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Takipçi sayısı ve etkileşim düzeyinin sosyal medya fenomenlerinin pazarlama başarısına etkisi

Year 2023, , 14 - 25, 25.10.2023


Sosyal medya fenomenleri, tüketici kararlarını etkilemek konusunda önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışma, bir fenomenin, sosyal medyadaki toplam takipçi sayısı ve sosyal medya kullanıcıları ile arasındaki sosyal etkileşim düzeyine göre, sosyal medya takipçileri tarafından nasıl algılandığını ve sosyal medya kullanıcılarının kararlarına ne derece etki ettiğini araştırmaktadır. Sonuçlar, bir fenomen ile takipçileri arasındaki sosyal etkileşim seviyesi düşük olduğunda, makro fenomenlerin (yani takipçi sayısı yüksek fenomenlerin), mikro fenomenlere (yani takipçi sayısı düşük fenomenlere) göre daha olumlu algılandığını ve sosyal medya kullanıcıları üzerinde daha çok etki yarattığını göstermektedir. Öte yandan, fenomen ile takipçileri arasındaki sosyal etkileşim seviyesi yüksek olduğunda, mikro ve makro fenomenler arasındaki algı farkları ve takipçileri üzerindeki ikna etkisi farkları ortadan kalkmaktadır. Araştırma bulgularının teorik ve yönetimsel etkileri ile gelecekte araştırılması faydalı olacak fikirler tartışılmaktadır.

Supporting Institution

Araştırmacıların kendi araştırma bütçeleri kullanımış, herhangi bir kurum desteği alınmamıştır.


  • Belanche, D., Casaló, L.V., Flavián, M., & Ibáñez-Sánchez, S. (2021). Understanding influencer marketing: The role of congruence between influencers, products and consumers. Journal of Business Research, 132, 186-195.
  • Breves, P. L., Liebers, N., Abt, M., & Kunze, A. (2019). The perceived fit between instagram influencers and the endorsed brand: How influencer–brand fit affects source credibility and persuasive effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research, 59(4), 440-454.
  • Britt, R.K., Hayes, J.L., Britt B.C., & Park, H. (2020). Too big to sell? A computational analysis of network and content characteristics among mega and micro beauty and fashion social media influencers. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20(2), 111–118.
  • Campbell, C., & Farrell, J.R. (2020). More than meets the eye: The functional components underlying influencer marketing. Business Horizons, 63(4), 469–479.
  • Casaló, L. V., Flavián, C., & Ibáñez-Sánchez, S. (2020). Influencers on Instagram: Antecedents and consequences of opinion leadership. Journal of Business Research, 117, 510-519.
  • Chatterjee, P. (2011). Drivers of new product recommending and referral behaviour on social network sites. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), 77-101.
  • Cook, K.S., & Yamagishi, T. (1992). Power in exchange networks: A power-dependence formulation. Social networks, 14(3-4), 245-265.
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V., & Hudders, L (2017). Marketing through Instagram influencers: The impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36(5), 798–828.
  • Edelman (2019). 2019 Edelman trust barometer. (Accessed on January 9th, 2022) [Available at Trust_ Barometer_Global_Report.pdf].
  • Etzkorn, K. (2021). How digital shopping will evolve: Three trends to watch. Forbes. (Accessed on March 9th, 2023) [Available at forbestechcouncil/2021/04/09/how-digital-shopping-will-evolve-three-trends-to- watch/?sh=6d43c2e73773].
  • Garnes, V. (2019). What is ‘influencer interactivity’ and how can brands leverage it to their advantage? (Accessed on September 20th, 2023) [Available at interactivity-and-how-can-brandsleverage-it-to-their-advantage/#2f39ac0b9eef].
  • Graeff, T. R. (1996). Image congruence effects on product evaluations: The role of self‐ monitoring and public/private consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 13(5), 481-499.
  • Homans, G.C. (1974). Social behavior: Its elementary forms. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  • Interactive Advertising Bureau (2018). Why publishers are increasingly turning to influencer marketing – and what that means for marketers (Accessed on January 9th, 2023) [Available at for_ Publishers_2018-01-25.pdf].
  • Janssen, L., Schouten, A. P., & Croes, E. A. (2021). Influencer advertising on Instagram: product-influencer fit and number of followers affect advertising outcomes and influencer evaluations via credibility and identification. International Journal of Advertising, 41(1), 101- 127.
  • Jin, S.V. (2018), “ ‘Celebrity 2.0 and beyond!’ effects of Facebook profile sources on social networking advertising”, Computers in Human Behavior, 79, 154-168.
  • Jun, S., & Yi, J. (2020). What makes followers loyal? The role of influencer interactivity in building influencer brand equity. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 29(6), 803-814.
  • Kay, S., Mulcahy, R., & Parkinson, J. (2020). When less is more: the impact of macro and micro social media influencers’ disclosure. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(3-4), 248-278.
  • Kim, D. Y., & Kim, H. Y. (2021b). Influencer advertising on social media: The multiple inference model on influencer-product congruence and sponsorship disclosure. Journal of Business Research, 130, 405-415.
  • Kim, D.Y., & Kim, H. Y. (2021a). Trust me, trust me not: A nuanced view of influencer marketing on social media. Journal of Business Research, 134, 223-232.
  • Labrecque, L.I. (2014). Fostering consumer-brand relationships in social media environments: the role of parasocial interaction. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(2), 134-148.
  • Lou, C., & Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: How message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58–73.
  • Lueck, J. A. (2015). Friend-zone with benefits: The parasocial advertising of Kim Kardashian. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(2), 91-109.
  • O’ Donell, E. (2018). Instagram influencers: when a special relationship with fans turns dark. The Conversation. (Accessed on September 7th 2022) [Available at turns-dark-100543]
  • Park, J., Lee, J.M., Xiong, V.Y., Septianto, F., & Seo, Y. (2021). David and Goliath: When and why Micro-influencers are more persuasive than mega-influencers. Journal of Advertising, 50(5), 584-602.
  • Phua, J., Jin, S.V., & Kim, J.J. (2017). Gratifications of using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat to follow brands: The moderating effect of social comparison, trust, tie strength, and network homophily on brand identification, brand engagement, brand commitment, and membership intention. Telematics and Informatics, 34(1), 412-424.
  • Schouten, A. P., Janssen, L., & Verspaget, M. (2020). Celebrity vs. Influencer endorsements in advertising: the role of identification, credibility, and product-endorser fit. International Journal of Advertising, 39(2), 258-281.
  • Straits Research (2023). Influencer marketing platform market. (Accessed on January 13th, 2023) [Available at market#:~:text=The%20global%20influencer%20marketing%20platform,the%20forecast%2 0period%202023%E2%80%932031].
  • Torres, P., Augusto, M., & Matos, M. (2019). Antecedents and outcomes of digital influencer endorsement: An exploratory study. Psychology & Marketing, 36(12), 1267–1276.
  • Van Dijck, J. (2013). The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. Oxford University Press.
  • Vrontis, D., Makrides, A., Christofi, M., & Thrassou, A. (2021). Social media influencer marketing: A systematic review, integrative framework and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 45(4), 617-644.

Impact of the Number of Followers and Social Interaction in Social Media Influencer Marketing Success

Year 2023, , 14 - 25, 25.10.2023


Social media influencers play a crucial role in shaping consumer decisions. This research explores an influencer's perceived characteristics and persuasiveness based on their number of followers and the level of social interaction between the influencer and the followers. The results of an online experiment show that when the level of social interaction is low between an influencer and the followers, macro-influencers (i.e., influencers with a higher number of followers) are perceived more positively and generate greater influence on their followers compared to micro-influencers (i.e., influencers with a lower number of followers). However, when the level of social interaction is high between an influencer and the followers, the differences regarding perceived characteristics and persuasiveness of the influencer disappear between micro and macro-influencers. Managerial implications of the findings and future research avenues are discussed.


  • Belanche, D., Casaló, L.V., Flavián, M., & Ibáñez-Sánchez, S. (2021). Understanding influencer marketing: The role of congruence between influencers, products and consumers. Journal of Business Research, 132, 186-195.
  • Breves, P. L., Liebers, N., Abt, M., & Kunze, A. (2019). The perceived fit between instagram influencers and the endorsed brand: How influencer–brand fit affects source credibility and persuasive effectiveness. Journal of Advertising Research, 59(4), 440-454.
  • Britt, R.K., Hayes, J.L., Britt B.C., & Park, H. (2020). Too big to sell? A computational analysis of network and content characteristics among mega and micro beauty and fashion social media influencers. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20(2), 111–118.
  • Campbell, C., & Farrell, J.R. (2020). More than meets the eye: The functional components underlying influencer marketing. Business Horizons, 63(4), 469–479.
  • Casaló, L. V., Flavián, C., & Ibáñez-Sánchez, S. (2020). Influencers on Instagram: Antecedents and consequences of opinion leadership. Journal of Business Research, 117, 510-519.
  • Chatterjee, P. (2011). Drivers of new product recommending and referral behaviour on social network sites. International Journal of Advertising, 30(1), 77-101.
  • Cook, K.S., & Yamagishi, T. (1992). Power in exchange networks: A power-dependence formulation. Social networks, 14(3-4), 245-265.
  • De Veirman, M., Cauberghe, V., & Hudders, L (2017). Marketing through Instagram influencers: The impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude. International Journal of Advertising, 36(5), 798–828.
  • Edelman (2019). 2019 Edelman trust barometer. (Accessed on January 9th, 2022) [Available at Trust_ Barometer_Global_Report.pdf].
  • Etzkorn, K. (2021). How digital shopping will evolve: Three trends to watch. Forbes. (Accessed on March 9th, 2023) [Available at forbestechcouncil/2021/04/09/how-digital-shopping-will-evolve-three-trends-to- watch/?sh=6d43c2e73773].
  • Garnes, V. (2019). What is ‘influencer interactivity’ and how can brands leverage it to their advantage? (Accessed on September 20th, 2023) [Available at interactivity-and-how-can-brandsleverage-it-to-their-advantage/#2f39ac0b9eef].
  • Graeff, T. R. (1996). Image congruence effects on product evaluations: The role of self‐ monitoring and public/private consumption. Psychology & Marketing, 13(5), 481-499.
  • Homans, G.C. (1974). Social behavior: Its elementary forms. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  • Interactive Advertising Bureau (2018). Why publishers are increasingly turning to influencer marketing – and what that means for marketers (Accessed on January 9th, 2023) [Available at for_ Publishers_2018-01-25.pdf].
  • Janssen, L., Schouten, A. P., & Croes, E. A. (2021). Influencer advertising on Instagram: product-influencer fit and number of followers affect advertising outcomes and influencer evaluations via credibility and identification. International Journal of Advertising, 41(1), 101- 127.
  • Jin, S.V. (2018), “ ‘Celebrity 2.0 and beyond!’ effects of Facebook profile sources on social networking advertising”, Computers in Human Behavior, 79, 154-168.
  • Jun, S., & Yi, J. (2020). What makes followers loyal? The role of influencer interactivity in building influencer brand equity. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 29(6), 803-814.
  • Kay, S., Mulcahy, R., & Parkinson, J. (2020). When less is more: the impact of macro and micro social media influencers’ disclosure. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(3-4), 248-278.
  • Kim, D. Y., & Kim, H. Y. (2021b). Influencer advertising on social media: The multiple inference model on influencer-product congruence and sponsorship disclosure. Journal of Business Research, 130, 405-415.
  • Kim, D.Y., & Kim, H. Y. (2021a). Trust me, trust me not: A nuanced view of influencer marketing on social media. Journal of Business Research, 134, 223-232.
  • Labrecque, L.I. (2014). Fostering consumer-brand relationships in social media environments: the role of parasocial interaction. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(2), 134-148.
  • Lou, C., & Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: How message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58–73.
  • Lueck, J. A. (2015). Friend-zone with benefits: The parasocial advertising of Kim Kardashian. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(2), 91-109.
  • O’ Donell, E. (2018). Instagram influencers: when a special relationship with fans turns dark. The Conversation. (Accessed on September 7th 2022) [Available at turns-dark-100543]
  • Park, J., Lee, J.M., Xiong, V.Y., Septianto, F., & Seo, Y. (2021). David and Goliath: When and why Micro-influencers are more persuasive than mega-influencers. Journal of Advertising, 50(5), 584-602.
  • Phua, J., Jin, S.V., & Kim, J.J. (2017). Gratifications of using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat to follow brands: The moderating effect of social comparison, trust, tie strength, and network homophily on brand identification, brand engagement, brand commitment, and membership intention. Telematics and Informatics, 34(1), 412-424.
  • Schouten, A. P., Janssen, L., & Verspaget, M. (2020). Celebrity vs. Influencer endorsements in advertising: the role of identification, credibility, and product-endorser fit. International Journal of Advertising, 39(2), 258-281.
  • Straits Research (2023). Influencer marketing platform market. (Accessed on January 13th, 2023) [Available at market#:~:text=The%20global%20influencer%20marketing%20platform,the%20forecast%2 0period%202023%E2%80%932031].
  • Torres, P., Augusto, M., & Matos, M. (2019). Antecedents and outcomes of digital influencer endorsement: An exploratory study. Psychology & Marketing, 36(12), 1267–1276.
  • Van Dijck, J. (2013). The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. Oxford University Press.
  • Vrontis, D., Makrides, A., Christofi, M., & Thrassou, A. (2021). Social media influencer marketing: A systematic review, integrative framework and future research agenda. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 45(4), 617-644.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Social Media Studies, Digital Marketing
Journal Section Research Article

Ceren Hayran Şanlı

Melis Ceylan This is me

Publication Date October 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Hayran Şanlı, C., & Ceylan, M. (2023). Impact of the Number of Followers and Social Interaction in Social Media Influencer Marketing Success. Journal of Internet Applications and Management, 14(2), 14-25.