Writing Rules

1) Submissions to the journal must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

2) Submissions will be sent to two reviewers for the blind peer Review process. If necessary, the manuscript may be sent to a third reviewer. Based on the reviews, the manuscript will be accepted for publication or otherwise.

3) Manuscripts should be prepared according to A4 size, with 2.5cm margins on all sides, written in Microsoft Word format, with Times New Roman font, 12 punto, 1.15cm spacing, and justified. Footnotes shoud be written in the same font, 10 punto, and single spacing. Paragraphs should begin with a 1.25cm indent.

4) The title of the manuscript should be brief and clear, written in upper case, 12 punto, bold and alligned to the centre.

5) The author’s name should be given after the title, leaving a one line space, 12 punto, bold, and alligned to the right.

6) The author’s title, affiliation, and e-mail should be given as a footnote indicated with the symbol (*).

7) The abstract should be give after leaving a line space below the author’s name. The title “Abstract” should be written in 10 punto and alligned to the left. The abstract text should be written after leaving a line space, and should not exceed 300 words.

8) After the abstract, a line space should be left, and without indentation, “Key Words:”, followed by 5-8 key words separated by commas.

9) A line space should be left after the Key Words.The Turkish title of the manuscipt should be presented in accordance with the details in item 4). The Turkish Abstract should be given in accordance with item 7), and the Turkish Key Words in accordance with item 8)..

10) The headings within the main text should be 12 punto, bold, and the first letter of the each word should be in upper case. Sub-headings should follow in a hierarchical manner (for example, 1.1., 1.2…, 1.2.1., …)

11) All the articles in the journal will be available by open Access in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative.

12) Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal together with an iThenticate similarity report. A similarity rate of 20% is considered acceptable. The peer review process will not be commenced for submissions without a similarity report.

13) The ideas and opinions published in the articles are the responsibility of the author(s) alone. The owner of the journal and the editors are not responsible.

14) Submissions should have a word count of 6,000-10,000, including footnotes, but not including references. Book reviews should be 1000-2000 words.

15) Any tables, graphics, or figures should be uploaded as supplementary files in a format compatible with the main text (Word, Excel, GIF, BMP), and each should be numbered in accordance to its sequence of appearance in the main text. Tables and figures should be given legends, and references should be provided where relevant.

16) Author identifiers should be removed from manuscripts that will be sent to the blind peer review process.

17) Journal of Anglo-Turkish Relations is included in the Dergi Park system. In order to submit a manuscript to the journal, authors should first register with Dergi Park. Authors will be able to follow the review process from this system.

18) The journal follows the Chicago style of citation and referencing. Submissions should be prepared in accordance with this style. See the following link for details: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html

19) JATR is indexed in ASOS İndeks and EuroPub.
