Research Article
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Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye)

Year 2024, , 161 - 174, 15.03.2024


Characterization of soil layers underneath or having interaction with structures is substantially critical for the overall stability of structures under static and dynamic conditions. The main objectives in characterizing soil are mainly to determine ultimate bearing capacity, settlement, and liquefaction potential. Additionally, the dynamic behavior of soil during seismic excitation, as well as its interaction with structures, should be determined. In these regards, Standard Penetration Test blow counts (SPT-N) and shear wave velocity (Vs) values of soils obtained directly through field tests are known to reflect the soil characteristics, strongly. Therefore, any correlation between these two soil parameters is always in utmost interest. This study assesses the correlation between Vs and SPT-N values measured in Melekli region, Igdır (Türkiye). Moreover, four existing correlations in the literature are presented. The best-fit curve for the measured data is shown to divert from the existing correlation curves, which are also significantly different from each other, for all soils, sand, and clay soils. This can be attributed to the uniqueness of correlation to the study site as geological conditions at one site differ extensively from another site. There seems to be valuable correlation between Vs and water content and liquid limit in the studied area.


  • Ö. Yıldız, Correlation between Spt and Pmt results for sandy and clayey soils, Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science Technology A-Applied Sciences 22 (2) (2021) 175–188.
  • S. L. Kramer, Geotechnical earthquake engineering, Simon & Schuste, New Jersey, 1996.
  • Turkish Building Earthquake Code, Deprem etkisi altında binaların tasarımı için esaslar (in Turkish), Türkiye bina deprem yonetmeligi, Ankara, 2018.
  • Ü. Dikmen, Statistical correlations of shear wave velocity and penetration resistance for soils, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 6 (1) (2009) 61–72.
  • C. P. Lin, C. H. Lin, C. J. Chien, Dispersion analysis of surface wave testing - SASW vs. MASW, Journal of Applied Geophysics 143 (2017) 223–230.
  • Y. Guzel, F. Guzel, Investigation of local site effect considering the recordings of the 08.11.2021 earthquake event in Konya, Turkey, Natural Hazards 116 (1) (2023) 619–636.
  • Y. Guzel, M. Rouainia, G. Elia, Effect of soil variability on nonlinear site response predictions: Application to the Lotung site, Computers and Geotechnics 121 (2020) 103444 16 pages.
  • K. H. Stokoe, S. H. Joh, R. D. Woods, Some contributions of in situ geophysical measurements to solving geotechnical engineering problems, 2nd International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, 2004, 19–22.
  • C. B. Park, R. D. Miller, J. H. Xia, Multichannel analysis of surface waves, Geophysics 64 (3) (1999) 800–808.
  • S. Nazarian, K. H. Stokoe II, In situ shear wave velocities from spectral analysis of surface waves, Proceedings of the Eight World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 1984, pp. 31–40.
  • C. P. Lin, C. C. Chang, T. S. Chang, The use of MASW method in the assessment of soil liquefaction potential, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (9-10) (2004) 689–698.
  • S. Nazarian, M. R. Desai, Automated Surface-Wave Method - field testing, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering-Asce 119 (7) (1993) 1094–1111.
  • P. Anbazhagan, K. Ayush, M. E. Yadhunandan, K. Siriwanth, K. Suryanarayana, G. Sahodar, Effective use of SPT: Hammer energy measurement and integrated subsurface investigation, Indian Geotechnical Journal 52 (5) (2022) 1079–1096.
  • K. S. Vipin, T. G. Sitharam, P. Anbazhagan, Probabilistic evaluation of seismic soil liquefaction potential based on SPT data, Natural Hazards 53 (3) (2010) 547–560.
  • C.-T. Lee, B.-R. Tsai, Mapping Vs30 in Taiwan, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 19 (6) (2008) 671–682.
  • M. K. Akin, S. L. Kramer, T. Topal, Empirical correlations of shear wave velocity (Vs) and penetration resistance (SPT-N) for different soils in an earthquake-prone area (Erbaa-Turkey), Engineering Geology 119 (1-2) (2011) 1–17.
  • P. Anbazhagan, Method for seismic microzonation with geotechnical aspects, Disaster Advances 6 (4) (2013) 66–85.
  • M. Esfehanizadeh, F. Nabizadeh, R. Yazarloo, Correlation between standard penetration (N-SPT) and shear wave velocity (Vs) for young coastal sands of the Caspian Sea, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8 (9) (2015) 7333–7341.
  • B. Kirar, B. K. Maheshwari, P. Muley, Correlation between shear wave velocity (Vs) and SPT resistance (N) for Roorkee Region, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 2 (2016) Article Number 9 11 pages.
  • D. Gautam, Empirical correlation between uncorrected standard penetration resistance (SPT-N) and shear wave velocity (Vs) for Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk 8 (2) (2017) 496–508.
  • S. Thokchom, B. Rastogi, N. Dogra, V. Pancholi, B. Sairam, F. Bhattacharya, V. Patel, Empirical correlation of SPT blow counts versus shear wave velocity for different types of soils in Dholera, Western India, Natural Hazards 86 (2017) 1291–1306.
  • K. Dehghanian, E. Çaltılı, B. Koçak, H. M. Soysal, Implementation of shear wave velocity and standard penetration test correlation for Edirne district, Turkey, Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials 7 (1) (2022) 24–29.
  • M. Singh, S. K. Duggal, V. P. Singh, A Study to establish regression correlation between shear wave velocity and "N"-Value for Varanasi City, India, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section a-Physical Sciences 91 (2) (2021) 405–417.
  • P. Anbazhagan, K. Bajaj, Region-specific correlations between VS30 and time-averaged VS and SPT-N values at different depths for the indo-gangetic basin, Indian Geotechnical Journal 50 (3) (2020) 454–472.
  • T. Kishida, C. C. Tsai, Prediction model of shear wave velocity by using SPT blow counts based on the conditional probability framework, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (4) (2017) 10 pages.
  • D. M. Naji, M. K. Akin, A. F. Cabalar, A comparative study on the VS30 and N30 based seismic site classification in Kahramanmaras, Turkey, Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (2020) Article ID 8862827 15 pages.
  • D. Shukla, C. H. Solanki, Estimated Empirical Correlations Between Shear Wave Velocity and SPT-N Value for Indore City Using NLR and ANN, Indian Geotechnical Journal 50 (5) (2020) 784–800.
  • V. D. Rao, D. Choudhury, Estimation of shear wave velocity and seismic site characterization for new nuclear power plant region, India, Natural Hazards Review 21 (4) (2020) 11 pages.
  • M. Öztürk, V. Altay, E. Altundağ, S. Gücel, Halophytic plant diversity of unique habitats in Turkey: Salt mine caves of Çankırı and Iğdır, Halophytes for food security in dry lands, Elsevier, Oxford, 2016, pp. 291–315.
  • TS 1900-1, İnşaat mühendisliğinde zemin laboratuvar deneyleri, Bölüm 1: Fiziksel özelliklerin tayini, Ankara, 2006.
  • CEN, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance–Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, Brussels, 2005.
  • G. S. Bhunia, P. K. Shit, R. Maiti, Comparison of GIS-based interpolation methods for spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC), Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 17 (2) (2018) 114–126.
  • Y. F. Xie, T. B. Chen, M. Lei, J. Yang, Q. J. Guo, B. Song, X. Y. Zhou, Spatial distribution of soil heavy metal pollution estimated by different interpolation methods: Accuracy and uncertainty analysis, Chemosphere 82 (3) (2011) 468–476.
  • Z. Ijaz, C. Zhao, N. Ijaz, Z. ur Rehman, A. Ijaz, Spatial mapping of geotechnical soil properties at multiple depths in Sialkot region, Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 80 (2021) Article Number 787 16 pages.
  • H. U. Khan, I. Rashid, J. Israr, G. Zhang, Geotechnical characterization and statistical evaluation of alluvial soils of Lahore, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (2022) Article Number 845 12 pages.
  • M. H. Khalid, B. Alshameri, U. Abid, Application of Kriging for development of SPT N value contour maps and USCS-based soil type qualitative contour maps for Islamabad, Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences 80 (2021) Article Number 413 13 pages.
  • W. Hassan, B. Alshameri, M. N. Nawaz, Z. Ijaz, M. Qasim, Geospatial and statistical interpolation of geotechnical data for modeling zonation maps of Islamabad, Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences 81 (2022) Article Number 547 23 pages.
  • P. Anbazhagan, A. Parihar, H. N. Rashmi, Review of correlations between SPT-N and shear modulus: A new correlation applicable to any region, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 36 (2012) 52–69.
  • S. Ohba, I. Toriumi, Dynamic response characteristics of Osaka Plain (in Japanese), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting AIJ, Tokyo, 1970.
  • G. Athanasopoulos, Empirical correlations Vso-NSPT for soils of Greece: A comparative study of reliability, Transactions on The Built Environment 15 (1970) 8 pages.
  • Y. Ohsaki, R. Iwasaki, On dynamic shear moduli and Poisson’s ratios of soil deposits, Soils & Foundations 13 (4) (1973) 61–73.
  • T. Imai, P and S wave velocities of the ground in Japan, 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tokyo, 1977, pp: 257–260.
  • Y. Ohta, N. Goto, Empirical shear wave velocity equations in terms of characteristic soil indexes, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 6 (2) (1978) 167–187.
  • K. Yokota, T. Imai, M. Konno, Dynamic deformation characteristics of soils determined by laboratory tests. OYO Tec. Rep 3 (1981) 13–37.
  • T. Imai, K. Tonouchi, Correlation of N-value with S-wave velocity, Proceedings of 2. European Symposium on Penetrating Testing, Amsterdam, 1982.
  • Z. Jinan, Correlation between seismic wave velocity and the number of blow of SPT and depth, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA, 1987, pp. 92–100.
  • S. H. H. Lee, Regression models of shear wave velocities in Taipei basin, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 13 (5) (1990) 519–532.
  • N. Kalteziotis, N. Sabatakakis, J. Vassiliou, Evaluation of dynamic characteristics of Greek soil formations (in Greek), Second Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 1992, pp. 239–246.
  • K. Pitilakis, A. Anastasiadis, D. Raptakis, Field and laboratory determination of dynamic properties of natural soil deposits, 10th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Balkema, 1992, pp. 1275–1280.
  • D. Raptakis, S. Anastasiadis, K. Pitilakis, K. Lontzetidis, Shear wave velocities and damping of Greek natural soils, in: G. Duma, 10th European Conferance Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, 1995, pp. 477–482.
  • K. Kayabali, Soil liquefaction evaluation using shear wave velocity, Engineering Geology 44 (1-4) (1996) 121–127.
  • K. Pitilakis, D. Raptakis, K. Lontzetidis, T. Tika-Vassilikou, D. Jongmans, Geotechnical and geophysical description of EURO-SEISTEST, using field, laboratory tests and moderate strong motion recordings, Journal of Earthquake Engineering 3 (03) (1999) 381–409.
  • H. Kiku, In-situ penetration tests and soil profiling in Adapazari, Turkey, 15th ICSMGE TC4 Satellite Conference on Lessons Learned from Recent Strong Earthquakes, İstanbul, 2001, pp. 259–265.
  • N. Hasancebi, R. Ulusay, Empirical correlations between shear wave velocity and penetration resistance for ground shaking assessments, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 66 (2) (2007) 203–213.
  • R. U. Maheswari, A. Boominathan, G. R. Dodagoudar, Use of surface waves in statistical correlations of shear wave velocity and penetration resistance of chennai soils, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 28 (2) (2010) 119–137.
  • G. Tsiambaos, N. Sabatakakis, Empirical estimation of shear wave velocity from in situ tests on soil formations in Greece, Bulletin of Engineering Geology the Environment 70 (2011) 291–297.
  • A. Sil, J. Haloi, Empirical correlations with standard penetration test (SPT)-N for estimating shear wave velocity applicable to any region, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 3 (2017) Article Number 22 13 pages.
  • P. Mehta, T. Thaker, Development Of correlations between shear wave velocity and Spt-N for Vadodara Region, Gujarat, India, Journal of GeoEngineering 15 (3) (2020) 145–157.
  • F. Shahgholipour, N. Afsari, V. Ghaseminejad, Correlation between shear wave velocity and standard penetration test for Nowshahr and Chalus, Iran, Iranian Journal of Geophysics 17 (6) (2023) 37–52.
Year 2024, , 161 - 174, 15.03.2024



  • Ö. Yıldız, Correlation between Spt and Pmt results for sandy and clayey soils, Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science Technology A-Applied Sciences 22 (2) (2021) 175–188.
  • S. L. Kramer, Geotechnical earthquake engineering, Simon & Schuste, New Jersey, 1996.
  • Turkish Building Earthquake Code, Deprem etkisi altında binaların tasarımı için esaslar (in Turkish), Türkiye bina deprem yonetmeligi, Ankara, 2018.
  • Ü. Dikmen, Statistical correlations of shear wave velocity and penetration resistance for soils, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 6 (1) (2009) 61–72.
  • C. P. Lin, C. H. Lin, C. J. Chien, Dispersion analysis of surface wave testing - SASW vs. MASW, Journal of Applied Geophysics 143 (2017) 223–230.
  • Y. Guzel, F. Guzel, Investigation of local site effect considering the recordings of the 08.11.2021 earthquake event in Konya, Turkey, Natural Hazards 116 (1) (2023) 619–636.
  • Y. Guzel, M. Rouainia, G. Elia, Effect of soil variability on nonlinear site response predictions: Application to the Lotung site, Computers and Geotechnics 121 (2020) 103444 16 pages.
  • K. H. Stokoe, S. H. Joh, R. D. Woods, Some contributions of in situ geophysical measurements to solving geotechnical engineering problems, 2nd International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2), Porto, 2004, 19–22.
  • C. B. Park, R. D. Miller, J. H. Xia, Multichannel analysis of surface waves, Geophysics 64 (3) (1999) 800–808.
  • S. Nazarian, K. H. Stokoe II, In situ shear wave velocities from spectral analysis of surface waves, Proceedings of the Eight World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, 1984, pp. 31–40.
  • C. P. Lin, C. C. Chang, T. S. Chang, The use of MASW method in the assessment of soil liquefaction potential, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 24 (9-10) (2004) 689–698.
  • S. Nazarian, M. R. Desai, Automated Surface-Wave Method - field testing, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering-Asce 119 (7) (1993) 1094–1111.
  • P. Anbazhagan, K. Ayush, M. E. Yadhunandan, K. Siriwanth, K. Suryanarayana, G. Sahodar, Effective use of SPT: Hammer energy measurement and integrated subsurface investigation, Indian Geotechnical Journal 52 (5) (2022) 1079–1096.
  • K. S. Vipin, T. G. Sitharam, P. Anbazhagan, Probabilistic evaluation of seismic soil liquefaction potential based on SPT data, Natural Hazards 53 (3) (2010) 547–560.
  • C.-T. Lee, B.-R. Tsai, Mapping Vs30 in Taiwan, Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 19 (6) (2008) 671–682.
  • M. K. Akin, S. L. Kramer, T. Topal, Empirical correlations of shear wave velocity (Vs) and penetration resistance (SPT-N) for different soils in an earthquake-prone area (Erbaa-Turkey), Engineering Geology 119 (1-2) (2011) 1–17.
  • P. Anbazhagan, Method for seismic microzonation with geotechnical aspects, Disaster Advances 6 (4) (2013) 66–85.
  • M. Esfehanizadeh, F. Nabizadeh, R. Yazarloo, Correlation between standard penetration (N-SPT) and shear wave velocity (Vs) for young coastal sands of the Caspian Sea, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8 (9) (2015) 7333–7341.
  • B. Kirar, B. K. Maheshwari, P. Muley, Correlation between shear wave velocity (Vs) and SPT resistance (N) for Roorkee Region, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 2 (2016) Article Number 9 11 pages.
  • D. Gautam, Empirical correlation between uncorrected standard penetration resistance (SPT-N) and shear wave velocity (Vs) for Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Geomatics Natural Hazards and Risk 8 (2) (2017) 496–508.
  • S. Thokchom, B. Rastogi, N. Dogra, V. Pancholi, B. Sairam, F. Bhattacharya, V. Patel, Empirical correlation of SPT blow counts versus shear wave velocity for different types of soils in Dholera, Western India, Natural Hazards 86 (2017) 1291–1306.
  • K. Dehghanian, E. Çaltılı, B. Koçak, H. M. Soysal, Implementation of shear wave velocity and standard penetration test correlation for Edirne district, Turkey, Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials 7 (1) (2022) 24–29.
  • M. Singh, S. K. Duggal, V. P. Singh, A Study to establish regression correlation between shear wave velocity and "N"-Value for Varanasi City, India, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section a-Physical Sciences 91 (2) (2021) 405–417.
  • P. Anbazhagan, K. Bajaj, Region-specific correlations between VS30 and time-averaged VS and SPT-N values at different depths for the indo-gangetic basin, Indian Geotechnical Journal 50 (3) (2020) 454–472.
  • T. Kishida, C. C. Tsai, Prediction model of shear wave velocity by using SPT blow counts based on the conditional probability framework, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (4) (2017) 10 pages.
  • D. M. Naji, M. K. Akin, A. F. Cabalar, A comparative study on the VS30 and N30 based seismic site classification in Kahramanmaras, Turkey, Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (2020) Article ID 8862827 15 pages.
  • D. Shukla, C. H. Solanki, Estimated Empirical Correlations Between Shear Wave Velocity and SPT-N Value for Indore City Using NLR and ANN, Indian Geotechnical Journal 50 (5) (2020) 784–800.
  • V. D. Rao, D. Choudhury, Estimation of shear wave velocity and seismic site characterization for new nuclear power plant region, India, Natural Hazards Review 21 (4) (2020) 11 pages.
  • M. Öztürk, V. Altay, E. Altundağ, S. Gücel, Halophytic plant diversity of unique habitats in Turkey: Salt mine caves of Çankırı and Iğdır, Halophytes for food security in dry lands, Elsevier, Oxford, 2016, pp. 291–315.
  • TS 1900-1, İnşaat mühendisliğinde zemin laboratuvar deneyleri, Bölüm 1: Fiziksel özelliklerin tayini, Ankara, 2006.
  • CEN, Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance–Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings, Brussels, 2005.
  • G. S. Bhunia, P. K. Shit, R. Maiti, Comparison of GIS-based interpolation methods for spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC), Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 17 (2) (2018) 114–126.
  • Y. F. Xie, T. B. Chen, M. Lei, J. Yang, Q. J. Guo, B. Song, X. Y. Zhou, Spatial distribution of soil heavy metal pollution estimated by different interpolation methods: Accuracy and uncertainty analysis, Chemosphere 82 (3) (2011) 468–476.
  • Z. Ijaz, C. Zhao, N. Ijaz, Z. ur Rehman, A. Ijaz, Spatial mapping of geotechnical soil properties at multiple depths in Sialkot region, Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 80 (2021) Article Number 787 16 pages.
  • H. U. Khan, I. Rashid, J. Israr, G. Zhang, Geotechnical characterization and statistical evaluation of alluvial soils of Lahore, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (2022) Article Number 845 12 pages.
  • M. H. Khalid, B. Alshameri, U. Abid, Application of Kriging for development of SPT N value contour maps and USCS-based soil type qualitative contour maps for Islamabad, Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences 80 (2021) Article Number 413 13 pages.
  • W. Hassan, B. Alshameri, M. N. Nawaz, Z. Ijaz, M. Qasim, Geospatial and statistical interpolation of geotechnical data for modeling zonation maps of Islamabad, Pakistan, Environmental Earth Sciences 81 (2022) Article Number 547 23 pages.
  • P. Anbazhagan, A. Parihar, H. N. Rashmi, Review of correlations between SPT-N and shear modulus: A new correlation applicable to any region, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 36 (2012) 52–69.
  • S. Ohba, I. Toriumi, Dynamic response characteristics of Osaka Plain (in Japanese), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting AIJ, Tokyo, 1970.
  • G. Athanasopoulos, Empirical correlations Vso-NSPT for soils of Greece: A comparative study of reliability, Transactions on The Built Environment 15 (1970) 8 pages.
  • Y. Ohsaki, R. Iwasaki, On dynamic shear moduli and Poisson’s ratios of soil deposits, Soils & Foundations 13 (4) (1973) 61–73.
  • T. Imai, P and S wave velocities of the ground in Japan, 9th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tokyo, 1977, pp: 257–260.
  • Y. Ohta, N. Goto, Empirical shear wave velocity equations in terms of characteristic soil indexes, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 6 (2) (1978) 167–187.
  • K. Yokota, T. Imai, M. Konno, Dynamic deformation characteristics of soils determined by laboratory tests. OYO Tec. Rep 3 (1981) 13–37.
  • T. Imai, K. Tonouchi, Correlation of N-value with S-wave velocity, Proceedings of 2. European Symposium on Penetrating Testing, Amsterdam, 1982.
  • Z. Jinan, Correlation between seismic wave velocity and the number of blow of SPT and depth, Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, USA, 1987, pp. 92–100.
  • S. H. H. Lee, Regression models of shear wave velocities in Taipei basin, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 13 (5) (1990) 519–532.
  • N. Kalteziotis, N. Sabatakakis, J. Vassiliou, Evaluation of dynamic characteristics of Greek soil formations (in Greek), Second Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 1992, pp. 239–246.
  • K. Pitilakis, A. Anastasiadis, D. Raptakis, Field and laboratory determination of dynamic properties of natural soil deposits, 10th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Balkema, 1992, pp. 1275–1280.
  • D. Raptakis, S. Anastasiadis, K. Pitilakis, K. Lontzetidis, Shear wave velocities and damping of Greek natural soils, in: G. Duma, 10th European Conferance Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, 1995, pp. 477–482.
  • K. Kayabali, Soil liquefaction evaluation using shear wave velocity, Engineering Geology 44 (1-4) (1996) 121–127.
  • K. Pitilakis, D. Raptakis, K. Lontzetidis, T. Tika-Vassilikou, D. Jongmans, Geotechnical and geophysical description of EURO-SEISTEST, using field, laboratory tests and moderate strong motion recordings, Journal of Earthquake Engineering 3 (03) (1999) 381–409.
  • H. Kiku, In-situ penetration tests and soil profiling in Adapazari, Turkey, 15th ICSMGE TC4 Satellite Conference on Lessons Learned from Recent Strong Earthquakes, İstanbul, 2001, pp. 259–265.
  • N. Hasancebi, R. Ulusay, Empirical correlations between shear wave velocity and penetration resistance for ground shaking assessments, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 66 (2) (2007) 203–213.
  • R. U. Maheswari, A. Boominathan, G. R. Dodagoudar, Use of surface waves in statistical correlations of shear wave velocity and penetration resistance of chennai soils, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 28 (2) (2010) 119–137.
  • G. Tsiambaos, N. Sabatakakis, Empirical estimation of shear wave velocity from in situ tests on soil formations in Greece, Bulletin of Engineering Geology the Environment 70 (2011) 291–297.
  • A. Sil, J. Haloi, Empirical correlations with standard penetration test (SPT)-N for estimating shear wave velocity applicable to any region, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering 3 (2017) Article Number 22 13 pages.
  • P. Mehta, T. Thaker, Development Of correlations between shear wave velocity and Spt-N for Vadodara Region, Gujarat, India, Journal of GeoEngineering 15 (3) (2020) 145–157.
  • F. Shahgholipour, N. Afsari, V. Ghaseminejad, Correlation between shear wave velocity and standard penetration test for Nowshahr and Chalus, Iran, Iranian Journal of Geophysics 17 (6) (2023) 37–52.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Civil Geotechnical Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Yusuf Guzel 0000-0003-2957-8060

Early Pub Date March 15, 2024
Publication Date March 15, 2024
Submission Date November 20, 2023
Acceptance Date December 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Guzel, Y. (2024). Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye). Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, 10(1), 161-174.
AMA Guzel Y. Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye). JARNAS. March 2024;10(1):161-174. doi:10.28979/jarnas.1393352
Chicago Guzel, Yusuf. “Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye)”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 10, no. 1 (March 2024): 161-74.
EndNote Guzel Y (March 1, 2024) Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye). Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 10 1 161–174.
IEEE Y. Guzel, “Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye)”, JARNAS, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 161–174, 2024, doi: 10.28979/jarnas.1393352.
ISNAD Guzel, Yusuf. “Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye)”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences 10/1 (March 2024), 161-174.
JAMA Guzel Y. Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye). JARNAS. 2024;10:161–174.
MLA Guzel, Yusuf. “Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye)”. Journal of Advanced Research in Natural and Applied Sciences, vol. 10, no. 1, 2024, pp. 161-74, doi:10.28979/jarnas.1393352.
Vancouver Guzel Y. Correlating Measured SPT-N, Shear Wave Velocity and Liquid Limit Values in Melekli Region, Igdır (Türkiye). JARNAS. 2024;10(1):161-74.

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