Şafak. (PhD Dissertation). Ankara University Social Sciences Institute, Ankara. google scholar
  • Surak, K. (2013). Guestworkers: A Taxonomy. New Left Review, (84.), 84-102. google scholar
  • Şüyün F. (Ed.). (2008). Füruzan Diye Bir Öykü. İstanbul: Tüyap. google scholar
  • Thomas, W. S. (1974). “Gastarbeiter” in Western Germany. Geography: Journal of the Geographical Association 59(4), 348-350. google scholar
  • Wallraff, G. (1985). Ganz unten. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch. google scholar
  • Ward, A. (1975). European Capitalism’s Reserve Army. Monthly Review 27(6), 17-32. google scholar
  • Worsley, P. (1976). Proletarians, Sub-Proletarians, Lumpenproletarians, “Marginalidados,” Migrants, Urban Peasants and Urban Poor. Sociology 10(1), 133-142. google scholar

Füruzan’ın Almanya Sonrası Eserlerinde Emek Göçünün Sınırında Çocuklar

Year 2023, Volume: 63 Issue: 2, 383 - 407, 27.12.2023


Roman ve öykü yazarı Füruzan 1975 yılında Alman Akademik Değişim Servisi’nin (DAAD) davetlisi olarak Batı Berlin’e geldi ve 1980 yılına kadarki beş yıl boyunca Berlin’e ziyaretlerde bulundu. Bu seyahatlerinden sonra deneyimlerini ve gözlemlerini içeren eserleri Yeni Konuklar (1977) ve Ev sahipleri (1981), çocuk kitabı Vom rotgesprenkelten Spatzen (1980) ve romanı Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği’ni (1988) yayımladı. Almanya’da geçirdiği süre boyunca emek göçü ve sınıf meseleleri üzerine bölgeler üstü bir bakış açısı kazanan yazarın ürettiği eserler bu meseleleri Türkiye’deki okurlarına da tanıttı. Yeni Konuklar ve Ev sahipleri Almanya’ya emek göçüne dair yüklü miktarda veri sağlamakta, Vom rotgesprenkelten Spatzen ve Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği ise emek göçü nedeniyle iki tarafta da oluşan büyük kültürel dönüşümlere dair incelikli değerlendirmeler sunmaktadır. Bu makale Füruzan’ın 1970’lerde Almanya’da geçirdiği zamandan sonra ürettiği eserleri ele almakta ve yazarın küresel işçi hareketliliği meselelerinde daha önceden çalışılmamış bir malzeme olarak çocukların bakış açılarını ne şekilde sunduğunu tartışmaktadır. Makale, göçmen çocukların yaşadığı ama dikkatlerden kaçan zorluklara odaklanarak onların bu deneyimlerinin toplumsal ve kültürel entegrasyona dair nasıl daha karmaşık bir gerçekliği açığa çıkardığını incelemektedir. Ayrıca göçmen çocukların farklı şekillerde olsa da kendileri gibi ötekileştirilmiş olan yaşlı Almanlarla kurdukları ilişkiler aracılığıyla özgün bir entegrasyon potansiyeline sahip olduklarını ileri sürmektedir.


  • Abadan, N. (1964). Batı Almanya’daki Türk İşçileri ve Sorunları. Ankara: Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. google scholar
  • Abadan-Unat, N. (Ed.). (1976). Turkish Workers in Europe 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal. Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Alkan, B. (2018). Promethean Encounters: Representation of the Intellectual in the Modern Novel of the 1970s. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. google scholar
  • Andaç, F. (1988). Yaşamı Sevgiyle Kuşatabilmek: Füruzan’ın Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği Adlı Romanı Üzerine. YeniDüş-ün (23), 57-59. google scholar
  • Andaç, F. (1989). Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği İletisi Sevgi Yüklü Bir Roman: Füruzan’ın Romanı Üzerine. Çağdaş Türk Dili 2(14), 136-137. google scholar
  • Bilmen, M. S. (1976). Educational Problems Encountered by the Children of Turkish Migrant Workers. In N. Abadan-Unat (Ed.). Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal (pp. 235-252). Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Castles, S. and Kosack, G. (1972). The Function of Labour Immigration in Western European Capitalism. New Left Review (73), 3-21. google scholar
  • Castles, S. and Kosack, G. (1973). Immigrant Workers and Class Structure in Western Europe. New York: Oxford University Press. google scholar
  • Chin, R. (2007). The Guest Worker Question in Postwar Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (1976). Frau ohne Schleier. Vienna: Europaverlag. google scholar
  • Füruzan (1996). Parasız Yatılı. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (1989). Yeni Konuklar. Istanbul: Can. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2007). Benim Sinemalarım. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2014). Evsahipleri. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2015). Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan. (2018). 47liler. Istanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Füruzan, Küchenmeister, W. and Küchenmeister, C. (1980). Vom rotgesprenkelten Spatzen: Ein Bilderbuch über die Türkei. [East] Berlin: Der Kinderbuchverlag. google scholar
  • Göbenli, M. (2003). Zeitgenössische türkische Frauenliteratur: Eine vergleichende Literaturanalyse ausgewahlter Werke von Leylâ Erbil, Füruzan, Pinar Kür und Aysel Özakin. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag. google scholar
  • Kıray, M. B. (1976). The Family of the Immigrant Worker. In N. Abadan-Unat (Ed.). Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal (pp. 210-234). Leiden: Brill. https://doi. org/10.1163/9789004492844_014 google scholar
  • Klee, E. (1971). Die Nigger Europas. Zur Lage der Gastarbeiter. Eine Dokumentation. Düsseldorf: Patmos. google scholar
  • Klee, E. (Ed.). (1972). Gastarbeiter. Analyse und Berichte. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. google scholar
  • Leudesdorff, R. and ZilleBen, H. (Eds.). (1971). Gastarbeiter-Mitbürger: Bilder, Fakten, Gründe, Chancen, Modelle, Dokumente. Gelnhausen: Burckhardthaus-Verlag. google scholar
  • Libal, K. (2016). Child Poverty and Emerging Children’s Rights Discourse in Early Republican Turkey. In B. C. Fortna (Ed.), Childhood in the Late Ottoman Empire and After (pp. 48-72). Leiden: Brill. google scholar
  • Maksudyan, N. (2021). Küçük Umutlar, Serçeler ve Çocuklar. In H. Tezgör & A. Erdem (Eds.) Bahçelerinde Yaz: Füruzan Edebiyatı Üzerine (pp. 123-140). İstanbul: YKY. google scholar
  • Maksudyan, N. (2022). “Revolution is the Equality of Children and Adults”: Yaşar Kemal Interviews Street Children, 1975. International Journal of Middle East Studies 54(1), 1-20. google scholar
  • Meral, M. (2010). Can Literary Translation Help Societies Transcend Integration Problems?. In K. Gregor & S. Spetschinsky (Eds.). Concerning Peace: New Perspectives on Utopia (pp. 193-199). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. google scholar
  • Milewski, N. (2010). Immigrant Fertility in West Germany: Is There a Socialization Effect in Transitions to Second and Third Births?. European Journal of Population /Revue Europeenne de Demographie (26), 297-323. google scholar
  • Narlı, M. (2002). Almanya’ya Göçün Türk Romanına Yansıması. Hece: Aylık Edebiyat Dergisi (65-67), 388-396. google scholar
  • Nikolinakosi, M. (1973a). Politische Ökonomie der Gastarbeiterfrage. Migration und Kapitalismus. Hamburg: Rowohlt. google scholar
  • Nikolinakos, M. (1973b). Notes on an Economic Theory of Racism. Race 14(4), 365-381. https://doi. org/10.1177/030639687301400402 google scholar
  • Nikolinakos, M. (1975). Notes Towards a General Theory of Migration in Late Capitalism. Race & Class 17(1), 5-17. google scholar
  • Portes, A. (1978). Toward a Structural Analysis of Illegal (undocumented) Immigration. International Migration Review 12(4), 469-484. google scholar
  • Power, J. and Hardman, A. (1976). Western Europe’s Migrant Workers. London: Minority Rights Group. google scholar
  • Rist, R. C. (1979a). Migration and Marginality: Guestworkers in Germany and France. Daedalus 108(2) 95-108. google scholar
  • Rist, R. C. (1979b). Guestworkers in Germany: Public Policies as the Legitimation of Marginality. Ethnic and Racial Studies 2(4), 401-415. google scholar
  • Rist, R. C. (1979c). On the Education of Guest-Worker Children in Germany: A Comparative Study of Policies and Programs in Bavaria and Berlin. The School Review 87(3), 242-268. google scholar
  • Sassen-Koob, S. (1978). The International Circulation of Resources and Development: The Case of Migrant Labour. Development and Change 9(4), 509-545. google scholar
  • Schulz, P. (1975). Turks and Yugoslavs: Guests or New Berliners?. International Migration 13(1-2), 53-59. google scholar
  • Shanin, T. (1978). The Peasants are Coming: Migrants who Labour, Peasants who Travel and Marxists who Write. Race & Class 19(3), 277-288. google scholar
  • Soysal, L. (2023). Workers, Turks, Muslims: Ethnographies of Migration to Germany-in-Europe Revisited. In A. D. Weber (Ed.), Former Neighbors, Future Allies?: German Studies and Ethnography in Dialogue (pp. 161-186). New York: Berghahn Books. google scholar
  • Squires Okur, J. (2007). Weibliche Umwurzelung: Die Darstellung Interkultureller Begegnungen in den Werken von Füruzan, Alev Tekinay und Elif Şafak. (PhD Dissertation). Ankara University Social Sciences Institute, Ankara. google scholar
  • Surak, K. (2013). Guestworkers: A Taxonomy. New Left Review, (84.), 84-102. google scholar
  • Şüyün F. (Ed.). (2008). Füruzan Diye Bir Öykü. İstanbul: Tüyap. google scholar
  • Thomas, W. S. (1974). “Gastarbeiter” in Western Germany. Geography: Journal of the Geographical Association 59(4), 348-350. google scholar
  • Wallraff, G. (1985). Ganz unten. Cologne: Kiepenheuer & Witsch. google scholar
  • Ward, A. (1975). European Capitalism’s Reserve Army. Monthly Review 27(6), 17-32. google scholar
  • Worsley, P. (1976). Proletarians, Sub-Proletarians, Lumpenproletarians, “Marginalidados,” Migrants, Urban Peasants and Urban Poor. Sociology 10(1), 133-142. google scholar
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Turkish Language and Literature (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Burcu Alkan 0000-0001-9018-9238

Nazan Maksudyan 0000-0002-0918-7807

Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date June 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 63 Issue: 2


APA Alkan, B., & Maksudyan, N. (2023). Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, 63(2), 383-407.
AMA Alkan B, Maksudyan N. Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. December 2023;63(2):383-407. doi:10.26650/TUDED2023-1312287
Chicago Alkan, Burcu, and Nazan Maksudyan. “Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 63, no. 2 (December 2023): 383-407.
EndNote Alkan B, Maksudyan N (December 1, 2023) Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 63 2 383–407.
IEEE B. Alkan and N. Maksudyan, “Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany”, Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 383–407, 2023, doi: 10.26650/TUDED2023-1312287.
ISNAD Alkan, Burcu - Maksudyan, Nazan. “Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature 63/2 (December 2023), 383-407.
JAMA Alkan B, Maksudyan N. Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2023;63:383–407.
MLA Alkan, Burcu and Nazan Maksudyan. “Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany”. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature, vol. 63, no. 2, 2023, pp. 383-07, doi:10.26650/TUDED2023-1312287.
Vancouver Alkan B, Maksudyan N. Children at the Margins of Labour Migration in Füruzan’s Works After Germany. Journal of Turkish Language and Literature. 2023;63(2):383-407.