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Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı

Year 2023, , 355 - 374, 30.06.2023


Son yıllarda suyun kıt olduğu ve dolayısıyla suyun ekonomik değer taşıdığı yörelerde arıtılmış atıksulardan su geri kazanımına ve suyun yeniden kullanımına ilgi giderek artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, kentsel ikincil arıtma çıkış sularına laboratuvar ölçeğinde NF (Nanofiltrasyon) prosesi uygulanarak, çıkış suyunun çeşitli amaçlar için geri kazanımında yüksek oranda organik/inorganik madde gideriminin yanısıra mikrobiyal kirliliğin de giderimi ile etkili bir su yönetimi yaklaşımı ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar “Taguchi Deneysel Tasarım” uygulaması ile planlanmıştır. Çalışmada transmembran basıncı (5; 7.5; 10 bar), VRF (hacim azaltma faktörü: 2; 3; 4) ve membran tipi (NP030; NF270; NF90) değişkenleri ve değişken seviyelerinin NF prosesi için “Yanıt Yüzey Yöntemi” ile optimizasyonu gerçekleştirilmiş olup en iyi performans 5 bar ve 2 VRF işletme şartları ile NF90 membran olarak belirlenmiştir. Doğrulama deneyi sonuçlarına göre çıkış suyunda toplam koliform değeri 6.8x106 kob/100 mL’den tespit edilemez düzeye kadar düşürülmüş, Kimyasal Oksijen İhtiyacı (KOİ) 14 mg/L ve Toplam Çözünmüş Katı (TÇK) 86 mg/L olarak tespit edilmiştir. Deney sonrası elde edilen NF süzüntü suyunun yeniden kullanılabilirliği, ulusal ve uluslararası mevzuatlara göre değerlendirilmiş, pH 6.5, Biyolojik Oksijen İhtiyacı (BOİ5) 9.6 mg/L olarak bulunmuş ve süzüntü suyunda fekal koliform ile Askıda Katı Madde (AKM)’ ye rastlanmamıştır. Buradan elde edilen süzüntü suyunun sulama amaçlı kullanıma uygun olduğu, ayrıca endüstriyel soğutma suyu ve yeraltı suyuna deşarj gibi farklı amaçlar için de kullanılabileceği görülmektedir.

Supporting Institution

Su ve Atıksu Laboratuvarı -Kocaeli Üniversitesi


Bu çalışma Su ve Atıksu Laboratuvarı AR-GE Projesi kapsamında Kocaeli Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Fonu tarafından desteklenmiştir.


  • Acero J. L., Benitez F. J., Leal A. I., Real F. J., Teva F. (2010). Membrane Filtration Technologies Applied to Municipal Secondary Effluents for Potential Reuse. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 177, 390-398.
  • Agrafioti E. and Diamadopoulos E. (2012). A Strategic Plan for Reuse of Treated Municipal Wastewater for Crop Irrigation on the Island of Crete. Agricultural Water Management, 105, 57-64.
  • Aküzüm T., Çakmak B., Gökalp Z. (2010). Evaluation of Water Resources Management in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Science, 3, 1, 67-74.
  • Azais A., Mendret J., Gassara S., Petit E., Deratani A., Brosillon S. (2014). Nanofiltration for Water Reuse: Counteractive Effects of Fouling and Matrice on the Rejection of Pharmaceutical Active Compounds. Seperation and Purification Technology, 133, 313-327.
  • Bakopoulou S., Emmanouil C., Kungolos A. (2011). Assessment of Wastewater Effluent Quality in Thessaly Region, Greece, for Determining its Irrigation Reuse Potential. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 188-194.
  • Bhattacharya P., Ghosh S., Mukhopadhyay A. (2013). Efficiency of Combined Ceramic Microfiltration and Biosorbent Based Treatment of High Organic Composite Wastewater: An Approach for Agricultural Reuse. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1, 38-49.
  • Bilen M., Ateş Ç., Bayraktar B. (2018). Yanıt Yüzey Yöntemi ile Bir Bor Fabrikası Atıksuyu Kimyasal Arıtma Sürecinde Optimum Koşulların Belirlenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(1), 267-278.
  • Can Doğan E., Yaşar A., Şen Ü., Aydıner C. (2016). Water Recovery from Treated Urban Waswater by Ultrafitration and Reverse Osmosis for Landscape Irrigation. Urban Water Journal, 13(6), 553-568.
  • Chen C-Y, Wang S-W, Kim H, Pan S-Y, Fan C, Lin Y-J. (2021). Non-conventional Water Reuse in Agriculture: A Circular Water Economy. Water Research, 199, 117193.
  • Chon K., Sarp S., Lee S., Lee J-H., Lopez- Ramirez J. A., Cho J. (2011). Evaluation of a Membrane Bioreactor and Nanofiltration for Municipal Wastewater Reclamation: Trace Contaminant Control and Fouling Mitigation. Desalination, 272, 128-134.
  • Chon, K., Kim, S. J., Moon, J., Cho, J. (2012). Combined Coagulation-Disk Filtration Process as a Pretreatment of Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Wastewater Reclamation: An Autopsy Study of a Pilot Plant. Water Research, 46, 1803-1816.
  • Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı. (2010). Atıksu Arıtma Tesisleri Teknik Usuller Tebliği Ek-7, Arıtılmış Atıksuların Sulama Suyu Olarak Geri Kullanım Kriterleri Resmi Gazete Tarih ve No: 20.03.2010-27527,Ankara,Türkiye,, Erişim Tarihi: 06 Haziran 2022
  • Czuba K., Bastrzyk A., Rogowska A., Janiak K., Pacyna K., Kossińska N., Kita M., Chrobot P., Podstawczyk D. (2021). Towards the Circular Economy-A Pilot-Scale Membrane Technology for the Recovery of Water and Nutrients from Secondary Effluent. Science of The Total Environment, 791, 148266.
  • Demirhan E. (2017). Removal of Reactive Blue 19 From Aqueous Solution by Peanut Shell: Optimization By Response Surface Methodology. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5 (3), 312-321.
  • Ebrahimzadeh H., Behbahani M., Yamini Y., Adlnasab L., Asgharinezhad A.A. (2013). Optimization Of Cu(II)-Ion Imprinted Nanoparticles For Trace Monitoring Of Copper In Water And Fish Samples Using A Box-Behnken Design. Reactive & Functional Polymers, 73, 23-29.
  • Guo W., Ngo H-H., Li J. (2012). A Mini Review on Membrane Fouling. Bioresource Technology, 122, 27-34.
  • Hacıfazlıoğlu, M.C., Tomasini H.R., Kabay, N., Bertin L., Pek, E.Ö., Kitiş, M., Yiğit, N., Yüksel M. (2018). Effect of Pressure on Desalination of MBR Effluents with High Salinity by using NF and RO Processes for Reuse in Irrigation. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 25, 22-27.
  • Hamoda, M. F., Al-Harbi, M., Al-Ajmi, H. (2015). Efficiency and reliability of membrane processes in a water reclamation plant. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 5 (2), 166-176.
  • Hube S, Eskafi M, Hrafnkelsdóttir KF, Bjarnadóttir B, Bjarnadóttir MA, Axelsdóttir S, Wu B. (2020). Direct Membrane Filtration for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery: A Review. Science of Total Environment, 710, 136375.
  • Jin P., Jin X., Wang X. C., Shi X. (2013). An Analysis of the Chemical Safety of Secondary Effluent for Reuse Purposes and the Requirement for Advanced Treatment. Chemosphere, 91, 558-562.
  • Kharraz J.A., Khanzada N.K., Farid M.U., Kim J., Jeong S., An A.K. (2022). Membrane Distillation Bioreactor (MDBR) for Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, and Resource Recovery: A Review. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47, 102687.
  • Maryam, B., Büyükgüngör H. (2019). Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Trends in Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 30, 100501.
  • Michael I., Rizzo L., McArdell C. S., Manaia C. M., Merlin C., Schwartz T., Dagot C., Fatta-Kassinos D. (2013). Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants as Hotspots for the Release of Antibiotics in the Environment: A review. Water Research, 47(3), 957-995.
  • Mizyed N. R. (2013). Challenges to Treated Wastewater Reuse in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas. Environmental Science Policy, 25, 186-195.
  • Montgomery D. C. (1991). Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th.ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
  • Mrayed S. M., Sanciolo P., Zou L., Leslie G. (2011). An Alternative Membrane Treatment Process to Produce Low-Salt and High-Nutrient Recycled Water Suitable for Irrigation Purposes. Desalination, 274, 144-149.
  • Neşeli M., Asiltürk İ., Yaldız S., Sağlam H. (2012). Tornalama İşleminde Cevap Yüzey Metodu İle Kesme Kuvvetlerinin Kesme Parametrelerine Bağli Olarak Modellenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi 3. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu, 04-05 Ekim 2012, Ankara.
  • Ngo M.T.T., Ueyama T., Makabe R., Bui X-T., Nghiem L.D., Nga T.T.V., Fujioka T. (2021). Fouling Behavior and Performance of a Submerged Flat-Sheet Nanofiltration Membrane System for Direct Treatment of Secondary Wastewater Effluent. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 41, 101991.
  • Öney Ö., Samanlı S. (2016). Zonguldak İnce Kömürlerinin Kaba Flotasyon Parametrelerinin Cevap Yüzeyi Metodu İle Optimizasyonu. Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 55 (4), 3-13.
  • Özmetin E. (2019). Süt Endüstrisi Atıksularının Kimyasal Arıtımının Yanıt Yüzey Yöntemi ile Optimizasyonu. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9 (4), 1968-1976.
  • Parlar I, Hacıfazlıoğlu M, Kabay N, Pek TÖ, Yüksel M. (2019). Performance Comparison of Reverse Osmosis (RO) with Integrated Nanofiltration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis Process for Desalination of MBR Effluent. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 29, 100640.
  • Pedrero F., Kalavrouziotis I., Alarcon J. J., Koukoulakis P., Asano T. (2010). Use of Treated Municipal Wastewater in Irrigated Agriculture-Review of Some Practices in Spain and Greece. Agricultural Water Management, 97, 1233-1241.
  • Rizzo L, Gernjak W, Krezeminski P, Malato S, S McArdell C, Antonio J, Perez S, Schaar H, Fatta-Kassinos D. (2020). Best Available Technologies and Treatment Trains to Address Current Challenges in Urban Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation of Crops in EU countries. Science Total Environment, 710, 136312.
  • Ross P. J., Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
  • Rygaard M., Binning P. J. and Albrectsen H. - J. (2011). Increasing Urbanwater Self-Sufficiency: Newera, New Challenges. Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 185-194.
  • Sahoo C., Gupta A.K. (2012). Optimization of Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Blue Using Silver Ion Doped Titanium Dioxide by Combination of Experimental Design and Response Surface Approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Cilt (215-216), Sayfa (302-310).
  • Sayed, S., Tarek, S., Dijkstra, I., Moerman, C. (2007). Optimum Operation Conditions of Direct Capillary Nanofiltration for Wastewater Treatment. Desalination, 214, 215-226.
  • Shahid M.K., Kashif A., Pathak P., Choi Y., Rout P.R. (2022). Chapter 3 - Water Reclamation, Recycle, and Reuse, Clean Energy and Resource Recovery, Wastewater Treatment Plants as Biorefineries, 2, 39-50,
  • Shanmuganathan S., Vigneswaran S., Nguyen T.V., Loganathan P., Kandasamy J. (2015). Use of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis in Reclaiming Micro-Filtered Biologically Treated Sewage Effluent for Irrigation. Desalination, 364, 119-125.
  • Sousa M. A., Gonçalves C., Vilar V. J. P., Boaventura R. A. R., Alpendurada M. F. (2012). Suspended TiO2-Assited Photocatalytic Degradation of Emerging Contaminants in a Municipal WWTP Effluent Using a Solar Pilot Plant with CPCs. Chemical Engineering Journal, cilt (198-199), sayfa (301-309).
  • Suwaileh W, Johnson D, Hilal N. (2020). Membrane Desalination and Water Reuse for Agriculture: State of The Art and Future Outlook. Desalination, 491, 114559. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA). (2004). Guidelines for water reuse, EPA/625/R-04/108, US EPA, Washington, DC, USA,, Erişim Tarihi: 06 Haziran 2022.
  • Wang J, Tang X, Xu Y, Cheng X, Li G, Liang H. (2020). Hybrid UF/NF Process Treating Secondary Effluent of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Potable Water Reuse: Adsorption vs. Coagulation for Removal Improvements and Membrane Fouling Alleviation. Environmental Research, 188, 109833.
  • Warsinger, D.M., Chakraborty, S., Tow, W.E., Plumlee, H.M., Bellona, C., Loutatidou, S., Karimi, K., Mikelonis, M.A., Achilli, A., Ghassemi, A., Padhye, P.L., Snyder, A.S., Curcio, C., Vecitis, D.C., Arafat, A.H., Lienhard V H.J. (2018). A Review of Polymeric Membranes and Processes for Potable Water Reuse. Progress in Polymer Science, 81, 209-237.
  • Wintgens, T., Melin T., Schiller A., Khan, S., Muston, M., Bixio, D., Thoeye, C. (2005). The Role of Membrane Processes in Municipal Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse. Desalination, 178, 1-11.
  • Wu B. (2019). Membrane-Based Technology in Greywater Reclamation: A Review. Science Total Environment, 656, 184-200. Yang J., Monnot M., Eljaddi T., Ercolei L., Simonian L., Moulin P. (2021). Ultrafiltration as Tertiary Treatment for Municipal Wastewater Reuse. Separation and Purification Technology, 272, 118921.
  • Yaşar A., Can Doğan E., Köseoğlu-İmer Y. D., Aydıner C. Bütünleşik Membran Sistemi Kullanılarak Sulama Suyu Geri Kazanımı, Fırat Üniversitesi 3. Ulusal Membran Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, Elazığ, Türkiye, 26-27 Eylül 2013.
  • Zanetti F., De Luca G., Sacchetti R. (2010). Performance of a Full-Scale Membrane Bioreactor System in Treating Municipal Wastewater for Reuse Purposes. Bioresource Technology, 101, 3768-3771.
  • Zhang X., HeY., Zhang B., Qin L., Yang Q., Huang H. (2019). Factors Affecting Microbiological Quality of Household Drinking Water Supplied by Small-scale Ultrafiltration Systems: A Field Study. Science of The Total Environment, 689, 725-733.

Water Recovery From The Secondary Treatment Effluent Of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Nanofiltration Process

Year 2023, , 355 - 374, 30.06.2023


In recent years, interest in water recovery from treated wastewater and water reuse has been increasing in the regions having water shortage and hence economic value of water. The study aims to recover effluent for urban secondary treatment effluent with the laboratory scale NF (Nanofiltration) process with the removal of a high rate of organic/inorganic matter as well as microbial pollution, thus be able to introduce effective water management approach for this effluent water Taguchi Design was applied to plan experimental procesure, The transmembrane pressure (5; 7.5; 10 bar), volume reduction factor: (VRF) (2; 3; 4) and membrane type (NP030; NF270; NF90) were optimized with the "Response Surface Method" for the NF process. As a result NF90 with 5 bar and 2 VRF operating conditions were selected as the best performing membrane for water recovery. Based on the validation experiment results, the total coliform of the effluent reduced from 6.8x106 cfu/100 mL to below to detectable level. Further, Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) decreased to 14 mg/L and 86 mg/L, respectively. Based on the assessment of the national and international regulations on the reusability of NF permeate water from experiment; pH, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) were 6.5, and 9.6 mg/L, as well as fecal coliform and total suspended solids (TSS) were not detected in the permeate. To come to the conclusion, the permeate water acquired from the proces is suitable for irrigation purposes and can also be used for the purposes such as industrial cooling water and discharge to groundwater


  • Acero J. L., Benitez F. J., Leal A. I., Real F. J., Teva F. (2010). Membrane Filtration Technologies Applied to Municipal Secondary Effluents for Potential Reuse. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 177, 390-398.
  • Agrafioti E. and Diamadopoulos E. (2012). A Strategic Plan for Reuse of Treated Municipal Wastewater for Crop Irrigation on the Island of Crete. Agricultural Water Management, 105, 57-64.
  • Aküzüm T., Çakmak B., Gökalp Z. (2010). Evaluation of Water Resources Management in Turkey. Journal of Agricultural Science, 3, 1, 67-74.
  • Azais A., Mendret J., Gassara S., Petit E., Deratani A., Brosillon S. (2014). Nanofiltration for Water Reuse: Counteractive Effects of Fouling and Matrice on the Rejection of Pharmaceutical Active Compounds. Seperation and Purification Technology, 133, 313-327.
  • Bakopoulou S., Emmanouil C., Kungolos A. (2011). Assessment of Wastewater Effluent Quality in Thessaly Region, Greece, for Determining its Irrigation Reuse Potential. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 74, 188-194.
  • Bhattacharya P., Ghosh S., Mukhopadhyay A. (2013). Efficiency of Combined Ceramic Microfiltration and Biosorbent Based Treatment of High Organic Composite Wastewater: An Approach for Agricultural Reuse. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 1, 38-49.
  • Bilen M., Ateş Ç., Bayraktar B. (2018). Yanıt Yüzey Yöntemi ile Bir Bor Fabrikası Atıksuyu Kimyasal Arıtma Sürecinde Optimum Koşulların Belirlenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(1), 267-278.
  • Can Doğan E., Yaşar A., Şen Ü., Aydıner C. (2016). Water Recovery from Treated Urban Waswater by Ultrafitration and Reverse Osmosis for Landscape Irrigation. Urban Water Journal, 13(6), 553-568.
  • Chen C-Y, Wang S-W, Kim H, Pan S-Y, Fan C, Lin Y-J. (2021). Non-conventional Water Reuse in Agriculture: A Circular Water Economy. Water Research, 199, 117193.
  • Chon K., Sarp S., Lee S., Lee J-H., Lopez- Ramirez J. A., Cho J. (2011). Evaluation of a Membrane Bioreactor and Nanofiltration for Municipal Wastewater Reclamation: Trace Contaminant Control and Fouling Mitigation. Desalination, 272, 128-134.
  • Chon, K., Kim, S. J., Moon, J., Cho, J. (2012). Combined Coagulation-Disk Filtration Process as a Pretreatment of Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membrane for Wastewater Reclamation: An Autopsy Study of a Pilot Plant. Water Research, 46, 1803-1816.
  • Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı. (2010). Atıksu Arıtma Tesisleri Teknik Usuller Tebliği Ek-7, Arıtılmış Atıksuların Sulama Suyu Olarak Geri Kullanım Kriterleri Resmi Gazete Tarih ve No: 20.03.2010-27527,Ankara,Türkiye,, Erişim Tarihi: 06 Haziran 2022
  • Czuba K., Bastrzyk A., Rogowska A., Janiak K., Pacyna K., Kossińska N., Kita M., Chrobot P., Podstawczyk D. (2021). Towards the Circular Economy-A Pilot-Scale Membrane Technology for the Recovery of Water and Nutrients from Secondary Effluent. Science of The Total Environment, 791, 148266.
  • Demirhan E. (2017). Removal of Reactive Blue 19 From Aqueous Solution by Peanut Shell: Optimization By Response Surface Methodology. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 5 (3), 312-321.
  • Ebrahimzadeh H., Behbahani M., Yamini Y., Adlnasab L., Asgharinezhad A.A. (2013). Optimization Of Cu(II)-Ion Imprinted Nanoparticles For Trace Monitoring Of Copper In Water And Fish Samples Using A Box-Behnken Design. Reactive & Functional Polymers, 73, 23-29.
  • Guo W., Ngo H-H., Li J. (2012). A Mini Review on Membrane Fouling. Bioresource Technology, 122, 27-34.
  • Hacıfazlıoğlu, M.C., Tomasini H.R., Kabay, N., Bertin L., Pek, E.Ö., Kitiş, M., Yiğit, N., Yüksel M. (2018). Effect of Pressure on Desalination of MBR Effluents with High Salinity by using NF and RO Processes for Reuse in Irrigation. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 25, 22-27.
  • Hamoda, M. F., Al-Harbi, M., Al-Ajmi, H. (2015). Efficiency and reliability of membrane processes in a water reclamation plant. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 5 (2), 166-176.
  • Hube S, Eskafi M, Hrafnkelsdóttir KF, Bjarnadóttir B, Bjarnadóttir MA, Axelsdóttir S, Wu B. (2020). Direct Membrane Filtration for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery: A Review. Science of Total Environment, 710, 136375.
  • Jin P., Jin X., Wang X. C., Shi X. (2013). An Analysis of the Chemical Safety of Secondary Effluent for Reuse Purposes and the Requirement for Advanced Treatment. Chemosphere, 91, 558-562.
  • Kharraz J.A., Khanzada N.K., Farid M.U., Kim J., Jeong S., An A.K. (2022). Membrane Distillation Bioreactor (MDBR) for Wastewater Treatment, Water Reuse, and Resource Recovery: A Review. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 47, 102687.
  • Maryam, B., Büyükgüngör H. (2019). Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Trends in Turkey: Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 30, 100501.
  • Michael I., Rizzo L., McArdell C. S., Manaia C. M., Merlin C., Schwartz T., Dagot C., Fatta-Kassinos D. (2013). Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants as Hotspots for the Release of Antibiotics in the Environment: A review. Water Research, 47(3), 957-995.
  • Mizyed N. R. (2013). Challenges to Treated Wastewater Reuse in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas. Environmental Science Policy, 25, 186-195.
  • Montgomery D. C. (1991). Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th.ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.
  • Mrayed S. M., Sanciolo P., Zou L., Leslie G. (2011). An Alternative Membrane Treatment Process to Produce Low-Salt and High-Nutrient Recycled Water Suitable for Irrigation Purposes. Desalination, 274, 144-149.
  • Neşeli M., Asiltürk İ., Yaldız S., Sağlam H. (2012). Tornalama İşleminde Cevap Yüzey Metodu İle Kesme Kuvvetlerinin Kesme Parametrelerine Bağli Olarak Modellenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi 3. Ulusal Talaşlı İmalat Sempozyumu, 04-05 Ekim 2012, Ankara.
  • Ngo M.T.T., Ueyama T., Makabe R., Bui X-T., Nghiem L.D., Nga T.T.V., Fujioka T. (2021). Fouling Behavior and Performance of a Submerged Flat-Sheet Nanofiltration Membrane System for Direct Treatment of Secondary Wastewater Effluent. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 41, 101991.
  • Öney Ö., Samanlı S. (2016). Zonguldak İnce Kömürlerinin Kaba Flotasyon Parametrelerinin Cevap Yüzeyi Metodu İle Optimizasyonu. Bilimsel Madencilik Dergisi, 55 (4), 3-13.
  • Özmetin E. (2019). Süt Endüstrisi Atıksularının Kimyasal Arıtımının Yanıt Yüzey Yöntemi ile Optimizasyonu. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9 (4), 1968-1976.
  • Parlar I, Hacıfazlıoğlu M, Kabay N, Pek TÖ, Yüksel M. (2019). Performance Comparison of Reverse Osmosis (RO) with Integrated Nanofiltration (NF) and Reverse Osmosis Process for Desalination of MBR Effluent. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 29, 100640.
  • Pedrero F., Kalavrouziotis I., Alarcon J. J., Koukoulakis P., Asano T. (2010). Use of Treated Municipal Wastewater in Irrigated Agriculture-Review of Some Practices in Spain and Greece. Agricultural Water Management, 97, 1233-1241.
  • Rizzo L, Gernjak W, Krezeminski P, Malato S, S McArdell C, Antonio J, Perez S, Schaar H, Fatta-Kassinos D. (2020). Best Available Technologies and Treatment Trains to Address Current Challenges in Urban Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation of Crops in EU countries. Science Total Environment, 710, 136312.
  • Ross P. J., Taguchi Techniques for Quality Engineering, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1996.
  • Rygaard M., Binning P. J. and Albrectsen H. - J. (2011). Increasing Urbanwater Self-Sufficiency: Newera, New Challenges. Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 185-194.
  • Sahoo C., Gupta A.K. (2012). Optimization of Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Blue Using Silver Ion Doped Titanium Dioxide by Combination of Experimental Design and Response Surface Approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Cilt (215-216), Sayfa (302-310).
  • Sayed, S., Tarek, S., Dijkstra, I., Moerman, C. (2007). Optimum Operation Conditions of Direct Capillary Nanofiltration for Wastewater Treatment. Desalination, 214, 215-226.
  • Shahid M.K., Kashif A., Pathak P., Choi Y., Rout P.R. (2022). Chapter 3 - Water Reclamation, Recycle, and Reuse, Clean Energy and Resource Recovery, Wastewater Treatment Plants as Biorefineries, 2, 39-50,
  • Shanmuganathan S., Vigneswaran S., Nguyen T.V., Loganathan P., Kandasamy J. (2015). Use of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis in Reclaiming Micro-Filtered Biologically Treated Sewage Effluent for Irrigation. Desalination, 364, 119-125.
  • Sousa M. A., Gonçalves C., Vilar V. J. P., Boaventura R. A. R., Alpendurada M. F. (2012). Suspended TiO2-Assited Photocatalytic Degradation of Emerging Contaminants in a Municipal WWTP Effluent Using a Solar Pilot Plant with CPCs. Chemical Engineering Journal, cilt (198-199), sayfa (301-309).
  • Suwaileh W, Johnson D, Hilal N. (2020). Membrane Desalination and Water Reuse for Agriculture: State of The Art and Future Outlook. Desalination, 491, 114559. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA). (2004). Guidelines for water reuse, EPA/625/R-04/108, US EPA, Washington, DC, USA,, Erişim Tarihi: 06 Haziran 2022.
  • Wang J, Tang X, Xu Y, Cheng X, Li G, Liang H. (2020). Hybrid UF/NF Process Treating Secondary Effluent of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Potable Water Reuse: Adsorption vs. Coagulation for Removal Improvements and Membrane Fouling Alleviation. Environmental Research, 188, 109833.
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There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Esra Can Doğan 0000-0003-4210-576X

Ali Oğuzhan Narcı 0000-0002-5178-3303

Aynur Yaşar 0000-0002-6431-0548

Eylem Topkaya 0000-0001-6436-2498

Ayla Arslan 0000-0002-8410-256X

Sevil Veli 0000-0002-5191-4350

Early Pub Date June 21, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date September 3, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Doğan, E. C., Narcı, A. O., Yaşar, A., Topkaya, E., et al. (2023). Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, 9(2), 355-374.
AMA Doğan EC, Narcı AO, Yaşar A, Topkaya E, Arslan A, Veli S. Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı. JARNAS. June 2023;9(2):355-374. doi:10.28979/jarnas.1170160
Chicago Doğan, Esra Can, Ali Oğuzhan Narcı, Aynur Yaşar, Eylem Topkaya, Ayla Arslan, and Sevil Veli. “Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 9, no. 2 (June 2023): 355-74.
EndNote Doğan EC, Narcı AO, Yaşar A, Topkaya E, Arslan A, Veli S (June 1, 2023) Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 9 2 355–374.
IEEE E. C. Doğan, A. O. Narcı, A. Yaşar, E. Topkaya, A. Arslan, and S. Veli, “Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı”, JARNAS, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 355–374, 2023, doi: 10.28979/jarnas.1170160.
ISNAD Doğan, Esra Can et al. “Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 9/2 (June 2023), 355-374.
JAMA Doğan EC, Narcı AO, Yaşar A, Topkaya E, Arslan A, Veli S. Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı. JARNAS. 2023;9:355–374.
MLA Doğan, Esra Can et al. “Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, 2023, pp. 355-74, doi:10.28979/jarnas.1170160.
Vancouver Doğan EC, Narcı AO, Yaşar A, Topkaya E, Arslan A, Veli S. Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi İkinci Arıtma Çıkış Suyundan Nanofiltrasyon Prosesi İle Su Geri Kazanımı. JARNAS. 2023;9(2):355-74.

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