Research Article
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Weed Management and Yield Outcomes in Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Cultivation Using Various Mulching Materials

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 140 - 154, 31.12.2024


Weeds are a major problem in the strawberry industry and are a major cause of yield loss and plant growth problems. Effective weed control can help support the healthy growth of strawberry plants, leading to higher yields and better quality. This study was conducted in the Patnos district of Ağrı province in 2022 and 2023 to examine the effects of different mulch materials on weed control and strawberry yield. Thirteen weed species from seven different families were identified in the experimental area. Compared to the control plots with weeds, all mulch materials resulted in lower weed dry weight, lower weed density, and higher strawberry yield. The most effective mulch materials for weed control were found to be wool felt and plastic mulch, while sawdust was observed to reduce weed pressure and increase strawberry yield. The highest strawberry yields in both years were achieved with sawdust (965.07 g and 1025.25 g). Correlation analysis revealed that weed density and dry weight negatively affected strawberry yield and plant growth parameters. However, in the mulched areas, weed density decreased, and strawberry yield increased compared to the control plots. These results indicate that mulch materials can be used as an effective method for sustainable weed management in strawberry cultivation.


  • Ağaoğlu YS, Gerçekçioğlu R (2013) Üzümsü meyveler. Tomurcukbağ Ltd. Şti. Eğitim Yayınları No: 1, Kalecik, Ankara, 654 s.
  • Ahmad, S., Raza, M. A. S., Saleem, M. F., Zaheer, M. S., Iqbal, R., Haider, I., Aslam, M. U., Ali, M., and Khan, I. H. (2020). Significance of partial root zone drying and mulches for water saving and weed suppression in wheat. J. Anim. Plant. Sci, 30, 154-162.
  • Alptekin, H., & Gürbüz, R. (2022). The effect of organic mulch materials on weed control in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Cultivation. Journal of Agriculture, 5(1), 68-79.
  • Ateş, S., Uygur, F.N, (2013). Ekolojik Yöntemlerle Yetiştirilen Patlıcan ve Biberde Yabancı Ot Mücadele Yöntemlerinin ve Etkinliklerinin Araştırılması. Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(1), 69-77.
  • Basu, A., Nguyen, A., Betts, N. M., & Lyons, T. J. (2014). Strawberry as a functional food: an evidence-based review. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 54(6), 790-806.
  • Bayram, S. E., Özeker, E., & Elmacı, Ö. L. (2013). Fonksiyonel gıdalar ve çilek. Akademik Gıda, 11(2), 131-137.
  • Birkeland, L., A. Døving, and A. Sønsteby, 2002. Yields and quality in relation to planting bed organically management grown of strawberry cultivars. Acta Hortic. 567(2): 519522.
  • Bo, A.B., Won, O.J., Sin, H.T., Lee, J.J. and Park, K.W., (2017). Mechanisms of herbicide resistance in weeds. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 44(1), 1-15.
  • Boyd, N. S., Sharpe, S. M., & Kanissery, R. (2021). Flumioxazin soil persistence under plastic mulch and effects of pretransplant applications on strawberry. Weed Technology, 35(2), 319-323.
  • Bozhüyük, A. U., Gürbüz, R., Alptekin, H., & Kaycı, H. (2022). The use of different waste mulch materials against weeds which are problems in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivation. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 36(2), 226-232.
  • Castellano-Hinojosa, A., Noling, J. W., Bui, H. X., Desaeger, J. A., & Strauss, S. L. (2022). Effect of fumigants and non-fumigants on nematode and weed control, crop yield, and soil microbial diversity and predicted functionality in a strawberry production system. Science of The Total Environment, 852, 158285.
  • Daugovish, O., Fennimore, S. A., & Mochizuki, M. J. (2008). Integration of oxyfluorfen into strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) weed management programs. Weed Technology, 22(4), 685-690.
  • DeVetter, L. W., Zhang, H., Ghimire, S., Watkinson, S., & Miles, C. A. (2017). Plastic biodegradable mulches reduce weeds and promote crop growth in day-neutral strawberry in western Washington. HortScience, 52(12), 1700-1706.
  • Elmore, C.L., 1991. Weed Control by Soil Solarization. IN: Katan, J. and J.E. DeVay (eds.), Soil Solarization, CRC Press, London, 266.
  • FAO, 2024, Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü. Erişim Tarihi 27.11.2024.
  • Forcella, F., Poppe, S. R., Hansen, N. C., Head, W. A., Hoover, E., Propsom, F., & Mckensie, J. (2003). Biological mulches for managing weeds in transplanted strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa). Weed technology, 17(4), 782-787.
  • Geçer, M.K., Gündoğdu, M., Başar, G., (2018). Bazı Çilek Çeşitlerinin Merzifon (Amasya) Ekolojisindeki Verim Durumlarının Tespiti. Journal Of The Institute Of Science And Technology, 8(2), 11-15.
  • Giampieri, F., Forbes-Hernandez, T. Y., Gasparrini, M., Alvarez-Suarez, J. M., Afrin, S., Bompadre, S., ... & Battino, M. (2015). Strawberry as a health promoter: an evidence based review. Food & function, 6(5), 1386-1398.
  • Giannapolitis, C. N. (2021). Weeds and weed control in strawberries of Greece. In Weed Control on Vine and Soft Fruits (pp. 95-98). CRC Press.
  • Gilreath, J. P., & Santos, B. M. (2005). Weed management with oxyfluorfen and napropamide in mulched strawberry. Weed Technology, 19(2), 325-328.
  • Gradila, M., Jaloba, D., Ciontu, V. M., & Cristea, R. M. (2023). Problem weeds control ın strawberry crops ın dıfferent growıng systems ın romanıa. Agriculture and Food, 11(1), 296-303.
  • Grassbaugh, E.M., Regnıer, E.E., Bennett, M.A., (2004). Comparison of Organic and İnorganic Mulches for Heirloom Tomato Production. Acta Horticulturae (638) Leuven: International Society For Horticultural Science (Ishs), 171-176.
  • Gupta, R., Acharya, C.L., (1993). Effect of Mulch İnduced Hydrothermal Regime on Root Growth, Water Use Efficiency, Yield and Quality of Strawberry. Journal Of The Indian Society of Soil Science, 41(1), 17-25.
  • Gürbüz, R., Alma, M. H., Alptekin, H., & Tülek, C. (2024). Performance of Some Organic Mulch Materials for Weed Suppression, Soil Conditions and Yield in Capsicum annuum L. Cultivation. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 14(1), 18-38.
  • Gürbüz, R., Uygur, S., & UYGUR, F. N. (2018). Ağrı İli Buğday Ekim Alanlarında Segetal Floranın Belirlenmesi. Turkish Journal of Weed Science, 21(1).
  • Hammermeister, A.M., (2016). Organic Weed Management in Perennial Fruits. Scientia Horticulturae, 208, 28-42.
  • Hernández-Martínez, N. R., Blanchard, C., Wells, D., & Salazar-Gutiérrez, M. R. (2023). Current state and future perspectives of commercial strawberry production: A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 312, 111893.
  • Hoover, E. E., Tepe, E. S., Poppe, S., Dalman, N., Petran, A., & Forcella, F. (2021, May). Between-row treatments for weed management in day-neutral strawberry plantings in the northern United States. In IX International Strawberry Symposium 1309 (pp. 543-548).
  • Iqbal, R., Raza, M.A.S., Valipour, M., Saleem, M.F., Zaheer, M.S., Ahmad, S., ... and Nazar, M. A., (2020). Potential agricultural and environmental benefits of mulches—a review. Bulletin of the National Research Centre, 44, 1-16.
  • Jabłońska-Trypuć, A., Wydro, U., Wołejko, E. and Butarewicz, A., (2019). Toxicological effects of traumatic acid and selected herbicides on human breast cancer cells: In vitro cytotoxicity assessment of analyzed compounds. Molecules, 24(9), 1710.
  • Jabran, K., (2019). Role of mulching in pest management and agricultural sustainability. Cham: Springer.
  • Johnson, M. S., & Fennimore, S. A. (2005). Weed and crop response to colored plastic mulches in strawberry production. HortScience, 40(5), 1371-1375.
  • Kapur, B., & Şahiner, Y. (2019). Effects of irrigation levels and mulch applications on pomological properties of strawberry. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 7(2), 355-364.
  • Khan, S., Tufail, M., Khan, M. T., Khan, Z. A., & Anwar, S. (2021). Deep learning-based identification system of weeds and crops in strawberry and pea fields for a precision agriculture sprayer. Precision Agriculture, 22(6), 1711-1727.
  • McMurray, G. L., Monks, D. W., & Leidy, R. B. (1996). Clopyralid use in strawberries (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.) grown on plastic mulch. Weed science, 44(2), 350-354.
  • Nile, S. H., & Park, S. W. (2014). Edible berries: Bioactive components and their effect on human health. Nutrition, 30(2), 134-144.
  • Odum, P., 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Company, 574 s.
  • Özkaplan, C. H. (2010). Perşembe (Ordu) ekolojisinde değişik malç uygulamalarının çilekte verim ve kalite üzerine etkisi (Master's thesis, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
  • Pinto, J. P., da Cunha, F. F., da Silva Adão, A., de Paula, L. B., Ribeiro, M. C., & Costa Neto, J. R. R. (2022). Strawberry production with different mulches and wetted areas. Horticulturae, 8(10), 930.
  • Plekhanova, M.N. and M.N. Petrova, 2002. Influence of black plastic soil mulching on productivity of strawberry cultivars in Northwest Russia. Acta Hortic. 567(2): 491–494.
  • Saeed, M., Haroon, M., Ayaz, A., Khan, M. J. A., Khattak, M. K., HAQ, I. U., ... & Dawar, K. M. (2020). Comparisons of weed suppression and strawberry yield obtained with organic and synthetic mulches and herbicides. Pak. J. Bot, 52(6), 1999-2002.
  • Samtani, J. B., Derr, J., Conway, M. A., & Flanagan, R. D. (2017). Evaluating soil solarization for weed control and strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) yield in annual plasticulture production. Weed Technology, 31(3), 455-463.
  • Sardana, V., Mahajan, G., Jabran, K. and Chauhan, B.S. (2017). Role of competition in managing weeds: An introduction to the special issue. Crop Protection, 95, 1-7.
  • Sarıdaş, M. A. (2021). Seasonal variation of strawberry fruit quality in widely grown cultivars under Mediterranean climate condition. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 97, 103733.
  • Savcı, H., & Gürbüz, R. (2023). Determination of density and frequency of weeds in commercial crops of Hamur district of Ağrı, Türkiye. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(1), 38-50.
  • Sharafati, M., Elahifard, E., Siahpoosh, A., Heidari, M., & Zare, A. (2021). Effect of Mulch and Herbicide on Weed Control and Strawberry (Fragaria ˣ ananassa) Yield in Khuzestan Conditions. Journal Of Agrıcultural Scıence And Sustaınable Productıon, 31(1), 313-329.
  • Su, W.H., (2020). Advanced machine learning in point spectroscopy, RGB-and hyperspectral-imaging for automatic discriminations of crops and weeds: A review. Smart Cities, 3(3), 767-792.
  • Şener, S., & Türemiş, N. F. (2017). Influence of mulch types on yield and quality of organically grown strawberry cultivars. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 66-72.
  • TÜİK, (2024) Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim Tarihi 27.11.2024.
  • Tülek, C., Gürbüz, R., & Alptekin, H. (2022). Organik Malç Materyallerinin Domates (Solanum lycopersicum L.)’te Yabancı Ot Kontrolüne Etkisi. Journal of Agriculture, 5(2), 86-101.
  • Ullah, I., Lızalo, A., Emre Dogan, D., Uray, Y., & Rashid, H. H. (2021). Relevance of mulching In strawberry cultivation. In International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress (pp. 318-330).
  • Üstüner, T.; Güncan, (2002) A. Niğde ve yöresi patates tarlalarında sorun olan yabancı otların yoğunluğu ve önemi ile topluluk oluşturmaları üzerine araştırmalar. Türkiye Herboloji Derg. 2002, 5, 30–42.
  • Yu, J., Boyd, N. S., & Guan, Z. (2018). Relay-cropping and fallow programs for strawberry-based production system: Effects on crop productivity and weed control. HortScience, 53(4), 445-450.
Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 140 - 154, 31.12.2024



  • Ağaoğlu YS, Gerçekçioğlu R (2013) Üzümsü meyveler. Tomurcukbağ Ltd. Şti. Eğitim Yayınları No: 1, Kalecik, Ankara, 654 s.
  • Ahmad, S., Raza, M. A. S., Saleem, M. F., Zaheer, M. S., Iqbal, R., Haider, I., Aslam, M. U., Ali, M., and Khan, I. H. (2020). Significance of partial root zone drying and mulches for water saving and weed suppression in wheat. J. Anim. Plant. Sci, 30, 154-162.
  • Alptekin, H., & Gürbüz, R. (2022). The effect of organic mulch materials on weed control in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Cultivation. Journal of Agriculture, 5(1), 68-79.
  • Ateş, S., Uygur, F.N, (2013). Ekolojik Yöntemlerle Yetiştirilen Patlıcan ve Biberde Yabancı Ot Mücadele Yöntemlerinin ve Etkinliklerinin Araştırılması. Nevşehir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(1), 69-77.
  • Basu, A., Nguyen, A., Betts, N. M., & Lyons, T. J. (2014). Strawberry as a functional food: an evidence-based review. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 54(6), 790-806.
  • Bayram, S. E., Özeker, E., & Elmacı, Ö. L. (2013). Fonksiyonel gıdalar ve çilek. Akademik Gıda, 11(2), 131-137.
  • Birkeland, L., A. Døving, and A. Sønsteby, 2002. Yields and quality in relation to planting bed organically management grown of strawberry cultivars. Acta Hortic. 567(2): 519522.
  • Bo, A.B., Won, O.J., Sin, H.T., Lee, J.J. and Park, K.W., (2017). Mechanisms of herbicide resistance in weeds. Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, 44(1), 1-15.
  • Boyd, N. S., Sharpe, S. M., & Kanissery, R. (2021). Flumioxazin soil persistence under plastic mulch and effects of pretransplant applications on strawberry. Weed Technology, 35(2), 319-323.
  • Bozhüyük, A. U., Gürbüz, R., Alptekin, H., & Kaycı, H. (2022). The use of different waste mulch materials against weeds which are problems in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cultivation. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 36(2), 226-232.
  • Castellano-Hinojosa, A., Noling, J. W., Bui, H. X., Desaeger, J. A., & Strauss, S. L. (2022). Effect of fumigants and non-fumigants on nematode and weed control, crop yield, and soil microbial diversity and predicted functionality in a strawberry production system. Science of The Total Environment, 852, 158285.
  • Daugovish, O., Fennimore, S. A., & Mochizuki, M. J. (2008). Integration of oxyfluorfen into strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa) weed management programs. Weed Technology, 22(4), 685-690.
  • DeVetter, L. W., Zhang, H., Ghimire, S., Watkinson, S., & Miles, C. A. (2017). Plastic biodegradable mulches reduce weeds and promote crop growth in day-neutral strawberry in western Washington. HortScience, 52(12), 1700-1706.
  • Elmore, C.L., 1991. Weed Control by Soil Solarization. IN: Katan, J. and J.E. DeVay (eds.), Soil Solarization, CRC Press, London, 266.
  • FAO, 2024, Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü. Erişim Tarihi 27.11.2024.
  • Forcella, F., Poppe, S. R., Hansen, N. C., Head, W. A., Hoover, E., Propsom, F., & Mckensie, J. (2003). Biological mulches for managing weeds in transplanted strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa). Weed technology, 17(4), 782-787.
  • Geçer, M.K., Gündoğdu, M., Başar, G., (2018). Bazı Çilek Çeşitlerinin Merzifon (Amasya) Ekolojisindeki Verim Durumlarının Tespiti. Journal Of The Institute Of Science And Technology, 8(2), 11-15.
  • Giampieri, F., Forbes-Hernandez, T. Y., Gasparrini, M., Alvarez-Suarez, J. M., Afrin, S., Bompadre, S., ... & Battino, M. (2015). Strawberry as a health promoter: an evidence based review. Food & function, 6(5), 1386-1398.
  • Giannapolitis, C. N. (2021). Weeds and weed control in strawberries of Greece. In Weed Control on Vine and Soft Fruits (pp. 95-98). CRC Press.
  • Gilreath, J. P., & Santos, B. M. (2005). Weed management with oxyfluorfen and napropamide in mulched strawberry. Weed Technology, 19(2), 325-328.
  • Gradila, M., Jaloba, D., Ciontu, V. M., & Cristea, R. M. (2023). Problem weeds control ın strawberry crops ın dıfferent growıng systems ın romanıa. Agriculture and Food, 11(1), 296-303.
  • Grassbaugh, E.M., Regnıer, E.E., Bennett, M.A., (2004). Comparison of Organic and İnorganic Mulches for Heirloom Tomato Production. Acta Horticulturae (638) Leuven: International Society For Horticultural Science (Ishs), 171-176.
  • Gupta, R., Acharya, C.L., (1993). Effect of Mulch İnduced Hydrothermal Regime on Root Growth, Water Use Efficiency, Yield and Quality of Strawberry. Journal Of The Indian Society of Soil Science, 41(1), 17-25.
  • Gürbüz, R., Alma, M. H., Alptekin, H., & Tülek, C. (2024). Performance of Some Organic Mulch Materials for Weed Suppression, Soil Conditions and Yield in Capsicum annuum L. Cultivation. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 14(1), 18-38.
  • Gürbüz, R., Uygur, S., & UYGUR, F. N. (2018). Ağrı İli Buğday Ekim Alanlarında Segetal Floranın Belirlenmesi. Turkish Journal of Weed Science, 21(1).
  • Hammermeister, A.M., (2016). Organic Weed Management in Perennial Fruits. Scientia Horticulturae, 208, 28-42.
  • Hernández-Martínez, N. R., Blanchard, C., Wells, D., & Salazar-Gutiérrez, M. R. (2023). Current state and future perspectives of commercial strawberry production: A review. Scientia Horticulturae, 312, 111893.
  • Hoover, E. E., Tepe, E. S., Poppe, S., Dalman, N., Petran, A., & Forcella, F. (2021, May). Between-row treatments for weed management in day-neutral strawberry plantings in the northern United States. In IX International Strawberry Symposium 1309 (pp. 543-548).
  • Iqbal, R., Raza, M.A.S., Valipour, M., Saleem, M.F., Zaheer, M.S., Ahmad, S., ... and Nazar, M. A., (2020). Potential agricultural and environmental benefits of mulches—a review. Bulletin of the National Research Centre, 44, 1-16.
  • Jabłońska-Trypuć, A., Wydro, U., Wołejko, E. and Butarewicz, A., (2019). Toxicological effects of traumatic acid and selected herbicides on human breast cancer cells: In vitro cytotoxicity assessment of analyzed compounds. Molecules, 24(9), 1710.
  • Jabran, K., (2019). Role of mulching in pest management and agricultural sustainability. Cham: Springer.
  • Johnson, M. S., & Fennimore, S. A. (2005). Weed and crop response to colored plastic mulches in strawberry production. HortScience, 40(5), 1371-1375.
  • Kapur, B., & Şahiner, Y. (2019). Effects of irrigation levels and mulch applications on pomological properties of strawberry. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 7(2), 355-364.
  • Khan, S., Tufail, M., Khan, M. T., Khan, Z. A., & Anwar, S. (2021). Deep learning-based identification system of weeds and crops in strawberry and pea fields for a precision agriculture sprayer. Precision Agriculture, 22(6), 1711-1727.
  • McMurray, G. L., Monks, D. W., & Leidy, R. B. (1996). Clopyralid use in strawberries (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.) grown on plastic mulch. Weed science, 44(2), 350-354.
  • Nile, S. H., & Park, S. W. (2014). Edible berries: Bioactive components and their effect on human health. Nutrition, 30(2), 134-144.
  • Odum, P., 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B. Saunders Company, 574 s.
  • Özkaplan, C. H. (2010). Perşembe (Ordu) ekolojisinde değişik malç uygulamalarının çilekte verim ve kalite üzerine etkisi (Master's thesis, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü).
  • Pinto, J. P., da Cunha, F. F., da Silva Adão, A., de Paula, L. B., Ribeiro, M. C., & Costa Neto, J. R. R. (2022). Strawberry production with different mulches and wetted areas. Horticulturae, 8(10), 930.
  • Plekhanova, M.N. and M.N. Petrova, 2002. Influence of black plastic soil mulching on productivity of strawberry cultivars in Northwest Russia. Acta Hortic. 567(2): 491–494.
  • Saeed, M., Haroon, M., Ayaz, A., Khan, M. J. A., Khattak, M. K., HAQ, I. U., ... & Dawar, K. M. (2020). Comparisons of weed suppression and strawberry yield obtained with organic and synthetic mulches and herbicides. Pak. J. Bot, 52(6), 1999-2002.
  • Samtani, J. B., Derr, J., Conway, M. A., & Flanagan, R. D. (2017). Evaluating soil solarization for weed control and strawberry (Fragaria xananassa) yield in annual plasticulture production. Weed Technology, 31(3), 455-463.
  • Sardana, V., Mahajan, G., Jabran, K. and Chauhan, B.S. (2017). Role of competition in managing weeds: An introduction to the special issue. Crop Protection, 95, 1-7.
  • Sarıdaş, M. A. (2021). Seasonal variation of strawberry fruit quality in widely grown cultivars under Mediterranean climate condition. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 97, 103733.
  • Savcı, H., & Gürbüz, R. (2023). Determination of density and frequency of weeds in commercial crops of Hamur district of Ağrı, Türkiye. Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(1), 38-50.
  • Sharafati, M., Elahifard, E., Siahpoosh, A., Heidari, M., & Zare, A. (2021). Effect of Mulch and Herbicide on Weed Control and Strawberry (Fragaria ˣ ananassa) Yield in Khuzestan Conditions. Journal Of Agrıcultural Scıence And Sustaınable Productıon, 31(1), 313-329.
  • Su, W.H., (2020). Advanced machine learning in point spectroscopy, RGB-and hyperspectral-imaging for automatic discriminations of crops and weeds: A review. Smart Cities, 3(3), 767-792.
  • Şener, S., & Türemiş, N. F. (2017). Influence of mulch types on yield and quality of organically grown strawberry cultivars. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 66-72.
  • TÜİK, (2024) Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim Tarihi 27.11.2024.
  • Tülek, C., Gürbüz, R., & Alptekin, H. (2022). Organik Malç Materyallerinin Domates (Solanum lycopersicum L.)’te Yabancı Ot Kontrolüne Etkisi. Journal of Agriculture, 5(2), 86-101.
  • Ullah, I., Lızalo, A., Emre Dogan, D., Uray, Y., & Rashid, H. H. (2021). Relevance of mulching In strawberry cultivation. In International Cappadocia Scientific Research Congress (pp. 318-330).
  • Üstüner, T.; Güncan, (2002) A. Niğde ve yöresi patates tarlalarında sorun olan yabancı otların yoğunluğu ve önemi ile topluluk oluşturmaları üzerine araştırmalar. Türkiye Herboloji Derg. 2002, 5, 30–42.
  • Yu, J., Boyd, N. S., & Guan, Z. (2018). Relay-cropping and fallow programs for strawberry-based production system: Effects on crop productivity and weed control. HortScience, 53(4), 445-450.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Herbology
Journal Section Research Articles

Enver Artan 0009-0002-3839-2081

Harun Alptekin 0000-0001-9319-311X

Ramazan Gürbüz 0000-0003-3558-9823

Early Pub Date December 18, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date November 10, 2024
Acceptance Date November 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Artan, E., Alptekin, H., & Gürbüz, R. (2024). Weed Management and Yield Outcomes in Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Cultivation Using Various Mulching Materials. Journal of Agriculture, 7(2), 140-154.