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Erratum: Düzletme "Covid-19 Pandemisinde Toplum Ruh Sağlığı Merkezi’ne Aktif Katılımı Azalan Hastaların Bakım Verenlerinin Tükenmişlik ve Bakıcı Yükü Düzeyleri"

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 381 - 381, 22.03.2023
The original article was published on November 30, 2022.

Erratum Note

Erratum to: The Burnout Levels of Caregivers and Caregiver Burden of the Patients with Declined Active Participation in the Community Mental Health Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic Düzeltme: COVID-19 Pandemisinde Hastaların Toplum Ruh Sağlığı Merkezi’ne Aktif Katılımının Azalmasıyla Bakım Verenlerde Artan Tükenmişlik ve Bakıcı Yükü Düzeyleri Seda Yılmaz Istinye University, Elazığ Medical Park Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Elazığ, Turkey The author forwarded the following statement to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Contemporary Medicine and requested a correction to be published. "I had an article published in your journal. There is an error in the 'MATERIAL AND METHOD'section of this article that I later noticed. I would like to correct this error " Wrong Sentence: "Both interviews were conducted face-to-face by inviting caregivers to the CMHC." Corrected Sentence: "The second interview was held face-to-face by inviting the caregivers to the CMHC. The data in the first interview were obtained from a previous interview archive made with caregivers at CMHC, retrospectively, before the pandemic." DOI of original article: Yılmaz S. The Burnout Levels of Caregivers and Caregiver Burden of the Patients with Declined Active Participation in the Community Mental Health Center During the Covid-19 Pandemic. J Contemp Med 2022;12(6):839-845. Journal of Contemporary Medicine; Journal homepage:


Bu çalışmada; Covid-19 pandemisinde, Toplum Ruh Sağlığı Merkezi (TRSM)’ne hasta katılımının azalması ve bir süre hasta kabul edilememesi nedeniyle, bakım verenlerde oluşan tükenmişlik ve bakıcı yükünün, Covid-19 pandemisi öncesiyle kıyaslanması amaçlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntem:
TRSM’ye kayıtlı 47 hastanın bakım vereni çalışmaya alındı. Bu çalışmadaki ilk görüşme, Türkiye'de Covid-19 pandemisinin başlamasından önce Ocak 2020'de yapıldı. İkinci görüşme ise Covid-19 pandemisi başladıktan sonra, kapanmalar ve kısıtlamalardan sonra, 2021’in haziran ayında yapıldı. Bakım verenlere sosyodemografik veri formu, Maslach Tükenmişlik Envanteri, Zarit Bakıcı Yük Ölçeği uygulandı.
İkinci görüşmede Maslach Tükenmişlik Envanteri (p<0,001) ve Zarit Bakıcı Yük Ölçeği (p<0,001) toplam puanları anlamlı olarak daha yüksek saptandı ve eğitim düzeyi düşük olanlarda ve çalışmayanlarda tükenmişlik düzeyindeki artış daha fazlaydı (p<0,05). Ayrıca, ikinci görüşmede gelir düzeyi düşük olanlarda, daha uzun süre bakım verenlerde, hastanın ilaç uyumu düşük olanlarda, Covid-19 geçirme öyküsü olanlarda tükenmişlik düzeyindeki ve bakıcı yükündeki artış daha fazlaydı (p<0,05).
Covid-19 pandemisi döneminde sosyal izolasyon amaçlı alınan tedbirler nedeniyle, TRSM faaliyetlerine aktif katılım gösteremeyen hastaların bakım verenlerinin artan tükenmişlik ve bakıcı yükleri, TRSM hizmetlerinin önemini desteklemiştir.


  • 1. Bilge A, Mermer G, Çam O, Çetinkaya A, Erdoğan E, Üçkuyu N. Türkiye’deki toplum ruh sağlığı merkezlerinin 2013-2015 yıllarının profili. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2016;2(2):1-5.
  • 2. Pektaş İ, Bilge A, Ersoy MA. Toplum ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinde epidemiyolojik çalışmalar ve toplum ruh sağlığı hemşirelerinin rolü. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2006;7(1):43-8.
  • 3. Şahin Ş, Elboğa G. Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezinden yararlanan hastaların yaşam kalitesi, tıbbi tedaviye uyumu, içgörü ve işlevsellikleri. Çukurova Medical Journal 2019;44(2):431-38.
  • 4. Atagün Mİ, Balaban ÖD, Atagün Z, Elagöz M, Özpolat AY. Kronik hastalıklarda bakım veren yükü. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2011;3(3):513-52.
  • 5. Von Kardorff E, Soltaninejad A, Kamali M, Shahrbabaki ME. Family caregiver burden in mental illnesses: The case of affective disorders and schizophrenia – a qualitative exploratory study. Nord J Psychiatry 2016;70(4):248-54.
  • 6. Angermeyer MC, Bull N, Bernert S, Dietrich S, Kopf A. Burnout of caregivers: a comparison between partners of psychiatric patients and nurses. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2006;20(4):158-65.
  • 7. Wang C, Song W, Hu X, Yan S, Zhang X, Wang X, et al. Depressive, anxiety, and insomnia symptoms between population in quarantine and general population during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case-controlled study. BMC Psychiatry 2021;21(1).
  • 8. Zeybek Z, Bozkurt Y, Aşkın R. Covid-19 pandemisi: psikolojik etkileri ve terapötik müdahaleler. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2020;19(37):304-18.
  • 9. Mukhtar S. Psychological health during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic outbreak. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2020;66(5):512-16.
  • 10. Ergin C. Maslach tükenmişlik ölçeğinin Türkiye sağlık personeli normları. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi 1996;4(1):28-33.
  • 11. Özlü A, Yıldız M, Aker T. Zarit bakıcı yük ölçeğinin şizofreni hasta yakınlarında geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Noro Psikiyatr Ars 2009;46:38-42.
  • 12. İçel S, Aydoğan A, Özkan B. Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezlerinde hemşirenin rolü. Ankara Medical Journal 2016;16(2):208-14.
  • 13. Kokurcan A, Özpolat AGY. Göğüş AK. Burnout in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Turk J Med Sci 2015;45:678-85.
  • 14. Özdemir İ, Şafak Y, Örsel S, Kahiloğulları AK, Karadağ H. Bir toplum ruh sağlığı merkezinde şizofreni hastalarına uygulanan ruhsal-toplumsal uyumlandırma etkinliğinin araştırılması: Kontrollü çalışma. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2017;18(5):419-27.
  • 15. Savla J, Roberto KA, Blieszner R, McCann BR, Hoyt E, Knight AL. Dementia caregiving during the “stay-at-home” phase of COVID-19 pandemic. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2020;76(4):e241–5.
  • 16. Giebel C, Lord K, Cooper C, Shenton J, Cannon J, Pulford D, et al. A UK survey of COVID-19 related social support closures and their effects on older people, people with dementia, and carers. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2021;36(3):393-402.
  • 17. Schorren N. The impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing, depression, and physical activity of informal caregivers and non-caregivers during isolation, University of Twente. [cited: 02 Oct 2020]; Available from:
  • 18. Budnick A, Hering C, Eggert S, Teubner C, Suhr R, Kuhlmey A, et al. Informal caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic perceive additional burden: findings from an ad-hoc survey in Germany. BMC Health Serv Res 2021;21(1):353.
  • 19.Yasuma N, Yamaguchi S, Ogawa M, Shiozawa T, Abe M, Igarashi M, et al. Care difficulties and burden during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns among caregivers of people with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep 2021;41(2):242-47.
  • 20. Fardin MA. COVID-19 and anxiety: A review of psychological impacts of infectious disease outbreaks. Arch Clin Infect Dis 2020;15(COVID-19):e102779.
  • 21. Zhand N, Joober R. Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: narrative review. BJPsych Open 2021;7(1):e35.
  • 22. Rajkumar RP. Bipolar disorder, COVID‐19, and the risk of relapse. Bipolar Disord 2020;22(6):640.
  • 23. Hsee CK, Yang AX, Wang L. Idleness Aversion and the Need for Justifiable Busyness. Psychol Sci 2010;21(7):926-30.
  • 24. Alahan NA, Aylaz R, Yetiş G. Kronik hastalığı olan çocuğa sahip ebeveynlerin bakım verme yükü. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;4(2):1-5.
  • 25. Schieman S, Badawy PJ, Milkie MA, Bierman A. Work-Life conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 2021;7(3):237802312098285.
  • 26. Stefana A, Youngstrom EA, Chen J, Hinshaw S, Maxwell V, Michalak E, et al. The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis and opportunity for bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2020;22(6):641-43.
  • 27. Demirkol ME, Tamam L, Evlice YE, Karaytuğ MO. Psikiyatri hastalarının tedaviye uyumu. Çukurova Medical Journal 2015;40(3):555-68.
  • 28. Muruganandam P, Neelamegam S, Menon V, Alexander J, Chaturvedi SK. COVID-19 and severe mental illness: Impact on patients and its relation with their awareness about COVID-19. Psychiatry Res 2020;291:113265.
  • 29. Şahin Ş, Elboğa G. Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezinden yararlanan hastaların yaşam kalitesi, tıbbi tedaviye uyumu, içgörü ve işlevsellikleri. Cukurova Medical Journal 2019;44(2):431-38.
  • 30. Mazza MG, Lorenzo RD, Conte C, Poletti S, Vai B, Bollettini I, et al. Anxiety and depression in COVID-19 survivors: Role of inflammatory and clinical predictors. Brain Behav Immun 2020;89:594-600.

Erratum: Erratum to "The Burnout Levels of Caregivers and Caregiver Burden of the Patients with Declined Active Participation in the Community Mental Health Center During the Covid-19 Pandemic"

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 381 - 381, 22.03.2023
The original article was published on November 30, 2022.

Erratum Note

Erratum to: The Burnout Levels of Caregivers and Caregiver Burden of the Patients with Declined Active Participation in the Community Mental Health Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic Düzeltme: COVID-19 Pandemisinde Hastaların Toplum Ruh Sağlığı Merkezi’ne Aktif Katılımının Azalmasıyla Bakım Verenlerde Artan Tükenmişlik ve Bakıcı Yükü Düzeyleri Seda Yılmaz Istinye University, Elazığ Medical Park Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Elazığ, Turkey The author forwarded the following statement to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Contemporary Medicine and requested a correction to be published. "I had an article published in your journal. There is an error in the 'MATERIAL AND METHOD'section of this article that I later noticed. I would like to correct this error " Wrong Sentence: "Both interviews were conducted face-to-face by inviting caregivers to the CMHC." Corrected Sentence: "The second interview was held face-to-face by inviting the caregivers to the CMHC. The data in the first interview were obtained from a previous interview archive made with caregivers at CMHC, retrospectively, before the pandemic." DOI of original article: Yılmaz S. The Burnout Levels of Caregivers and Caregiver Burden of the Patients with Declined Active Participation in the Community Mental Health Center During the Covid-19 Pandemic. J Contemp Med 2022;12(6):839-845. Journal of Contemporary Medicine; Journal homepage:


This study aimed to compare the burnout and caregiver burden in caregivers during Covid-19 due to the decrease in patient participation in the Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) and the inability to accept patients for a while before the Covid-19 pandemic.
Materials and Methods:
Caregivers of 47 patients registered to CMHC were included in this study. The first interview for this study was held in January 2020, before the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in Turkey. The second interview was held in June 2021, after the start of the COVID -19 pandemic and thus lockdown and restrictions. Sociodemographic data form, Maslach Burnout Inventory, and Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale were applied to caregivers.
The findings obtained in the second interview showed that Maslach Burnout Inventory (p<0.001) and Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale (p<0.001) total scores were significantly higher, and the increase in burnout level was higher in those with low education levels and those who did not work (p<0.05). Also, the increase in burnout level and caregiver burden was higher in those with low income, caregivers for a longer time, those with low drug compliance, and those with a history of Covid-19 (p<0.05).
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the increasing burnout and caregiver burden of the caregivers of patients who could not actively participate in TRSM activities due to the measures taken for social isolation supported the importance of TRSM services.


  • 1. Bilge A, Mermer G, Çam O, Çetinkaya A, Erdoğan E, Üçkuyu N. Türkiye’deki toplum ruh sağlığı merkezlerinin 2013-2015 yıllarının profili. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2016;2(2):1-5.
  • 2. Pektaş İ, Bilge A, Ersoy MA. Toplum ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinde epidemiyolojik çalışmalar ve toplum ruh sağlığı hemşirelerinin rolü. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2006;7(1):43-8.
  • 3. Şahin Ş, Elboğa G. Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezinden yararlanan hastaların yaşam kalitesi, tıbbi tedaviye uyumu, içgörü ve işlevsellikleri. Çukurova Medical Journal 2019;44(2):431-38.
  • 4. Atagün Mİ, Balaban ÖD, Atagün Z, Elagöz M, Özpolat AY. Kronik hastalıklarda bakım veren yükü. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar 2011;3(3):513-52.
  • 5. Von Kardorff E, Soltaninejad A, Kamali M, Shahrbabaki ME. Family caregiver burden in mental illnesses: The case of affective disorders and schizophrenia – a qualitative exploratory study. Nord J Psychiatry 2016;70(4):248-54.
  • 6. Angermeyer MC, Bull N, Bernert S, Dietrich S, Kopf A. Burnout of caregivers: a comparison between partners of psychiatric patients and nurses. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2006;20(4):158-65.
  • 7. Wang C, Song W, Hu X, Yan S, Zhang X, Wang X, et al. Depressive, anxiety, and insomnia symptoms between population in quarantine and general population during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case-controlled study. BMC Psychiatry 2021;21(1).
  • 8. Zeybek Z, Bozkurt Y, Aşkın R. Covid-19 pandemisi: psikolojik etkileri ve terapötik müdahaleler. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2020;19(37):304-18.
  • 9. Mukhtar S. Psychological health during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic outbreak. Int J Soc Psychiatry 2020;66(5):512-16.
  • 10. Ergin C. Maslach tükenmişlik ölçeğinin Türkiye sağlık personeli normları. Psikiyatri Psikoloji Psikofarmakoloji Dergisi 1996;4(1):28-33.
  • 11. Özlü A, Yıldız M, Aker T. Zarit bakıcı yük ölçeğinin şizofreni hasta yakınlarında geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Noro Psikiyatr Ars 2009;46:38-42.
  • 12. İçel S, Aydoğan A, Özkan B. Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezlerinde hemşirenin rolü. Ankara Medical Journal 2016;16(2):208-14.
  • 13. Kokurcan A, Özpolat AGY. Göğüş AK. Burnout in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Turk J Med Sci 2015;45:678-85.
  • 14. Özdemir İ, Şafak Y, Örsel S, Kahiloğulları AK, Karadağ H. Bir toplum ruh sağlığı merkezinde şizofreni hastalarına uygulanan ruhsal-toplumsal uyumlandırma etkinliğinin araştırılması: Kontrollü çalışma. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2017;18(5):419-27.
  • 15. Savla J, Roberto KA, Blieszner R, McCann BR, Hoyt E, Knight AL. Dementia caregiving during the “stay-at-home” phase of COVID-19 pandemic. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci 2020;76(4):e241–5.
  • 16. Giebel C, Lord K, Cooper C, Shenton J, Cannon J, Pulford D, et al. A UK survey of COVID-19 related social support closures and their effects on older people, people with dementia, and carers. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2021;36(3):393-402.
  • 17. Schorren N. The impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing, depression, and physical activity of informal caregivers and non-caregivers during isolation, University of Twente. [cited: 02 Oct 2020]; Available from:
  • 18. Budnick A, Hering C, Eggert S, Teubner C, Suhr R, Kuhlmey A, et al. Informal caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic perceive additional burden: findings from an ad-hoc survey in Germany. BMC Health Serv Res 2021;21(1):353.
  • 19.Yasuma N, Yamaguchi S, Ogawa M, Shiozawa T, Abe M, Igarashi M, et al. Care difficulties and burden during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns among caregivers of people with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study. Neuropsychopharmacol Rep 2021;41(2):242-47.
  • 20. Fardin MA. COVID-19 and anxiety: A review of psychological impacts of infectious disease outbreaks. Arch Clin Infect Dis 2020;15(COVID-19):e102779.
  • 21. Zhand N, Joober R. Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: narrative review. BJPsych Open 2021;7(1):e35.
  • 22. Rajkumar RP. Bipolar disorder, COVID‐19, and the risk of relapse. Bipolar Disord 2020;22(6):640.
  • 23. Hsee CK, Yang AX, Wang L. Idleness Aversion and the Need for Justifiable Busyness. Psychol Sci 2010;21(7):926-30.
  • 24. Alahan NA, Aylaz R, Yetiş G. Kronik hastalığı olan çocuğa sahip ebeveynlerin bakım verme yükü. İnönü Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2015;4(2):1-5.
  • 25. Schieman S, Badawy PJ, Milkie MA, Bierman A. Work-Life conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 2021;7(3):237802312098285.
  • 26. Stefana A, Youngstrom EA, Chen J, Hinshaw S, Maxwell V, Michalak E, et al. The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis and opportunity for bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2020;22(6):641-43.
  • 27. Demirkol ME, Tamam L, Evlice YE, Karaytuğ MO. Psikiyatri hastalarının tedaviye uyumu. Çukurova Medical Journal 2015;40(3):555-68.
  • 28. Muruganandam P, Neelamegam S, Menon V, Alexander J, Chaturvedi SK. COVID-19 and severe mental illness: Impact on patients and its relation with their awareness about COVID-19. Psychiatry Res 2020;291:113265.
  • 29. Şahin Ş, Elboğa G. Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezinden yararlanan hastaların yaşam kalitesi, tıbbi tedaviye uyumu, içgörü ve işlevsellikleri. Cukurova Medical Journal 2019;44(2):431-38.
  • 30. Mazza MG, Lorenzo RD, Conte C, Poletti S, Vai B, Bollettini I, et al. Anxiety and depression in COVID-19 survivors: Role of inflammatory and clinical predictors. Brain Behav Immun 2020;89:594-600.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Erratum

Seda Yılmaz 0000-0002-4469-5807

Early Pub Date January 23, 2023
Publication Date March 22, 2023
Acceptance Date March 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 13 Issue: 2


AMA Yılmaz S. Erratum to "The Burnout Levels of Caregivers and Caregiver Burden of the Patients with Declined Active Participation in the Community Mental Health Center During the Covid-19 Pandemic". J Contemp Med. March 2023;13(2):381-381.