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What is the Efficacy of Home-Based Exercise Program After Mild to Moderate COVID-19 Pneumonia?

Year 2023, , 433 - 438, 31.05.2023


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a home-based breathing exercise program on dyspnea, quality of life, depression and sleeping disorders in patients with COVID-19 after discharge from the hospital.
Methods: The study was completed with a total of 60 participants. The intervention group (n=39) received a homed-based exercise program including controlled breathing techniques and low-intensity upper and lower extremity exercises. The control group (n=21) did not receive any intervention.
The patients were evaluated with the Modified Borg Scale (MBS), Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) before and at the end of the intervention.
Results: After treatment, the MBS scores significantly decreased in both the intervention and control groups compared with the baseline values(p<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference before and after the treatment when the MBS scores were compared between the groups (p<0.001). The changes in the post-treatment BDI, NHP and ISI scores compared to the baseline did not significantly differ between the two groups.
Conclusion: This study showed that home exercise program after COVID-19 was significantly effective in relieving dyspnea, but not as effective in improving quality of life and sleep and depression complaints.


  • 1.Xu J, Zhao S, Teng T, Abdalla AE, Zhu W, Xie L, et al. Systematic comparison of two animalto-human transmitted human coronaviruses: SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV. Viruses. 2020;12(2):244.
  • 2. Dong E, Du H, Gardner L. An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time. Lancet Infect Dis 2020;20(5):533-4.
  • 3. National Institutes of Health..COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel. Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines. National Institutes of Health. (Accessed:21 September, 2020,
  • 4. Lake MA. What we know so far: COVID-19 current clinical knowledge and research. Clin Med 2020;20(2):124-7.
  • 5. Aytur YK, Köseoğlu FB, Taşkıran ÖÖ ve ark. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Sonrası Pulmoner Rehabilitasyon Prensipleri: Akut ve Subakut Sürecin Yönetimi İçin Rehber. J PMR Sci. 2020;23(2):111-28.
  • 6. Gu R, Xu S, Li Z et al. The safety and effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises on COVID-19 patients. Medicine 2020;99:31:e21373.
  • 7. Fabricatore AN, Wadden TA, Higginbotham AJ, Faulconbridge LF, Nguyen AM, Heymsfield SB, et al. Intentional weight loss and changes in symptoms of depression: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Int J Obes 2011;35(11):1363-76.
  • 8. Annesi JJ, Unruh JL. Relation of exercise, self-appraisal, mood changes and weight loss in obese women: testing propositions based on Baker and Brownells (2000) model. Am J Med Sci 2008;335(3):198-204.
  • 9. Bo W, Xi Y Tian Z. The role of exercise in rehabilitation of discharged COVID-19 patients. Sports Med Health Sci. 2021;3(4):194–201.
  • 10. Borg GAV.Psychophysical Basis of Perceived Exertion. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1982;14(5):377-381.
  • 11. Kücükdeveci AA, McKenna SP, Kutlay S, Gürsel Y, Whalley D, Arasil T. The development and psychometric assessment of the Turkish version of the Nottingham Health Profile. Int J Rehabil Res 2000;23(1):31-38.
  • 12. Ulusoy, M., Sahin, N. H.,Erkmen, H. The Beck anxiety inventory: psychometric properties. J. Cogn. Psychother.1998;12(2):163-172.
  • 13. Bastien, C. H., Vallieres, A., Morrin C.M. Validation of the İnsomnia Severity Indeks as an outcome measure for insomnia research. Sleep Medicine. 2001;2(4): 297- 307.
  • 14. Boysan M. Güleç, M. Beşiroğlu L., Kalafat, T. Uykusuzluk Şiddeti İndeksi’nin Türk örneklemindeki psikometrik özellikleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2010;11(3):248-252.
  • 15. Gonzalez-Gerez JJ, Hernandez MS, Anarte-Lazo E , Bernal-Utrera C, Perez-Ale M, Rodriguez-Blanco C. Short-Term Effects of a Respiratory Telerehabilitation Program in Confined COVID-19 Patients in the Acute Phase: A Pilot Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7511.
  • 16. Xu Z, Chen D, Yu G, et al .The effects of exercise on COVID-19 therapeutics. Medicine 2020; 99(38):e22345.
  • 17. Wong SH, Lui RN, Sung JJ. Covid-19 and the digestive system. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020;35(5):744–8.
  • 18. Zheng YY, Ma YT, Zhang JY, et al. COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system. Nat Rev Cardiol 2020;17(5):259–60.
  • 19. Liu K, Zhang W, Yang Y et al. Respiratory rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19: A randomized controlled study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2020;39 :101166.
  • 20. Trisha G, Matthew K, Christine AC, Maria B, Laiba H. Management of post-acute covid-19 in primary care. Bmj 2020;370:m3026| doi: 10.1136/bmj.m3026
  • 21. Makizako H, Kiyama R, Nishimoto D et al. Association between Regular Exercise and Self-Rated Health and Sleep Quality among Adults in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(19):10515.
  • 22. McCue C, Cowan R, Quasim T et al. Long term outcomes of critically ill COVID-19 pneumonia patients: early learning. Intensive Care Med. 2021;47(2):240.
  • 23. Barman MP, Rahman T, Bora K, Borgohain C. COVID-19 pandemic and its recovery time of patients in India: A pilot study. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2020;14(5):1205.
  • 24. Bajaj S, Blair KS, Zhang R. Impact of Sleep Quality on the Association Between Unease and Physical Exercise During Initial Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic in India. Nat Sci Sleep. 2020;12: 705–8.
  • 25. Khanzada FJ, Soomro N, Khan SZ. Association of Physical Exercise on Anxiety and Depression Amongst Adult.J Coll Physicians Surg Pak.2015; 25(7):546-8
  • 26. Schuch FB, Vancampfort D, Richards J, Rosenbaum S, Ward PB, Stubbs B. Exercise as a treatment for depression: A meta-analysis adjusting for publication bias. J Psychiatr Res. 2016;77:42-51.
  • 27. Hayashi T, Noguchi T, Kubo Y et al. Social frailty and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults in Japan: Role of home exercise habits. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2021; 17:104555.
  • 28. Hu S, Tucker L, Wu C et al. Beneficial Effects of Exercise on Depression and Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Review. Front Psychiatry. 2020;11:587557.
  • 29. Leon SL, Ostrosky TW, Perelman C et al. More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sci Rep. 2021;11:16144.

Hafif -Orta Derecede COVID-19 Pnömonisi Sonrası Ev Egzersiz Programının Etkinliği Nedir?

Year 2023, , 433 - 438, 31.05.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı COVID-19 tanılı hastalarda hastaneden taburcu olduktan sonra evde uygulanan solunum egzersiz programının dispne, yaşam kalitesi, depresyon ve uyku bozuklukları üzerine etkinliğini araştırmaktır.
Yöntemler: Çalışma toplam 60 katılımcı ile tamamlandı. Müdahale grubu (n=39), kontrollü nefes alma teknikleri ve düşük yoğunluklu üst ve alt ekstremite egzersizlerini içeren ev egzersiz programı aldı. Kontrol grubuna (n=21) herhangi bir müdahale uygulanmadı. Hastalar tedavi öncesi ve sonrasında Modifiye Borg Ölçeği (MBÖ), Nottingham Sağlık Profili (NSP), Uykusuzluk Şiddet İndeksi (UŞİ) ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE) ile değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Tedaviden sonra, başlangıç değerlerine kıyasla hem müdahale hem de kontrol gruplarında MBÖ puanları önemli ölçüde azaldı (p<0.05). Gruplar arasında MBÖ skorları karşılaştırıldığında tedavi öncesi ve sonrası istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı (p<0.001). Tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası BDE, NSP ve UŞİ skorlarındaki değişiklikler ise, iki grup arasında anlamlı farklılık göstermedi.
Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile COVID-19 sonrası ev egzersiz programının dispneyi azaltmada etkili olduğu gösterilirken, yaşam kalitesini, uyku bozukluğunu ve depresyon şikayetlerini iyileştirmede etkisinin anlamlı düzeyde olmadığı gösterilmiştir.


  • 1.Xu J, Zhao S, Teng T, Abdalla AE, Zhu W, Xie L, et al. Systematic comparison of two animalto-human transmitted human coronaviruses: SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV. Viruses. 2020;12(2):244.
  • 2. Dong E, Du H, Gardner L. An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time. Lancet Infect Dis 2020;20(5):533-4.
  • 3. National Institutes of Health..COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel. Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines. National Institutes of Health. (Accessed:21 September, 2020,
  • 4. Lake MA. What we know so far: COVID-19 current clinical knowledge and research. Clin Med 2020;20(2):124-7.
  • 5. Aytur YK, Köseoğlu FB, Taşkıran ÖÖ ve ark. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Sonrası Pulmoner Rehabilitasyon Prensipleri: Akut ve Subakut Sürecin Yönetimi İçin Rehber. J PMR Sci. 2020;23(2):111-28.
  • 6. Gu R, Xu S, Li Z et al. The safety and effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises on COVID-19 patients. Medicine 2020;99:31:e21373.
  • 7. Fabricatore AN, Wadden TA, Higginbotham AJ, Faulconbridge LF, Nguyen AM, Heymsfield SB, et al. Intentional weight loss and changes in symptoms of depression: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Int J Obes 2011;35(11):1363-76.
  • 8. Annesi JJ, Unruh JL. Relation of exercise, self-appraisal, mood changes and weight loss in obese women: testing propositions based on Baker and Brownells (2000) model. Am J Med Sci 2008;335(3):198-204.
  • 9. Bo W, Xi Y Tian Z. The role of exercise in rehabilitation of discharged COVID-19 patients. Sports Med Health Sci. 2021;3(4):194–201.
  • 10. Borg GAV.Psychophysical Basis of Perceived Exertion. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1982;14(5):377-381.
  • 11. Kücükdeveci AA, McKenna SP, Kutlay S, Gürsel Y, Whalley D, Arasil T. The development and psychometric assessment of the Turkish version of the Nottingham Health Profile. Int J Rehabil Res 2000;23(1):31-38.
  • 12. Ulusoy, M., Sahin, N. H.,Erkmen, H. The Beck anxiety inventory: psychometric properties. J. Cogn. Psychother.1998;12(2):163-172.
  • 13. Bastien, C. H., Vallieres, A., Morrin C.M. Validation of the İnsomnia Severity Indeks as an outcome measure for insomnia research. Sleep Medicine. 2001;2(4): 297- 307.
  • 14. Boysan M. Güleç, M. Beşiroğlu L., Kalafat, T. Uykusuzluk Şiddeti İndeksi’nin Türk örneklemindeki psikometrik özellikleri. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2010;11(3):248-252.
  • 15. Gonzalez-Gerez JJ, Hernandez MS, Anarte-Lazo E , Bernal-Utrera C, Perez-Ale M, Rodriguez-Blanco C. Short-Term Effects of a Respiratory Telerehabilitation Program in Confined COVID-19 Patients in the Acute Phase: A Pilot Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7511.
  • 16. Xu Z, Chen D, Yu G, et al .The effects of exercise on COVID-19 therapeutics. Medicine 2020; 99(38):e22345.
  • 17. Wong SH, Lui RN, Sung JJ. Covid-19 and the digestive system. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020;35(5):744–8.
  • 18. Zheng YY, Ma YT, Zhang JY, et al. COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system. Nat Rev Cardiol 2020;17(5):259–60.
  • 19. Liu K, Zhang W, Yang Y et al. Respiratory rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19: A randomized controlled study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2020;39 :101166.
  • 20. Trisha G, Matthew K, Christine AC, Maria B, Laiba H. Management of post-acute covid-19 in primary care. Bmj 2020;370:m3026| doi: 10.1136/bmj.m3026
  • 21. Makizako H, Kiyama R, Nishimoto D et al. Association between Regular Exercise and Self-Rated Health and Sleep Quality among Adults in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(19):10515.
  • 22. McCue C, Cowan R, Quasim T et al. Long term outcomes of critically ill COVID-19 pneumonia patients: early learning. Intensive Care Med. 2021;47(2):240.
  • 23. Barman MP, Rahman T, Bora K, Borgohain C. COVID-19 pandemic and its recovery time of patients in India: A pilot study. Diabetes Metab Syndr 2020;14(5):1205.
  • 24. Bajaj S, Blair KS, Zhang R. Impact of Sleep Quality on the Association Between Unease and Physical Exercise During Initial Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic in India. Nat Sci Sleep. 2020;12: 705–8.
  • 25. Khanzada FJ, Soomro N, Khan SZ. Association of Physical Exercise on Anxiety and Depression Amongst Adult.J Coll Physicians Surg Pak.2015; 25(7):546-8
  • 26. Schuch FB, Vancampfort D, Richards J, Rosenbaum S, Ward PB, Stubbs B. Exercise as a treatment for depression: A meta-analysis adjusting for publication bias. J Psychiatr Res. 2016;77:42-51.
  • 27. Hayashi T, Noguchi T, Kubo Y et al. Social frailty and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults in Japan: Role of home exercise habits. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2021; 17:104555.
  • 28. Hu S, Tucker L, Wu C et al. Beneficial Effects of Exercise on Depression and Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Review. Front Psychiatry. 2020;11:587557.
  • 29. Leon SL, Ostrosky TW, Perelman C et al. More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sci Rep. 2021;11:16144.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Merve Akdeniz Leblebicier 0000-0002-6147-300X

Fatıma Yaman 0000-0002-6137-0166

Hasan Hüseyin Gökpınar 0000-0002-2396-5935

Aysun Özlü 0000-0002-1912-6039

Gülsüm Bakçepınar 0000-0002-9411-3350

Early Pub Date May 29, 2023
Publication Date May 31, 2023
Acceptance Date May 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Akdeniz Leblebicier M, Yaman F, Gökpınar HH, Özlü A, Bakçepınar G. What is the Efficacy of Home-Based Exercise Program After Mild to Moderate COVID-19 Pneumonia?. J Contemp Med. May 2023;13(3):433-438. doi:10.16899/jcm.1193557