yaşanan Reform Hareketi ve Aydınlanma Dönemi toplumsal değişimi meydana
getirmiş ve birçok ilmin de gelişmesine sebep olmuştur. Yaşanan bu bilimsel ve
toplumsal değişimlerin etkisiyle ortaya çıkan sosyoloji ilminin temel
konularından biri birey ve toplum olmuştur. Bireylerden oluşan
toplum bireylerden
ayrı olarak düşünülebilir mi? Toplumu bireyden apayrı bir güç olarak ele almak
mümkün müdür? gibi sorulara cevap bulunmaya çalışılmıştır. Kimi
düşünürler bireyin, toplum üzerindeki etkisinin ve işlevinin daha önemli
olduğunu düşünürken kimi düşünürler de toplumun, birey üzerindeki etkisi ve
işlevinin daha değerli olduğunu iddia etmişlerdir. Bu yaklaşımlar sosyolojide
genel olarak iki kutbu oluşturmuştur. Sosyolojide bu iki kutup makro ve mikro
teoriler olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Mikro teoriler bireyi ve bireyin
davranışlarını ele alarak toplumu değerlendirirken makro teoriler toplumu ve
toplumun fonksiyonunu esas kabul etmiştir. İslam dünyasında da bu iki temel
kavramın birbiriyle ilişkisi ve Kur’an’ın birey ve toplum dikatomisini nasıl
ele aldığı önem arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızın problemi; Kur’ ani
sorumluluklarda birey ve toplum dikatomisini ele almaktır. Amacımız ise;
problemimiz temelinde Kur’ an’ın toplumu mu yahut bireyi mi öncelediğini ayetler
ve ayetlerdeki kavramlar üzerinden değerlendirmektir. Bunu yaparken sosyolojik
literatür içerisinde ele alınan makro ve mikro teorileriler göz önüne
alınacaktır. Tarihsel dökümantasyon
tekniği ile de konuyu daha anlaşılır kılmaya gayret edeceğiz.
Anahtar Kelimeler: birey, toplum, Kur’an, sosyoloji, İslam
sosyolojisi, makro teori, mikro teori.
The Reform Movement in
the West and the Enlightenment Period brought about social change and caused
many illusions to develop. One of the main subjects of the sociology knowledge
that emerged under the influence of these scientific and social changes is the
individual and society. Can a society of individuals be considered separately
from individuals? Is it possible to treat society as an individual force? have
been tried to find answers. Some think that the individual thinks that the
influence and function on society is more important, while others think that
the influence and function of the society on the individual is more valuable.
These approaches have created two poles in sociology. In sociology these two
poles are called macro and micro theories. Macro theories have assumed the
function of society and society as the basis while micro-theories evaluate the
society by taking individual and individual behavior. In the Islamic world, it
is also important that these two basic concepts relate to each other and how
the Qur'an deals with the dichotomy of the individual and society. The problem
of our work in this context; Kur 'is to
deal with the dictatorship of the individual and the society in a sudden
responsibility. Our aim is; on the basis of our problem is to evaluate the fact
that Kur'an is a society or an individual, based on the concepts in verses and
verses. In doing so, the macro and micro theories discussed in the sociological
literature will be considered. We will also try to make it clearer with the
historical documentation technique.
The Reform Movement in the West and the Enlightenment Period
brought about social change and caused many sciences to develop. One of the main subjects of the sociology knowledge
that emerged under the influence of these scientific and social changes is the
individual and society. ‘Can a society of individuals be considered separately
from individuals? Is it possible to treat society as an individual force?’ have
been tried to find answers. Some think that the individual thinks that the
influence and function on society is more important, while others think that
the influence and function of the society on the individual is more valuable.
These approaches have created two poles in sociology. In sociology, these two
poles are called macro and micro theories. Macro theories have assumed the
function of society and society as the basis while micro-theories evaluate the
society by taking individual and individual behavior. In the Islamic world, it
is also important that these two basic concepts relate to each other and how
the Qur'an deals with the dichotomy of the individual and society. The problem of
our work in this context is to study the; Kur’anic responsibility in terms of individual and social dichotomy. Based on the Qur’anic verses, our specific aim; is to evaluate the fact that whether Kur'an is preferring individual over the society or vice versa. In doing so, the macro and micro theories discussed in the
sociological literature will be analyzed. We will also try
to make the subject clearer with the
historical documentation technique.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | Peer-reviewed Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 15, 2018 |
Published in Issue | Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 1 |
· JAD accepts the Open Access Journal Policy for expanding and flourishing of knowledge.
· Adress: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversity, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Esenboga Campus, Cubuk/Ankara