Physical Therapist’s Prescription Regarding Benefits of Active Life Style of Patients
Year 2020,
, 158 - 162, 25.06.2020
Saher Pasha
Hira İslam Rajput
Muhammad Atif Khan
Sumeet Kumar
Muhammad Chughtai
Rabia Siddiq
Physical activity is advantageous for several diseases like heart problem, diabetes & cancer as well. The complete load of diseases depends upon the physical inactivity. The significance of physical life style is to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes as well as hypertension. The aim of the study was to determine the physical therapist’s prescription regarding benefits of active life style among patients. A cross sectional study with 150 sample size was conducted in different universities of Karachi. Valid questionnaire was used to collect data to examine the prescription of active lifestyle for patients. Data was analyzed through SPSS 20 version, frequency and percentage was calculated. The result of this study showed that majority physical therapist agreed with the prescription of short time exercises on most of the day is good for patient’s health. This study concluded that majority of physical therapist agreed for the implementation of benefits of active life style among patients. The recommendation of this study is that the governing body of physical therapy should be organized different programs like workshops and seminars regarding fitness training.
Supporting Institution
Isra Institute of rehabilitation sciences Karachi campus
Thanks to Allah the my parents teacher and supervisor and last to my all participants.
- 1. Debra Shirley, HiddeP.van der Ploeg, Adrian E.Bauman, Physical activity promotion in the physical therapy setting: Perspectives from practitioner’s and students ,PhysTher. 2010; 90 (1):1311-1322.
- 2. E Verhagen, L Engbers, The physical therapist’s role in physical activity promotion,J Sports Med. 2009; 43 (4):99-101.
- 3. Eaton CB, Menard LM, A systematic review of physi-cal activity promotion in primary care office settings. Br, J Sports Med, 1998; 32:11–16.
- 4. AbbyrhanyGnertssndran, Attitudes of medical stu-dents, clinicians and sports scientists towards exercise counseling. J Sports Science and Medicine: 2011; 10:426-431.
- 5. Gregory S Kolt, Richard R Rosenkranz, Tre-vor N Savage, Anthony J Maeder, Cor-neel Vandelanotte, Mitch J Duncan, Cristi-na M Caperchione, Tague, Cindy Hooker and W Kerry Mummery Walk 2.0 Using Web 2.0 applica-tions to promote health-related physical activity: A randomized controlled trial protocol,J BMC Public Health, 2013; 13.
- 6. Peter Harris Ben J Smith, Beliefs, Attitudes and Prac-tices among GP are in relation to the promotion of physical activity in general practice. A qualitative study,J KSW Centre for Physical Activity and Health, 2003; 03 (5).
- 7. Floura Douglas, Nicola Torrance, Edwin van Teijlin-gen, Serena Meloni, Ann Kerr, Primary Care Staff’s view and experience related to routinely advising pa-tient about Physical activity. A questionnaire survey, J.BMC Public health. 2006; 6:138
- 8. Jo Sheedy, Ben Smith, Adrian Bauman, Anne Barnett, Anita Calderan, Jodie Culbert, Jenny Jacka, A con-trolled trial of behavioral education to promote exer-cise among physiotherapy outpatient,Australian journal of Physiotherapy, 2000 ;46 : 281-289.
- 9. Happiness A Aweto, Cynthia N Oligbo, Oluseun A Fapojuwa, Olajide A Olawale, Knowledge, attitude an practice of physiotherapists towards promotion of physically active lifestyles in patient management. J Bio Med Central. 2013; 13 (21):1186/1472-6963-13-2.
- 10. Jana Hoffmann,Stefen Peters, Wolfgang Geidl, Chris-tian Hentschle, Klan Pfeifer Effects of behavioral exer-cise therapy on the effectiveness of a multidiscipli-nary for chronic non-specific low back pain study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,J BMC .Musculoskeletal disorder. 2013; 14:89.
- 11. D.A.Lawlor, B.Hanrathy, The effect of physical ther-apy advice given in routine primary care consulta-tions: A systematic review. J Public Health. 2001; 23 (3):219-226.
- 12. J P Maira, Do our medical colleges inculcate health promoting life style among medical students: A Pilot study from two medical colleges from Southern India. J B Prev Med .2013; 4 (4): 425-429
- 13. Timmo Hinrichs, General practioner advice on phys-ical activity: analysis in a cohort of older primary health care patients. J Public Health. 2011
- 14. Mark Harris, The role of primary health in prevent-ing the onset of chronic disease, with a particular fo-cus on the lifestyle risk factors of obesity, tobacco and alcohol, Primary Health care and Equity. J B Prev Med. 2008; 34 (1) :567-589
- 15. Suzzane Sack, Dianne Rigssio Rad Katheen K. Mai-rella, Riva TougerDecker, Hafiz Khan, Physical the-rapist’s attitudes, knowledge and practice approaches regarding people who are obese.PhysicalTherapy, 2009; 89(8) :.804-815.
- 16. Mriam E Nelson, Physical activity and public health in older adults: recommendation from The American College of Sports Medicine and The American Heart Association. 2007; 116: 1094-1105.
- 17. Gerald F Fletcher, MD, Chair, Gary Babdy, State-ment on exercise: Benefits andrecommendation for Physical activity programs for all Americans. 1996; 89
18. Brenda L Rea, Helen Hop Marshak, Christine Neish, NicotaDevis, The role of health promotion in physical therapy in California, Newyork and Tennessee. J Pub-lic Health. 2004;56 (3)
- 19. Anna Lowe, Chris Littlewood, Sionnadh McLean, Karin Kilner, Physiotherapy and physical activity: a cross-sectional survey exploring physical activity promotion, knowledge of physical activity guidelines and the physical activity habits of UK physiotherapists. BMJ. 2017;3 (1)
- 20. Ukachukwu Okoroafor Abaraogu, Juliet Chinonso Edeonuh, Jose Frantz, Promoting Physical Activity and Exercise in Daily Practice: Current Practices, Barriers, and Training Needs of Physiotherapists in Eastern Nigeria. 2016;68(1):37-45.
- 21. Julie Alexander, ErinBambury, Andrea Mendoza, Jason Reynolds, Rochelle Veronneau, Elizabeth Dean,Health education strategies used by physical therapists to promote behaviour change in people with lifestyle-related conditions. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal. 2012;101
- 22. Swinburn BA, Walter LG, Arroll B, Tilyard MW, Russell DG, The green prescription study: a randomized controlled trial of written exercise advice provided by general practitioners. Am J Public Health. 1998; 88(2)
- 23. William Leung, Vaughan Roberts, Louisa G. Gordon, Christopher Bullen, Hayden McRobbie, Harry Prapavessis, Yannan Jiang, Ralph Maddison, Economic evaluation of an exercise-counselling intervention to enhance smoking cessation outcomes: The Fit2Quit trial. BMD. 2017; 15: 21.
24. Adewale L. OyeyemiEmail author, Adetoyeje Y. Oyeyemi, Rahana Y. Habib, Rashida B. Usman, Jasper U. Sunday and Zubair Usman,A survey of physicians and physiotherapists on physical activity promotion in Nigeria. Archives of Physiotherapy. 2017; 7:5
- 25. Elizabeth Cottrell, Edward Roddy , Nadine E FosterThe attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of GPs regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a systematic review. BMC Family Practice201011:4
Year 2020,
, 158 - 162, 25.06.2020
Saher Pasha
Hira İslam Rajput
Muhammad Atif Khan
Sumeet Kumar
Muhammad Chughtai
Rabia Siddiq
- 1. Debra Shirley, HiddeP.van der Ploeg, Adrian E.Bauman, Physical activity promotion in the physical therapy setting: Perspectives from practitioner’s and students ,PhysTher. 2010; 90 (1):1311-1322.
- 2. E Verhagen, L Engbers, The physical therapist’s role in physical activity promotion,J Sports Med. 2009; 43 (4):99-101.
- 3. Eaton CB, Menard LM, A systematic review of physi-cal activity promotion in primary care office settings. Br, J Sports Med, 1998; 32:11–16.
- 4. AbbyrhanyGnertssndran, Attitudes of medical stu-dents, clinicians and sports scientists towards exercise counseling. J Sports Science and Medicine: 2011; 10:426-431.
- 5. Gregory S Kolt, Richard R Rosenkranz, Tre-vor N Savage, Anthony J Maeder, Cor-neel Vandelanotte, Mitch J Duncan, Cristi-na M Caperchione, Tague, Cindy Hooker and W Kerry Mummery Walk 2.0 Using Web 2.0 applica-tions to promote health-related physical activity: A randomized controlled trial protocol,J BMC Public Health, 2013; 13.
- 6. Peter Harris Ben J Smith, Beliefs, Attitudes and Prac-tices among GP are in relation to the promotion of physical activity in general practice. A qualitative study,J KSW Centre for Physical Activity and Health, 2003; 03 (5).
- 7. Floura Douglas, Nicola Torrance, Edwin van Teijlin-gen, Serena Meloni, Ann Kerr, Primary Care Staff’s view and experience related to routinely advising pa-tient about Physical activity. A questionnaire survey, J.BMC Public health. 2006; 6:138
- 8. Jo Sheedy, Ben Smith, Adrian Bauman, Anne Barnett, Anita Calderan, Jodie Culbert, Jenny Jacka, A con-trolled trial of behavioral education to promote exer-cise among physiotherapy outpatient,Australian journal of Physiotherapy, 2000 ;46 : 281-289.
- 9. Happiness A Aweto, Cynthia N Oligbo, Oluseun A Fapojuwa, Olajide A Olawale, Knowledge, attitude an practice of physiotherapists towards promotion of physically active lifestyles in patient management. J Bio Med Central. 2013; 13 (21):1186/1472-6963-13-2.
- 10. Jana Hoffmann,Stefen Peters, Wolfgang Geidl, Chris-tian Hentschle, Klan Pfeifer Effects of behavioral exer-cise therapy on the effectiveness of a multidiscipli-nary for chronic non-specific low back pain study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,J BMC .Musculoskeletal disorder. 2013; 14:89.
- 11. D.A.Lawlor, B.Hanrathy, The effect of physical ther-apy advice given in routine primary care consulta-tions: A systematic review. J Public Health. 2001; 23 (3):219-226.
- 12. J P Maira, Do our medical colleges inculcate health promoting life style among medical students: A Pilot study from two medical colleges from Southern India. J B Prev Med .2013; 4 (4): 425-429
- 13. Timmo Hinrichs, General practioner advice on phys-ical activity: analysis in a cohort of older primary health care patients. J Public Health. 2011
- 14. Mark Harris, The role of primary health in prevent-ing the onset of chronic disease, with a particular fo-cus on the lifestyle risk factors of obesity, tobacco and alcohol, Primary Health care and Equity. J B Prev Med. 2008; 34 (1) :567-589
- 15. Suzzane Sack, Dianne Rigssio Rad Katheen K. Mai-rella, Riva TougerDecker, Hafiz Khan, Physical the-rapist’s attitudes, knowledge and practice approaches regarding people who are obese.PhysicalTherapy, 2009; 89(8) :.804-815.
- 16. Mriam E Nelson, Physical activity and public health in older adults: recommendation from The American College of Sports Medicine and The American Heart Association. 2007; 116: 1094-1105.
- 17. Gerald F Fletcher, MD, Chair, Gary Babdy, State-ment on exercise: Benefits andrecommendation for Physical activity programs for all Americans. 1996; 89
18. Brenda L Rea, Helen Hop Marshak, Christine Neish, NicotaDevis, The role of health promotion in physical therapy in California, Newyork and Tennessee. J Pub-lic Health. 2004;56 (3)
- 19. Anna Lowe, Chris Littlewood, Sionnadh McLean, Karin Kilner, Physiotherapy and physical activity: a cross-sectional survey exploring physical activity promotion, knowledge of physical activity guidelines and the physical activity habits of UK physiotherapists. BMJ. 2017;3 (1)
- 20. Ukachukwu Okoroafor Abaraogu, Juliet Chinonso Edeonuh, Jose Frantz, Promoting Physical Activity and Exercise in Daily Practice: Current Practices, Barriers, and Training Needs of Physiotherapists in Eastern Nigeria. 2016;68(1):37-45.
- 21. Julie Alexander, ErinBambury, Andrea Mendoza, Jason Reynolds, Rochelle Veronneau, Elizabeth Dean,Health education strategies used by physical therapists to promote behaviour change in people with lifestyle-related conditions. Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal. 2012;101
- 22. Swinburn BA, Walter LG, Arroll B, Tilyard MW, Russell DG, The green prescription study: a randomized controlled trial of written exercise advice provided by general practitioners. Am J Public Health. 1998; 88(2)
- 23. William Leung, Vaughan Roberts, Louisa G. Gordon, Christopher Bullen, Hayden McRobbie, Harry Prapavessis, Yannan Jiang, Ralph Maddison, Economic evaluation of an exercise-counselling intervention to enhance smoking cessation outcomes: The Fit2Quit trial. BMD. 2017; 15: 21.
24. Adewale L. OyeyemiEmail author, Adetoyeje Y. Oyeyemi, Rahana Y. Habib, Rashida B. Usman, Jasper U. Sunday and Zubair Usman,A survey of physicians and physiotherapists on physical activity promotion in Nigeria. Archives of Physiotherapy. 2017; 7:5
- 25. Elizabeth Cottrell, Edward Roddy , Nadine E FosterThe attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of GPs regarding exercise for chronic knee pain: a systematic review. BMC Family Practice201011:4