In this study, the antimicrobial susceptibility of Silvafeed TSP (tannic acid) obtained from chestnut tree using natural extraction method and used as a feed sweetener in aquaculture against some fish pathogens was investigated. Antimicrobial susceptibility of different concentrations of tannic acid was determined against fish pathogens that cause significant economic losses by bacteria such as Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Yersinia ruckeri and Vibrio anguillarum. According to the antimicrobial test results, it was determined that all isolates to tested antibiotics were resistant to ampicillin, however, all isolates were susceptible to other antibiotics except for P. fluorescence isolate. It was determined that the P. fluorescence isolate was resistant to other antibiotics except gentamicin and doxycycline. According to the antimicrobial susceptibility test results of tannic acid against E. coli and four different fish pathogens, P. fluorescens and V. anguillarum were found to be sensitive above 125 µg/ml concentrations. In the same study, E. coli, A. hydrophila, and Y. ruckeri were found to be sensitive above 250 µg/ml concentrations. It was determined that P. fluorescens and V. anguillarum were resistant to tannic acid concentrations below 62.5 µg/ml. Moreover, E. coli, A. hydrophila, and Y. ruckeri were resistant to tannic acid concentrations below 125 µg/ml.
Tannic asit Profeed Food and Chemical Substances Industry and Trade Ltd. Şti. ücretsiz olarak sağlanmıştır. İlgili kuruma teşekkür ederiz.
Alavinia, S.J., Mirzargar, S.S., Rahmati-Holasoo, H. &
Mousavi, H.E. (2018). The in vitro and in vivo
effect of tannic acid on Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
in zebrafish (Danio rerio) to treat
ichthyophthiriasis. Journal Fish Disease, 41,
1793-1802. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.12886
Altinok, I., Balta, F., Capkin, E. & Kayis, S. (2007).
Disease of rainbow trout caused by Pseudomonas
luteola. Aquaculture, 273(4), 393-397. DOI:
Aydın, S.A. & Üstün, F. (2007). Tanenler 1. Kimyasal
yapıları, farmakolojik etkileri, analiz yöntemleri.
İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi,
33(1), 21-31.
Balta, F. & Çağırgan, H. (2019). Oxytetracycline
residues in cultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus
aurata L. 1758) tissues. African Journal of
Biotechnology, 9(42), 7192-7196.
Balta, F. & Çağırgan, H. 2(007). Levrek’lerde
(Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) sağaltım sonrası
oksitetrasiklinin kas ve derideki rezidüsünün
belirlenmesi. E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic
Sciences, 24(1), 173-178.
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2016). Vibrio Infection and
Treatment on the Juvenile Rainbow Trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) Transferred Seawater. J.
Anatolian Env. and Anim. Sciences, 1(1), 14-20.
DOI: 10.35229/jaes.272222
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2017). Serotyping, genetic
characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility
determination of Vibrio anguillarum strains
isolated from farmed rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the eastern Black Sea.
Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 64, 321-328. DOI:
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2019). Preparation of O-
antigen from Yersinia ruckeri serotype O1 and use
in the slide agglutination test. J. Anatolian Env.
and Anim. Sciences, 4(3), 480-483. DOI:
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2019). The isolation of
Lactococcus garvieae from eyes of diseased
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with
exopthalmia. J. Anatolian Env. and Anim.
Sciences, 4(1), 27-33. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.527258
Balta, F. & Tekin, N. (2021). Determination of
antibacterial effect of tannic acid against some
bacterial pathogens isolated from fish. J.
Anatolian Env. and Anim. Sciences, 6(4), 532-
539. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.1004833
Balta, F. & Yılmaz, H. (2019). Infection of Vibrio
parahaemolyticus in culture sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax). J. Anatolian Env. and
Anim. Sciences, 4(2), 104-110. DOI:
Balta, F. (1999). Residue determination of cultered sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) after
oxytetracycline treatment. Ph.D. Thesis, Ege
University, Graduate School of Natural and
Applied Sciences, İzmir, Turkey, 93p, (published
in Turkish).
Balta, F. (2016). Phenotypic, serotypic and genetic
characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility
determination of Vibrio anguillarum, isolatedf
cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758)
in the southeast Black Sea, Turkey. Fresenius
Environmenal Bulletin, 25(10), 4393-4400.
Balta, F. (2020). Determination of the antimicrobial
susceptibilities of aeromonas spp. isolated from
rainbow trout farms on the Fırtına River. J.
Anatolian Env. and Anim. Sciences, 5(3), 397-
407. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.785447
Balta, F., Dengiz Balta, Z., Ozgumus, O.B. & Çağırgan,
H. (2016). The antimicrobial resistance and
investigation of Yersinia ruckeri from rainbow
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms in the Eastern
Black Sea Region. J. Anatolian Env. and Anim.
Sciences, 1(3), 72-76. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.280741
Balta, F., Sandalli, C., Kayis, S. & Ozgumus, O.B.
(2010). Molecular analysis of antimicrobial
resistance in Yersinia ruckeri strains isolated from
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) grown in
commercial fish farms in Turkey. Bulletin of the
European Association of Fish
Pathologists, 30(6),
Brooker, J.D., O´Donovan, L.A., Skene, I., Clarke, K.,
Blackall, L. & Muslera, P. (1994).Streptococcus
caprinus sp. nov., a tannin-resistant ruminal
bacterium from feral goats. Letters in Applied
Microbiology, 18, 313-318. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-
Cağirgan, H. & Tanrikul, T.T. (1998). Testing the
effectiveness of a Yersinia vaccine in infected and
chemically treated juvenile rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Applied
Ichthyology, 14, 239-243.
Cipriano-Salazara, M., Rojas Hernándeza, S., Olivares
Péreza, J., Jiménez Guillénb, R., Cruz
Lagunasc, B., Camacho Díaza, L.M. &
Ugbogud, A.E. (2018). Antibacterial activities of
tannic acid against isolated ruminal bacteria from
sheep. Microbial Pathogenesis, 117, 255-258.
DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.01.045
CLSI. (2006). Method for antimicrobial disk susceptibility
testing of bacteria isolated from aquatic animals;
approved guideline VET03-A. Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne,
CLSI. (2014). Performance standards for antimicrobial
susceptibility testing. Twenty-Fourth
Informational Supplement. Clinical Laboratory
Standards Institute, Wayne, USA, M100-S24,
Volume 34, No. 1, 230p.
CLSI. (2015). Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria. That Grow
Aerobically; Approved Standard-Tenth Edition.
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne,
USA, M07-A10, Volume 35, No. 2, 51p.
Dincturk, E. & Tanrikul, T.T. (2021). Yersinia ruckeri
and Pseudomonas fluorescens co-infection
inrainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum,
1792). Aquaculture Research, 52(10), 4858-4866.
DOI: 10.1111/are.15320
Duman, M., Altun, S., Cengiz, M., Saticioglu, I.B.,
Buyukekiz, A.G. & Sahinturk, P. (2017).
Genotyping and antimicrobial resistance genes of
Yersinia ruckeri isolates from rainbow trout
farms. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 125, 31-
44. DOI: 10.3354/dao03132
EL-Hefny, M., Ashmawy, N.A., Salem, M.Z.M. &
Salem, A.Z.M. (2017). Antibacterial activities of
the phytochemicals-characterized extracts of
Callistemon viminalis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis
and Conyza dioscoridis against the growth of
some phytopathogenic bacteria. Microbial
Pathogenesis, 113, 348-356. DOI:
Goel, G., Puniya, A.K. & Singh, K. (2005). Tannic acid
resistance in ruminal streptococcal isolates.
Journal of Basic Microbiology, 45, 243-245. DOI:
Harikrishnan, R., Balasundaram, C. & Heo, M.S.
(2012). Effect of Inonotus obliquus enriched diet
on hematology, immune response, and disease
protection in kelp grouper, Epinephelus bruneus
against Vibrio harveyi. Aquaculture, 344-349, 48-
53. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2012.03.010
Kacar Z.Z. & Balta, F. (2017). Multi Locus Sequence
Analysis (MLSA)-Based identification of
Pseudomonas spp. isolated from rainbow trout
(Onchorhynchus mykiss) in the Eastern Black Sea
Region of Turkey using. Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin, 26(12), 7506-7512.
Kaczmarek, B. (2020). Tannic acid with antiviral and
antibacterial activity as a promising component of
biomaterials-a minireview. Materials, 13, 3224,
DOI: 10.3390/ma13143224
Onalan, Ş. & Çevik M. (2020). Investigation of the effects
of some phytochemicals on Yersinia ruckeri and
antimicrobial resistance. Brazilian Journal of
Biology, 80(4), 934-942. DOI: 10.1590/1519-
Onuk, E.E., Çaycı, Y.T., Çoban, A.Y., Çiftci, A., Balta,
F., Didinen, B.I., Pekmezci, G.Z., Altun, S.,
Ünlü, M.S, & Deveci, A. (2015). Türkiye’de su
kaynaklı Aeromonas izolatlarında saptanan ilk QnrS gen Pozitifliği. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni, 49(1),
Onuk, E.E., Çaycı, Y.T., Çoban, A.Y., Çiftci, A., Balta,
F., Didinen, B.I. &, Altun, S. (2017). Balık ve
yetiştirme suyu kökenli Aeromonas izolatlarının
antimikrobial duyarlılıklarının saptanması.
Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 64(1), 69-73.
Pavaraj, M., Balasubramanian, V., Baskaran, S. &
Ramasamy, P. (2011). Development of
immunity by extract of medicinal plant Ocimum
sanctum on common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.).
Research Journal of Immunology, 4(1), 12-18.
DOI: 10.3923/rji.2011.12.18
Pérez-Fonseca, A., Alcala-Canto, Y., Salem, A.Z.M. &
Alberti-Navarro, A.B. (2016). Anticoccidial
efficacy of naringenin and a grapefruit peel
extract in growing lambs naturally-infected with
Eimeria spp. Veterinary Parasitology, 232, 58-65.
DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2016.11.009
Schiavone, A., Gua, K., Tassone, S., Gasco, Hernandez,
E., Denti, R. & Zoccarato, I. (2008). Effects of a
natural extract of chestnut wood on digestibility,
performance traits, and nitrogen balance of broiler
chicks. Poultry Science, 87(3), 521-527. DOI:
Sell, D.R., Reed W.M., Chrisman, C.L. & Rogler J.C.
(1985). Mucin excretion and morphology of the
intestinal tract as influenced by sorgunm tannins.
Nutrition Raports İnternational, 31, 13691374.
Takaoka, O., Ji, S.C., Ishimaru, K., Lee, S.W., Jeong,
G.S., Ito, J., Biswas, A. & Takii, K. (2011).
Effect of rotifer enrichment with herbal extracts
on growth and resistance of red sea bream, Pagrus
majör (Temminck & Schlegel) larvae against
Vibrio anguillarum. Aquaculture Research, 42,
1824-1829. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-
Tanrikul, T.T. & Dincturk, E. (2017). Antibacterial
susceptibility of hydrolysable tannins (Silvafeed
TSP) against bacterial fish pathogens.
Aquaculture Europe 2017, 17-20 October 2017;
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Yılmaz, Y. & Romeo, T.T. (2004). Major flavomolds in
grapeseeds and skins: antioxidant capacity of
catechin, epicatechin, and gallic acid. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(2), 255-
260. DOI: 10.1021/jf030117h
Zoccarato, I., Gasco, L., Schiavone, A., Guo, K., Barge,
P., Rotolo, L., Savarino, G. & Masoero, G.
(2008). Effect of extract of chestnut wood
inclusion (ENC) in normal and low protein amino
acid supplemented diets on heavy broiler rabbits.
In Proceedings of the 9th world rabbit congress
(pp. 873-877), 10-13 June 2008; Verona, Italy.
Zoccarato, I., Schiavone, A., Tassone, S., Gasco, L. &
Malfatto, V. (2006). Study on the utilisation of a
natural silvafeed in the nutrition of heavy
chickens. XII European Poultry Conference,
Verona (Italy).
Tannik Asidin Dört Farklı Balık Patojenine Karşı Antimikrobiyal Aktivitesinin ve MİK Değerinin Belirlenmesi
Bu çalışmada, kestane ağacından doğal ekstraksiyon yöntemi ile elde edilen ve su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinde yem tatlandırıcı olarak kullanılan Silvafeed TSP'nin (tannik asit) bazı balık patojenlerine karşı antimikrobiyal duyarlılığı araştırılmıştır. Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Yersinia ruckeri ve Vibrio anguillarum gibi bakteriler tarafından önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olan balık patojenlerine karşı farklı konsantrasyonlarda tannik asidin antimikrobiyal duyarlılığı belirlendi. Antimikrobiyal test sonuçlarına göre, test edilen antibiyotiklere karşı izolatların tamamının ampisiline dirençli olduğu, ancak P. fluoresans izolatı hariç diğer antibiyotiklere duyarlı olduğu belirlendi. P. fluorescence izolatının gentamisin ve doksisiklin hariç diğer antibiyotiklere dirençli olduğu belirlendi. Tannik asidin E. coli ve dört farklı balık patojeni olan P. fluorescens ve V. anguillarum'a karşı antimikrobiyal duyarlılık test sonuçlarına göre, 125 µg/ml konsantrasyonun üstünde duyarlı olduğu bulundu. Aynı çalışmada E. coli, A. hydrophila ve Y. ruckeri'nin 250 µg/ml konsantrasyonun üzerinde duyarlı olduğu bulunmuştur. P. fluorescens ve V. anguillarum'un 62,5 µg/ml'nin altındaki tannik asit konsantrasyonlarına dirençli olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıca, E. coli, A. hydrophila ve Y. ruckeri'nin 125 µg/ml'nin altındaki tannik asit konsantrasyonlarına dirençli olduğu belirlendi.
Alavinia, S.J., Mirzargar, S.S., Rahmati-Holasoo, H. &
Mousavi, H.E. (2018). The in vitro and in vivo
effect of tannic acid on Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
in zebrafish (Danio rerio) to treat
ichthyophthiriasis. Journal Fish Disease, 41,
1793-1802. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.12886
Altinok, I., Balta, F., Capkin, E. & Kayis, S. (2007).
Disease of rainbow trout caused by Pseudomonas
luteola. Aquaculture, 273(4), 393-397. DOI:
Aydın, S.A. & Üstün, F. (2007). Tanenler 1. Kimyasal
yapıları, farmakolojik etkileri, analiz yöntemleri.
İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi,
33(1), 21-31.
Balta, F. & Çağırgan, H. (2019). Oxytetracycline
residues in cultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus
aurata L. 1758) tissues. African Journal of
Biotechnology, 9(42), 7192-7196.
Balta, F. & Çağırgan, H. 2(007). Levrek’lerde
(Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) sağaltım sonrası
oksitetrasiklinin kas ve derideki rezidüsünün
belirlenmesi. E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic
Sciences, 24(1), 173-178.
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2016). Vibrio Infection and
Treatment on the Juvenile Rainbow Trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) Transferred Seawater. J.
Anatolian Env. and Anim. Sciences, 1(1), 14-20.
DOI: 10.35229/jaes.272222
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2017). Serotyping, genetic
characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility
determination of Vibrio anguillarum strains
isolated from farmed rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the eastern Black Sea.
Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 64, 321-328. DOI:
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2019). Preparation of O-
antigen from Yersinia ruckeri serotype O1 and use
in the slide agglutination test. J. Anatolian Env.
and Anim. Sciences, 4(3), 480-483. DOI:
Balta, F. & Dengiz Balta, Z. (2019). The isolation of
Lactococcus garvieae from eyes of diseased
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with
exopthalmia. J. Anatolian Env. and Anim.
Sciences, 4(1), 27-33. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.527258
Balta, F. & Tekin, N. (2021). Determination of
antibacterial effect of tannic acid against some
bacterial pathogens isolated from fish. J.
Anatolian Env. and Anim. Sciences, 6(4), 532-
539. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.1004833
Balta, F. & Yılmaz, H. (2019). Infection of Vibrio
parahaemolyticus in culture sea bass
(Dicentrarchus labrax). J. Anatolian Env. and
Anim. Sciences, 4(2), 104-110. DOI:
Balta, F. (1999). Residue determination of cultered sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) after
oxytetracycline treatment. Ph.D. Thesis, Ege
University, Graduate School of Natural and
Applied Sciences, İzmir, Turkey, 93p, (published
in Turkish).
Balta, F. (2016). Phenotypic, serotypic and genetic
characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility
determination of Vibrio anguillarum, isolatedf
cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758)
in the southeast Black Sea, Turkey. Fresenius
Environmenal Bulletin, 25(10), 4393-4400.
Balta, F. (2020). Determination of the antimicrobial
susceptibilities of aeromonas spp. isolated from
rainbow trout farms on the Fırtına River. J.
Anatolian Env. and Anim. Sciences, 5(3), 397-
407. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.785447
Balta, F., Dengiz Balta, Z., Ozgumus, O.B. & Çağırgan,
H. (2016). The antimicrobial resistance and
investigation of Yersinia ruckeri from rainbow
trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farms in the Eastern
Black Sea Region. J. Anatolian Env. and Anim.
Sciences, 1(3), 72-76. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.280741
Balta, F., Sandalli, C., Kayis, S. & Ozgumus, O.B.
(2010). Molecular analysis of antimicrobial
resistance in Yersinia ruckeri strains isolated from
rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) grown in
commercial fish farms in Turkey. Bulletin of the
European Association of Fish
Pathologists, 30(6),
Brooker, J.D., O´Donovan, L.A., Skene, I., Clarke, K.,
Blackall, L. & Muslera, P. (1994).Streptococcus
caprinus sp. nov., a tannin-resistant ruminal
bacterium from feral goats. Letters in Applied
Microbiology, 18, 313-318. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-
Cağirgan, H. & Tanrikul, T.T. (1998). Testing the
effectiveness of a Yersinia vaccine in infected and
chemically treated juvenile rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Applied
Ichthyology, 14, 239-243.
Cipriano-Salazara, M., Rojas Hernándeza, S., Olivares
Péreza, J., Jiménez Guillénb, R., Cruz
Lagunasc, B., Camacho Díaza, L.M. &
Ugbogud, A.E. (2018). Antibacterial activities of
tannic acid against isolated ruminal bacteria from
sheep. Microbial Pathogenesis, 117, 255-258.
DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.01.045
CLSI. (2006). Method for antimicrobial disk susceptibility
testing of bacteria isolated from aquatic animals;
approved guideline VET03-A. Clinical and
Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne,
CLSI. (2014). Performance standards for antimicrobial
susceptibility testing. Twenty-Fourth
Informational Supplement. Clinical Laboratory
Standards Institute, Wayne, USA, M100-S24,
Volume 34, No. 1, 230p.
CLSI. (2015). Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Tests for Bacteria. That Grow
Aerobically; Approved Standard-Tenth Edition.
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute, Wayne,
USA, M07-A10, Volume 35, No. 2, 51p.
Dincturk, E. & Tanrikul, T.T. (2021). Yersinia ruckeri
and Pseudomonas fluorescens co-infection
inrainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum,
1792). Aquaculture Research, 52(10), 4858-4866.
DOI: 10.1111/are.15320
Duman, M., Altun, S., Cengiz, M., Saticioglu, I.B.,
Buyukekiz, A.G. & Sahinturk, P. (2017).
Genotyping and antimicrobial resistance genes of
Yersinia ruckeri isolates from rainbow trout
farms. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 125, 31-
44. DOI: 10.3354/dao03132
EL-Hefny, M., Ashmawy, N.A., Salem, M.Z.M. &
Salem, A.Z.M. (2017). Antibacterial activities of
the phytochemicals-characterized extracts of
Callistemon viminalis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis
and Conyza dioscoridis against the growth of
some phytopathogenic bacteria. Microbial
Pathogenesis, 113, 348-356. DOI:
Goel, G., Puniya, A.K. & Singh, K. (2005). Tannic acid
resistance in ruminal streptococcal isolates.
Journal of Basic Microbiology, 45, 243-245. DOI:
Harikrishnan, R., Balasundaram, C. & Heo, M.S.
(2012). Effect of Inonotus obliquus enriched diet
on hematology, immune response, and disease
protection in kelp grouper, Epinephelus bruneus
against Vibrio harveyi. Aquaculture, 344-349, 48-
53. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2012.03.010
Kacar Z.Z. & Balta, F. (2017). Multi Locus Sequence
Analysis (MLSA)-Based identification of
Pseudomonas spp. isolated from rainbow trout
(Onchorhynchus mykiss) in the Eastern Black Sea
Region of Turkey using. Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin, 26(12), 7506-7512.
Kaczmarek, B. (2020). Tannic acid with antiviral and
antibacterial activity as a promising component of
biomaterials-a minireview. Materials, 13, 3224,
DOI: 10.3390/ma13143224
Onalan, Ş. & Çevik M. (2020). Investigation of the effects
of some phytochemicals on Yersinia ruckeri and
antimicrobial resistance. Brazilian Journal of
Biology, 80(4), 934-942. DOI: 10.1590/1519-
Onuk, E.E., Çaycı, Y.T., Çoban, A.Y., Çiftci, A., Balta,
F., Didinen, B.I., Pekmezci, G.Z., Altun, S.,
Ünlü, M.S, & Deveci, A. (2015). Türkiye’de su
kaynaklı Aeromonas izolatlarında saptanan ilk QnrS gen Pozitifliği. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni, 49(1),
Onuk, E.E., Çaycı, Y.T., Çoban, A.Y., Çiftci, A., Balta,
F., Didinen, B.I. &, Altun, S. (2017). Balık ve
yetiştirme suyu kökenli Aeromonas izolatlarının
antimikrobial duyarlılıklarının saptanması.
Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 64(1), 69-73.
Pavaraj, M., Balasubramanian, V., Baskaran, S. &
Ramasamy, P. (2011). Development of
immunity by extract of medicinal plant Ocimum
sanctum on common carp Cyprinus carpio (L.).
Research Journal of Immunology, 4(1), 12-18.
DOI: 10.3923/rji.2011.12.18
Pérez-Fonseca, A., Alcala-Canto, Y., Salem, A.Z.M. &
Alberti-Navarro, A.B. (2016). Anticoccidial
efficacy of naringenin and a grapefruit peel
extract in growing lambs naturally-infected with
Eimeria spp. Veterinary Parasitology, 232, 58-65.
DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2016.11.009
Schiavone, A., Gua, K., Tassone, S., Gasco, Hernandez,
E., Denti, R. & Zoccarato, I. (2008). Effects of a
natural extract of chestnut wood on digestibility,
performance traits, and nitrogen balance of broiler
chicks. Poultry Science, 87(3), 521-527. DOI:
Sell, D.R., Reed W.M., Chrisman, C.L. & Rogler J.C.
(1985). Mucin excretion and morphology of the
intestinal tract as influenced by sorgunm tannins.
Nutrition Raports İnternational, 31, 13691374.
Takaoka, O., Ji, S.C., Ishimaru, K., Lee, S.W., Jeong,
G.S., Ito, J., Biswas, A. & Takii, K. (2011).
Effect of rotifer enrichment with herbal extracts
on growth and resistance of red sea bream, Pagrus
majör (Temminck & Schlegel) larvae against
Vibrio anguillarum. Aquaculture Research, 42,
1824-1829. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-
Tanrikul, T.T. & Dincturk, E. (2017). Antibacterial
susceptibility of hydrolysable tannins (Silvafeed
TSP) against bacterial fish pathogens.
Aquaculture Europe 2017, 17-20 October 2017;
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Yılmaz, Y. & Romeo, T.T. (2004). Major flavomolds in
grapeseeds and skins: antioxidant capacity of
catechin, epicatechin, and gallic acid. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(2), 255-
260. DOI: 10.1021/jf030117h
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Fikri Balta
RECEPTAYYİP ERDOĞAN ÜNİVERSİTESİ, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Zihni Derin Yerleşkesi, 53100, Rize-TÜRKİYE, University of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Faculty of Fisheries, Zihni Derin Campus, 53100, Rize-TURKEY0000-0002-1823-5823Türkiye
Dengiz Balta, Z., & Balta, F. (2024). Determination of Antimicrobial Activity and MIC Value of Tannic Acid Against Four Different Fish Pathogens. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 9(4), 582-589.
JAES/AAS-Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences/Anatolian Academic Sciences&Anadolu Çevre ve Hayvancılık Dergisi/Anadolu Akademik Bilimler-AÇEH/AAS