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Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 6, 188 - 198, 05.12.2015


Computers have changed such as the size, weight and usefulness, and they have become portable devices with the developing technology. This has led to the creation of mobile learning concepts. Devices supporting mobile learning are called mobile devices such as PDAs, Smart Phones, Netbooks, and Tablet PC etc. Computers use in educational environments as it is devices that enrich the educational process, grant to a student-centered education, and facilitate access to sources of information, support individual and lifelong learning. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the education supported of mobile devices and to use of mobile devices in education.  For this purpose, the literature examined is about the subject and the data obtained from literature have been discussion under the headings, reading, writing, communication, interaction and integration.


  • Adar, N. & Kandemir, M. C. (2008,6-9 May). Avucici Cihazlar ve M-Ogrenme Aracları: Msinav ve M-Alistirma. 8th International Educational Technology Conference, Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
  • Ally, M. (2009). Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education & Training. Published by AU Press, Athabasca University.
  • Aydemir, Z. & Öztürk, E. (2012). The Effects of Reading from the Screen on the Reading Motivation Levels of Elementary 5th Graders. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11 (3), 357-365.
  • Bulun, M., Gulnar, B. & Guran, M. S. (2004). Egitimde Mobil Teknolojiler. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 3 (2), 165-169.
  • Cakmak, O. (1999). Fen Egitiminin Yeni Boyutu: Bilgisayar – Multimedya – İnternet Destekli Egitim. Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Buca Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayı, 11, 116-125.
  • Corbeils, J. R. & Vandes-Corbeils, M. E. (2007). Are You Ready for Mobile Learning?. Educause Quarterly, 2, 51-58.
  • Fernández-López, Á., Rodríguez-Fórtiz, M. J., Rodríguez-Almendros, M. L. & MartínezSegura, M. J. (2013). Mobile Learning Technology Based on iOS Devices to Support Students with Special Education Needs. Computers & Education, 61, 77-90.
  • Geban, O., Ertepinar, H., Yilmaz, G., Altan, A. & Şahpaz, F. (1994, 15-17 September). Bilgisayar Destekli Egitimin Ogrencilerin Fen Bilgisi Basarilarina ve Fen Bilgisi Ilgilerine Etkisi. I. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Egitim Sempozyumu Bildirileri. Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir.
  • Gunes, F. (2009). Ekran Okumada Verimlilik. Kalkinmada Anahtar Verimlilik Gazetesi, Milli Produktivite Merkezi Aylik Yayin Organi, 248, 26-29.
  • Gunes, F. (2011a). Ekran Okuma Alışkanlığı, Yenises Dergisi, 16, 184.
  • Gunes, F. (2011b). Nicin F Klavye? Yenises Dergisi, 16 (191), 27-29.
  • Henrich, A., Hub, A. & Sieber, S. (2011). A Study on the Use of Lecture Recordings in Different Mobile Learning Settings. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2011. 159-166.
  • Isik, A. D. & Cukurbasi, B. (2012, 4-6 September). Egitimde Tablet Bilgisayarin Kullanilmasi. 6th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep.
  • Isik, A. D. (2010). Bilisim Teknolojileri Dersi Icin Olusturmaci Yaklasim Dogrultusunda Hazirlanan Ogrenme Paketinin Etkileri. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Education Sciences, Izmir.
  • Jairak, K., Praneetpolgrang, P. & Mekhabunchakij, K. (2009, 17-18 December). An Acceptance of Mobile Learning for Higher Education Students in Thailand. The Sixth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society, Thailand.
  • Koile, K, & Singer, D. A. (2006). Development of a Tablet-PC-Based System to Increase Instructor-Student Classroom Interactions and Student Learning, In the “The Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education: Vignettes, Evaluations, and Future Directions”, Eds. D. Berque, J. Prey, and R. Reed, (pp.115–122), Purdue University Press.
  • Korucu, A. T. & Alkan, A. (2001). Differences Between m-Learning (Mobile Learning) and eLearning, Basic Terminology and Usage of m-Learning in Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1925-1930.
  • Loch, B. & Donovan, D. (2006) Progressive Teaching of Mathematics with Tablet Technology. E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 9 (2), 1-6
  • Loch, B., Galligan, L., Hobohm, C. & McDonald, C. (2011). Learner-centered Mathematics and Statistics education using Netbook Tablet PCs. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 42 (7), 939-949.
  • Loch, B., I. (2005, 22-26 November). Tablet Technology in First Year Calculus and Linear Algebra Teaching. In: Kingfisher Delta '05: 5th Southern Hemisphere Conference on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Fraser Island, Australia.
  • McCabe, B. (2011). An Integrated Approach to The Use Of Complementary Visual Learning Devices in an Undergraduate Microbiology Class. Journal of Biological Education, 45(5), 236-243,
  • Ozcelik, E. & Yildirim, S. (2002, 23-25 May). Web-Destekli Ogrenme Ortamlarinda Bilissel Araclarin Kullanimi: Bir Durum Calismasi. Acik/Uzaktan Egitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
  • Saka, A., Z. & Kiyici, F. B. (2004). Ogrencilerin Fene Karsi Tutumlarini Etkileyen Faktorlerin Belirlenmesi: Sakarya Ili Ornegi. Sakarya Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 8, 97111.
  • Swan, K., van ‘t Hooft, M., Kratcoski, A. & Unger, D. (2014). Uses and Effects of Mobile Computing Devices in K–8 Classrooms. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38(1), 99-112.
  • Thornton, P. & Houser, C. (2005). Using Mobile Phones in English Education in Japan. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21, 217–228.
  • Vinci, M. & Cucchi, D. (2007). Possibilities of Application of E-Tools in Education: Mobile Learning’, International Conference for ICT for Language Learning. Florence, Italy. Retrieved from MariaLuisaVinci.pdf. on 05.04.2015.
  • Yilmaz, Y. & Akpinar, E. (2011). Mobile Technologies and Mobile Activities Used By Prospective Teachers. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2011. 144-150.
  • Yilmaz, Y. (2011). Mobil Ogrenmeye Yonelik Lisansustu Ogrencilerinin ve Ogretim Elemanlarinin Farkindalik Duzeylerinin Arastirilmasi. Unpublisher Master’s Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Education Sciences, Izmir.
  • Yoon, C. & Sneddon, J. (2011). Student Perceptions of Effective Use of Tablet PC Recorded Lectures In Undergraduate Mathematics Courses. International Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 42 (4), 425-445.
  • Yildirim, A. & Simsek, H. (2008). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Arastirma Yontemleri (6. Ed.). Ankara: Seckin Press.
  • West, D. M. (2013). Mobile Learning: Transforming Education, Engaging Students, and Improving Outcomes. Center for technology Innovation at Brookings, September , Retrieved from /2013/09/17-mobile-learning-education-engaging-studentswest/brookingsmobilelearning_final.pdf on 29.08.2015.

Mobil Araçların Özellikleri ve Eğitime Etkileri: Bir Literatür İncelemesi

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 6, 188 - 198, 05.12.2015


Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte bilgisayarlar boyut, ağırlık, kullanışlılık gibi özellikleri yönüyle değişmiş, taşınabilir araçlar haline gelmiştir. Bu durum Mobil Öğrenme kavramının oluşmasına sebep olmuştur.Mobil öğrenmeyi destekleyen PDA’lar, Akıllı Telefonlar, Netbooklar ve Tablet PC’ler gibi cihazlar mobil cihazlar olarak adlandırılır. Bilgisayarlar eğitim ortamlarında eğitim sürecini zenginleştiren, öğrenci merkezli eğitim vermek, bilgi kaynaklarına erişimi kolaylaştırmak ve bireysel ve yaşam boyu öğrenmeyi desteklemek için kullanılmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, eğitimin mobil araçlarla desteklenmesinin ve eğitimde mobil cihazların kullanımını değerlendirmektir. Bu amaçla konu ile ilgili literatür incelenmiş, elde edilen veriler okuma, yazma, iletişim, etkileşim ve entegrasyon başlıkları altında tartışılmıştır


  • Adar, N. & Kandemir, M. C. (2008,6-9 May). Avucici Cihazlar ve M-Ogrenme Aracları: Msinav ve M-Alistirma. 8th International Educational Technology Conference, Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
  • Ally, M. (2009). Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education & Training. Published by AU Press, Athabasca University.
  • Aydemir, Z. & Öztürk, E. (2012). The Effects of Reading from the Screen on the Reading Motivation Levels of Elementary 5th Graders. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11 (3), 357-365.
  • Bulun, M., Gulnar, B. & Guran, M. S. (2004). Egitimde Mobil Teknolojiler. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 3 (2), 165-169.
  • Cakmak, O. (1999). Fen Egitiminin Yeni Boyutu: Bilgisayar – Multimedya – İnternet Destekli Egitim. Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Buca Egitim Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayı, 11, 116-125.
  • Corbeils, J. R. & Vandes-Corbeils, M. E. (2007). Are You Ready for Mobile Learning?. Educause Quarterly, 2, 51-58.
  • Fernández-López, Á., Rodríguez-Fórtiz, M. J., Rodríguez-Almendros, M. L. & MartínezSegura, M. J. (2013). Mobile Learning Technology Based on iOS Devices to Support Students with Special Education Needs. Computers & Education, 61, 77-90.
  • Geban, O., Ertepinar, H., Yilmaz, G., Altan, A. & Şahpaz, F. (1994, 15-17 September). Bilgisayar Destekli Egitimin Ogrencilerin Fen Bilgisi Basarilarina ve Fen Bilgisi Ilgilerine Etkisi. I. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Egitim Sempozyumu Bildirileri. Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir.
  • Gunes, F. (2009). Ekran Okumada Verimlilik. Kalkinmada Anahtar Verimlilik Gazetesi, Milli Produktivite Merkezi Aylik Yayin Organi, 248, 26-29.
  • Gunes, F. (2011a). Ekran Okuma Alışkanlığı, Yenises Dergisi, 16, 184.
  • Gunes, F. (2011b). Nicin F Klavye? Yenises Dergisi, 16 (191), 27-29.
  • Henrich, A., Hub, A. & Sieber, S. (2011). A Study on the Use of Lecture Recordings in Different Mobile Learning Settings. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2011. 159-166.
  • Isik, A. D. & Cukurbasi, B. (2012, 4-6 September). Egitimde Tablet Bilgisayarin Kullanilmasi. 6th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep.
  • Isik, A. D. (2010). Bilisim Teknolojileri Dersi Icin Olusturmaci Yaklasim Dogrultusunda Hazirlanan Ogrenme Paketinin Etkileri. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Education Sciences, Izmir.
  • Jairak, K., Praneetpolgrang, P. & Mekhabunchakij, K. (2009, 17-18 December). An Acceptance of Mobile Learning for Higher Education Students in Thailand. The Sixth International Conference on eLearning for Knowledge-Based Society, Thailand.
  • Koile, K, & Singer, D. A. (2006). Development of a Tablet-PC-Based System to Increase Instructor-Student Classroom Interactions and Student Learning, In the “The Impact of Pen-based Technology on Education: Vignettes, Evaluations, and Future Directions”, Eds. D. Berque, J. Prey, and R. Reed, (pp.115–122), Purdue University Press.
  • Korucu, A. T. & Alkan, A. (2001). Differences Between m-Learning (Mobile Learning) and eLearning, Basic Terminology and Usage of m-Learning in Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1925-1930.
  • Loch, B. & Donovan, D. (2006) Progressive Teaching of Mathematics with Tablet Technology. E-Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 9 (2), 1-6
  • Loch, B., Galligan, L., Hobohm, C. & McDonald, C. (2011). Learner-centered Mathematics and Statistics education using Netbook Tablet PCs. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 42 (7), 939-949.
  • Loch, B., I. (2005, 22-26 November). Tablet Technology in First Year Calculus and Linear Algebra Teaching. In: Kingfisher Delta '05: 5th Southern Hemisphere Conference on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning, Fraser Island, Australia.
  • McCabe, B. (2011). An Integrated Approach to The Use Of Complementary Visual Learning Devices in an Undergraduate Microbiology Class. Journal of Biological Education, 45(5), 236-243,
  • Ozcelik, E. & Yildirim, S. (2002, 23-25 May). Web-Destekli Ogrenme Ortamlarinda Bilissel Araclarin Kullanimi: Bir Durum Calismasi. Acik/Uzaktan Egitim Sempozyumu, Anadolu University, Eskisehir.
  • Saka, A., Z. & Kiyici, F. B. (2004). Ogrencilerin Fene Karsi Tutumlarini Etkileyen Faktorlerin Belirlenmesi: Sakarya Ili Ornegi. Sakarya Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 8, 97111.
  • Swan, K., van ‘t Hooft, M., Kratcoski, A. & Unger, D. (2014). Uses and Effects of Mobile Computing Devices in K–8 Classrooms. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 38(1), 99-112.
  • Thornton, P. & Houser, C. (2005). Using Mobile Phones in English Education in Japan. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 21, 217–228.
  • Vinci, M. & Cucchi, D. (2007). Possibilities of Application of E-Tools in Education: Mobile Learning’, International Conference for ICT for Language Learning. Florence, Italy. Retrieved from MariaLuisaVinci.pdf. on 05.04.2015.
  • Yilmaz, Y. & Akpinar, E. (2011). Mobile Technologies and Mobile Activities Used By Prospective Teachers. IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2011. 144-150.
  • Yilmaz, Y. (2011). Mobil Ogrenmeye Yonelik Lisansustu Ogrencilerinin ve Ogretim Elemanlarinin Farkindalik Duzeylerinin Arastirilmasi. Unpublisher Master’s Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Education Sciences, Izmir.
  • Yoon, C. & Sneddon, J. (2011). Student Perceptions of Effective Use of Tablet PC Recorded Lectures In Undergraduate Mathematics Courses. International Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 42 (4), 425-445.
  • Yildirim, A. & Simsek, H. (2008). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Arastirma Yontemleri (6. Ed.). Ankara: Seckin Press.
  • West, D. M. (2013). Mobile Learning: Transforming Education, Engaging Students, and Improving Outcomes. Center for technology Innovation at Brookings, September , Retrieved from /2013/09/17-mobile-learning-education-engaging-studentswest/brookingsmobilelearning_final.pdf on 29.08.2015.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Review Article

Ayşe Işık

Publication Date December 5, 2015
Submission Date May 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3 Issue: 6


APA Işık, A. (2015). FEATURES OF MOBILE DEVICES AND ITS IMPLICATIONS INTO EDUCATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 3(6), 188-198.

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