Research Article
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Effect of Teaching Practices Enriched with Innovative Teaching Materials

Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 25, 344 - 373


The present research aims to investigate the effect of using innovative teaching materials in social studies on students' map literacy skills, academic achievement, and retention. The research was designed using the pre-test/post-test unequalized control group model, which is a type of quasi-experimental design. Academic achievement test, map literacy skill assessment developed by researchers, and comprehension learning outcomes assessments prepared by the Ministry of National Education in Türkiye were used as data collection tools. The data obtained from the tests and assessments were analyzed using the TAP and Jamovi statistical programs. Based on the analysis of map literacy skills, the research concluded that the pre-test scores of the experimental group and the control group did not show a statistically significant difference. Additionally, there was no statistically significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the control group. On the other hand, the post-test scores of the experimental group showed a statistically significant difference. Based on the analysis of student responses in terms of academic achievement, there was no statistically significant difference between the pre-test scores of the experimental group and the control group, but the post-test scores of both the experimental group and the control showed a statistically significant difference. The research found that the experimental group showed a statistically significant difference in the retention of learning as measured one month after the completion of the implementation of the innovative teaching materials.

Ethical Statement

Ethical Committee Permission Information Name of the board that carries out ethical assessment: Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Social and Humanities Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Board The date and number of the ethical assessment decision: 24.11.2021 -137877


  • Aküzüm, C. (2015). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde kullanılan öğretim materyalleri [Teaching materials used in social studies teaching]. In R. Sever (Ed.). Sosyal bilgiler öğretimi [Social studies teaching] (pp. 275-301). Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Baran-Bulut, D., & Güveli, E. (2023). Determination of technology pedagogy content knowledge levels of preservice mathematics teachers through activities. International E-Journal of Educational Studies, 7(13), 89-106.
  • Biggs, J. B. (1987). Student approaches to learning and studying. Research monograph. Australian Council for Educational Research.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2020). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı istatistik, araştırma deseni SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum [Data analysis handbook for social sciences statistics, research design SPSS applications and interpretation] (28th Ed.). Pegem Academy.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç-Çakmak, E., Özcan, E. A., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2019). Eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods in education] (26th ed.). Pegem A
  • Cohen J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Dela Peña, R. A. Jr., Musa, L. G., Soco, L., Sta. Maria, M. B., Politico, V., Avelino, D., Cruz, V. A., Martin, E., Guno, E., De Guzman, M., & Dimitui, E. A. (2011). Post-hoc analysis of the departmental final examinations for selected general education subjects for Arellano University, AY 2010-2011. Arellano University Research and Publications Department.
  • Elçi, Ş. (2011). Gelecek için eğitim programları ve politikaları [Educational programmes and policies for the future]. İşkur Printing.
  • Ertuğruloğlu, O., Gülcan, N.Y. & Pişkin-Abidoğlu, Ü. (2024). The impact of culture on the education system. International e-Journal of Educational Studies, 8 (16), 131-141.
  • European Agency (2011). Innovative teaching and learning research 2011 findings and implications.
  • Flogie, A., Aberšek, B., & Pesek, I. (2019). The impact of innovative learning environments on social competences of youth. Research in Learning Technology, 27, 1-14.
  • Greenhill, V. (2010). 21st century knowledge and skills in educator preparation. AACTE. Groff, J. (2013). Technology-rich innovative learning environments. OCED CERI Innovative Learning Environment Project, 2013, 1-30.
  • Günüç, S. (2017). Eğitimde teknoloji entegrasyonunun kuramsal temelleri [Theoretical foundations of technology integration in education]. Anı Publishing.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe-yöntem-analiz [Research methods in social sciences philosophy-method-analysis] (5th ed.). Seçkin Publish.
  • Kalyani, D., & Rajasekaran, K. (2018). Innovative teaching and learning. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 3(1), 23-25.
  • Kaplanoğlu, M. (2019). Madde istatistikleri [Item statistics].
  • Karakuş, A., & Uslu, S. (2021). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının bireysel girişimcilik algıları ile eleştirel düşünme standartları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the relationship between individual entrepreneurship perceptions and critical thinking standards of social sciences teacher candidates]. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 7(91), 5434-5445.
  • Karaoğlan-Yılmaz, F. G., & Öztürk, T. (2020). Öğretim teknolojilerinde yaklaşımlar ve yönelimler [Approaches and orientations in instructional technologies]. In S. Dinçer (Ed.). Öğretim teknolojileri [Instructional technologies] (pp. 93-111). Pegem A.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi [Scientific research method]. Nobel Publishing. Kırkıç, K. A. (Ed.) (2020). Yenilikçi öğrenme ve öğretim uygulamaları [Innovative learning and teaching practices]. Iksad Publications.
  • Korkmaz, İ. (2020). Nicel araştırmalarda evren, örneklem, örnekleme teknikleri [Universe, sample, sampling techniques in quantitative research]. In B. Oral & A. Çoban (Eds.). Kuramdan uygulamaya eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods in education from theory to practice] (pp. 147-159). Pegem Academy Publications.
  • Kumandaş-Öztürk, H. (2019). Araştırma modelleri ve türleri [Research models and types]. K. Yılmaz & S. Arık (Eds.). Eğitimde araştırma yöntemleri [Research methods in education] (pp. 76-98). Pegem A.
  • Kurt, O. Y. (2021). Yenilikçi okullar özellikler-beceriler-stratejiler-uygulama örnekleri [Innovative schools characteristics-skills-strategies-praxis samples]. Academic Platform Journal of Education and Change-APJEC, 4(2), 319-323.
  • Lawshe, C. H. (1975). A quantitative approach to content validity. Personnel Psychology, 28(4), 563–575.
  • Leech, N. L., Barrett, K. C., & Morgan, G. A. (2015). IBM SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation (5th ed.). Routledge.
  • Lepičnik-Vodopivec, J., Štemberger, T., & Retar, I. (2020). New challenges in education and schooling: An example of designing innovative motor learning environments. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), 1214-1221.
  • MEB (2021). Yenilikçi sınıflarda eğitim için metodolojik çerçeve [Methodological framework for training in innovative classrooms].
  • Morozova, O. (2019). Development of innovative learning technology in systems with dual processes. Технологический Аудит и Резервы Производства, 2 (46), 43-45.
  • Odabaşı, F. (2021). Web 2.0 teknolojileri ve sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde kullanımı [Web 2.0 technologies and their use in social studies teaching]. In R. Turan & H. Akdağ (Eds.). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde yeni yaklaşımlar-II [New approaches in social studies teaching-II] (pp. 165-188). Pegem A.
  • OECD (2016). Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills. OECD.
  • Özen, H. (2020). Yarı deneysel desenler [Quasi-experimental designs]. In A. Aypay (Ed.). Araştırma yöntemleri [Research methods] (3rd ed., pp. 315-340). Anı Publishing.
  • Özmen, H. (2019). Deneysel araştırma yöntemi [Experimental research method]. In H. Özmen & O. Karamustafaoğlu (Eds). Eğitimde araştırma yöntemleri [Research methods in education] (pp. 198-226). Pegem A.
  • Reynolds, N., Diamantopoulos, A., & Schlegelmilch, B. (1993). Pre-testing in questionnaire design: A review of the literature and suggestions for further research. International Journal of Market Research, 35(2), 1–11.
  • Şeker, H., & Gençdoğan, B. (2014). Psikolojide ve eğitimde ölçme aracı geliştirme [Measurement tool development in psychology and Education] (3th Ed.). Nobel Publishing.
  • Taşlıbeyaz, E. (2020). Eğitimde çoklu ortam materyalleri ve tasarımı [Multimedia materials and design in education]. In M. A. Özerbaş (Ed.). Öğretim teknolojileri [Instructional technologies] (pp. 111-133). Pegem A.
  • Terzi, Y. (2019). Anket, güvenilirlik–geçerlilik analizi [Questionnaire, reliability and validity analysis].
  • Turan, S., & Cansoy, R. (2021). Yenilikçi okullar özellikler-beceriler-stratejiler-uygulama örnekleri [Innovative schools characteristics-skills-strategies-practice examples]. Nobel Publishing.
  • Turgut, F. (1973). Değerlendirme ve not verme metotları [Evaluation and grading methods]. MEB.
  • Upadhyay, I. (2020). What is innovative learning and innovation in teaching?,,new%20ideas%20on%20their%20own
  • Worrall, D. S. (1984). Innovative learning materials in social studies [Doctoral dissertation, Simon Fraser University]. Simon Fraser University Libraries
  • Yavuz-Konokman, G. (2019). Dijital öğretim teknolojilerinin hazırlanması ve eğitsel ortamlarda kullanımı: Dijital öyküleme ve dijital kavram haritası [Preparation of digital teaching technologies and their use in educational environments: Digital storytelling and digital concept map]. T. Yanpar-Yelken (Ed.). Öğretim teknolojileri [Instructional technologies] (pp. 65-98). Anı Publishing.
  • Yeşiltaş, E., & Sönmez, Ö. F. (2014). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde bilgisayar kullanımı ve bilgisayar tabanlı materyal geliştirme [Computer use in social studies teaching and computer-based material development]. In R. Turan, A. M. Sünbül & H. Akdağ (Eds.). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde yeni yaklaşımlar-1 [New approaches in social studies teaching-1] (2nd ed. pp. 387-436). Pegem A.
  • Yıldırım, Z. (2020). Öğretim teknolojileri ve ileti tasarımı [Instructional technologies and message design]. In K. Çağıltay & Y. Göktaş (Eds.). Öğretim teknolojilerinin temelleri teoriler, araştırmalar, eğilimler [Foundations of instructional technologies theories, research, trends] (3rd ed., pp. 279-296). Pegem A.
  • Yusuf, A., Efendi, A., & Yuana, R. (2019). ARROBO, Augmented reality-based mobile application for supporting ınnovative learning in robotics. International Association of Online Engineering.

Effect of Teaching Practices Enriched with Innovative Teaching Materials

Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 25, 344 - 373


The present research aims to investigate the effect of using innovative teaching materials in social studies on students' map literacy skills, academic achievement, and retention. The research was designed using the pre-test/post-test unequalized control group model, which is a type of quasi-experimental design. Academic achievement test, map literacy skill assessment developed by researchers, and comprehension learning outcomes assessments prepared by the Ministry of National Education in Türkiye were used as data collection tools. The data obtained from the tests and assessments were analyzed using the TAP and Jamovi statistical programs. Based on the analysis of map literacy skills, the research concluded that the pre-test scores of the experimental group and the control group did not show a statistically significant difference. Additionally, there was no statistically significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the control group. On the other hand, the post-test scores of the experimental group showed a statistically significant difference. Based on the analysis of student responses in terms of academic achievement, there was no statistically significant difference between the pre-test scores of the experimental group and the control group, but the post-test scores of both the experimental group and the control showed a statistically significant difference. The research found that the experimental group showed a statistically significant difference in the retention of learning as measured one month after the completion of the implementation of the innovative teaching materials.

Ethical Statement

Ethical Committee Permission Information Name of the board that carries out ethical assessment: Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University Social and Humanities Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Board The date and number of the ethical assessment decision: 24.11.2021 -137877


  • Aküzüm, C. (2015). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde kullanılan öğretim materyalleri [Teaching materials used in social studies teaching]. In R. Sever (Ed.). Sosyal bilgiler öğretimi [Social studies teaching] (pp. 275-301). Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Baran-Bulut, D., & Güveli, E. (2023). Determination of technology pedagogy content knowledge levels of preservice mathematics teachers through activities. International E-Journal of Educational Studies, 7(13), 89-106.
  • Biggs, J. B. (1987). Student approaches to learning and studying. Research monograph. Australian Council for Educational Research.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2020). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı istatistik, araştırma deseni SPSS uygulamaları ve yorum [Data analysis handbook for social sciences statistics, research design SPSS applications and interpretation] (28th Ed.). Pegem Academy.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç-Çakmak, E., Özcan, E. A., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2019). Eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods in education] (26th ed.). Pegem A
  • Cohen J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Dela Peña, R. A. Jr., Musa, L. G., Soco, L., Sta. Maria, M. B., Politico, V., Avelino, D., Cruz, V. A., Martin, E., Guno, E., De Guzman, M., & Dimitui, E. A. (2011). Post-hoc analysis of the departmental final examinations for selected general education subjects for Arellano University, AY 2010-2011. Arellano University Research and Publications Department.
  • Elçi, Ş. (2011). Gelecek için eğitim programları ve politikaları [Educational programmes and policies for the future]. İşkur Printing.
  • Ertuğruloğlu, O., Gülcan, N.Y. & Pişkin-Abidoğlu, Ü. (2024). The impact of culture on the education system. International e-Journal of Educational Studies, 8 (16), 131-141.
  • European Agency (2011). Innovative teaching and learning research 2011 findings and implications.
  • Flogie, A., Aberšek, B., & Pesek, I. (2019). The impact of innovative learning environments on social competences of youth. Research in Learning Technology, 27, 1-14.
  • Greenhill, V. (2010). 21st century knowledge and skills in educator preparation. AACTE. Groff, J. (2013). Technology-rich innovative learning environments. OCED CERI Innovative Learning Environment Project, 2013, 1-30.
  • Günüç, S. (2017). Eğitimde teknoloji entegrasyonunun kuramsal temelleri [Theoretical foundations of technology integration in education]. Anı Publishing.
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2018). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri felsefe-yöntem-analiz [Research methods in social sciences philosophy-method-analysis] (5th ed.). Seçkin Publish.
  • Kalyani, D., & Rajasekaran, K. (2018). Innovative teaching and learning. Journal of Applied and Advanced Research, 3(1), 23-25.
  • Kaplanoğlu, M. (2019). Madde istatistikleri [Item statistics].
  • Karakuş, A., & Uslu, S. (2021). Sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının bireysel girişimcilik algıları ile eleştirel düşünme standartları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the relationship between individual entrepreneurship perceptions and critical thinking standards of social sciences teacher candidates]. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 7(91), 5434-5445.
  • Karaoğlan-Yılmaz, F. G., & Öztürk, T. (2020). Öğretim teknolojilerinde yaklaşımlar ve yönelimler [Approaches and orientations in instructional technologies]. In S. Dinçer (Ed.). Öğretim teknolojileri [Instructional technologies] (pp. 93-111). Pegem A.
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi [Scientific research method]. Nobel Publishing. Kırkıç, K. A. (Ed.) (2020). Yenilikçi öğrenme ve öğretim uygulamaları [Innovative learning and teaching practices]. Iksad Publications.
  • Korkmaz, İ. (2020). Nicel araştırmalarda evren, örneklem, örnekleme teknikleri [Universe, sample, sampling techniques in quantitative research]. In B. Oral & A. Çoban (Eds.). Kuramdan uygulamaya eğitimde bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods in education from theory to practice] (pp. 147-159). Pegem Academy Publications.
  • Kumandaş-Öztürk, H. (2019). Araştırma modelleri ve türleri [Research models and types]. K. Yılmaz & S. Arık (Eds.). Eğitimde araştırma yöntemleri [Research methods in education] (pp. 76-98). Pegem A.
  • Kurt, O. Y. (2021). Yenilikçi okullar özellikler-beceriler-stratejiler-uygulama örnekleri [Innovative schools characteristics-skills-strategies-praxis samples]. Academic Platform Journal of Education and Change-APJEC, 4(2), 319-323.
  • Lawshe, C. H. (1975). A quantitative approach to content validity. Personnel Psychology, 28(4), 563–575.
  • Leech, N. L., Barrett, K. C., & Morgan, G. A. (2015). IBM SPSS for intermediate statistics: Use and interpretation (5th ed.). Routledge.
  • Lepičnik-Vodopivec, J., Štemberger, T., & Retar, I. (2020). New challenges in education and schooling: An example of designing innovative motor learning environments. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), 1214-1221.
  • MEB (2021). Yenilikçi sınıflarda eğitim için metodolojik çerçeve [Methodological framework for training in innovative classrooms].
  • Morozova, O. (2019). Development of innovative learning technology in systems with dual processes. Технологический Аудит и Резервы Производства, 2 (46), 43-45.
  • Odabaşı, F. (2021). Web 2.0 teknolojileri ve sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde kullanımı [Web 2.0 technologies and their use in social studies teaching]. In R. Turan & H. Akdağ (Eds.). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde yeni yaklaşımlar-II [New approaches in social studies teaching-II] (pp. 165-188). Pegem A.
  • OECD (2016). Innovating education and educating for innovation the power of digital technologies and skills. OECD.
  • Özen, H. (2020). Yarı deneysel desenler [Quasi-experimental designs]. In A. Aypay (Ed.). Araştırma yöntemleri [Research methods] (3rd ed., pp. 315-340). Anı Publishing.
  • Özmen, H. (2019). Deneysel araştırma yöntemi [Experimental research method]. In H. Özmen & O. Karamustafaoğlu (Eds). Eğitimde araştırma yöntemleri [Research methods in education] (pp. 198-226). Pegem A.
  • Reynolds, N., Diamantopoulos, A., & Schlegelmilch, B. (1993). Pre-testing in questionnaire design: A review of the literature and suggestions for further research. International Journal of Market Research, 35(2), 1–11.
  • Şeker, H., & Gençdoğan, B. (2014). Psikolojide ve eğitimde ölçme aracı geliştirme [Measurement tool development in psychology and Education] (3th Ed.). Nobel Publishing.
  • Taşlıbeyaz, E. (2020). Eğitimde çoklu ortam materyalleri ve tasarımı [Multimedia materials and design in education]. In M. A. Özerbaş (Ed.). Öğretim teknolojileri [Instructional technologies] (pp. 111-133). Pegem A.
  • Terzi, Y. (2019). Anket, güvenilirlik–geçerlilik analizi [Questionnaire, reliability and validity analysis].
  • Turan, S., & Cansoy, R. (2021). Yenilikçi okullar özellikler-beceriler-stratejiler-uygulama örnekleri [Innovative schools characteristics-skills-strategies-practice examples]. Nobel Publishing.
  • Turgut, F. (1973). Değerlendirme ve not verme metotları [Evaluation and grading methods]. MEB.
  • Upadhyay, I. (2020). What is innovative learning and innovation in teaching?,,new%20ideas%20on%20their%20own
  • Worrall, D. S. (1984). Innovative learning materials in social studies [Doctoral dissertation, Simon Fraser University]. Simon Fraser University Libraries
  • Yavuz-Konokman, G. (2019). Dijital öğretim teknolojilerinin hazırlanması ve eğitsel ortamlarda kullanımı: Dijital öyküleme ve dijital kavram haritası [Preparation of digital teaching technologies and their use in educational environments: Digital storytelling and digital concept map]. T. Yanpar-Yelken (Ed.). Öğretim teknolojileri [Instructional technologies] (pp. 65-98). Anı Publishing.
  • Yeşiltaş, E., & Sönmez, Ö. F. (2014). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde bilgisayar kullanımı ve bilgisayar tabanlı materyal geliştirme [Computer use in social studies teaching and computer-based material development]. In R. Turan, A. M. Sünbül & H. Akdağ (Eds.). Sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde yeni yaklaşımlar-1 [New approaches in social studies teaching-1] (2nd ed. pp. 387-436). Pegem A.
  • Yıldırım, Z. (2020). Öğretim teknolojileri ve ileti tasarımı [Instructional technologies and message design]. In K. Çağıltay & Y. Göktaş (Eds.). Öğretim teknolojilerinin temelleri teoriler, araştırmalar, eğilimler [Foundations of instructional technologies theories, research, trends] (3rd ed., pp. 279-296). Pegem A.
  • Yusuf, A., Efendi, A., & Yuana, R. (2019). ARROBO, Augmented reality-based mobile application for supporting ınnovative learning in robotics. International Association of Online Engineering.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Instructional Technologies, Social Studies Education, Educational Technology and Computing
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet Çetin 0000-0002-3065-1969

Salih Uslu 0000-0003-0558-516X

Early Pub Date March 3, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date December 4, 2024
Acceptance Date February 24, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 13 Issue: 25


APA Çetin, M., & Uslu, S. (2025). Effect of Teaching Practices Enriched with Innovative Teaching Materials. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 13(25), 344-373.

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