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Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839)

Year 2024, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 899 - 924, 13.01.2025


Bu çalışmanın konusu; İngiliz üst sınıfının üyelerinden, başbakan çıkarmış bir ailenin ferdi Leydi Hester Stanhope (1776-1839) ve onun 19. yüzyılın başında Londra’dan Levant’a uzanan seyahatleri ile Doğu Akdeniz’deki uzun ve dramatik yaşantısıdır. Bu yaşantı onun ölümünden sonra doktoru tarafından toplam 6 cilt hâlinde yayımlanan metinlerden izlenebilmektedir. Bu metinler 19. yüzyılın ilk yarısındaki yolculuk güzergâhlarından, dönemin kimi aktörlerinden bahsettiği ve oryantalist literatüre katkı verecek birinci elden gözlemlerden oluştuğu için değerlidir. Leydi Hester Stanhope kadın, aristokrat ve macera düşkünü kimliklerini mezcetmiş biri olarak sıradışıdır. Yaşadığı çağın İngiliz aristokratik kültürünün katı kuralları dışında bir hayat sürmeyi tercih etmiştir. Daha sonra Viktorya çağında bir kültürel forma dönüşecek bu kurallara göre soylu kadınlara biçilen rol “ideal bir eş ve anne” olmaktı. Leydi Hester ise 1810’da İngiliz monarşisinin kendisine sunduğu imkânları ve ülkesini terk ederek bu role itiraz etti. 29 yıl boyunca ölümüne dek Levant’ta, o sıralar Osmanlı idaresindeki Cun’da yaşamayı seçti. Leydi Hester “Doğu”ya giden kadın seyyahlar arasında yalnız değildir; öncesinde Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762), sonrasında ise Gertrude Bell (1868- 1926) gibi tanınmış isimler Osmanlı coğrafyasının farklı bölgelerini ziyaret etmiş ve bu ziyaretlerini kâğıda dökmüşlerdir. Leydi Hester’in, bölgede daha uzun süre ikamet etmesine rağmen, tanınırlık açısından onlar kadar şanslı olduğunu söylemek zordur. Bu yüzden makale, onun belge niteliğindeki metinlerinden hareketle ona ve Levant’ına dair bilgiyi arttırmayı hedeflemektedir.


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  • Foreign Office (FO) 352/19B/7B. google scholar
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  • FO 1018/120. google scholar
  • Home Office (HO) 42/84/1. google scholar
  • “Lady Hester Stanhope”. The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal 3/8 (1816): 213-214. google scholar
  • “Lady Hester Stanhope”. Journal des Voyages, Decouvertes et Navigations Modernes 34/104 (1827): 381-382. google scholar
  • Altundağ, Şinasi. Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa İsyanı Mısır Meselesi. 1831-1841. Ankara: TTK Basımevi, 1988. google scholar
  • Armstrong, Martin D.. Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: G. Howe, 1927. google scholar
  • Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules. Du Dandysme et de G. Brummell: Memoranda. Caen: B. Mancel, 1845. google scholar
  • Ben-Horin, U.. “Lady Hester Stanhope’s Excavations at Ascalon in 1815”. Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society 3 (1945-1946): 27-30. google scholar
  • Black, Jeremy. İngiltere Tarihi, Çeviren. Aytaç Yıldız. Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları, 2020. google scholar
  • Bosworth, C. E.. “Some Correspondence in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester Concerning John Lewis Burckhardt and Lady Hester Stanhope’s physician”. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 55/1 (1972): 33-59. google scholar
  • Bruce, Ian. The Nun of Lebanon: The Love Affair of Lady Hester Stanhope and Michael Bruce. Londra: Collins, 1951. google scholar
  • Carr, John. Les Anglais en France Apres la Paix d’Amiens: Impressions de Voyage. Editor Albert Babeau. Paris: E. Plon-Nourrit, 1898. google scholar
  • Childs, Virginia. Lady Hester Stanhope: Queen of the Desert. Londra: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1990. google scholar
  • Charles Henry Churchill, The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish rule, from 1840 to 1860. London: Bernard Quaritch 1862. google scholar
  • De Lamartine, Alphonse. Voyage en Orient, 1832-1833. 1 cilt. Paris: Chez Lauteur, 1861. google scholar
  • De Nerval, Gerard. Doğu’da Seyahat. Çeviren Selahattin Hilav. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2012. google scholar
  • Descoux, Philippe. La Reine de Tadmor, Lady Hester Stanhope. Paris: Chamuel 1901. google scholar
  • Du Bled, Victor. “Une Niece de William Pitt: Lady Hester Stanhope”. Revue desDeuxMondes (1829-1971) 38/4 (1907): 862-893. google scholar
  • Duchess of Cleveland, Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett. The Life and Letters of Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Murray 1914. google scholar
  • Duhamel, Jean. “L’amour Inconnu de Lady Hester Stanhope”. Revue Des Deux Mondes (1829-1971), (1957): 297-309. google scholar
  • Eagleton, Terry. İngiliz Romanı. Çeviren Barış Özkul. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2023. google scholar
  • Flaubert, Gustave. Doğu’ya Yolculuk. Çeviren Yaşar Avunç. İstanbul: Sel Yayınları, 2016. google scholar
  • Foster, Shirley. Across New Worlds: Nineteenth-Century Women Travellers and Their Writings. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. google scholar
  • Hamel, Frank. The life of Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Cassel, 1913. google scholar
  • Harik, Illiya F.. Politics and Change in a Traditional Society. Lebanon 1711 to 1845. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968. google scholar
  • Haslip, Joan. Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Cobdon Sanderson, 1934. google scholar
  • Henri-Bordeaux, Paule. Lady Stanhope en Orient: La Sorciere de Djoun. 1 cilt. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1924. google scholar
  • Henri-Bordeaux, Paule. The Circe of the Deserts. Londra: Hurst & Blackett Limited, 1925. google scholar
  • Hodgson, Barbara. Dreaming of East: Western Women and the Exotic Allure of the Orient. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2005. google scholar
  • Hunuma, Halise. “Osmanlı Topraklarında Bir Kadın Seyyah: Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Osmanlı Dünyası Hakkındaki Gözlemleri”. Yüksek Lisans tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2022. google scholar
  • İnal, Onur. “Women’s Fashions in Transition: Ottoman Borderlands and the Anglo-Ottoman Exchange of Costumes”. Journal of World History 22/2 (2011): 243-272. google scholar
  • Kocabıyık, Orkun, “Çevirmenin Yazınsal Konumlanışı Bağlamında Charlotte Perkins Gilman’ın “The Yellow Wallpaper” Adlı Öyküsünün Türkçe Çevirileri Üzerine Bir İnceleme”. Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi 11 (2021): 101-111. google scholar
  • Lewis, Norman N.. “Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy (1776-1839)”. OxfordDictionary of National Biography. Erişim 29 Aralık 2023. google scholar
  • ady+Hester+Stanhope google scholar
  • Liston, Henrietta. Henrietta Liston’s Travels: The Turkish Journals, 1812-1820. Editor Patrick Hart, Valerie Kennedy, Dora Petherbridge and F. Özden Mercan. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. google scholar Logan, William. “Lady Hester Stanhope”, The Sewanee Review 119/1 (2011): 127-128. google scholar
  • Lord Stanhope. William Pitt et Son Temps. Editör François Guizot. 3 cilt. Paris: Michel-Levy freres 1862. google scholar
  • Madden, Richard Robert. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia and Palestine, in 1824, 1825, 1826, and 1827. Londra: H. Colburn, 1829. google scholar
  • Makdisi, Ussama. The Culture of Sectarianism: Community, History, and Violence in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Lebanon. Los Angeles: California University Press, 2000. google scholar Marcellus, Vicomte de. Souvenirs de l’Orient. 1 cilt. Paris: Debecourt, 1839. google scholar
  • Melman, Billie. Women’s Orients: English Women and Middle East, 1718-1918. Londra: MacMillan, 1992. google scholar
  • Meryon, Charles Lewis. Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, as Related by Herself in Conversations with her Physician Comprising her Opinions and Anecdotes ofSome of the Most Remarkable Persons of her Time. 1-3 cilt. Londra: Henry Colburn, 1846. google scholar
  • Meryon, Charles Lewis. Travels ofLady Hester Stanhope; forming the Completion of her Memoirs. 1-3 cilt. Londra: Henry Colburn, 1846. google scholar
  • Mulvey, Christopher. Transatlantic Manners: Social Patterns in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Travel Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. google scholar
  • Paston, George. Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century. Londra: Grant Richards, 1902. google scholar
  • Polk, W. R.. The Opening ofSouth Lebanon, 1788—1840. A Study ofthe Impact ofthe West inthe Middle East. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963. google scholar
  • Poujade, Eugene. Le Liban et la Syrie, 1845-1860. Paris: A. Bourdilliat et cie, 1860. google scholar
  • Roundell, Mrs. Charles. Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Murray, 1909. google scholar
  • Russell, William. Eccentric Personages. 1 cilt. Londra: John Maxwell, 1864. google scholar
  • Schlicht, Alfred. “The Role of Foreign Powers in the History of Lebanon and Syria from 1799 to 1861”. Journal of Asian History 14/ 2 (1980): 97-126. google scholar
  • Seccombe, Thomas. “Meryon, Charles Lewis”. Dictionary of National Biography. 37 cilt. Londra: Smith, Elder & Co, 1897. google scholar
  • Seccombe, Thomas. “Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy (1776-1839)”. Dictionary of NationalBiography, Editor Sidney Lee, 54 cilt. Londra: Smith, Elder & Co (1898): 12-14. google scholar
  • Smith, Dorothy J.. “Queen Hester”. Huntington Library Quarterly 31/ 2 (1968): 153- 178. google scholar
  • Traboulsi, Fawwaz. A History ofModern Lebanon. London: Pluto Press 2012. google scholar
  • Unkeless, Elaine. “Hester Stanhope”. James Joyce Quarterly 13/ 4 (1976): 479-480. google scholar

Lady Hester Stanhope and Her Levant Adventure (1810-1839)

Year 2024, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 899 - 924, 13.01.2025


The subject of this study is Lady Hester Stanhope (1776-1839), a member of the British upper class whose family included a prime minister, and her extensive and dramatic life in the Eastern Mediterranean, including her travels from London to the Levant at the beginning of the 19th century. Her life can be traced in six volumes published by her doctor after her death. These texts are valuable because they consist of first-hand observations that contribute to the travel routes, include some accounts from the period, and orientalist literature from the first half of the 19th century. Lady Hester Stanhope was an exceptional figure for her time, as she initiated her travels as a woman, aristocrat, and adventurer. She chose to live outside the strict rules of the English aristocratic culture of her time. According to rules that would evolve into a cultural form then in the Victorian era, the role assigned to noblewomen was to be an “ideal wife and mother.” However, Lady Hester objected to this role by abandoning the opportunities offered by the British monarchy and leaving her country in 1810. She chose to live in the Levant, specifically in Joun, which was under Ottoman administration at the time, until her death 29 years later. Lady Hester was not alone among female travelers to the Levant or “East”; familiar names such as Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) and Gertrude Bell (1868-1926) had also visited various regions of the Ottoman territory and documented their visits. Although Lady Hester resided in the region for a longer time, it is difficult to say that she was as fortunate in terms of recognition as the formers were. Therefore, this article increases knowledge about her and her Levant based on her documentary texts.


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  • Foreign Office (FO) 352/19B/7B. google scholar
  • FO 78/269. google scholar
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  • FO 78/370. google scholar
  • FO 1018/117. google scholar
  • FO 1018/120. google scholar
  • Home Office (HO) 42/84/1. google scholar
  • “Lady Hester Stanhope”. The North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal 3/8 (1816): 213-214. google scholar
  • “Lady Hester Stanhope”. Journal des Voyages, Decouvertes et Navigations Modernes 34/104 (1827): 381-382. google scholar
  • Altundağ, Şinasi. Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa İsyanı Mısır Meselesi. 1831-1841. Ankara: TTK Basımevi, 1988. google scholar
  • Armstrong, Martin D.. Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: G. Howe, 1927. google scholar
  • Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules. Du Dandysme et de G. Brummell: Memoranda. Caen: B. Mancel, 1845. google scholar
  • Ben-Horin, U.. “Lady Hester Stanhope’s Excavations at Ascalon in 1815”. Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society 3 (1945-1946): 27-30. google scholar
  • Black, Jeremy. İngiltere Tarihi, Çeviren. Aytaç Yıldız. Ankara: Doğu Batı Yayınları, 2020. google scholar
  • Bosworth, C. E.. “Some Correspondence in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester Concerning John Lewis Burckhardt and Lady Hester Stanhope’s physician”. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 55/1 (1972): 33-59. google scholar
  • Bruce, Ian. The Nun of Lebanon: The Love Affair of Lady Hester Stanhope and Michael Bruce. Londra: Collins, 1951. google scholar
  • Carr, John. Les Anglais en France Apres la Paix d’Amiens: Impressions de Voyage. Editor Albert Babeau. Paris: E. Plon-Nourrit, 1898. google scholar
  • Childs, Virginia. Lady Hester Stanhope: Queen of the Desert. Londra: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1990. google scholar
  • Charles Henry Churchill, The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish rule, from 1840 to 1860. London: Bernard Quaritch 1862. google scholar
  • De Lamartine, Alphonse. Voyage en Orient, 1832-1833. 1 cilt. Paris: Chez Lauteur, 1861. google scholar
  • De Nerval, Gerard. Doğu’da Seyahat. Çeviren Selahattin Hilav. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2012. google scholar
  • Descoux, Philippe. La Reine de Tadmor, Lady Hester Stanhope. Paris: Chamuel 1901. google scholar
  • Du Bled, Victor. “Une Niece de William Pitt: Lady Hester Stanhope”. Revue desDeuxMondes (1829-1971) 38/4 (1907): 862-893. google scholar
  • Duchess of Cleveland, Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett. The Life and Letters of Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Murray 1914. google scholar
  • Duhamel, Jean. “L’amour Inconnu de Lady Hester Stanhope”. Revue Des Deux Mondes (1829-1971), (1957): 297-309. google scholar
  • Eagleton, Terry. İngiliz Romanı. Çeviren Barış Özkul. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2023. google scholar
  • Flaubert, Gustave. Doğu’ya Yolculuk. Çeviren Yaşar Avunç. İstanbul: Sel Yayınları, 2016. google scholar
  • Foster, Shirley. Across New Worlds: Nineteenth-Century Women Travellers and Their Writings. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. google scholar
  • Hamel, Frank. The life of Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Cassel, 1913. google scholar
  • Harik, Illiya F.. Politics and Change in a Traditional Society. Lebanon 1711 to 1845. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968. google scholar
  • Haslip, Joan. Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Cobdon Sanderson, 1934. google scholar
  • Henri-Bordeaux, Paule. Lady Stanhope en Orient: La Sorciere de Djoun. 1 cilt. Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1924. google scholar
  • Henri-Bordeaux, Paule. The Circe of the Deserts. Londra: Hurst & Blackett Limited, 1925. google scholar
  • Hodgson, Barbara. Dreaming of East: Western Women and the Exotic Allure of the Orient. Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2005. google scholar
  • Hunuma, Halise. “Osmanlı Topraklarında Bir Kadın Seyyah: Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Osmanlı Dünyası Hakkındaki Gözlemleri”. Yüksek Lisans tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2022. google scholar
  • İnal, Onur. “Women’s Fashions in Transition: Ottoman Borderlands and the Anglo-Ottoman Exchange of Costumes”. Journal of World History 22/2 (2011): 243-272. google scholar
  • Kocabıyık, Orkun, “Çevirmenin Yazınsal Konumlanışı Bağlamında Charlotte Perkins Gilman’ın “The Yellow Wallpaper” Adlı Öyküsünün Türkçe Çevirileri Üzerine Bir İnceleme”. Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi 11 (2021): 101-111. google scholar
  • Lewis, Norman N.. “Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy (1776-1839)”. OxfordDictionary of National Biography. Erişim 29 Aralık 2023. google scholar
  • ady+Hester+Stanhope google scholar
  • Liston, Henrietta. Henrietta Liston’s Travels: The Turkish Journals, 1812-1820. Editor Patrick Hart, Valerie Kennedy, Dora Petherbridge and F. Özden Mercan. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. google scholar Logan, William. “Lady Hester Stanhope”, The Sewanee Review 119/1 (2011): 127-128. google scholar
  • Lord Stanhope. William Pitt et Son Temps. Editör François Guizot. 3 cilt. Paris: Michel-Levy freres 1862. google scholar
  • Madden, Richard Robert. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia and Palestine, in 1824, 1825, 1826, and 1827. Londra: H. Colburn, 1829. google scholar
  • Makdisi, Ussama. The Culture of Sectarianism: Community, History, and Violence in Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Lebanon. Los Angeles: California University Press, 2000. google scholar Marcellus, Vicomte de. Souvenirs de l’Orient. 1 cilt. Paris: Debecourt, 1839. google scholar
  • Melman, Billie. Women’s Orients: English Women and Middle East, 1718-1918. Londra: MacMillan, 1992. google scholar
  • Meryon, Charles Lewis. Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope, as Related by Herself in Conversations with her Physician Comprising her Opinions and Anecdotes ofSome of the Most Remarkable Persons of her Time. 1-3 cilt. Londra: Henry Colburn, 1846. google scholar
  • Meryon, Charles Lewis. Travels ofLady Hester Stanhope; forming the Completion of her Memoirs. 1-3 cilt. Londra: Henry Colburn, 1846. google scholar
  • Mulvey, Christopher. Transatlantic Manners: Social Patterns in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Travel Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990. google scholar
  • Paston, George. Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century. Londra: Grant Richards, 1902. google scholar
  • Polk, W. R.. The Opening ofSouth Lebanon, 1788—1840. A Study ofthe Impact ofthe West inthe Middle East. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963. google scholar
  • Poujade, Eugene. Le Liban et la Syrie, 1845-1860. Paris: A. Bourdilliat et cie, 1860. google scholar
  • Roundell, Mrs. Charles. Lady Hester Stanhope. Londra: Murray, 1909. google scholar
  • Russell, William. Eccentric Personages. 1 cilt. Londra: John Maxwell, 1864. google scholar
  • Schlicht, Alfred. “The Role of Foreign Powers in the History of Lebanon and Syria from 1799 to 1861”. Journal of Asian History 14/ 2 (1980): 97-126. google scholar
  • Seccombe, Thomas. “Meryon, Charles Lewis”. Dictionary of National Biography. 37 cilt. Londra: Smith, Elder & Co, 1897. google scholar
  • Seccombe, Thomas. “Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy (1776-1839)”. Dictionary of NationalBiography, Editor Sidney Lee, 54 cilt. Londra: Smith, Elder & Co (1898): 12-14. google scholar
  • Smith, Dorothy J.. “Queen Hester”. Huntington Library Quarterly 31/ 2 (1968): 153- 178. google scholar
  • Traboulsi, Fawwaz. A History ofModern Lebanon. London: Pluto Press 2012. google scholar
  • Unkeless, Elaine. “Hester Stanhope”. James Joyce Quarterly 13/ 4 (1976): 479-480. google scholar
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Literary Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Selda Güner Özden 0000-0002-0669-8900

Publication Date January 13, 2025
Submission Date April 24, 2024
Acceptance Date July 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 34 Issue: 2


APA Güner Özden, S. (2025). Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839). Türkiyat Mecmuası, 34(2), 899-924.
AMA Güner Özden S. Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839). Türkiyat Mecmuası. January 2025;34(2):899-924. doi:10.26650/iuturkiyat.1472803
Chicago Güner Özden, Selda. “Leydi Hester Stanhope Ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839)”. Türkiyat Mecmuası 34, no. 2 (January 2025): 899-924.
EndNote Güner Özden S (January 1, 2025) Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839). Türkiyat Mecmuası 34 2 899–924.
IEEE S. Güner Özden, “Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839)”, Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 899–924, 2025, doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.1472803.
ISNAD Güner Özden, Selda. “Leydi Hester Stanhope Ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839)”. Türkiyat Mecmuası 34/2 (January 2025), 899-924.
JAMA Güner Özden S. Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839). Türkiyat Mecmuası. 2025;34:899–924.
MLA Güner Özden, Selda. “Leydi Hester Stanhope Ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839)”. Türkiyat Mecmuası, vol. 34, no. 2, 2025, pp. 899-24, doi:10.26650/iuturkiyat.1472803.
Vancouver Güner Özden S. Leydi Hester Stanhope ve Levant Macerası (1810-1839). Türkiyat Mecmuası. 2025;34(2):899-924.