Aims: A significant portion of individuals infected with COVID-19 experience severe illness and require intensive care. Especially in these cases, the disease may ultimately be fatal. Monocyte to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio (MHR) has been reported to be a novel marker for major adverse outcomes in many diseases. In this study, we aimed to reveal the relationship of MHR with the prognostic markers of COVID-19 and its role in predicting the severity of disease and in-hospital mortality in COVID-19.
Materials and Methods: This single-center, retrospective, and cross-sectional study included 195 hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19. The patients who were discharged from the hospital formed the survivor group, whereas those who were deceased were categorized as the non-survivor group. Clinical and biochemical data of patients were retrospectively collected from medical records.
Results: The age of the patients ranged from 19 to 92 years and the mean age was 57.0±16.3 years. Ninety-eight (50.3%) of the patients were female. Forty-one of the patients died during hospitalization due to COVID-19 and related complications. Median MHR was significantly higher in the non-survivor group than in the survivor group. MHR was significantly correlated with age, ferritin, uric acid, urea, and creatinine levels. Univariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated no significant association between MHR and in-hospital mortality (p=0.132).
Conclusion: MHR is increased in COVID-19 survivors compared to non-survivors and correlates with age, ferritin, uric acid, urea, and creatinine levels. However, MHR cannot be used as a prognostic marker to predict the severity of the disease and in-hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients.
ETHICAL DECLARATIONS Ethics Committee Approval: The study was initiated with the approval of the Kütahya Health Sciences University Clinical Researches Ethics Committee (Date: 17 September 2020, Decision No: 2020/14-18). Informed Consent: Because the study was designed retrospectively, no written informed consent form was obtained from patients. Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. Financial Disclosure: The authors declared that this study has no financial support. Author Contributions: All of the authors declare that they have all participated in the design, execution, and analysis of the paper and that they have approved the final version.
Amaç: COVID-19'a yakalanan bireylerin önemli bir kısmı ağır hastalık geçirmekte ve yoğun bakıma ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Özellikle bu vakalarda hastalık nihayetinde ölümcül olabilir. Monosit-yüksek yoğunluklu lipoprotein kolesterol oranının (MHR) birçok hastalıkta önemli olumsuz sonuçlar için yeni bir belirteç olduğu bildirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, MHR'nin COVID-19'un prognostik belirteçleriyle ilişkisini ve COVID-19'da hastalığın şiddetini ve hastane içi mortaliteyi tahmin etmedeki rolünü ortaya koymayı amaçladık.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Tek merkezli, retrospektif ve kesitsel çalışmaya COVID-19 tanısı almış ve hastaneye yatırılmış 195 hasta dahil edildi. Hastaneden taburcu edilen hastalar sağ kalan grubu oluştururken, hayatını kaybedenler ise sağ kalamayan grup olarak kategorize edildi. Hastaların klinik ve biyokimyasal verileri tıbbi kayıtlardan retrospektif olarak toplandı.
Bulgular: Hastaların yaşları 19 ile 92 arasında değişiyordu ve ortalama yaş 57,0±16,3 yıldı. Hastaların 98'i (%50,3) kadındı. Hastaların 41'i COVID-19 ve ilgili komplikasyonlar nedeniyle hastanede yatarken öldü. Medyan MHR, hayatta kalmayan grupta hayatta kalan gruba göre anlamlı şekilde daha yüksekti. MHR, yaş, ferritin, ürik asit, üre ve kreatinin seviyeleriyle anlamlı şekilde ilişkiliydi. Tek değişkenli lojistik regresyon analizi, MHR ile hastane içi mortalite arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olmadığını gösterdi (p=0,132).
Sonuç: MHR, COVID-19'dan sağ kurtulanlarda hayatta kalmayanlara göre artmıştır ve yaş, ferritin, ürik asit, üre ve kreatinin seviyeleriyle ilişkilidir. Ancak MHR, COVID-19 hastalarında hastalığın şiddetini ve hastane içi mortaliteyi tahmin etmek için prognostik bir belirteç olarak kullanılamaz.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Infectious Diseases |
Journal Section | Original Research |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | November 29, 2024 |
Publication Date | November 30, 2024 |
Submission Date | September 13, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | October 28, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 |