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Anesteziyolojide Ultrasonografi: En Çok Atıf Alan Makalelerin Bibliyometrik Analizi

Year 2025, , 36 - 44, 31.01.2025


Amaç: Ultrasonografi (USG); anesteziyolojide sinir blokları, vasküler girişimler ve perioperatif işlemlerin güvenliği ve etkinliğini arttıran önemli bir araç halini almıştır. Bu çalışma, anesteziyolojide USG kullanımına ilişkin en çok alıntı yapılan makalelerin bibliyometrik analizinin yapılması amaçlanmıştır.
Gereçler ve Yöntemler: Scopus veri tabanı kullanılarak bibliyometrik, tanımlayıcı ve analitik bir çalışma yapıldı. "Ultrasonografi ve anesteziyoloji" arama terimleri için, 704 makale listelendi. İncelemeler, mektuplar, başyazılar, notlar, konferans makaleleri, kitap bölümleri ve geri çekilmiş makaleler dışlandığında geriye 337 orijinal araştırma makalesi kaldı. Bunlar alıntı sayısına göre sıralanarak, analiz edildi. Toplanan veriler arasında ilk yazar, yayın yılı, makale başlığı, dergi başlığı, ana konu, ilk yazarın akademik uzmanlığı, kurumu, menşe ülkesi ve atıf bilgileri yer almaktadır. Ayrıca, yıllık ortalama atıf sayısı ve dergi etki faktörleri de hesaplandı.
Bulgular: En çok atıf alan 100 makalenin ortanca atıf sayısı 18 oldu. En çok atıf alan Ramsing D.'nin makalesi ise 91 atıf almıştı. En çok alıntı yapılan makalelerin %78'inin, anestezistler tarafından yazıldığı saptandı. Bu makalelerin primer olarak periferik sinir blokları, merkezi sinir blokları ve kateterizasyon konularına odaklandığı saptandı. Ayrıca, yıllık ortalama atıf sayısının da 2,85 olduğu görüldü.
Sonuç: Anesteziyolojide USG kullanımdaki artış, saygın dergilerde yayınlanmış olan ilgili çalışmaların yüksek atıf oranlarına da yansımaktadır. Bu trend, USG'nin klinik uygulamaları geliştirmedeki önemini vurgulamaktadır. Ve ayrıca, güçlü mali ve teknik desteğin araştırmalarıni üzerindeki etkisini de göstermektedir.

Ethical Statement

T.C. AYDIN ADNAN MENDERES ÜNİVERSİTESİ REKTÖRLÜĞÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı Girişimsel Olmayan Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu Sayı :E-53043469-050.04-632211 Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Girişimsel Olmayan Klinik Araştırmalar Etik Kurulu’nun 17.10.2024 tarihinde yapılan olağan toplantısında çalışmanızla ilgili alınan 05 nolu karar aşağıda sunulmuştur. KARAR:05 Protokol No: 2024/166 Anezteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı Tıp Fakültesi Anezteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı Öğretim Üyesi Doç.Dr. Sinan YILMAZ’ın “Anesteziyoloji ve ultrason ile ilgili en çok alıntı yapılan çalışmaların bibliometrik analizi” konulu yukarıda bilgileri verilen klinik araştırma başvuru dosyası ile ilgili belgeler araştırmanın gerekçe, amaç, yaklaşım ve yöntemleri dikkate alınarak incelenmesi sonucunda; - Çalışma açık erişimli veriler, yayımlanmış akademik makaleler, dergi indeksleri ve atıf analizleri gibi genel verilerle yapılacağından bu veriler anonimdir ve kişisel bilgi içermediğinden etik onay zorunluluğu doğurmaz. Literatür bazlı çalışmalarda eğer hasta ile ilgili materyal kullanılmayacaksa etik kurul onayına gerek yoktur. Prof. Dr. Hatice ERTABAKLAR Kurul Başkanı

Supporting Institution



The authors thank Prof.Dr. İmran Kurt Ömürlü for advice on experimental design and statistical analysis.


  • 1. Özçakar L, Ricci V, Chang KV, Mezian K, Kara M. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography: ninety-nine reasons for physiatrists. Med Ultrason. 2022;24(2):137-9.
  • 2. Wu WT, Lin JA, Chen LR, et al. Ultrasound Imaging, Guidance, and Treatment for Shoulder-related Pain Syndrome: A Bibliometric Analysis. Pain Physician. 2022;25(9):33-45.
  • 3. Güler T, Yurdakul FG, Önder ME, et al. Ultrasound-guided genicular nerve block versus physical therapy for chronic knee osteoarthritis: a prospective randomised study. Rheumatol Int. 2022;42(4):591-600.
  • 4. Zhao Y, Zhang H, Song M. Clinical Observation of Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Block Anesthesia on Postoperative Pain Control of Fracture Patients. J Healthc Eng. 2022;2022:9510669.
  • 5.
  • 6. Ramsingh D, Rinehart J, Kain Z, et al. Impact assessment of perioperative point-of-care ultrasound training on anesthesiology residents. Anesthesiology. 2015;123(3):670-82.
  • 7. Woodland DC, Randall Cooper C, Farzan Rashid M, et al. Routine chest X-ray is unnecessary after ultrasound-guided central venous line placement in the operating room. J Crit Care. 2018;46:13-6.
  • 8. Frykholm P, Disma N, Andersson H, et al. Pre-operative fasting in children: A guideline from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2022;39(1):4-25.
  • 9. Bøtker MT, Vang ML, Grøfte T, Sloth E, Frederiksen CA. Routine preoperative focused ultrasonography by anesthesiologists in patients undergoing urgent surgical procedures. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2014;58(7):807-14.
  • 10. Luftig J, Mantuani D, Herring AA, Dixon B, Clattenburg E, Nagdev A. Successful emergency pain control for posterior rib fractures with ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block. Am J Emerg Med 2018;36(8):1391-6.
  • 11. Mariano ER, Kim TE, Wagner MJ, et al. A randomized comparison of proximal and distal ultrasound-guided adductor canal catheter insertion sites for knee arthroplasty. J Ultrasound Med 2014;33 (9):1653-62.
  • 12. Tran DQ, Boezaart AP, Neal JM. Beyond Ultrasound Guidance for Regional Anesthesiology. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2017;42(5):556-63.
  • 13. Woodworth GE, Carney PA, Cohen JM, et al. Development and Validation of an Assessment of Regional Anesthesia Ultrasound Interpretation Skills. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2015;40(4):306-14.
  • 14. Yu S, Tan KK, Sng BL, Li S, Sia AT. Lumbar Ultrasound Image Feature Extraction and Classification with Support Vector Machine. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015;41(10):2677-89.
  • 15. Bayram B, Limon Ö, Limon G, Hancı V. Bibliometric analysis of top 100 most-cited clinical studies on ultrasound in the Emergency Department. Am J Emerg Med. 2016;34(7):1210-6.
  • 16. Farjad Sultan S, Shorten G, Iohom G. Simulators for training in ultrasound guided procedures. Med Ultrason. 2013;15(2):125-31.
  • 17. Corvetto MA, Pedemonte JC, Varas D, Fuentes C, Altermatt FR. Simulationbased training program with deliberate practice for ultrasound-guided jugular central venous catheter placement. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2017;61(9):1184-91.
  • 18. Mahmood F, Matyal R, Skubas N, et al. Perioperative Ultrasound Training in Anesthesiology: A Call to Action. Anesth Analg. 2016;122(6):1794-804.
  • 19. Dres M, Dubé BP, Goligher E, et al. Usefulness of Parasternal Intercostal Muscle Ultrasound during Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation. Anesthesiology. 2020;132(5):1114-25.
  • 20. Smistad E, Lindseth F. Real-Time Automatic Artery Segmentation, Reconstruction and Registration for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia of the Femoral Nerve. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2016;35(3):752-61.
  • 21. Nowakowski P, Bieryło A, Duniec L, Kosson D, Łazowski T. The substantial impact of ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia on the clinical practice of peripheral nerve blocks. Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther. 2013;45(4):223-9.

Ultrasonography in Anesthesiology: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Most Cited Articles

Year 2025, , 36 - 44, 31.01.2025


Aim: Ultrasonography (USG) has become a critical tool in anesthesiology, enhancing the safety and efficacy of nerve blocks, vascular interventions, and perioperative procedures. This study aims to perform a bibliometric analysis of the most cited articles on USG use in anesthesiology to identify trends and impactful research.
Materials and Methods: A bibliometric, descriptive, and analytical study was conducted using the Scopus database. The search terms “ultrasonography and anesthesiology” yielded 704 articles. After excluding reviews, letters, editorials, notes, conference papers, book chapters, and retracted papers, 337 original research articles remained. These were ranked by citation count and analyzed. Data collected included the first author, publication year, article title, journal title, main subject, academic specialization of the first author, institution, country of origin, and citation information. The median number of citations per year and journal impact factors were calculated.
Results: The median number of citations for the 100 most cited articles was 18. The most cited article, authored by Ramsing D., received 91 citations. Anesthesiologists authored 78% of these top-cited articles. The primary focus areas included peripheral nerve blocks, central nerve blocks, and catheterization. The median number of citations per year was 2.85.
Conclusion: The increasing use of USG in anesthesiology is reflected in the high citation rates of related studies, most of which were published in reputable journals. This trend underscores the importance of USG in enhancing clinical practice and the influence of robust financial and technical support on research impact.


  • 1. Özçakar L, Ricci V, Chang KV, Mezian K, Kara M. Musculoskeletal ultrasonography: ninety-nine reasons for physiatrists. Med Ultrason. 2022;24(2):137-9.
  • 2. Wu WT, Lin JA, Chen LR, et al. Ultrasound Imaging, Guidance, and Treatment for Shoulder-related Pain Syndrome: A Bibliometric Analysis. Pain Physician. 2022;25(9):33-45.
  • 3. Güler T, Yurdakul FG, Önder ME, et al. Ultrasound-guided genicular nerve block versus physical therapy for chronic knee osteoarthritis: a prospective randomised study. Rheumatol Int. 2022;42(4):591-600.
  • 4. Zhao Y, Zhang H, Song M. Clinical Observation of Ultrasound-Guided Nerve Block Anesthesia on Postoperative Pain Control of Fracture Patients. J Healthc Eng. 2022;2022:9510669.
  • 5.
  • 6. Ramsingh D, Rinehart J, Kain Z, et al. Impact assessment of perioperative point-of-care ultrasound training on anesthesiology residents. Anesthesiology. 2015;123(3):670-82.
  • 7. Woodland DC, Randall Cooper C, Farzan Rashid M, et al. Routine chest X-ray is unnecessary after ultrasound-guided central venous line placement in the operating room. J Crit Care. 2018;46:13-6.
  • 8. Frykholm P, Disma N, Andersson H, et al. Pre-operative fasting in children: A guideline from the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2022;39(1):4-25.
  • 9. Bøtker MT, Vang ML, Grøfte T, Sloth E, Frederiksen CA. Routine preoperative focused ultrasonography by anesthesiologists in patients undergoing urgent surgical procedures. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2014;58(7):807-14.
  • 10. Luftig J, Mantuani D, Herring AA, Dixon B, Clattenburg E, Nagdev A. Successful emergency pain control for posterior rib fractures with ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block. Am J Emerg Med 2018;36(8):1391-6.
  • 11. Mariano ER, Kim TE, Wagner MJ, et al. A randomized comparison of proximal and distal ultrasound-guided adductor canal catheter insertion sites for knee arthroplasty. J Ultrasound Med 2014;33 (9):1653-62.
  • 12. Tran DQ, Boezaart AP, Neal JM. Beyond Ultrasound Guidance for Regional Anesthesiology. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2017;42(5):556-63.
  • 13. Woodworth GE, Carney PA, Cohen JM, et al. Development and Validation of an Assessment of Regional Anesthesia Ultrasound Interpretation Skills. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2015;40(4):306-14.
  • 14. Yu S, Tan KK, Sng BL, Li S, Sia AT. Lumbar Ultrasound Image Feature Extraction and Classification with Support Vector Machine. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2015;41(10):2677-89.
  • 15. Bayram B, Limon Ö, Limon G, Hancı V. Bibliometric analysis of top 100 most-cited clinical studies on ultrasound in the Emergency Department. Am J Emerg Med. 2016;34(7):1210-6.
  • 16. Farjad Sultan S, Shorten G, Iohom G. Simulators for training in ultrasound guided procedures. Med Ultrason. 2013;15(2):125-31.
  • 17. Corvetto MA, Pedemonte JC, Varas D, Fuentes C, Altermatt FR. Simulationbased training program with deliberate practice for ultrasound-guided jugular central venous catheter placement. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2017;61(9):1184-91.
  • 18. Mahmood F, Matyal R, Skubas N, et al. Perioperative Ultrasound Training in Anesthesiology: A Call to Action. Anesth Analg. 2016;122(6):1794-804.
  • 19. Dres M, Dubé BP, Goligher E, et al. Usefulness of Parasternal Intercostal Muscle Ultrasound during Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation. Anesthesiology. 2020;132(5):1114-25.
  • 20. Smistad E, Lindseth F. Real-Time Automatic Artery Segmentation, Reconstruction and Registration for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia of the Femoral Nerve. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2016;35(3):752-61.
  • 21. Nowakowski P, Bieryło A, Duniec L, Kosson D, Łazowski T. The substantial impact of ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia on the clinical practice of peripheral nerve blocks. Anaesthesiol Intensive Ther. 2013;45(4):223-9.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Anaesthesiology
Journal Section Original Research

Sinan Yılmaz 0000-0002-5281-137X

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date November 11, 2024
Acceptance Date December 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


AMA Yılmaz S. Ultrasonography in Anesthesiology: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Most Cited Articles. J Contemp Med. January 2025;15(1):36-44. doi:10.16899/jcm.1582658