Research Article
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Global scientific outputs of psychiatric malpractice publications: A bibliometric approach from 1980 to 2022

Year 2023, , 503 - 508, 31.05.2023


Aim: Although malpractice has been on the agenda in various fields of medicine in recent years, the literature data on this subject is still insufficient, especially in the field of mental health. In the literature review, it has been determined that there is a need for a detailed analysis of the publications on psychiatric malpractice in order to guide the researchers in the next process and to examine the studies done so far in a holistic manner. This study aims to analyze the publications on psychiatric malpractices so far.
Material and Methods: Publications on psychiatric malpractice published between 1980-2022 were analyzed using bibliometric methods. The data of the publications were accessed from the Web of Science database, and in the first stage of the research, the numerical data of the researches in this field were examined with performance analyzes. In the second stage, visual network maps were created using the Vosviewer package program.
Results: As a result of the search, a total of 426 publications and 8,901 citation were found. The field with the highest number of publications is Psychiatry with 219 publications, and the authors with the highest number of publications in this field are S.C.Charles with 11 publications and T.G.Gutheil with 10 publications. The institution with the largest number of publications is Harvard University with 46 publications. The most common type of publication is articles and their total number is 312. It has been determined that the journal with the highest number of publications in this field is the Journal Of The American Academy Of Psychiatry And The Law with 35 publications. It has been determined that USA has the highest number of publications with 279 publications.
Conclusion: This comprehensive bibliometric analysis study examined the studies on malpractice in the field of psychiatry, and as far as we know, it is the first bibliometric analysis in the field of psychiatric malpractice. It is thought that our study will guide researchers interested in this field by providing a holistic perspective on the characteristics of the publications made so far in the field of malpractice in psychiatry.


  • 1. Kornhauser LA. Danzon’s Medical Malpractice: Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy. The RAND Journal of Economics 1986; 17(2):287–92.
  • 2. Türkmen HÖ. Malpraktis kavramı neleri çağrıştırıyor. Türkiye Biyoetik Derneği e-Bülteni 2009; 19:5-16.
  • 3. Bulut M, Mercan N, Yüksel Ç. Malpractice in Psychiatry. Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2020; 12(2):195-204.
  • 4. İlnem C, İlnem M. Psikiyatri pratiğinde hatalı uygulamalar. Dusunen Adam 1999; 12:4-15.
  • 5. Cesur E, Taşdemir İ, Büyükakıncak E, Asliyüksek H, Turan Ş. Clinical characteristics and forensic psychiatric examination of cases evaluated due to alleged psychiatric medical malpractice. J Clin Psy 2022; 25(4):395-403.
  • 6. Bennett RG, O'Sullivan J, DeVito EM, Remsburg R. The increasing medical malpractice risk related to pressure ulcers in the United States. J Am Geriatr Soc 2000; 48(1):73-81.
  • 7. Studdert DM, Mello MM, Sage WM, et al. Defensive medicine among high-risk specialist physicians in a volatile malpractice environment. JAMA. 2005; 293(21):2609-17.
  • 8. Tutan D, Bürkük S. A Bibliometric Analysis of Malnutrition in the Geriatric Population. J Med Palliat Care 2023; 4(2):151-157.
  • 9. Donthu N, Kumar S, Mukherjee D, Pandey N, Lim WM. How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research 2021; 133:285-96.
  • 10. Ash P, Frierson RL, Friedman SH. Malpractice and Liability in Psychiatry 1st ed. New York: Springer; 2022.
  • 11. Soteriades ES, Falagas ME. A bibliometric analysis in the fields of preventive medicine, occupational and environmental medicine, epidemiology, and public health. BMC Public Health 2006; 6:301-9.
  • 12. World Bank. International Comparison Program database [cited 01.04.2023]. Available from:
  • 13. United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report 2021-2022 [cited 01.04.2023]. Available from:
  • 14. Ersoy LV. Tıbbi Malpraktis. Bulletin of Thoracic Surgery 2014; 5(1):29-32.
  • 15. Değdaş UC. Hatalı tıbbi uygulamadan (malpraktis) doğan hukuki ve cezai sorumluluk. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2018; 4(6):41-65.
  • 16. Özçetin E. Sağlık Alanında Malpraktis. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü 2016.
  • 17. Recupero PR, Harms SE. Outpatient Psychiatrists' Practices for Requesting Prior Treatment Records. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 2015; 43(4):444-450.
  • 18. Appelbaum PS, Gutheil TG. Clinical handbook of psychiatry & the law 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007.
  • 19. Harpwood V. Medicine, Malpractice and Misapprehensions 1st ed. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis; 2007.
  • 20. Bogdan J. Medical malpractice in Sweden and New Zealand. Center for Justice Democracy 2011; 11(21):1-9.
  • 21. Pinchi V, Varvara G, Pradella F, Focardi M, Donati MD, Norelli G. Analysis of professional malpractice claims in implant dentistry in Italy from insurance company technical reports, 2006 to 2010. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29(5): 1177-84.
  • 22. Hanganu B, Iorga M, Pop LM, Ioan BG. Socio-Demographic, Professional and Institutional Characteristics That Make Romanian Doctors More Prone to Malpractice Complaints. Medicina (Kaunas). 2022; 58(2):287-302.
  • 23. Erdoğan Kaya A, Erdoğan Aktürk B, Aslan E. Factors predicting the motivation to study abroad in Turkish medical students: a causal investigation into the problem of brain drain. J Health Sci 2023; 6(2): 526-31.
  • 24. Olcay A, Güler G, Güler E. An alternative malpractice system suggestion for Turkey: Patient compensation system. Anatol J Cardiol 2015; 15(9):775-6.
  • 25. Palaniappan A, Sellke F. A review of medical malpractice cases in congenital cardiac surgery in the Westlaw database in the United States from 1994 to 2019. J Card Surg 2021; 36(1):134-42.

Psikiyatrik Malpraktis Yayınlarının Küresel Bilimsel Çıktıları: 1980'den 2022'ye Bibliyometrik Bir Yaklaşım

Year 2023, , 503 - 508, 31.05.2023


Amaç: Son yıllarda tıbbın çeşitli alanlarında malpraktis konusu oldukça gündemde olmasına rağmen bu konudaki literatür verisi özellikle de ruh sağlığı alanında halen yetersizdir. Yapılan literatür taramasında bundan sonraki süreçte araştırmacılara yol gösterici olması ve şimdiye kadar yapılan araştırmaların bütüncül olarak incelenmesi açısından psikiyatrik malpraktis konusundaki yayınlara ait ayrıntılı bir analiz ihtiyacının mevcut olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma psikiyatrik malpraktisler konusunda şimdiye dek yapılan yayınların analizini hedeflemektedir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: 1980-2022 Yılları arasında yayınlanmış Psikiyarik Malpraktisler ile ilgili yayınlar bibliyometrik yöntemler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Yayınlara ait verilere Web of Science veri tabanından ulaşılmış olup araştırmanın ilk aşamasında performans analizleriyle bu alandaki araştırmalara ait sayısal veriler incelenmiştir. İkinci aşamada ise Vosviewer paket programı kullanılarak görsel ağ haritaları oluşturulmuştur.
Bulgular: Yapılan arama sonucunda toplamda 426 yayına ve 8901 atıfa ulaşılmıştır. En fazla sayıda yayın yapılan alan 219 yayınla psikiyatri olup, bu alanda en fazla sayıda yayın yapan yazarlar 11 yayınla S.C. Charles ve 10 yayınla T.G. Gutheil’dir. En fazla sayıda yayına sahip kurum 46 yayınla Harvard Üniversitesidir. En sık yayın tipi makale olup bunların toplam sayısı 312’dir. Bu alanda en fazla yayına sahip derginin 35 yayın ile Journal Of The American Academy Of Psychiatry And The Law dergisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 279 yayınla ABD’nin en fazla sayıda yayına sahip ülke olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç: Bu kapsamlı bibliyometrik analiz çalışması psikiyatri alanındaki malpraktislere yönelik çalışmaları incelemiş olup, bildiğimiz kadarıyla psikiyatrik malpraktis alanında yapılan ilk bibliyometrik analizdir. Çalışmamızın psikiyatride malpraktis alanında şimdiye kadar yapılan yayınların özelliklerine bütüncül bir bakış açısı sağlayarak bu alanla ilgilenen araştırmacılara yol göstereceği düşünülmektedir.


  • 1. Kornhauser LA. Danzon’s Medical Malpractice: Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy. The RAND Journal of Economics 1986; 17(2):287–92.
  • 2. Türkmen HÖ. Malpraktis kavramı neleri çağrıştırıyor. Türkiye Biyoetik Derneği e-Bülteni 2009; 19:5-16.
  • 3. Bulut M, Mercan N, Yüksel Ç. Malpractice in Psychiatry. Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2020; 12(2):195-204.
  • 4. İlnem C, İlnem M. Psikiyatri pratiğinde hatalı uygulamalar. Dusunen Adam 1999; 12:4-15.
  • 5. Cesur E, Taşdemir İ, Büyükakıncak E, Asliyüksek H, Turan Ş. Clinical characteristics and forensic psychiatric examination of cases evaluated due to alleged psychiatric medical malpractice. J Clin Psy 2022; 25(4):395-403.
  • 6. Bennett RG, O'Sullivan J, DeVito EM, Remsburg R. The increasing medical malpractice risk related to pressure ulcers in the United States. J Am Geriatr Soc 2000; 48(1):73-81.
  • 7. Studdert DM, Mello MM, Sage WM, et al. Defensive medicine among high-risk specialist physicians in a volatile malpractice environment. JAMA. 2005; 293(21):2609-17.
  • 8. Tutan D, Bürkük S. A Bibliometric Analysis of Malnutrition in the Geriatric Population. J Med Palliat Care 2023; 4(2):151-157.
  • 9. Donthu N, Kumar S, Mukherjee D, Pandey N, Lim WM. How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: An overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research 2021; 133:285-96.
  • 10. Ash P, Frierson RL, Friedman SH. Malpractice and Liability in Psychiatry 1st ed. New York: Springer; 2022.
  • 11. Soteriades ES, Falagas ME. A bibliometric analysis in the fields of preventive medicine, occupational and environmental medicine, epidemiology, and public health. BMC Public Health 2006; 6:301-9.
  • 12. World Bank. International Comparison Program database [cited 01.04.2023]. Available from:
  • 13. United Nations Development Programme. Human Development Report 2021-2022 [cited 01.04.2023]. Available from:
  • 14. Ersoy LV. Tıbbi Malpraktis. Bulletin of Thoracic Surgery 2014; 5(1):29-32.
  • 15. Değdaş UC. Hatalı tıbbi uygulamadan (malpraktis) doğan hukuki ve cezai sorumluluk. Anadolu Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 2018; 4(6):41-65.
  • 16. Özçetin E. Sağlık Alanında Malpraktis. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Beykent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü 2016.
  • 17. Recupero PR, Harms SE. Outpatient Psychiatrists' Practices for Requesting Prior Treatment Records. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law 2015; 43(4):444-450.
  • 18. Appelbaum PS, Gutheil TG. Clinical handbook of psychiatry & the law 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007.
  • 19. Harpwood V. Medicine, Malpractice and Misapprehensions 1st ed. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis; 2007.
  • 20. Bogdan J. Medical malpractice in Sweden and New Zealand. Center for Justice Democracy 2011; 11(21):1-9.
  • 21. Pinchi V, Varvara G, Pradella F, Focardi M, Donati MD, Norelli G. Analysis of professional malpractice claims in implant dentistry in Italy from insurance company technical reports, 2006 to 2010. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2014;29(5): 1177-84.
  • 22. Hanganu B, Iorga M, Pop LM, Ioan BG. Socio-Demographic, Professional and Institutional Characteristics That Make Romanian Doctors More Prone to Malpractice Complaints. Medicina (Kaunas). 2022; 58(2):287-302.
  • 23. Erdoğan Kaya A, Erdoğan Aktürk B, Aslan E. Factors predicting the motivation to study abroad in Turkish medical students: a causal investigation into the problem of brain drain. J Health Sci 2023; 6(2): 526-31.
  • 24. Olcay A, Güler G, Güler E. An alternative malpractice system suggestion for Turkey: Patient compensation system. Anatol J Cardiol 2015; 15(9):775-6.
  • 25. Palaniappan A, Sellke F. A review of medical malpractice cases in congenital cardiac surgery in the Westlaw database in the United States from 1994 to 2019. J Card Surg 2021; 36(1):134-42.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Ayşe Erdoğan Kaya 0000-0002-6780-9301

Publication Date May 31, 2023
Acceptance Date May 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Erdoğan Kaya A. Global scientific outputs of psychiatric malpractice publications: A bibliometric approach from 1980 to 2022. J Contemp Med. May 2023;13(3):503-508. doi:10.16899/jcm.1275093