Hiperbarik iç yardımcılarında orta kulak barotravması
Year 2024,
Volume: 14 Issue: 6, 300 - 304, 30.11.2024
Levent Demir
Mustafa Öztürk
Arka Plan/Amaçlar: Hiperbarik oksijen tedavisi (HBOT) olanakları ve çeşitli tıbbi alanlardaki kullanımı artmaktadır. Hiperbarik iç yardımcıları (HCIA'lar) çeşitli mesleki tehlikelere maruz kalmaktadır ve bunların arasında en yaygın olanı orta kulak barotravmasıdır (MEB). Bu çalışma, hiperbarik iç yardımcılarında MEB insidansını ve şiddetini prospektif olarak araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Yöntemler: HCIA'lar, HBOT seansından önce ve sonra bir kulak burun boğaz uzmanı tarafından otoskopik muayeneye tabi tutuldu ve demografik özellikleri, tıbbi geçmişleri ve otolojik semptomları kaydedildi. MEB geliştirenlerde timpanik membranın görünümü Teed sınıflandırma sistemine göre derecelendirildi. Çalışmada toplanan veriler istatistiksel yazılım kullanılarak analiz edildi.
Sonuçlar: Araştırmaya HBOT seanslarından önce ve sonra otoskopik muayeneye tabi tutulan 56 HCIA dahil edildi. Çalışma, katılımcıların %21,5'inin MEB yaşadığını ve MEB ile demografik değişkenler arasında anlamlı bir korelasyon olmadığını ortaya koydu. Verilere göre, MEB yaşayan HCIA'ların %25'i ağrı hissetmediğini bildirmiştir.
Sonuç: Literatürde MEB'in HCIA'larda kalıcı hasara yol açtığına dair bir kanıt bulunmamaktadır. Ancak, HCIA'larda MEB daha önce düşünülenden daha yaygın olabilir. Bu çalışma, HCIA'lar kapsamlı bir şekilde taranıp değerlendirilmediğinde birçok MEB vakasının gözden kaçabileceğini göstermektedir. MEB'in klinik bir etkisi olmasa da, HCIA'ların maruz kalabileceği mesleki MEB riskinin anlaşılması önemlidir.
- 1. Hamilton FM, Bhattacharyya A. Barotrauma. Injury 2004;35(4):359-70.
- 2. Carlson S, Jones J, Brown M, Hess C. Prevention of hyperbaric-associated middle ear barotrauma. Ann Emerg Med 1992;21:1468-1471.
- 3. Tibbles PM, Edelsberg JS. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. N Engl J Med 1996;334(25):1642-8
- 4. Moon RE. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Indication, 14th ed. Best Publishing Company. Durham. 2019.
- 5. Pougnet R, Fenet O, Loddé B, Cochard G, Henckes A, Pougnet L. Doctors in a hyperbaric medical unit: what is the hyperbaric exposure? IntMaritHealth 2018;69(4):304-305.
- 6. Pougnet R, Henckes A, Pougnet L, Cochard G, Dantec F, Dewitte JD et al. Occupational accident among attendants inside hyperbaric chambers in France. Med Lav 2015;106(1):17-22.
- 7. Alleman T, Bell J, Freiberger J, Gearhart B, Gesell L, Josefsen L, et al. UHMS Guidelines for Multiplace Inside Attendants Medical Fitness to Work 1st edition. Undersea Hyperb Med 2018;45(2):231-247.
- 8. Tedd RW. Factors producing obstruction of the auditory tube in submarine personnel. US Naval MedBull 1944;42:293-306.
- 9. ONeill OJ, Brett K, Frank AJ. Middle Ear Barotrauma. StatPearls Publishing. Treasure Island (FL) 2023.
- 10. Commons KH, Blake DF, Brown LH. A prospective analysis of independent patient risk factors for middle ear barotrauma in a multiplace hyperbaric chamber. Diving Hyperb Med 2013;43(3):143-7
- 11. Laureau J, Pons C, Letellier G, Gross R. Hyperbaric oxygen in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review of effectiveness and safety. PLoS One 2022;17(10):e0276126.
- 12. Presswood G, Zamboni WA, Stephenson LL, Santos PM. Effect of artificial airway on ear complications from hyperbaric oxygen. Laryngoscope 1994;104(11 Pt1):1383-4
- 13. Bessereau J, Tabah A, Genotelle N, Français A, Coulange M, Annane D, et al. Middle-ear barotrauma after hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Undersea Hyperb Med 2010;37(4):203-8.
- 14. Cooper PD, Van den Broek C, Smart DR. Hyperbaric chamber attendant safety II: 14-year health review of multiplace chamber attendants. Diving Hyperb Med 2009;39(2):71-6.
- 15. Karahatay S, Yilmaz YF, Birkent H, Ay H, Satar B. Middle ear barotrauma with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: incidence and the predictive value of the nine-step inflation/deflation test and otoscopy. Ear Nose Throat J 2008;87(12):684-8.
- 16. Mirasoglu B, Cakkalkurt A, Cimsit M. Symptomatic middle ear and cranial sinus barotraumas as a complication of hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 2016;79(4):147-152.
- 17. Goplen FK, Grønning M, Aasen T, Nordahl SH. Vestibular effects of diving - a 6-year prospective study. Occup Med 2010;60(1):43-48.
- 18. Stieler O, Loba W, Gawęcki W, Urbaniak-Olejnik M, Majewska A, Warchoł W, et al. The impact of regular diving on the condition of the middle ear. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2021;34(6):779-788.
Middle Ear Barotrauma in Hyperbaric Chamber Inside Attendants
Year 2024,
Volume: 14 Issue: 6, 300 - 304, 30.11.2024
Levent Demir
Mustafa Öztürk
Background/Aims: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) facilities and their use in various medical fields are increasing. Hyperbaric chamber inside attendants (HCIAs) are exposed to several occupational hazards, of which middle ear barotrauma (MEB) is the most common. This study aimed to prospectively investigate MEB incidence and severity in hyperbaric chamber inside attendants.
Methods: The HCIAs underwent an otoscopic examination by an otolaryngologist before and after the HBOT session, and their demographic characteristics, medical history, and otological symptoms were recorded. The appearance of the tympanic membrane in those who develop MEB is graded according to the Teed classification system. The data collected in the study were analyzed using statistical software.
Results: The research involved 56 HCIAs who underwent otoscopic examinations before and after HBOT sessions. The study revealed that 21.5% of the participants experienced MEB, with no significant correlations between MEB and demographic variables. According to the data, 25% of HCIAs who experienced MEB reported no pain.
Conclusions: No evidence in the literature suggests that MEB causes permanent damage to HCIAs. However, MEB in HCIAs may be more prevalent than previously thought. This study indicates that many MEB cases may be missed if HCIAs are not thoroughly screened and assessed. While MEB may not have a clinical impact, it is important to understand the risk of occupational MEB that HCIAs may be exposed to.
Ethical Statement
Ethic Board: In this study, national and international ethical rules are observed. The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki, and ap-proved by the Noninvasive Clinical Research Ethics Committee of Pamukkale University (Denizli/Turkey) on 30.11.2021 with registration number 21.
Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
We thank Dr. Şengül YILMAZ for her contributions to our study.
- 1. Hamilton FM, Bhattacharyya A. Barotrauma. Injury 2004;35(4):359-70.
- 2. Carlson S, Jones J, Brown M, Hess C. Prevention of hyperbaric-associated middle ear barotrauma. Ann Emerg Med 1992;21:1468-1471.
- 3. Tibbles PM, Edelsberg JS. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. N Engl J Med 1996;334(25):1642-8
- 4. Moon RE. Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Indication, 14th ed. Best Publishing Company. Durham. 2019.
- 5. Pougnet R, Fenet O, Loddé B, Cochard G, Henckes A, Pougnet L. Doctors in a hyperbaric medical unit: what is the hyperbaric exposure? IntMaritHealth 2018;69(4):304-305.
- 6. Pougnet R, Henckes A, Pougnet L, Cochard G, Dantec F, Dewitte JD et al. Occupational accident among attendants inside hyperbaric chambers in France. Med Lav 2015;106(1):17-22.
- 7. Alleman T, Bell J, Freiberger J, Gearhart B, Gesell L, Josefsen L, et al. UHMS Guidelines for Multiplace Inside Attendants Medical Fitness to Work 1st edition. Undersea Hyperb Med 2018;45(2):231-247.
- 8. Tedd RW. Factors producing obstruction of the auditory tube in submarine personnel. US Naval MedBull 1944;42:293-306.
- 9. ONeill OJ, Brett K, Frank AJ. Middle Ear Barotrauma. StatPearls Publishing. Treasure Island (FL) 2023.
- 10. Commons KH, Blake DF, Brown LH. A prospective analysis of independent patient risk factors for middle ear barotrauma in a multiplace hyperbaric chamber. Diving Hyperb Med 2013;43(3):143-7
- 11. Laureau J, Pons C, Letellier G, Gross R. Hyperbaric oxygen in children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review of effectiveness and safety. PLoS One 2022;17(10):e0276126.
- 12. Presswood G, Zamboni WA, Stephenson LL, Santos PM. Effect of artificial airway on ear complications from hyperbaric oxygen. Laryngoscope 1994;104(11 Pt1):1383-4
- 13. Bessereau J, Tabah A, Genotelle N, Français A, Coulange M, Annane D, et al. Middle-ear barotrauma after hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Undersea Hyperb Med 2010;37(4):203-8.
- 14. Cooper PD, Van den Broek C, Smart DR. Hyperbaric chamber attendant safety II: 14-year health review of multiplace chamber attendants. Diving Hyperb Med 2009;39(2):71-6.
- 15. Karahatay S, Yilmaz YF, Birkent H, Ay H, Satar B. Middle ear barotrauma with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: incidence and the predictive value of the nine-step inflation/deflation test and otoscopy. Ear Nose Throat J 2008;87(12):684-8.
- 16. Mirasoglu B, Cakkalkurt A, Cimsit M. Symptomatic middle ear and cranial sinus barotraumas as a complication of hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Journal of Istanbul Faculty of Medicine 2016;79(4):147-152.
- 17. Goplen FK, Grønning M, Aasen T, Nordahl SH. Vestibular effects of diving - a 6-year prospective study. Occup Med 2010;60(1):43-48.
- 18. Stieler O, Loba W, Gawęcki W, Urbaniak-Olejnik M, Majewska A, Warchoł W, et al. The impact of regular diving on the condition of the middle ear. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2021;34(6):779-788.