Constructions of MDS convolutional codes using superregular matrices
Year 2020,
, 73 - 84, 29.02.2020
Julia Lieb
Raquel Pinto
Maximum distance separable convolutional codes are the codes that present best performance in error correction among all convolutional codes with certain rate and degree. In this paper, we show that taking the constant matrix coefficients of a polynomial matrix as submatrices of a superregular matrix, we obtain a column reduced generator matrix of an MDS convolutional code with a certain rate and a certain degree. We then present two novel constructions that fulfill these conditions by considering two types of superregular matrices.
Supporting Institution
Funda\c{c}\~ao para a Ci\^encia e a Tecnologia (FCT)
Project Number
This work was supported by Funda\c{c}\~ao para a Ci\^encia e a Tecnologia (FCT) within project UID/MAT/04106/2019 (CIDMA) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) within grant LI3103/1-1.
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