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Nörofibromatozis Tip 1'in Eşlik Ettiği Optik Yol Gliomlarının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2023, , 923 - 927, 30.09.2023


Amaç: Optik yol gliomaları (OPG'ler), vakaların %90'ında histolojik olarak pilositik astrositom (PA) olan düşük dereceli gliomalardır ve optik sinir, kiazma, gibi görme yollarının herhangi bir kısmından hipotalamusa kadar uzanım göstererek gelişebilirler. OPG'ler çocukluk çağı merkezi sinir sistemi (CNS) tümörlerinin %3-5'ini ve pediatrik glial lezyonların yaklaşık %2'sini oluşturur. OPG'lerin, nörofibromatozis tip 1 (NF-1) hastalarında en yaygın intrakranyal tümör olduğu düşünülmektedir ve NF-1 vakalarının %15-20'sinde ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı optik gliom ve NF-1 tanısı alan hastaların klinik özelliklerini ve tedavi yanıtını değerlendirmektir.
Yöntem: Ocak 2015 ile Ocak 2021 tarihleri arasında Çocuk Onkoloji Bölümü'nde OPG tanısı alan ve tedavi gören tüm olgular retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Dahil edilme kriterleri arasında OPG'li 0 ila 18 yaş arası çocuklar ve ergenler yer almaktadır. Hastaların tıbbi kayıtları (cinsiyet, yaş, tümör varlığı, tümörün yerleşim yeri), tedavi öyküleri ve manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) tetkikleri incelendi. OPG tanısı tümör konseyi tarafından klinik ve radyolojik olarak konuldu. Tedavi yanıtının tanılanması ve değerlendirilmesinde Pediatrik Nöro-Onkolojide Yanıt Değerlendirmesi (RAPNO) çalışma grubunun önerilerinden yararlanıldı. Hastalar bevacizumab (10 mg/kg, her 2 haftada bir başlanır) ile birlikte veya bevcizumab olmadan SIOP LGG 2004 (vinkristin-karboplatin) ile intravenöz kemoterapi veya vinblastin (haftalık 3 mg/m2) aldı.
Bulgular: Bu çalışmaya Ocak 2015 ile Ocak 2021 arasındaki çalışma döneminde 27 vaka dahil edildi. Bu çalışmada 14'ü erkek (%51,8) ve 13'ü kız (%48,1) hasta vardı. Ortanca yaş 4,8 (aralık: 0,5-14,9) yıldı. Üç hastaya biyopsi yapıldı ve hepsine düşük dereceli glioma (pilositik astrositom) tanısı konuldu. Toplam 22 olguya kemoterapi uygulandı. On iki hastaya vinkristin-karboplatin, 5 hastaya bevacizumab ile birlikte vinkristin-karboplatin ve 5 hastaya vinorelbin verildi. 22 hastanın tamamında 3. aydaki MRG'de radyolojik yanıt değerlendirildi. Hiçbir hastada radyolojik tam yanıt görülmedi, 11 hastada (%50) kısmi yanıt, 2 hastada (%9) ilerleyici, 9 hastada (%40.9) stabil hastalık görüldü.
Sonuç: Optik gliomlu pediatrik hastalarda tedavi seçiminde sistemik ve oküler bulgular önemlidir. Sistemik kemoterapi oküler bulguların iyileştirilmesinde ve tümör boyutunun küçültülmesinde önemli bir seçenektir. Bevacizumab tedavisi tümör boyutunu küçültmese de görsel bulguları iyileştirmektedir.

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Project Number



  • 1. Farazdaghi MK, Katowitz WR, Avery RA. Current treatment of optic nerve gliomas. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2019;30(5):356.
  • 2. de Blank P, Bandopadhayay P, Haas-Kogan D, Fouladi M, Fangusaro J. Management of pediatric low-grade glioma. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2019;31(1):21.
  • 3. Rasool N, Odel JG, Kazim M. Optic pathway glioma of childhood. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2017;28(3):289-95.
  • 4. Weiser A, Hengartner H, Kottke R, Grehten P, Toelle SP, Gerber NU, et al. Treatment of NF1-Associated Optic Pathway/Hypothalamic Gliomas in Patients With Diencephalic Syndrome. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2023;45(4):e543.
  • 5. Lassaletta A, Scheinemann K, Zelcer SM, Hukin J, Wilson BA, Jabado N, et al. Phase II weekly vinblastine for chemotherapy-naïve children with progressive low-grade glioma: a Canadian Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(29):3537-43.
  • 6. Gnekow AK, Walker DA, Kandels D, Picton S, Perilongo G, Grill J, et al. A European randomised controlled trial of the addition of etoposide to standard vincristine and carboplatin induction as part of an 18-month treatment programme for childhood (≤ 16 years) low grade glioma–a final report. Eur J Cancer. 2017;81:206-25.
  • 7. Zhukova N, Rajagopal R, Lam A, Coleman L, Shipman P, Walwyn T, et al. Use of bevacizumab as a single agent or in adjunct with traditional chemotherapy regimens in children with unresectable or progressive low‐grade glioma. Cancer Med. 2019;8(1):40-50.
  • 8. Seyedmirzaei H, Shobeiri P, Turgut M, Hanaei S, Rezaei N. VEGF levels in patients with glioma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev Neurosci. 2021;32(2):191-202.
  • 9. Fangusaro J, Witt O, Driever PH, Bag AK, de Blank P, Kadom N, et al. Response assessment in paediatric low-grade glioma: recommendations from the Response Assessment in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (RAPNO) working group. Lancet Oncol. 2020;21(6):e305-e16.
  • 10. Fried I, Tabori U, Tihan T, Reginald A, Bouffet E. Optic pathway gliomas: a review. CNS Oncol. 2013;2(2):143-59.
  • 11. Mishra MV, Andrews DW, Glass J, Evans JJ, Dicker AP, Shen X, et al. Characterization and outcomes of optic nerve gliomas: a population-based analysis. J Neurooncol. 2012;107:591-7.
  • 12. Gnekow AK, Falkenstein F, von Hornstein S, Zwiener I, Berkefeld S, Bison B, et al. Long-term follow-up of the multicenter, multidisciplinary treatment study HIT-LGG-1996 for low-grade glioma in children and adolescents of the German Speaking Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. Neuro Oncol. 2012;14(10):1265-84.
  • 13. Zeid JL. Current update on the visual outcome of optic pathway glioma associated with neurofibromatosis type-1. Front Surg. 2022;9:908573.
  • 14. Yousefi O, Azami P, Sabahi M, Dabecco R, Adada B, Borghei-Razavi H. Management of Optic Pathway Glioma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14(19):4781.
  • 15. Packer RJ, Jakacki R, Horn M, Rood B, Vezina G, MacDonald T, et al. Objective response of multiply recurrent low‐grade gliomas to bevacizumab and irinotecan. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2009;52(7):791-5.
  • 16. Calò P, Pianton N, Basle A, Vasiljevic A, Barritault M, Beuriat PA, et al. Bevacizumab as Single Agent in Children and Teenagers with Optic Pathway Glioma. Cancers (Basel). 2023;15(4):1036.
  • 17. Bizzarri C, Bottaro G. Endocrine implications of neurofibromatosis 1 in childhood. Horm Res Paediatr. 2015;83(4):232-41.
  • 18. Stival A, Lucchesi M, Farina S, Buccoliero AM, Castiglione F, Genitori L, et al. An infant with hyperalertness, hyperkinesis, and failure to thrive: a rare diencephalic syndrome due to hypothalamic anaplastic astrocytoma. BMC Cancer. 2015;15(1):1-5.
  • 19. Kilday J-P, Bartels U, Huang A, Barron M, Shago M, Mistry M, et al. Favorable survival and metabolic outcome for children with diencephalic syndrome using a radiation-sparing approach. J Neurooncol. 2014;116:195-204.
  • 20. Helfferich J, Nijmeijer R, Brouwer OF, Boon M, Fock A, Hoving EW, et al. Neurofibromatosis type 1 associated low grade gliomas: a comparison with sporadic low grade gliomas. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2016;104:30-41.
  • 21. Bennebroek CA, van Zwol J, Porro GL, Oostenbrink R, Dittrich AT, Groot AL, et al. Impact of Bevacizumab on Visual Function, Tumor Size, and Toxicity in Pediatric Progressive Optic Pathway Glioma: A Retrospective Nationwide Multicentre Study. Cancers. 2022;14(24):6087.

Evaluation of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Associated Optic Pathway Gliomas

Year 2023, , 923 - 927, 30.09.2023


Background/Aims: Optic pathway gliomas (OPGs) are low-grade gliomas histologically represented by pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) in 90% of cases, can develop from any part of the visual pathways such as optic nerve, chiasm, optic tract, or optic radiations which frequently involve the hypothalamus. OPGs account for 3–5% of childhood central nervous system (CNS) tumors and about 2% of pediatric glial lesions. OPGs are believed to be the most prevalent intracranial tumor in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) and can occur in 15–20% of NF-1 cases. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical features and treatment response in patients diagnosed with optic glioma and NF-1.
Methods: All cases diagnosed with OPG and received treatment in the Pediatric Oncology Department, between January 2015 to January 2021 were retrospectively evaluated. Inclusion criteria include children and adolescents with OPG aged between 0 and 18 years. The medical records (gender, age, tumor entity, tumor location) of patients, as well as their treatment history and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, were examined. The diagnosis of OPG was made clinically and radiologically by the tumor board. The recommendations of the Response Assessment in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (RAPNO) working group were used in the diagnosis and evaluation of treatment response. Patients received intravenous chemotherapy with SIOP LGG 2004 (vincristine- carboplatin) with or without bevacizumab (10 mg/kg, started every 2 weeks), therapy or vinblastine (3 mg/m2, weekly).
Results: This study included 27 cases during the study period from January 2015 to January 2021. In this study there were 14 male (51.8 %) and 13 female (48.1 %) patients. The median age was 4.8 (range: 0.5–14.9) years. Biopsy was performed in three patients and the diagnosis was low-grade glioma (pilocytic astrocytoma) for all of them. Chemotherapy was administered to 22 cases in total. Twelve patients received vincristine-carboplatine, 5 patients received vincristine-carboplatin with bevacizumab and 5 patients received vinorelbine. Radiological response was evaluated in all 22 patients at 3 months MRI. No patient had a radiological complete respons, 11 patients (50%) had partial response, 2 patients (9%) presented with a progressive disease, showing an increase in measurements of 35% and 9 patients(40.9%) had stable disease at the 3-month evaluation.
Conclusions: Systemic and visual problems play a significant role in the selection of treatment for pediatric patients with optic gliomas. An essential treatment option for improving symptoms and reducing tumor size is systemic chemotherapy. A crucial therapy option for enhancing vision is bevacizumab for the patients with NF-associated OPG.

Project Number



  • 1. Farazdaghi MK, Katowitz WR, Avery RA. Current treatment of optic nerve gliomas. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2019;30(5):356.
  • 2. de Blank P, Bandopadhayay P, Haas-Kogan D, Fouladi M, Fangusaro J. Management of pediatric low-grade glioma. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2019;31(1):21.
  • 3. Rasool N, Odel JG, Kazim M. Optic pathway glioma of childhood. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2017;28(3):289-95.
  • 4. Weiser A, Hengartner H, Kottke R, Grehten P, Toelle SP, Gerber NU, et al. Treatment of NF1-Associated Optic Pathway/Hypothalamic Gliomas in Patients With Diencephalic Syndrome. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2023;45(4):e543.
  • 5. Lassaletta A, Scheinemann K, Zelcer SM, Hukin J, Wilson BA, Jabado N, et al. Phase II weekly vinblastine for chemotherapy-naïve children with progressive low-grade glioma: a Canadian Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(29):3537-43.
  • 6. Gnekow AK, Walker DA, Kandels D, Picton S, Perilongo G, Grill J, et al. A European randomised controlled trial of the addition of etoposide to standard vincristine and carboplatin induction as part of an 18-month treatment programme for childhood (≤ 16 years) low grade glioma–a final report. Eur J Cancer. 2017;81:206-25.
  • 7. Zhukova N, Rajagopal R, Lam A, Coleman L, Shipman P, Walwyn T, et al. Use of bevacizumab as a single agent or in adjunct with traditional chemotherapy regimens in children with unresectable or progressive low‐grade glioma. Cancer Med. 2019;8(1):40-50.
  • 8. Seyedmirzaei H, Shobeiri P, Turgut M, Hanaei S, Rezaei N. VEGF levels in patients with glioma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev Neurosci. 2021;32(2):191-202.
  • 9. Fangusaro J, Witt O, Driever PH, Bag AK, de Blank P, Kadom N, et al. Response assessment in paediatric low-grade glioma: recommendations from the Response Assessment in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology (RAPNO) working group. Lancet Oncol. 2020;21(6):e305-e16.
  • 10. Fried I, Tabori U, Tihan T, Reginald A, Bouffet E. Optic pathway gliomas: a review. CNS Oncol. 2013;2(2):143-59.
  • 11. Mishra MV, Andrews DW, Glass J, Evans JJ, Dicker AP, Shen X, et al. Characterization and outcomes of optic nerve gliomas: a population-based analysis. J Neurooncol. 2012;107:591-7.
  • 12. Gnekow AK, Falkenstein F, von Hornstein S, Zwiener I, Berkefeld S, Bison B, et al. Long-term follow-up of the multicenter, multidisciplinary treatment study HIT-LGG-1996 for low-grade glioma in children and adolescents of the German Speaking Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. Neuro Oncol. 2012;14(10):1265-84.
  • 13. Zeid JL. Current update on the visual outcome of optic pathway glioma associated with neurofibromatosis type-1. Front Surg. 2022;9:908573.
  • 14. Yousefi O, Azami P, Sabahi M, Dabecco R, Adada B, Borghei-Razavi H. Management of Optic Pathway Glioma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancers (Basel). 2022;14(19):4781.
  • 15. Packer RJ, Jakacki R, Horn M, Rood B, Vezina G, MacDonald T, et al. Objective response of multiply recurrent low‐grade gliomas to bevacizumab and irinotecan. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2009;52(7):791-5.
  • 16. Calò P, Pianton N, Basle A, Vasiljevic A, Barritault M, Beuriat PA, et al. Bevacizumab as Single Agent in Children and Teenagers with Optic Pathway Glioma. Cancers (Basel). 2023;15(4):1036.
  • 17. Bizzarri C, Bottaro G. Endocrine implications of neurofibromatosis 1 in childhood. Horm Res Paediatr. 2015;83(4):232-41.
  • 18. Stival A, Lucchesi M, Farina S, Buccoliero AM, Castiglione F, Genitori L, et al. An infant with hyperalertness, hyperkinesis, and failure to thrive: a rare diencephalic syndrome due to hypothalamic anaplastic astrocytoma. BMC Cancer. 2015;15(1):1-5.
  • 19. Kilday J-P, Bartels U, Huang A, Barron M, Shago M, Mistry M, et al. Favorable survival and metabolic outcome for children with diencephalic syndrome using a radiation-sparing approach. J Neurooncol. 2014;116:195-204.
  • 20. Helfferich J, Nijmeijer R, Brouwer OF, Boon M, Fock A, Hoving EW, et al. Neurofibromatosis type 1 associated low grade gliomas: a comparison with sporadic low grade gliomas. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2016;104:30-41.
  • 21. Bennebroek CA, van Zwol J, Porro GL, Oostenbrink R, Dittrich AT, Groot AL, et al. Impact of Bevacizumab on Visual Function, Tumor Size, and Toxicity in Pediatric Progressive Optic Pathway Glioma: A Retrospective Nationwide Multicentre Study. Cancers. 2022;14(24):6087.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Journal Section Original Research

Özge Vural 0000-0001-7523-7553

Arzu Okur 0000-0003-2043-0748

Faruk Güçlü Pınarlı 0000-0002-3241-2478

Project Number yok
Publication Date September 30, 2023
Acceptance Date September 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Vural Ö, Okur A, Pınarlı FG. Evaluation of Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Associated Optic Pathway Gliomas. J Contemp Med. September 2023;13(5):923-927. doi:10.16899/jcm.1350153