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Flood Prioritization Watersheds of the Aras River, Based on Geomorphometric Properties: Case Study Iğdır Province

Year 2021, , 21 - 40, 15.04.2021


Drainage watershed morphometry plays a major role in terms of understanding flood dynamics. Flood potentials are explained considering the linear, areal, and relief morphometry features of the watersheds. In general, there are number of geomorphometric indices in the description of these features. The formal geometries, geomorphology, geology, and general climate characteristics, etc., which play a decisive role in the flood potential in the watershed, can be determined relatively with morphometric indices. In this study, 35 different river watersheds draining their waters to the Aras, located in the center of Iğdır Province, were examined. Geographic information systems (GIS) and statistical software were chosen to analyze and calculate indices for this research. Flood events occur in these 35 different river watersheds and this study evaluates river watersheds in terms of their flood potential using 14 different indices. In the evaluation of the results obtained, the values that have a high impact on the floods are ranked according to their priorities. These results were evaluated in terms of flood priorities using morphometric analysis and principal component analysis methods. Flood priorities of watersheds, obtained through two different methods, are classified as high, medium, or low priorities. The number of common watersheds, determined based on two different methods, is 8 in river watersheds with "high" priority, 11 in river watersheds with "medium" priority, and 7 in river watersheds with "low" priority. According to these results, it is seen that river watersheds with high priority flood potential correspond to the areas where flood events occurred.


  • Abdeta, G. C., Tesemma, A. B., Tura, A. L., Atlabachew, G.H. (2020) Morphometric analysis for prioritizing sub-watersheds and management planning and practices in Gidabo Basin, Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Appl Water Sci. 10(7):1–15.
  • Ajibade, L., Ifabiyi, L., Iroye, K., Ogunteru, S. (2010) Morphometric Analysis of Ogunpa and Ogbere Drainage Basins, Ibadan, Nigeria. Ethiop. J. Environ. Stud. Manag. 3.
  • Amiri, M., Pourghasemi., H. R., Arabameri, A., Vazirzadeh, A., Yousefi, H., Kafaei, S. (2019) Prioritization of Flood Inundation of Maharloo Watershed in Iran Using Morphometric Parameters Analysis and TOPSIS MCDM Model. Elsevier Inc.
  • Azzoni, R.S., Fugazza, D., Garzonio, C. A., Nicoll, K., Diolaiuti, G. A., Pelfini, M., Zerboni, A. (2019) Geomorphological effects of the 1840 Ahora Gorge catastrophe on Mount Ararat (Eastern Turkey). Geomorphology 332, 10–21.
  • Azzoni, R. S., Zerboni, A., Pelfini, M., Garzonio, C. A., Cioni, R., Meraldi, E., Smiraglia, C., Diolaiuti, G. A. (2017) Geomorphology of mount Ararat/Ağri daği (Ağri daği milli parki, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey). J. Maps 13, 182–190.
  • Bhat, M. S., Alam, A., Ahmad, B., Kotlia, B. S., Farooq, H., Taloor, A. K., Ahmad, S. (2018) Flood frequency analysis of river Jhelum in Kashmir basin. Quat. Int. 0–1.
  • Bhat, M. S., Alam, A., Ahmad, S., Farooq, H., Ahmad, B. (2019) Flood hazard assessment of upper Jhelum basin using morphometric parameters. Environ. Earth Sci. 78, 1–17.
  • Brown, J. D., Spencer, T., Moeller, I. (2007) Modeling storm surge flooding of an urban area with particular reference to modeling uncertainties : A case study of Canvey Island, United Kingdom. Water Resour Res. 43(6):1–22.
  • Choudhari, P. P., Nigam, G.K., Singh, S. K., Thakur, S. (2018) Morphometric based prioritization of watershed for groundwater potential of Mula river basin, Maharashtra, India. Geol Ecol Landscapes. 2(4):256–267.
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  • El Tahan, A. H. M. H., Elhanafy, H. E. M. (2016) Statistical analysis of morphometric and hydrologic parameters in arid regions, case study of Wadi Hadramaut. Arab. J. Geosci. 9, 1–10.
  • Eludoyin, A. O., Adewole, A. O. (2020) A remote sensing-based evaluation of an ungauged drainage basin in Southwestern Nigeria. Int J River Basin Manag. 18(3):307–319.
  • Elsadek, W. M., Ibrahim, M. G., Mahmod, W. E. (2019a) Runoff hazard analysis of Wadi Qena Watershed, Egypt based on GIS and remote sensing approach. Alexandria Eng. J. 58, 377–385.
  • Elsadek, W. M., Ibrahim, M. G., Mahmod, W. E., Kanae, S. (2019b) Developing an overall assessment map for flood hazard on large area watershed using multi-method approach: case study of Wadi Qena watershed, Egypt. Nat. Hazards 95, 739–767.
  • Ergünay, O. (2007) Türkiyenin Afet Profili. In: TMMOB Afet Sempozyumu. Ankara; p. 1–14.
  • Farhan, Y., Anbar, A., Al-Shaikh, N., Mousa, R. (2017) Prioritization of Semi-Arid Agricultural Watershed Using Morphometric and Principal Component Analysis, Remote Sensing, and GIS Techniques, the Zerqa River Watershed, Northern Jordan. Agricultural Sciences, 08(01), 113–
  • Fural, Ş., Poyraz, M. (2015) Değirmendere Havzası’nın (EDREMİT) Jeomorfolojik ve Hidrografik Özelliklerine Morfometrik Yaklaşım, New approaches in Geography, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayinları, p. 495-508
  • Hadley, R. F., Schumm, S. A. (1961) Sediment Sources and Drainage Basin Characteristics in Upper Cheyenne River Basin. US Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1531-B, 198.
  • Hamdan, A., Khozyem, H. (2018) Morphometric, statistical, and hazard analyses using ASTER data and GIS technique of WADI El-Mathula watershed, Qena, Egypt. Arab. J. Geosci. 11.
  • Horton, R. E. (1932) Drainage-basin characteristics. Eos. Transactions American Geophysical Union 13 (1), 350e361.
  • Horton, R. E. (1945) Erosional development of streams and their drainage basins: hydro physical approach to quantitative morphology. Bull Geol Soc Am 56:275–370, 275e370.
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  • Karabulut, M.S., Özdemir, H. (2019) Comparison of basin morphometry analyses derived from different DEMs on two drainage basins in Turkey. Environ. Earth Sci. 78, 1–14.
  • Karaoğlu, M., Çelim, Ş. (2018) Doğu Anadolu Blgesi ve Iğdır’ın Jeolojisi ve Toprak Özellikleri. J. Agric. 1, 14–26.
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Jeomorfometrik Özelliklere Göre Aras Nehri Havzalarının Taşkın Önceliklendirilmesi: Iğdır İli Örneği

Year 2021, , 21 - 40, 15.04.2021


Drenaj havza morfometrisi, taşkın dinamiklerinin anlaşılması bakımından büyük rol oynamaktadır. Temel olarak havzaların çizgisel, alansal ve relief morfometri özellikleri dikkate alınarak taşkın olasılıkları açıklanmaktadır. Genel olarak bu özelliklerin açıklanmasında bir takım indisler bulunmaktadır. Havzalardaki taşkın potansiyelinde belirleyici rol oynayan şekilsel geometrileri, jeomorfoloji, jeolojisi ve genel iklim özellikleri vb., durumları morfometrik indisler ile göreceli olarak tespit edilebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada Iğdır ili merkezinde yer alan Aras Havzası’na sularını drene eden 35 farklı akarsu havzası incelendi. Çalışmanın gerçekleştirilmesinde coğrafi bilgi sistemleri (GIS) yazılımlarından ArcGIS 10.x, istatistik hesaplamaların yapılmasında ise SPSS ve excel programları kullanılmıştır. Bu 35 farklı akarsu havzasında taşkın olayları meydana gelmektedir. Bu akarsu havzaları 14 farklı indis kullanılarak taşkın potansiyeli bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Kullanılan bu indisler, çizgisel, alansal ve relief morfometrisini içermektedir. Elde edilen sonuçların değerlendirilmesinde taşkınlar üzerinde yüksek etkiye sahip değerler önceliklerine göre sıralandırılmıştır. Bu sonuçlar, morfometrik analiz ve principal component analysis yöntemleri kullanılarak taşkın öncelikleri bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. İki farklı yönteme bağlı olarak elde edilen taşkın öncelikli havzalar yüksek-orta-düşük önceliğe sahip olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. İki farklı yönteme bağlı olarak tespit edilen ortak havza sayısı “Yüksek” önceliğe sahip havzalarda 8, orta önceliğe sahip havzalarda 11, düşük havza önceliğine sahip akarsu havzalarında ise 7’dir. Bu sonuçlara bağlı olarak yüksek önceliğe sahip taşkın potansiyeline sahip akarsu havzaları taşkın olaylarının meydana geldiği alanlara karşılık geldiği görülmektedir


  • Abdeta, G. C., Tesemma, A. B., Tura, A. L., Atlabachew, G.H. (2020) Morphometric analysis for prioritizing sub-watersheds and management planning and practices in Gidabo Basin, Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Appl Water Sci. 10(7):1–15.
  • Ajibade, L., Ifabiyi, L., Iroye, K., Ogunteru, S. (2010) Morphometric Analysis of Ogunpa and Ogbere Drainage Basins, Ibadan, Nigeria. Ethiop. J. Environ. Stud. Manag. 3.
  • Amiri, M., Pourghasemi., H. R., Arabameri, A., Vazirzadeh, A., Yousefi, H., Kafaei, S. (2019) Prioritization of Flood Inundation of Maharloo Watershed in Iran Using Morphometric Parameters Analysis and TOPSIS MCDM Model. Elsevier Inc.
  • Azzoni, R.S., Fugazza, D., Garzonio, C. A., Nicoll, K., Diolaiuti, G. A., Pelfini, M., Zerboni, A. (2019) Geomorphological effects of the 1840 Ahora Gorge catastrophe on Mount Ararat (Eastern Turkey). Geomorphology 332, 10–21.
  • Azzoni, R. S., Zerboni, A., Pelfini, M., Garzonio, C. A., Cioni, R., Meraldi, E., Smiraglia, C., Diolaiuti, G. A. (2017) Geomorphology of mount Ararat/Ağri daği (Ağri daği milli parki, Eastern Anatolia, Turkey). J. Maps 13, 182–190.
  • Bhat, M. S., Alam, A., Ahmad, B., Kotlia, B. S., Farooq, H., Taloor, A. K., Ahmad, S. (2018) Flood frequency analysis of river Jhelum in Kashmir basin. Quat. Int. 0–1.
  • Bhat, M. S., Alam, A., Ahmad, S., Farooq, H., Ahmad, B. (2019) Flood hazard assessment of upper Jhelum basin using morphometric parameters. Environ. Earth Sci. 78, 1–17.
  • Brown, J. D., Spencer, T., Moeller, I. (2007) Modeling storm surge flooding of an urban area with particular reference to modeling uncertainties : A case study of Canvey Island, United Kingdom. Water Resour Res. 43(6):1–22.
  • Choudhari, P. P., Nigam, G.K., Singh, S. K., Thakur, S. (2018) Morphometric based prioritization of watershed for groundwater potential of Mula river basin, Maharashtra, India. Geol Ecol Landscapes. 2(4):256–267.
  • Clarke, J. I. (1966) Morphometry from Maps. In: Dury, G.H., Ed., Essays in Geomorphology, Elsevier Publ. Co., New York, 235-274.
  • Cürebal, İ., Erginal, A. E. (2007) Mıhlı çayı havzası’nın jeomorfolojik özelliklerinin jeomorfik indislerle analizi. Elektron. Sos. Bilim. Derg. 19, 126–135.
  • Çiner, A. (2003) Recent Glaciers and Late Quaternary Glacial Deposits of Turkey. Geol. Bull. Turkey 46.
  • De Silva, S., Lindsay, J. M. (2015) Chapter 15 – Primary volcanic landforms. In H. Sigurdsson (Ed.), The encyclopedia of volcanoes (2nd ed., pp. 273–297). Amsterdam: Academic.
  • Dhanusree, M., Bhaskaran, G. (2019) GIS-Based Approach in Drainage Morphometric Analysis of Bharathapuzha River Basin, India. J. Geogr. Environ. Earth Sci. Int. 20, 1–12.
  • El Tahan, A. H. M. H., Elhanafy, H. E. M. (2016) Statistical analysis of morphometric and hydrologic parameters in arid regions, case study of Wadi Hadramaut. Arab. J. Geosci. 9, 1–10.
  • Eludoyin, A. O., Adewole, A. O. (2020) A remote sensing-based evaluation of an ungauged drainage basin in Southwestern Nigeria. Int J River Basin Manag. 18(3):307–319.
  • Elsadek, W. M., Ibrahim, M. G., Mahmod, W. E. (2019a) Runoff hazard analysis of Wadi Qena Watershed, Egypt based on GIS and remote sensing approach. Alexandria Eng. J. 58, 377–385.
  • Elsadek, W. M., Ibrahim, M. G., Mahmod, W. E., Kanae, S. (2019b) Developing an overall assessment map for flood hazard on large area watershed using multi-method approach: case study of Wadi Qena watershed, Egypt. Nat. Hazards 95, 739–767.
  • Ergünay, O. (2007) Türkiyenin Afet Profili. In: TMMOB Afet Sempozyumu. Ankara; p. 1–14.
  • Farhan, Y., Anbar, A., Al-Shaikh, N., Mousa, R. (2017) Prioritization of Semi-Arid Agricultural Watershed Using Morphometric and Principal Component Analysis, Remote Sensing, and GIS Techniques, the Zerqa River Watershed, Northern Jordan. Agricultural Sciences, 08(01), 113–
  • Fural, Ş., Poyraz, M. (2015) Değirmendere Havzası’nın (EDREMİT) Jeomorfolojik ve Hidrografik Özelliklerine Morfometrik Yaklaşım, New approaches in Geography, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayinları, p. 495-508
  • Hadley, R. F., Schumm, S. A. (1961) Sediment Sources and Drainage Basin Characteristics in Upper Cheyenne River Basin. US Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1531-B, 198.
  • Hamdan, A., Khozyem, H. (2018) Morphometric, statistical, and hazard analyses using ASTER data and GIS technique of WADI El-Mathula watershed, Qena, Egypt. Arab. J. Geosci. 11.
  • Horton, R. E. (1932) Drainage-basin characteristics. Eos. Transactions American Geophysical Union 13 (1), 350e361.
  • Horton, R. E. (1945) Erosional development of streams and their drainage basins: hydro physical approach to quantitative morphology. Bull Geol Soc Am 56:275–370, 275e370.
  • Javed, A., Khanday, M. Y., Ahmed, R. (2009) Prioritization of sub-watersheds based on morphometric and land use analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. J Indian Soc Remote Sens. 37(2):261–274.
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There are 86 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physical Geography and Environmental Geology
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Utlu 0000-0002-7508-4478

Redvan Ghasemlounia 0000-0003-1796-4562

Publication Date April 15, 2021
Submission Date August 16, 2020
Acceptance Date November 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Utlu, M., & Ghasemlounia, R. (2021). Flood Prioritization Watersheds of the Aras River, Based on Geomorphometric Properties: Case Study Iğdır Province. Jeomorfolojik Araştırmalar Dergisi(6), 21-40.
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TR Dizin - DOAJ - DRJIASOS İndeks - Scientific Indexing Service - CrossrefGoogle Scholar tarafından taranmaktadır. 
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