Evaluation of urine cotinine levels in children with chronic cough
Year 2023,
Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 686 - 691, 31.07.2023
Yesim Özdemir Atikel
İlknur Bostancı
Çiğdem Özdilekcan
Serap Özmen
Bacground: Our study was planned to reveal the objective relation between urine cotinine level and tobacco smoke exposure in children suffering from chronic cough.
Methods: Between ages 5-18 years, 58 patients with chronic cough with no underlying specific cause and 54 healthy individuals were included in the study.
Results: There was a statistically significant difference between urine cotinine levels of cases those who exposed and unexposed (based on the declaration of parents) to tobacco smoke (p<0, 05). The highest mean value of cotinine (41.3±73.7) was detected in the cases of chronic cough group who exposed to smoke. The best “cut-off value” for discriminating exposed and unexposed group was found to be 12.15 ng/ml with ROC analysis. Smoking ratio during pregnancy has been found higher in the group with chronic cough (p<0, 05).FEV1/FVC ratio was found to be lower in patients with chronic cough who are passive smokers when compared with the cases in the other groups (p<0,05).
Conclusions: This is the first study objectively evaluating chronic cough effect of passive smoking with urine cotinine level. Since there is a meaningful decrease in FEV1/FVC ratio, close follow up is needed especially in children diagnosed as chronic cough who are exposed to tobacco smoke.
- 1. Morice AH, Fontana GA, Sovijarvi AR, et al; ERS Task Force. The diagnosis and management of chronic cough. Eur Respir J. 2004;24(3):481-92.
- 2. Chang AB, Glomb WB. Guidelines for evaluating chronic cough in pediatrics: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest. 2006;129(1 Suppl):260-83.
- 3. Yoo S, Kim HB, Lee SY, et al. Effect of active smoking on asthma symptoms pulmonary function, and BHR in adolescents. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2009;44(10):954-61.
- 4. Wang Y, Huang Z, Luo D, Tian L, Hu M, Xiao S. Respiratory Symptoms and Urinary Cotinine Levels in Pre-school Children Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke. Front Public Health. 2021 Jan 26;8:587193
- 5. Strzelak A, Ratajczak A, Adamiec A, Feleszko W. Tobacco smoke induces and alters immune responses in the lung triggering inflammation, allergy, asthma and other lung diseases: a mechanistic review. Int J
Environ Res Public Health. 2018;15:1033.
- 6. Cook DG, Strachan DP, Carey IM. Health effects of passive smoking Parental smoking and spirometric indices in children. Thorax 1998;53:884-93.
- 7. Lux AL, Henderson AJ, Pocock SJ. Wheeze associated with prenatal tobacco smoke exposure: a prospective, longitudinal study. ALSPAC Study Team. Arch Dis Child 2000;83: 307-12.
- 8. Irwin RS, Boulet LP, Cloutier MM, et al. Managing cough as a defense mechanism and as a symptom. A consensus panel report of the American College of Chest Physicians. Chest. 1998;114(2 Suppl Managing):133-81.
- 9. Benowitz NL. Biomarkers of environmental tobacco smoke exposure. Environ Health Perspect. 1999;107 Suppl 2:349-55.
- 10. Seccareccia F, Zuccaro P, Pacifici R, et al; Research Group of the MATISS Project. Serum cotinine as a marker of environmental tobacco smoke exposure in epidemiological studies: the experience of the MATISS
project. Eur J Epidemiol. 2003; 18(6):487-92.
- 11. Thomas CE, Wang R, Adams-Haduch J, et al. Urinary Cotinine Is as Good a Biomarker as Serum Cotinine for Cigarette Smoking Exposure and Lung Cancer Risk Prediction. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev. 2020;29:127–32.
- 12. Hwang SH, Hwang JH, Moon JS, Lee DH. Environmental tobacco smoke and children's health. Korean J Pediatr. 2012 Feb;55(2):35-41.
- 13. Benowitz NL, Jacob P. Metabolism of nicotine to cotinine studied by a dual stable isotope method. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1994;56:483-493
- 14. Benowitz NL. Cotinine as a biomarker of environmental tobacco smoke exposure. Epidemiol Rev. 1996;18(2):188-204.
- 15. Benowitz NL. Drug therapy. Pharmacologic aspects of cigarette smoking and nicotine addiction. N Engl J Med. 1988 Nov 17;319(20):1318-30.
- 16. Matt GE, Wahlgren DR, Hovell MF, et al. Measuring environmental tobacco smoke exposure in infants and young children through urine cotinine and memory-based parental reports: empirical findings and
discussion. Tob Control. 1999 Autumn;8(3):282-9.
- 17. Jat KR. Spirometry in children. Prim Care Respir J. 2013;22(2):221-9.
- 18. Pirkle JL, Bernert JT, Caudill SP, Sosnoff CS, Pechacek TF. Trends in the exposure of nonsmokers in the U.S. population to secondhand smoke: 1988-2002. Environ Health Perspect 2006;114(6):853-8
- 19. Bramer SL, Kallungal BA. Clinical considerations in study designs that use cotinine as a biomarker. Biomarkers. 2003; 8: 187-203.
- 20. Daly JB, Wiggers JH, Considine RJ. Infant exposure to environmental tobacco smoke: a prevelance study in Australia. Australian New Zealand J Public Health 2001; 25: 132-7.
- 21. Arvas A, Bas V, Gur E. The impact of passive smoking on the development of lower respiratory tract infection in infancy. Turk Pediatr Arch. 2009;47:12-7.
- 22. Kahvecioglu D, Dallar Y, Bostanci I, et al. The evaluation of the effects of passive smoking on children’s health with detection of urine cotinine levels. Allergy 2012; 67: SI: Supplement: 96 575-76.
- 23. Withlock G, Macmahon S, Vander H, Davis P, Jackson R, Norton R. Association of environmental tobacco smoke exposure with socioeconomic status in a population of 7725 New Zealanders. Tob Control 1998;7:276-80.
- 24. Frischer T, Kuhr J, Meinert R, KarmausW, Urbanek R. Influence of maternal smoking on variability of peak expiratory flow rate in school children. Chest 1993; 104: 1333-37.
- 25. Wang X, Wypij D, Gold DR, Speizer FE, Ware JH, Ferris BG. A longitudinal study of the effects of parental smoking on pulmonary function in children 6-18 years. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149:1420-5.
- 26. Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Li YF, Rappaport EB, Peters JM. Effects of early onset asthma and in-utero exposure to maternal smoking on childhood lung function. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2003;167: 917-24.
Kronik öksürüklü çocukların idrar kotinin düzeyleri ile değerlendirilmesi
Year 2023,
Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 686 - 691, 31.07.2023
Yesim Özdemir Atikel
İlknur Bostancı
Çiğdem Özdilekcan
Serap Özmen
Giriş ve amaç: Çalışmamız kronik öksürüklü çocuklarda idrar kotinin düzeyi ile sigara dumanı maruziyetini objektif olarak göstermek için planlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: 5-18 yaş arası, kronik öksürüğü olan 58 ve sağlıklı 54 olmak üzere 112 çocuk çalışmaya dahil edildi.
Bulgular: Ebeveyn beyanına göre sigara dumanına maruz kalan ve kalmayan olguların idrar kotinin düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark vardı (p<0, 05). En yüksek ortalama kotinin düzeyi (41.3±73.7) kronik öksürüğü olup sigaraya maruz kalan grupta saptandı. Sigara dumanına maruz kalan ve kalmayan grupları ayırt etmek için en iyi “cut-off” değeri (kesim noktası) ROC analizi ile 12.15 ng/ml olarak bulundu. Gebelikte sigara içme oranı kronik öksürüğü olan ve sigara dumanına maruz kalan grupta daha yüksek bulundu (p<0, 05). Pasif içici olan kronik öksürüğü olan çocuklarda FEV1/FVC oranı diğer gruplara göre daha düşük bulundu ( p<0,05).
Sonuç: Bu, pasif içiciliğin çocuklarda kronik öksürük üzerine etkisini idrar kotinin düzeyi ile objektif olarak değerlendiren ilk çalışmadır. FEV1/FVC oranında anlamlı düşme nedeniyle tütün dumanına maruz kalan kronik öksürüklü çocuklarda yakın takip gereklidir.
- 1. Morice AH, Fontana GA, Sovijarvi AR, et al; ERS Task Force. The diagnosis and management of chronic cough. Eur Respir J. 2004;24(3):481-92.
- 2. Chang AB, Glomb WB. Guidelines for evaluating chronic cough in pediatrics: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest. 2006;129(1 Suppl):260-83.
- 3. Yoo S, Kim HB, Lee SY, et al. Effect of active smoking on asthma symptoms pulmonary function, and BHR in adolescents. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2009;44(10):954-61.
- 4. Wang Y, Huang Z, Luo D, Tian L, Hu M, Xiao S. Respiratory Symptoms and Urinary Cotinine Levels in Pre-school Children Exposed to Environmental Tobacco Smoke. Front Public Health. 2021 Jan 26;8:587193
- 5. Strzelak A, Ratajczak A, Adamiec A, Feleszko W. Tobacco smoke induces and alters immune responses in the lung triggering inflammation, allergy, asthma and other lung diseases: a mechanistic review. Int J
Environ Res Public Health. 2018;15:1033.
- 6. Cook DG, Strachan DP, Carey IM. Health effects of passive smoking Parental smoking and spirometric indices in children. Thorax 1998;53:884-93.
- 7. Lux AL, Henderson AJ, Pocock SJ. Wheeze associated with prenatal tobacco smoke exposure: a prospective, longitudinal study. ALSPAC Study Team. Arch Dis Child 2000;83: 307-12.
- 8. Irwin RS, Boulet LP, Cloutier MM, et al. Managing cough as a defense mechanism and as a symptom. A consensus panel report of the American College of Chest Physicians. Chest. 1998;114(2 Suppl Managing):133-81.
- 9. Benowitz NL. Biomarkers of environmental tobacco smoke exposure. Environ Health Perspect. 1999;107 Suppl 2:349-55.
- 10. Seccareccia F, Zuccaro P, Pacifici R, et al; Research Group of the MATISS Project. Serum cotinine as a marker of environmental tobacco smoke exposure in epidemiological studies: the experience of the MATISS
project. Eur J Epidemiol. 2003; 18(6):487-92.
- 11. Thomas CE, Wang R, Adams-Haduch J, et al. Urinary Cotinine Is as Good a Biomarker as Serum Cotinine for Cigarette Smoking Exposure and Lung Cancer Risk Prediction. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev. 2020;29:127–32.
- 12. Hwang SH, Hwang JH, Moon JS, Lee DH. Environmental tobacco smoke and children's health. Korean J Pediatr. 2012 Feb;55(2):35-41.
- 13. Benowitz NL, Jacob P. Metabolism of nicotine to cotinine studied by a dual stable isotope method. Clin Pharmacol Ther 1994;56:483-493
- 14. Benowitz NL. Cotinine as a biomarker of environmental tobacco smoke exposure. Epidemiol Rev. 1996;18(2):188-204.
- 15. Benowitz NL. Drug therapy. Pharmacologic aspects of cigarette smoking and nicotine addiction. N Engl J Med. 1988 Nov 17;319(20):1318-30.
- 16. Matt GE, Wahlgren DR, Hovell MF, et al. Measuring environmental tobacco smoke exposure in infants and young children through urine cotinine and memory-based parental reports: empirical findings and
discussion. Tob Control. 1999 Autumn;8(3):282-9.
- 17. Jat KR. Spirometry in children. Prim Care Respir J. 2013;22(2):221-9.
- 18. Pirkle JL, Bernert JT, Caudill SP, Sosnoff CS, Pechacek TF. Trends in the exposure of nonsmokers in the U.S. population to secondhand smoke: 1988-2002. Environ Health Perspect 2006;114(6):853-8
- 19. Bramer SL, Kallungal BA. Clinical considerations in study designs that use cotinine as a biomarker. Biomarkers. 2003; 8: 187-203.
- 20. Daly JB, Wiggers JH, Considine RJ. Infant exposure to environmental tobacco smoke: a prevelance study in Australia. Australian New Zealand J Public Health 2001; 25: 132-7.
- 21. Arvas A, Bas V, Gur E. The impact of passive smoking on the development of lower respiratory tract infection in infancy. Turk Pediatr Arch. 2009;47:12-7.
- 22. Kahvecioglu D, Dallar Y, Bostanci I, et al. The evaluation of the effects of passive smoking on children’s health with detection of urine cotinine levels. Allergy 2012; 67: SI: Supplement: 96 575-76.
- 23. Withlock G, Macmahon S, Vander H, Davis P, Jackson R, Norton R. Association of environmental tobacco smoke exposure with socioeconomic status in a population of 7725 New Zealanders. Tob Control 1998;7:276-80.
- 24. Frischer T, Kuhr J, Meinert R, KarmausW, Urbanek R. Influence of maternal smoking on variability of peak expiratory flow rate in school children. Chest 1993; 104: 1333-37.
- 25. Wang X, Wypij D, Gold DR, Speizer FE, Ware JH, Ferris BG. A longitudinal study of the effects of parental smoking on pulmonary function in children 6-18 years. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149:1420-5.
- 26. Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Li YF, Rappaport EB, Peters JM. Effects of early onset asthma and in-utero exposure to maternal smoking on childhood lung function. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2003;167: 917-24.