Bahramsoltani, R., Ebrahimi, F., Farzaei, M. H., Baratpourmoghaddam, A., Ahmadi, P., Rostamiasrabadi, P., ... & Rahimi, R. (2019). Dietary polyphenols for atherosclerosis: A comprehensive review and future perspectives. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59(1), 114-132.
Bogdanov, S., Lüllmann, C., Martin, P., von der Ohe, W., Russmann, H., Vorwohl, G., ... & Flamini, C. (1999). Honey quality and international regulatory standards: review by the International Honey Commission. Bee world, 80(2), 61-69.
Can, Z., Baltaş, N., Keskin, S., Yıldız, O., & Kolaylı, S. (2017). Properties of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity and phenolic profiles of Şevketi Bostan (Cnicus benedictus L.) cultivated in Aegean Region from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 5(4), 308-314.
Can, Z., Yildiz, O., Sahin, H., Turumtay, E. A., Silici, S., & Kolayli, S. (2015). An investigation of Turkish honeys: their physico-chemical properties, antioxidant capacities and phenolic profiles. Food Chemistry, 180, 133-141.
Çakır, H. E., Şirin, Y., Kolaylı, S., & Zehra, C. A. N. (2018). Validation methods for phenolic components with RP-HPLC-UV in various bee products. Apiterapi ve Doğa Dergisi, 1(1), 13-19.
Dinkov, D. (2003). A scientific note on the specific optical rotation of three honey types from Bulgaria. Apidologie, 34(3), 319-320.
Ertürk, Ö., Şahin, H., Kolaylı, S., & Ayvaz, M. Ç. (2014). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of East Black Sea Region honeys. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry/Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 39(1).
Fukumoto, L. R., & Mazza, G. (2000). Assessing antioxidant and prooxidant activities of phenolic compounds. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 48(8), 3597-3604.
Joseph, S. V., Edirisinghe, I., & Burton-Freeman, B. M. (2016). Fruit polyphenols: A review of anti-inflammatory effects in humans. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 56(3), 419-444.
Kaygusuz, H., Tezcan, F., Erim, F. B., Yildiz, O., Sahin, H., Can, Z., & Kolayli, S. (2016). Characterization of Anatolian honeys based on minerals, bioactive components and principal component analysis. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 68, 273-279.
Kim, K. H., Tsao, R., Yang, R., & Cui, S. W. (2006). Phenolic acid profiles and antioxidant activities of wheat bran extracts and the effect of hydrolysis conditions. Food Chemistry, 95(3), 466-473.
Kolaylı, S., Baltas, N., Sahin, H., & Karaoglu, S. (2017). Evaluation of anti-Helicobacter pylori activity and urease inhibition by some Turkish authentic honeys. JFSE, 7, 67-73.
Kolayli, S., Can, Z., Çakir, H. E., Okan, O. T., & Yildiz, O. (2018). An investigation on Trakya region Oak (Quercus spp.) honeys of Turkey: Their physico-chemical, antioxidant and phenolic compounds properties. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 43(4), 362-374.
Malkoç, M., Çakır, H., Yakup, K. A. R. A., Zehra, C. A. N., & Kolaylı, S. (2019b). Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of Anzer honey from black sea region of Turkey. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 19(2), 143-151.
Malkoç, M., Yakup, K. A. R. A., Özkök, A., Ertürk, Ö., & Kolaylı, S. (2019a). Karaçalı (Paliurus Spina-Christi Mill.) Balının Karakteristik Özellikleri. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 19(1), 69-81.
Özkök, D., & Silici, S. (2017). Antioxidant activities of honeybee products and their mixtures. Food science and biotechnology, 26(1), 201-206.
Serrano, S., Rodríguez, I., Moreno, R., & Rincón, F. (2019). Detection of key factors affecting specific optical rotation determination in honey. CyTA-Journal of Food, 17(1), 574-580.
Singleton, V. L., Orthofer, R., & Lamuela-Raventós, R. M. (1999). [14] Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of folin-ciocalteu reagent. In Methods in enzymology (Vol. 299, pp. 152-178). Academic press.
Kara, Y., Can, Z., & Kolaylı, S. (2019). HPLC analyses of polyphenolic compounds in oak (Querces frainetto) honey from Kırklareli region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 1.
Phenolic composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) honey from Turkey
Year 2019,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 52 - 58, 23.04.2020
In this study, the phenolic components of pine honey, which is a secretion honey, were studied. Total polyphenol content and total flavanoid contents of the honeys were ranged from 30 to 52 mg GAE/100 g and 0,86 to 1,58 mg QE/100 g, respectively. The phenolic composition of the honeys were analyzed by HPLC-UV assay with C18 column. The honey was found to be rich in protocathuic acid, chrysin, caffeic acid phenyl ester, p-OH benzoic acid, catechine, luteolin and gallic acid.
Bahramsoltani, R., Ebrahimi, F., Farzaei, M. H., Baratpourmoghaddam, A., Ahmadi, P., Rostamiasrabadi, P., ... & Rahimi, R. (2019). Dietary polyphenols for atherosclerosis: A comprehensive review and future perspectives. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59(1), 114-132.
Bogdanov, S., Lüllmann, C., Martin, P., von der Ohe, W., Russmann, H., Vorwohl, G., ... & Flamini, C. (1999). Honey quality and international regulatory standards: review by the International Honey Commission. Bee world, 80(2), 61-69.
Can, Z., Baltaş, N., Keskin, S., Yıldız, O., & Kolaylı, S. (2017). Properties of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity and phenolic profiles of Şevketi Bostan (Cnicus benedictus L.) cultivated in Aegean Region from Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 5(4), 308-314.
Can, Z., Yildiz, O., Sahin, H., Turumtay, E. A., Silici, S., & Kolayli, S. (2015). An investigation of Turkish honeys: their physico-chemical properties, antioxidant capacities and phenolic profiles. Food Chemistry, 180, 133-141.
Çakır, H. E., Şirin, Y., Kolaylı, S., & Zehra, C. A. N. (2018). Validation methods for phenolic components with RP-HPLC-UV in various bee products. Apiterapi ve Doğa Dergisi, 1(1), 13-19.
Dinkov, D. (2003). A scientific note on the specific optical rotation of three honey types from Bulgaria. Apidologie, 34(3), 319-320.
Ertürk, Ö., Şahin, H., Kolaylı, S., & Ayvaz, M. Ç. (2014). Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of East Black Sea Region honeys. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry/Turk Biyokimya Dergisi, 39(1).
Fukumoto, L. R., & Mazza, G. (2000). Assessing antioxidant and prooxidant activities of phenolic compounds. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 48(8), 3597-3604.
Joseph, S. V., Edirisinghe, I., & Burton-Freeman, B. M. (2016). Fruit polyphenols: A review of anti-inflammatory effects in humans. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 56(3), 419-444.
Kaygusuz, H., Tezcan, F., Erim, F. B., Yildiz, O., Sahin, H., Can, Z., & Kolayli, S. (2016). Characterization of Anatolian honeys based on minerals, bioactive components and principal component analysis. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 68, 273-279.
Kim, K. H., Tsao, R., Yang, R., & Cui, S. W. (2006). Phenolic acid profiles and antioxidant activities of wheat bran extracts and the effect of hydrolysis conditions. Food Chemistry, 95(3), 466-473.
Kolaylı, S., Baltas, N., Sahin, H., & Karaoglu, S. (2017). Evaluation of anti-Helicobacter pylori activity and urease inhibition by some Turkish authentic honeys. JFSE, 7, 67-73.
Kolayli, S., Can, Z., Çakir, H. E., Okan, O. T., & Yildiz, O. (2018). An investigation on Trakya region Oak (Quercus spp.) honeys of Turkey: Their physico-chemical, antioxidant and phenolic compounds properties. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 43(4), 362-374.
Malkoç, M., Çakır, H., Yakup, K. A. R. A., Zehra, C. A. N., & Kolaylı, S. (2019b). Phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of Anzer honey from black sea region of Turkey. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 19(2), 143-151.
Malkoç, M., Yakup, K. A. R. A., Özkök, A., Ertürk, Ö., & Kolaylı, S. (2019a). Karaçalı (Paliurus Spina-Christi Mill.) Balının Karakteristik Özellikleri. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 19(1), 69-81.
Özkök, D., & Silici, S. (2017). Antioxidant activities of honeybee products and their mixtures. Food science and biotechnology, 26(1), 201-206.
Serrano, S., Rodríguez, I., Moreno, R., & Rincón, F. (2019). Detection of key factors affecting specific optical rotation determination in honey. CyTA-Journal of Food, 17(1), 574-580.
Singleton, V. L., Orthofer, R., & Lamuela-Raventós, R. M. (1999). [14] Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of folin-ciocalteu reagent. In Methods in enzymology (Vol. 299, pp. 152-178). Academic press.
Kara, Y., Can, Z., & Kolaylı, S. (2019). HPLC analyses of polyphenolic compounds in oak (Querces frainetto) honey from Kırklareli region of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 1.
Kara, Y. (2020). Phenolic composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) honey from Turkey. Journal of Apitherapy and Nature, 2(2), 52-58.
Kara Y. Phenolic composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) honey from Turkey. J.Apit.Nat. April 2020;2(2):52-58. doi:10.35206/jan.718032
Kara, Yakup. “Phenolic Composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) Honey from Turkey”. Journal of Apitherapy and Nature 2, no. 2 (April 2020): 52-58.
Kara Y (April 1, 2020) Phenolic composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) honey from Turkey. Journal of Apitherapy and Nature 2 2 52–58.
Y. Kara, “Phenolic composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) honey from Turkey”, J.Apit.Nat., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 52–58, 2020, doi: 10.35206/jan.718032.
Kara, Yakup. “Phenolic Composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) Honey from Turkey”. Journal of Apitherapy and Nature 2/2 (April 2020), 52-58.
Kara Y. Phenolic composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) honey from Turkey. J.Apit.Nat. 2020;2:52–58.
Kara, Yakup. “Phenolic Composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) Honey from Turkey”. Journal of Apitherapy and Nature, vol. 2, no. 2, 2020, pp. 52-58, doi:10.35206/jan.718032.
Kara Y. Phenolic composition of Pine (Pinus spp.) honey from Turkey. J.Apit.Nat. 2020;2(2):52-8.