General Rules
Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
All submissions must be accompanied by a signed statement of scientific contributions and responsibilities of all authors and a statement declaring the absence of conflict of interests.
All submissions must be accompanied by a letter that states that all authors have approved the publication of the paper in the journal. Upon acceptance, all authors must sign the Copyright Transfer Form, and send this form to the editorial office through mail.
Authors should consult the journal’s editorial and publication policies. Editor(s) may return manuscripts that are grossly inconsistent with these policies. The managing editör will allocate the submitted paper to an associate editör to handle the reviewing, revision, and acceptance or rejection procedures. The managing editor retains the right to return a paper without review if the content is deemed inappropriate. The managing editor’s judgment is final, with regard to suitability for publication.
The journal adopts COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) standards in editorial, paper acceptance, and review processes. Fort his reason, the papers must be prepared with these rules, especially in terms of ethics and plagiarism.
Papers will be limited to a maximum length of 20 pages, except in special circumstances. Excessively long papers will normally be returned for shortening before review.
Preparation of the Manuscript
The title should be as short as possible, both in Turkish & English, and should accurately reflect the content of the article.
Main Text
Manuscript should preferably be in .doc or .docx format. All text should be in PTSans font, 1 line space at a minimum font size of 12 points with a single column.
Equations should be numbered serially on the right-hand side, in parentheses.
The main text should be formed in the following order: Title (both in Turkis and English), Abstract and Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements, References, and appendices.
Author(s)’s name, address, e-mail, corresponding author, ORCID info should be written on a separate page.
The abstract must be written in Turkish and English (maximum length 300 words). It should summarize the entire paper, not the conclusions alone. Turkish abstracts are not necessary for all articles prepared in English. Include at least five keywords that describe your paper for indexing purposes.
Figures and Tables
All drawings, charts, maps, diagrams, photographs are to be referred to as “Figures”, and tables as “Table” in the main text.
All figures should be at least in 300 dpi (600 dpi preferred) resolution in. pdf or .tif format. Each figure should be numbered separately and, if necessary, where the top of the figure is indicated.
Citation in the Text
Single Author : (Turoğlu, 2018).
Double Author : (Soykan & Cürebal, 2012)
More than 2 Author: (Yiğitbaşıoğlu et al., 2019)
Citation more than one: (Verstappen, 1980; Soykan & Mutlu, 2017; Doğan, 2011).
Report : (TÜBİTAK, 2014).
All references should be arranged in alphabetical order and grouped together at the end of the paper under the title of “References”.
All publications cited in the text must only be presented in the Reference section.
All authors’ names must be complete in the Reference section.
Names of periodicals and books should be written out in full, the first letters are capital and italic without any abbreviation.
Surname, First Letter of Author Name. (YEAR) Title of Article, Journal Info, Issue, Pages.
BOOK (Single Author) :
Erinç, S. (2017) Jeomorfoloji I, Der Yayınları, İstanbul
BOOK (Two Authors) :
Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2013) Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, (Genişletilmiş 9. Baskı), Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara
BOOK (Three and more Authors) :
Bulliet, R.W., Crossley, P.K., Headrick, D.R., Hirsch, S.W., Johnson, L.L., & Northrup, D. (2011) The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History (5th ed.), Blackwell Publishing, Boston
BOOK (Editorial Book) :
Richards, K.C. (1997) Views on globalization, in H.L. Vivaldi (Ed.), Australia in a Global World (pp. 29-43). Century Publishing, North Ryde, Australia:
BOOK (Editorial Translation Book) :
Kutluca, T. (2014) Eğitim Araştırmaları: Nicel, Nitel ve Karma Yaklaşımlar. S.B. Demir (Translation Editor), Veri Toplama Yöntemleri (ss. 193-214). Eğiten Kitap, Ankara
BOOK (Translation) :
Verstappen, H.T. (2013) Applied Geomorphology / Uygulamalı Jeomorfoloji (Translation: İsa Cürebal), Anı Yayıncılık, Ankara
JOURNAL (Single Author)
Goudie, A.S. (2006) The Schmidt Hammer in Geomorphological Research, Progress in Physical Geography, 30: 703 – 718.
JOURNAL (Two Authors)
Yaşar, E. & Erdoğan, Y. (2004) Estimation of Rock Physicomechanical Properties Using Hardness Methods, Engineering Geology, 71/3-4: 281-288.
JOURNAL (Three and more Authors)
Shobe, C.M., Hancock, G.S., Eppes, M.C., Small, E.E. (2017) Field Evidence for the Influence of Weathering on Rock Erodibility and Channel Form in Bedrock Rivers, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42: 1997–2012. https://onlinelibrary.
Day, M.J. (2010) Rock Hardness: Field Assessment and Geomorphic Importance, The Professional Geographer, 32:1, 72-81, DOI: 10.1111/j.0033-0124.1980.00072.x
No Authors References
Publications of Official Institutions
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (2013) Minerals in Turkey, State Press, Ankara
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (2008) Animal Husbandry. Retrieved from
University or Foundation Reports
Önortaç, N. (2007) European Union Competency (Report No. 11), Yeditepe University, Center of Management, İstanbul
TÜBİTAK (2014) Faaliyet Raporu, TÜBİTAK Yayınları, ANKARA
Doctorate and Master Thesis
Soykan, A. (1991) Geomorphology of Simav Creek Valley in Nothern Part of Kepsut, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü (Unpublished Master Thesis), İstanbul
Soykan, A. (1994) Geomorphological Properties of Sındırgı ve Bigadiç Depressions, İstanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis), İstanbul
Online Thesis
Cürebal, İ. (2003) Applied Geomorphological Properties of Madra Creek Basin, Obtained from YÖK National Thesis Center Database (Thesis Number: 123456)
Except for the above-mentioned principle in citing, references should be prepared by using APA standards.
Journal of Geomorphological Researches ( JADER )
Turkish Society for Geomorphology ( )