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Akut gastroenteritli hastalarda rotavirüs ve adenovirüs sıklığı ve mevsimsel dağılımı

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 697 - 701, 31.07.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, gastroenterit semptomları ile hastanemize başvuran hastalarda rotavirüs ve adenovirüs sıklığını ve bu patojenlerin cinsiyet, yaş ve mevsimlere göre dağılımını retrospektif olarak belirlemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem
Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Kliniğinde 1 Ocak - 31 Aralık 2022 tarihleri arasında gastroenterit semptomları olan hastalardan alınan toplam 32755 dışkı örneği rotavirüs ve adenovirüs antijenleri açısından retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Rotavirüs ve adenovirüs antijenleri Rapid Cassette Test (Microcult, Biotech) kiti ile analiz edilmiştir. Ayrıca patojenlerin cinsiyet, yaş ve mevsimlere göre dağılımı incelenmiştir. İstatistiksel analiz Jamovi® versiyon 2.3.21 kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Çalışmamızda değerlendirilen toplam 32755 dışkı örneğinin %9,9’unda antijen testi pozitif bulunmuştur. Antijen pozitif örneklerin %8,4’ünde rotavirüs ve %1,5’inde adenovirüs tespit edilmiştir. Hem rotavirüs hem de adenovirüs antijen pozitifliği 0-1 ve 2-3 yaş gruplarında diğer yaş gruplarına göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0.001). Rotavirüs antijen pozitifliğinin aylara göre dağılımı incelendiğinde Mart, Nisan ve Mayıs aylarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur (p<0.001).
Bölgemizde pediatrik yaş grubunda akut gastroenterit vakaları arasında rotavirüsün önemli bir orana sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle bahar aylarında 0-3 yaş grubunda görülen gastroenteritlerde rotavirüs göz önünde tutulmalıdır. Tanı için immünokromatografik temelli hızlı kaset testler birinci basamak sağlık kuruluşları da dahil olmak üzere tüm sağlık kuruluşlarında kolaylıkla uygulanabilir. Gastroenterite neden olan patojenin tespit edilmesi, uygun tedavinin başlatılmasına, komplikasyonların takibine ve gereksiz antibiyotik kullanımının önlenmesine katkıda bulunacaktır.


  • 1. Kang G. Viral Diarrhea. In: Stella R.Q, editors. International Encyclopedia of Public Health. Academic Press (Second Edition), 2017;360-367.
  • 2. Stuempfig ND, Seroy J. Viral Gastroenteritis. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan.
  • 3. Amodio E, De Grazia S, Genovese D, et al. Clinical and Epidemiologic Features of Viral Gastroenteritis in Hospitalized Children: An 11-Year Surveillance in Palermo (Sicily). Viruses 2022;15(1):41.
  • 4. Gür Vural D, Torun E.G, Bıyık İ, Tanrıverdi Çaycı Y, Bilgin K, Birinci A. Akut gastroenteritli olgularda rotavirüs ve adenovirüs sıklığının araştırılması. Kırıkkale Üni Tıp Derg 2022;24(2):289-294.
  • 5. Crawford SE, Ramani S, Tate JE, et al. Rotavirus infection. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017;3:17083.
  • 6. Kumthip K, Khamrin P, Ushijima H, Maneekarn N. Enteric and non-enteric adenoviruses associated with acute gastroenteritis in pediatric patients in Thailand, 2011 to 2017. PLoS One 2019;14(8):e0220263.
  • 7. do Nascimento LG, Fialho AM, de Andrade JDSR, de Assis RMS, Fumian TM. Human enteric adenovirus F40/41 as a major cause of acute gastroenteritis in children in Brazil, 2018 to 2020. Sci Rep 2022;12(1):11220.
  • 8. Dey RS, Ghosh S, Chawla-Sarkar M, et al. Circulation of a novel pattern of infections by enteric adenovirus serotype 41 among children below 5 years of age in Kolkata, India. J Clin Microbiol 2011;49(2):500-505.
  • 9. Güreser AS, Karasartova D, Taşçı L, Boyacıoğlu Zİ, Taylan Özkan HA. Çorum'da Akut Gastroenteritli Çocuklarda Rotavirüs ve Adenovirüs Saptanma Sıklığı. Flora Dergisi 2017;22(2):58-66.
  • 10. Cho SR, Chae SJ, Jung S, et al. Trends in acute viral gastroenteritis among children aged ≤5 years through the national surveillance system in South Korea, 2013-2019. J Med Virol 2021;93(8):4875-4882.
  • 11. Najafi A, Najafi S, Vahdat K, Kargar M, Javdani N. Importance of viral pathogens in children with acute gastroenteritis in the south of Iran. Ann Saudi Med 2013;33(2):124-129.
  • 12. Thwiny HT, Alsalih NJ, Saeed ZF, Al-Yasari AMR, Al-Saadawe MAA, Alsaadawi MAE. Prevalence and seasonal pattern of enteric viruses among hospitalized children with acute gastroenteritis in Samawah, Iraq. J Med Life 2022;15(1):52-57.
  • 13. Levidiotou S, Gartzonika C, Papaventsis D, et al. Viral agents of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in Greece. Clin Microbiol Infect 2009;15(6):596-598.
  • 14. Wang LP, Zhou SX, Wang X, et al. Etiological, epidemiological, and clinical features of acute diarrhea in China. Nat Commun 2021;12(1):2464.
  • 15. Cornejo-Tapia A, Orellana-Peralta F, Weilg P, et al. Etiology, epidemiology and clinical characteristics of acute diarrhea in hospitalized children in rural Peru. J Infect Dev Ctries 2017;11(11):826-832.
  • 16. Varışlı AN, Tekin S, Bıçak İ. How much trouble rotavirus and adenovirus cause in patients with acute gastroenteritis?: Four-year results. Klimik Derg 2019;32(1):67-70.
  • 17. Aytaç Ö, Şenol FF, Öner P, et al. Akut gastroenteritli hastalarda Rotavirus ve Adenovirus sıklığı. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg 2020;77(2):179-184.
  • 18. Bozok T, Şimşek T. Üçüncü basamak bir hastanede rotavirüs, enterik adenovirüs ve enterik parazit enfeksiyonlarının prevalansı ve demografik özellikleri: Altı yıllık retrospektif kesitsel çalışma. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim Derg. 2021;14(2):199-207.
  • 19. Kirişci Ö, Muratdağı G. Bir Devlet Hastanesine Akut Gastroenterit ile Başvuran Hastalarda Rotavirüs ve Enterik Adenovirüs Enfeksiyonu Sıklığı. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2019;9(4):585-591.
  • 20. Öner SZ, Kaleli İ, Demi RM, Mete E, Çalişkan A. Rotavirus and adenovirus prevalence in patients with acute viral gastroenteritis in Denizli, Turkey, 2017-2021. J Med Virol 2022;94(8):3857-3862.
  • 21. Terzi HA, Aydemir Ö. Akut Gastroenteritli Hastalarda Rotavirüs ve Adenovirüs Sıklığının Araştırılması; Sakarya. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2018;8(4):746-752.
  • 22. Rad AY, Gözalan A. Detection of Rotavirus and Enteric Adenovirus Antigens in Outpatients with Gastroenteritis. Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi 2010;30(1):174-179.
  • 23. LeClair CE, McConnell KA. Rotavirus. [Updated 2023 Jan 2]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan.
  • 24. Anderson EJ, Weber SG. Rotavirus infection in adults. Lancet Infect Dis 2004;4(2):91-99.
  • 25. Güzel M, Akpınar O, Kılıç MB. Prevalence of Rotavirus-Associated Acute Gastroenteritis Cases in Early Childhood in Turkey: Meta-Analysis. Children (Basel) 2020;7(10):159.
  • 26. Levy K, Hubbard AE, Eisenberg JN. Seasonality of rotavirus disease in the tropics: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol 2009;38(6):1487-1496.
  • 27. Dhiman S, Devi B, Singh K, Devi P. Comparison of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Immunochromatography for Rotavirus Detection in Children Below Five Years with Acute Gastroenteritis. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9(9):DC06-DC9.
  • 28. Artiran S, Atalay A, Gökahmetoglu S, et al. Investigation of Rotavirus with Various Methods in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis and Determination of Its Molecular Epidemiology in Kayseri Province, Turkey. J Clin Lab Anal 2017;31(2):e22030.

Frequency and seasonal distribution of rotavirus and adenovirus in patients with acute gastroenteritis

Year 2023, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 697 - 701, 31.07.2023


The aim of this study was to retrospectively determine the frequency of rotavirus and adenovirus and the distribution of these pathogens by age groups, gender and season in patients admitted to our hospital with gastroenteritis symptoms.
Materials and Methods
A total of 32755 stool samples collected from patients with gastroenteritis symptoms in the Medical Microbiology Clinic of the Hospital between January 1 and December 31, 2022 were evaluated retrospectively for rotavirus and adenovirus antigens. Rotavirus and adenovirus antigens were analyzed with the Rapid Cassette Test (Microcult, Biotech) kit. In addition, the distribution of pathogens by age groups, gender and season were examined. Statistical analysis was performed using Jamovi® version 2.3.21.
Antigen test was positive in 9.9% of 32755 stool samples evaluated in our study. Rotavirus was detected in 8.4% and adenovirus in 1.5% of antigen positive samples. Both rotavirus and adenovirus antigen positivity were found to be statistically significantly higher in 0-1 and 2-3 age groups compared to other age groups (p<0 .001). When the monthly distribution of rotavirus antigen positivity was examined, a statistically significant difference was found in March, April, and May (p<0.001).
It was observed that rotavirus has a significant ratio among acute gastroenteritis cases in pediatric age group in our region. Rotavirus should be considered in gastroenteritis in 0-3 age group especially in spring months, and for diagnosis, immunochromatographic-based tests can be easily applied in all health institutions. Detection of the pathogen causing gastroenteritis will contribute to the initiation of appropriate treatment and the prevention of unnecessary antibiotic use.


  • 1. Kang G. Viral Diarrhea. In: Stella R.Q, editors. International Encyclopedia of Public Health. Academic Press (Second Edition), 2017;360-367.
  • 2. Stuempfig ND, Seroy J. Viral Gastroenteritis. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan.
  • 3. Amodio E, De Grazia S, Genovese D, et al. Clinical and Epidemiologic Features of Viral Gastroenteritis in Hospitalized Children: An 11-Year Surveillance in Palermo (Sicily). Viruses 2022;15(1):41.
  • 4. Gür Vural D, Torun E.G, Bıyık İ, Tanrıverdi Çaycı Y, Bilgin K, Birinci A. Akut gastroenteritli olgularda rotavirüs ve adenovirüs sıklığının araştırılması. Kırıkkale Üni Tıp Derg 2022;24(2):289-294.
  • 5. Crawford SE, Ramani S, Tate JE, et al. Rotavirus infection. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2017;3:17083.
  • 6. Kumthip K, Khamrin P, Ushijima H, Maneekarn N. Enteric and non-enteric adenoviruses associated with acute gastroenteritis in pediatric patients in Thailand, 2011 to 2017. PLoS One 2019;14(8):e0220263.
  • 7. do Nascimento LG, Fialho AM, de Andrade JDSR, de Assis RMS, Fumian TM. Human enteric adenovirus F40/41 as a major cause of acute gastroenteritis in children in Brazil, 2018 to 2020. Sci Rep 2022;12(1):11220.
  • 8. Dey RS, Ghosh S, Chawla-Sarkar M, et al. Circulation of a novel pattern of infections by enteric adenovirus serotype 41 among children below 5 years of age in Kolkata, India. J Clin Microbiol 2011;49(2):500-505.
  • 9. Güreser AS, Karasartova D, Taşçı L, Boyacıoğlu Zİ, Taylan Özkan HA. Çorum'da Akut Gastroenteritli Çocuklarda Rotavirüs ve Adenovirüs Saptanma Sıklığı. Flora Dergisi 2017;22(2):58-66.
  • 10. Cho SR, Chae SJ, Jung S, et al. Trends in acute viral gastroenteritis among children aged ≤5 years through the national surveillance system in South Korea, 2013-2019. J Med Virol 2021;93(8):4875-4882.
  • 11. Najafi A, Najafi S, Vahdat K, Kargar M, Javdani N. Importance of viral pathogens in children with acute gastroenteritis in the south of Iran. Ann Saudi Med 2013;33(2):124-129.
  • 12. Thwiny HT, Alsalih NJ, Saeed ZF, Al-Yasari AMR, Al-Saadawe MAA, Alsaadawi MAE. Prevalence and seasonal pattern of enteric viruses among hospitalized children with acute gastroenteritis in Samawah, Iraq. J Med Life 2022;15(1):52-57.
  • 13. Levidiotou S, Gartzonika C, Papaventsis D, et al. Viral agents of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in Greece. Clin Microbiol Infect 2009;15(6):596-598.
  • 14. Wang LP, Zhou SX, Wang X, et al. Etiological, epidemiological, and clinical features of acute diarrhea in China. Nat Commun 2021;12(1):2464.
  • 15. Cornejo-Tapia A, Orellana-Peralta F, Weilg P, et al. Etiology, epidemiology and clinical characteristics of acute diarrhea in hospitalized children in rural Peru. J Infect Dev Ctries 2017;11(11):826-832.
  • 16. Varışlı AN, Tekin S, Bıçak İ. How much trouble rotavirus and adenovirus cause in patients with acute gastroenteritis?: Four-year results. Klimik Derg 2019;32(1):67-70.
  • 17. Aytaç Ö, Şenol FF, Öner P, et al. Akut gastroenteritli hastalarda Rotavirus ve Adenovirus sıklığı. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg 2020;77(2):179-184.
  • 18. Bozok T, Şimşek T. Üçüncü basamak bir hastanede rotavirüs, enterik adenovirüs ve enterik parazit enfeksiyonlarının prevalansı ve demografik özellikleri: Altı yıllık retrospektif kesitsel çalışma. Mersin Univ Saglık Bilim Derg. 2021;14(2):199-207.
  • 19. Kirişci Ö, Muratdağı G. Bir Devlet Hastanesine Akut Gastroenterit ile Başvuran Hastalarda Rotavirüs ve Enterik Adenovirüs Enfeksiyonu Sıklığı. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2019;9(4):585-591.
  • 20. Öner SZ, Kaleli İ, Demi RM, Mete E, Çalişkan A. Rotavirus and adenovirus prevalence in patients with acute viral gastroenteritis in Denizli, Turkey, 2017-2021. J Med Virol 2022;94(8):3857-3862.
  • 21. Terzi HA, Aydemir Ö. Akut Gastroenteritli Hastalarda Rotavirüs ve Adenovirüs Sıklığının Araştırılması; Sakarya. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2018;8(4):746-752.
  • 22. Rad AY, Gözalan A. Detection of Rotavirus and Enteric Adenovirus Antigens in Outpatients with Gastroenteritis. Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi 2010;30(1):174-179.
  • 23. LeClair CE, McConnell KA. Rotavirus. [Updated 2023 Jan 2]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan.
  • 24. Anderson EJ, Weber SG. Rotavirus infection in adults. Lancet Infect Dis 2004;4(2):91-99.
  • 25. Güzel M, Akpınar O, Kılıç MB. Prevalence of Rotavirus-Associated Acute Gastroenteritis Cases in Early Childhood in Turkey: Meta-Analysis. Children (Basel) 2020;7(10):159.
  • 26. Levy K, Hubbard AE, Eisenberg JN. Seasonality of rotavirus disease in the tropics: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol 2009;38(6):1487-1496.
  • 27. Dhiman S, Devi B, Singh K, Devi P. Comparison of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Immunochromatography for Rotavirus Detection in Children Below Five Years with Acute Gastroenteritis. J Clin Diagn Res 2015;9(9):DC06-DC9.
  • 28. Artiran S, Atalay A, Gökahmetoglu S, et al. Investigation of Rotavirus with Various Methods in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis and Determination of Its Molecular Epidemiology in Kayseri Province, Turkey. J Clin Lab Anal 2017;31(2):e22030.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Research

Füsun Kırca 0000-0003-0959-9091

Filiz Demirel This is me 0000-0002-3513-8347

Early Pub Date July 28, 2023
Publication Date July 31, 2023
Acceptance Date June 14, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


AMA Kırca F, Demirel F. Frequency and seasonal distribution of rotavirus and adenovirus in patients with acute gastroenteritis. J Contemp Med. July 2023;13(4):697-701. doi:10.16899/jcm.1297580