Almighty Allah sent the Qur'an as a guide to all people, the word of Allah. In order for people to benefit from the book's guidance, they need to understand it. A prophet who undoubtedly understands and describes the Qur'an best has the task of announcing and explaining the Qur'an. Muhammad (s.a.s) is. After the death of our Prophet, the works of understanding the Qur'an have continued from the companions to the present day. From the first times, there were those who understood the Qur'an as the word of the Prophet, as well as those who saw the Qur'an as a historical book in the process, those who said that some of its provisions should change, those who said that its stories were representative, not events that happened. On the other hand, there have also been different interpretations arising from the capacity of knowledge and understanding, or from the words and sentences of the Qur'an that are very or antonyms or whose meaning is not obvious. This study focused on approaches to the Qur'an from the time of the companions until today and why some verses are understood differently.