Research Article
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Evaluation of Countries by Social Development Index: An Application with MEREC and MARCOS Methods

Year 2021, , 75 - 88, 10.06.2022


Although the Social Development Index (SDI) is a useful resource to evaluate countries from a social perspective, it is considered that it would not be realistic for countries with very different characteristics to include the indicators used to calculate this index into the index in an equally weighted structure.Therefore, the aim of this study is to calculate the weights of the SPI indicators and to create a country ranking according to these new weights. In order to achieve this aim, first of all, indicators were weighted with MEREC (MEthod based on the Removal Effects of Criteria), one of the objective Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. Then, these weights were used in MARCOS (Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution), one of the MCDM methods, and 14 countries in the first tier of the SPI ranking were ranked. According to the findings, the indicators with the highest weights were found to be inclusiveness (0.282), health and wellness (0.095), and access to advanced education (0.094), respectively. According to the ranking made using these new weights, the highest performing countries were found to be Norway, Finland and Denmark, respectively. Finally, the Spearman's rank correlation value between the SPI rank and the rank found in this study was found to be 0.886.


  • Ali, J. (2021). A novel score function based CRITIC-MARCOS method with spherical fuzzy information. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 40(8), 1-27.
  • Arsu, T., & Ayçin, E. (2021). Evaluation of OECD Countries with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods in terms of Economic, Social and Environmental Aspects. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 4(2), 55-78.
  • Badi, I., & Pamucar, D. (2020). Supplier selection for steelmaking company by using combined Grey-MARCOS methods. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 3(2), 37-48.
  • Benítez, R., & Liern, V. (2021). Unweighted TOPSIS: a new multi-criteria tool for sustainability analysis. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28(1), 36-48.
  • Chattopadhyay, R., Chakraborty, S., & Chakraborty, S. (2020). An integrated D-MARCOS method for supplier selection in an iron and steel industry. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 3(2), 49-69.
  • Diakomihalis, M. (2020). A regional social progress index: the case of Epirus, Greece. International Journal of Happiness and Development, 6(1), 41-58.
  • Duc Trung, D. (2022). Multi-criteria decision making under the MARCOS method and the weighting methods: applied to milling, grinding and turning processes. Manufacturing Review, 9, 3.
  • Ecer, F. (2020). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme: Geçmişten Günümüze Kapsamlı Bir Yaklaşım. Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Giannakitsidou, O., Giannikos, I., & Chondrou, A. (2020). Ranking European countries on the basis of their environmental and circular economy performance: A DEA application in MSW. Waste management, 109, 181-191.
  • Goswami, S. S., Mohanty, S. K., & Behera, D. K. (2022). Selection of a green renewable energy source in India with the help of MEREC integrated PIV MCDM tool. Materials Today: Proceedings. Erken Görünüm.
  • Hadi, A., & Abdullah, M. Z. (2022). Web and IoT-based hospital location determination with criteria weight analysis. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 11(1), 386-395.
  • Jitmaneeroj, B. (2017). Beyond the equal-weight framework of the Social Progress Index: Identifying causal relationships for policy reforms. International Journal of Social Economics. 44(2), 2336-2350
  • Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M. (2021). Assessment of distribution center locations using a multi-expert subjective–objective decision-making approach. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-19.
  • Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M., Amiri, M., Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z., & Antucheviciene, J. (2021). Determination of Objective Weights Using a New Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC). Symmetry, 13(4), 525.
  • Kovač, M., Tadić, S., Krstić, M., & Bouraima, M. B. (2021). Novel Spherical Fuzzy MARCOS Method for Assessment of Drone-Based City Logistics Concepts. Complexity, 2021.
  • Madenoğlu, F. S. (2020). Dengeli Puan Kart-AHP-MARCOS Yöntemlerine Dayali Tedarikçi Seçimi. Economics Business and Organization Research, 2(2), 99-120.
  • Mishra, A. R., Saha, A., Rani, P., Hezam, I. M., Shrivastava, R., & Smarandache, F. (2022). An integrated decision support framework using single-valued-MEREC-MULTIMOORA for low carbon tourism strategy assessment. IEEE Access. Erken Görünüm.
  • Özdağoğlu, A., Keleş, M. K., & IŞILDAK, B. (2021). Bulanık SWARA ve Bulanık MARCOS Yöntemleriyle Sivil Havacılıkta Kabin Memuru Seçimi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, 12(2), 284-302.
  • Özdağoğlu, A., Keleş, M. K., & Işildak, B. (2021). Dünyanın En İşlek Havalimanlarının Pıprecıa-E, Smart ve Marcos Yöntemleri İle Değerlendirilmesi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (58), 333-352.
  • Özgür Güler, E., Güler, H., & Şanlı, S. (2019). Sosyal gelişme endeksine dayalı temel insani ihtiyaçlar ve fırsatlar alt endeksleri arasındaki ilişki. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28(2), 55-70.
  • Pala, O. (2021). IDOCRIW ve MARCOS Temelli Bist Ulaştirma İşletmelerinin Finansal Performans Analizi. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(23), 263-294.
  • Puška, A., Stojanović, I., Maksimović, A., & Osmanović, N. (2020). Evaluation software of project management used measurement of alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution (MARCOS) method. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 3(1), 89-102.
  • Rani, P., Mishra, A. R., Saha, A., Hezam, I. M., & Pamucar, D. (2022). Fermatean fuzzy Heronian mean operators and MEREC‐based additive ratio assessment method: An application to food waste treatment technology selection. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 37(3), 2612-2647.
  • Sagar, A. D., & Najam, A. (1998). The human development index: a critical review. Ecological economics, 25(3), 249-264.
  • Stanković, M., Stević, Ž., Das, D. K., Subotić, M., & Pamučar, D. (2020). A new fuzzy MARCOS method for road traffic risk analysis. Mathematics, 8(3), 457.
  • Stern, S., Harmacek, J., Htitich, M., & Krylova, P. (2021) Social Progress Index Methodology Summary. Social Progress Imperative: Washington, DC.
  • Stević, Ž., Pamučar, D., Puška, A., & Chatterjee, P. (2020). Sustainable supplier selection in healthcare industries using a new MCDM method: Measurement of alternatives and ranking according to COmpromise solution (MARCOS). Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, 106231.
  • Stević, Ž., Pamučar, D., Puška, A., & Chatterjee, P. (2020). Sustainable supplier selection in healthcare industries using a new MCDM method: Measurement of alternatives and ranking according to COmpromise solution (MARCOS). Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, 106231.
  • Toslak, M., Aktürk, B., & Ulutaş, A. (2022). MEREC ve WEDBA Yöntemleri ile Bir Lojistik Firmasının Yıllara Göre Performansının Değerlendirilmesi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (33), 363-372.

Sosyal Gelişme Endeksine Göre Ülkelerin Değerlendirilmesi: MEREC ve MARCOS Yöntemleri ile Bir Uygulama

Year 2021, , 75 - 88, 10.06.2022


Sosyal Gelişme Endeksi (SGE) ülkeleri sosyal açıdan değerlendirmek için kullanılan yararlı bir kaynak olmasına rağmen, bu endeksi hesaplamak için kullanılan göstergelerin eşit ağırlıklı bir yapıda endekse dâhil edilmesi durumunun, birbirinden çok farklı özelliklere sahip ülkeler açısından gerçekçi bir durum olmayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu yüzden bu çalışmanın amacı SGE göstergelerinin ağırlıklarını hesaplamak ve bu yeni ağırlıklara göre ülke sıralamasını oluşturmak olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu amacı gerçekleştirmek için öncelikle objektif Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) yöntemlerinden MEREC (MEthod based on the Removal Effects of Criteria) ile göstergeler ağırlıklandırılmıştır. Daha sonra bu ağırlıklar dikkate alınarak, ÇKKV yöntemlerinden MARCOS (Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution) yöntemi kullanılarak SGE sıralamasının ilk katmanında yer alan 14 ülke sıralanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre en yüksek ağırlığa sahip göstergeler sırasıyla kapsayıcılık (0,282), sağlık ve sıhhat (0,095) ve ileri düzey eğitime erişim (0,094) olarak bulunmuştur. Bu yeni ağırlıklar kullanılarak yapılan sıralamaya göre en yüksek performans gösteren ülkeler sırasıyla Norveç, Finlandiya ve Danimarka olarak bulunmuştur. Son olarak SGE sıralaması ile bu çalışmada bulunan sıralama arasındaki spearman’s sıra korelasyonu değeri 0,886 olarak bulunmuştur.


  • Ali, J. (2021). A novel score function based CRITIC-MARCOS method with spherical fuzzy information. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 40(8), 1-27.
  • Arsu, T., & Ayçin, E. (2021). Evaluation of OECD Countries with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods in terms of Economic, Social and Environmental Aspects. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 4(2), 55-78.
  • Badi, I., & Pamucar, D. (2020). Supplier selection for steelmaking company by using combined Grey-MARCOS methods. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 3(2), 37-48.
  • Benítez, R., & Liern, V. (2021). Unweighted TOPSIS: a new multi-criteria tool for sustainability analysis. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 28(1), 36-48.
  • Chattopadhyay, R., Chakraborty, S., & Chakraborty, S. (2020). An integrated D-MARCOS method for supplier selection in an iron and steel industry. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 3(2), 49-69.
  • Diakomihalis, M. (2020). A regional social progress index: the case of Epirus, Greece. International Journal of Happiness and Development, 6(1), 41-58.
  • Duc Trung, D. (2022). Multi-criteria decision making under the MARCOS method and the weighting methods: applied to milling, grinding and turning processes. Manufacturing Review, 9, 3.
  • Ecer, F. (2020). Çok Kriterli Karar Verme: Geçmişten Günümüze Kapsamlı Bir Yaklaşım. Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Giannakitsidou, O., Giannikos, I., & Chondrou, A. (2020). Ranking European countries on the basis of their environmental and circular economy performance: A DEA application in MSW. Waste management, 109, 181-191.
  • Goswami, S. S., Mohanty, S. K., & Behera, D. K. (2022). Selection of a green renewable energy source in India with the help of MEREC integrated PIV MCDM tool. Materials Today: Proceedings. Erken Görünüm.
  • Hadi, A., & Abdullah, M. Z. (2022). Web and IoT-based hospital location determination with criteria weight analysis. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 11(1), 386-395.
  • Jitmaneeroj, B. (2017). Beyond the equal-weight framework of the Social Progress Index: Identifying causal relationships for policy reforms. International Journal of Social Economics. 44(2), 2336-2350
  • Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M. (2021). Assessment of distribution center locations using a multi-expert subjective–objective decision-making approach. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-19.
  • Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M., Amiri, M., Zavadskas, E. K., Turskis, Z., & Antucheviciene, J. (2021). Determination of Objective Weights Using a New Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC). Symmetry, 13(4), 525.
  • Kovač, M., Tadić, S., Krstić, M., & Bouraima, M. B. (2021). Novel Spherical Fuzzy MARCOS Method for Assessment of Drone-Based City Logistics Concepts. Complexity, 2021.
  • Madenoğlu, F. S. (2020). Dengeli Puan Kart-AHP-MARCOS Yöntemlerine Dayali Tedarikçi Seçimi. Economics Business and Organization Research, 2(2), 99-120.
  • Mishra, A. R., Saha, A., Rani, P., Hezam, I. M., Shrivastava, R., & Smarandache, F. (2022). An integrated decision support framework using single-valued-MEREC-MULTIMOORA for low carbon tourism strategy assessment. IEEE Access. Erken Görünüm.
  • Özdağoğlu, A., Keleş, M. K., & IŞILDAK, B. (2021). Bulanık SWARA ve Bulanık MARCOS Yöntemleriyle Sivil Havacılıkta Kabin Memuru Seçimi. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, 12(2), 284-302.
  • Özdağoğlu, A., Keleş, M. K., & Işildak, B. (2021). Dünyanın En İşlek Havalimanlarının Pıprecıa-E, Smart ve Marcos Yöntemleri İle Değerlendirilmesi. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (58), 333-352.
  • Özgür Güler, E., Güler, H., & Şanlı, S. (2019). Sosyal gelişme endeksine dayalı temel insani ihtiyaçlar ve fırsatlar alt endeksleri arasındaki ilişki. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28(2), 55-70.
  • Pala, O. (2021). IDOCRIW ve MARCOS Temelli Bist Ulaştirma İşletmelerinin Finansal Performans Analizi. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(23), 263-294.
  • Puška, A., Stojanović, I., Maksimović, A., & Osmanović, N. (2020). Evaluation software of project management used measurement of alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution (MARCOS) method. Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications, 3(1), 89-102.
  • Rani, P., Mishra, A. R., Saha, A., Hezam, I. M., & Pamucar, D. (2022). Fermatean fuzzy Heronian mean operators and MEREC‐based additive ratio assessment method: An application to food waste treatment technology selection. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 37(3), 2612-2647.
  • Sagar, A. D., & Najam, A. (1998). The human development index: a critical review. Ecological economics, 25(3), 249-264.
  • Stanković, M., Stević, Ž., Das, D. K., Subotić, M., & Pamučar, D. (2020). A new fuzzy MARCOS method for road traffic risk analysis. Mathematics, 8(3), 457.
  • Stern, S., Harmacek, J., Htitich, M., & Krylova, P. (2021) Social Progress Index Methodology Summary. Social Progress Imperative: Washington, DC.
  • Stević, Ž., Pamučar, D., Puška, A., & Chatterjee, P. (2020). Sustainable supplier selection in healthcare industries using a new MCDM method: Measurement of alternatives and ranking according to COmpromise solution (MARCOS). Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, 106231.
  • Stević, Ž., Pamučar, D., Puška, A., & Chatterjee, P. (2020). Sustainable supplier selection in healthcare industries using a new MCDM method: Measurement of alternatives and ranking according to COmpromise solution (MARCOS). Computers & Industrial Engineering, 140, 106231.
  • Toslak, M., Aktürk, B., & Ulutaş, A. (2022). MEREC ve WEDBA Yöntemleri ile Bir Lojistik Firmasının Yıllara Göre Performansının Değerlendirilmesi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (33), 363-372.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Operation
Journal Section Research Article

Ejder Ayçin 0000-0002-0153-8430

Talip Arsu 0000-0002-2580-166X

Publication Date June 10, 2022
Submission Date March 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Ayçin, E., & Arsu, T. (2022). Sosyal Gelişme Endeksine Göre Ülkelerin Değerlendirilmesi: MEREC ve MARCOS Yöntemleri ile Bir Uygulama. İzmir Yönetim Dergisi, 2(2), 75-88.

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