Research Article
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Assessment of the Use of Herbal Supplements and Attitudes of Adults Taking Medication

Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 45 - 50, 31.01.2025


Aim: The use of herbal supplements is increasing today, and these products have a significant impact on individuals' health. The aim of this study is to examine the use and reasons for using herbal supplements, as well as to determine individuals' attitudes towards these products.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with individuals aged 19-65 who use medications. A questionnaire containing questions about the participants' demographic characteristics, herbal supplement usage, and attitudes was administered by the researcher through face-to-face interviews.
Results: Of the 274 participants in the study, 10.6% use herbal supplements, with the most preferred products being ginseng, St. John's wort, and garlic (20.7%, 27.6%, and 37.9%, respectively). It was found that individuals who consume alcohol use herbal supplements 3.188 times more, and those who exercise use them 3.470 times more than those who do not (p=0.043, p=0.015, respectively). Most herbal supplement users agreed with the statement, "Herbal supplements can be used immediately when experiencing symptoms related to illness," while most non-users disagreed (p<0.001).
Conclusion: Given that the preferred herbal supplements may lead to potential interactions with medications and that individuals' attitudes towards herbal supplements vary, the importance of healthcare professionals providing individuals with accurate and comprehensive information is emphasized.

Ethical Statement

The approval was obtained from Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Health Sciences Ethics Committee (Date: 01.07.2024, Decision No: 06/798).

Supporting Institution

The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.

Project Number



  • 1. Resmi gazete. Türk gıda kodeksi takviye edici gıdalar tebliği (tebliğ no: 2013/49). Cited: 25 December 2024. Available from:
  • 2. Lipman TO. Herbal supplements. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2005;7(4):302-307.
  • 3. Hassen G, Belete G, Carrera KG, Iriowen RO, Araya H, Alemu T, et al. Clinical implications of herbal supplements in conventional medical practice: a US perspective. Cureus 2022;14(7):e26893
  • 4. Bayer N, Uzuntarla Y. Kronik hastalığı olan yaşlı bireylerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı ve geleneksel tıp tutumlarının belirlenmesi: Akılcı ilaç kullanımı ve geleneksel tıp. JSOAH 2022;2(1):21-27.
  • 5. Ritchie MR. Use of herbal supplements and nutritional supplements in the UK: what do we know about their pattern of usage?. Proc Nutr Soc. 2007;66(4):479-482.
  • 6. Tangkiatkumjai M, Boardman H, Praditpornsilpa K, Walker DM. Reasons why Thai patients with chronic kidney disease use or do not use herbal and dietary supplements. BMC Complement. Alter Med. 2014;14:1-9.
  • 7. Tulunay M, Aypak C, Yikilkan H, Gorpelioglu S.Herbal medicine use among patients with chronic diseases. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. 2015;4(3):217.
  • 8. Kahraman C, Arituluk ZC, Cankaya IIT. The clinical importance of herb-drug interactions and toxicological risks of plants and herbal products. Erkekoglu P, Ogawa, T. Editors. Med. Toxicol. 2020;1-31.
  • 9. Izzo AA, Ernst E. Interactions between herbal medicines and prescribed drugs: an updated systematic review. Drugs 2009;69(13):1777-179.
  • 10. Bent S. Herbal Medicine in the United States: Review of Efficacy, Safety, and Regulation. J Gen Inter Med. 2008;23(6):854-859.
  • 11. El Khoury G, Ramadan W, Zeeni N. Herbal products and dietary supplements: a cross-sectional survey of use, attitudes, and knowledge among the Lebanese population. J Community Health 2016;41:566-573.
  • 12. Thiab S, Barakat M, Al‐Qudah RA, Abutaima R, Jamal R, Riby P. The perception of Jordanian population towards concomitant administration of food, beverages and herbs with drugs and their possible interactions: A cross‐sectional study. Int J Clin Pract. 2021;75(3):e13780.
  • 13. Ang L, Song E, Lee HW, Lee MS. Herbal medicine for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Clin Med. 2020;9(5):1583.
  • 14. Smith T, Kawa K, Eckl V, Morton C, Stredney R. Herbal Supplement Sales in US Increase. J Diet Suppl. 2020;17(1):95-109.
  • 15. Sharma AK, Kapoor VK, Kaur G. Herb–drug interactions: a mechanistic approach. Drug Chem Toxicol. 2022;45(2):594-603.
  • 16. Mohammadi S, Asghari G, Emami-Naini A, Mansourian M, Badri S. Herbal supplement use and herb–drug interactions among patients with kidney disease. JRPP 2020;9(2):61-67.
  • 17. Kanimozhi T, Hindu K, Maheshvari Y, Khushnidha YG, Kumaravel M, Srinivas KS, et al. Herbal supplement usage among cancer patients: A questionnaire-based survey. J Cancer Res Ther. 2021;17(1):136-141.
  • 18. Goldstein LH, Elias M, Ron‐Avraham G, Biniaurishvili BZ, Madjar M, Kamargash I, et al. Consumption of herbal remedies and dietary supplements amongst patients hospitalized in medical wards. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2007;64(3):373-380.
  • 19. Albassam AA, Alenzi AN, Alhaqbani NK, Alhouty FK, Almalki ZS, Alshehri AM et al. Beliefs, awareness, use, and factors associated with herbal supplements usage among patients with chronic diseases–A cross-sectional insight from Alkharj, Saudi Arabia. Plos one. 2024;19(1): e0295116.
  • 20. Kara B. Herbal product use in a sample of Turkish patients undergoing haemodialysis. J Clin Nurs. 2009;18(15):2197-2205.
  • 21. Welz AN, Emberger-Klein A, Menrad K. Why people use herbal medicine: insights from a focus-group study in Germany. BMC Complement. Alternat Med. 2018;18:1-9.
  • 22. Lubarska M, Hałasiński P, Hryhorowicz S, Mahadea DS, Łykowska-Szuber L, Eder P, et al. Liver dangers of herbal products: A case report of Ashwagandha-induced liver injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023;20(5):3921.
  • 23. Khan H, Reyes JVM, Seen T, Irefej B, Ahmad S. Herbal supplement-induced liver injury: a case report. Cureus 2023;15(1):e33663.
  • 24. Uysal Aİ, Altıparmak B, Toker MK, Gümüş Demirbilek S. (2020). Ameliyat planlanan hastalar arasında bitkisel ürün kullanımı ve bitkisel ürünlerin nötrofil lenfosit oranına etkisi: Kesitsel araştırma. JARSS 2020;28(3):158-62.
  • 25. Hu Z, Yang X, Ho PCL, Chan SY, Heng PWS, Chan E, et al. Herb-drug interactions: a literature review. Drugs 2005;65:1239-1282.
  • 26. Samojlik I, Mijatović V, Gavarić N, Krstin S, Božin B. Consumers’ attitude towards the use and safety of herbal medicines and herbal dietary supplements in Serbia. Int J Clin Pharm. 2013;35:835-840.
  • 27. Marinac JS, Buchinger CL, Godfrey LA, Wooten JM, Sun C, Willsie SK. Herbal products and dietary supplements: a survey of use, attitudes, and knowledge among older adults. JOM 2007;107(1):13-23.
  • 28. Zaidi SF, Saeed SA, Khan MA, Khan A, Hazazi Y, Otayn M, et al. Public knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards herbal medicines; a cross-sectional study in Western Saudi Arabia. BMC Complement Med Ther. 2022;22(1), 326.

İlaç Kullanan Yetişkinlerde Bitkisel Destek Ürünleri Kullanımının ve Tutumların Belirlenmesi

Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 45 - 50, 31.01.2025


Amaç: Günümüzde bitkisel destek ürünlerinin kullanımı giderek artmaktadır ve bu ürünler bireylerin sağlık durumları üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bitkisel destek ürünlerinin kullanımını ve kullanım nedenlerini inceleyerek, bireylerin bu ürünlere yönelik tutumlarını belirlemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma 19-65 yaş aralığındaki ilaç kullanan bireyler ile yürütülmüştür. Bireylerin demografik özellikleri, bitkisel destek ürünü kullanım durumları ve tutumlarına yönelik sorular içeren anket formu araştırmacı tarafından yüz yüze görüşme yöntemi ile uygulanmıştır.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan 274 bireyin %10,6’sı bitkisel destek ürünü kullanmaktadır ve bu ürünlerden en çok ginseng, sarı kantaron ve sarımsak ürünlerinin tercih edildiği görülmüştür (sırasıyla; %20.7, %27,6 ve %37,9). Alkol tüketenlerin tüketmeyenlere göre 3,188 kat, egzersiz yapanların yapmayanlara göre 3,470 kat daha fazla bitkisel destek ürünü kullandığı saptanmıştır (sırasıyla p=0,043, p=0,015). Bitkisel destek ürünü kullananların çoğu ‘Hastalık ile ilgili bir belirti hissedildiğinde hemen bitkisel destek ürünleri kullanılabilir.’ ifadesine katıldıklarını belirtirken, bitkisel destek ürünü kullanmayanların çoğu katılmadıklarını ifade etmişlerdir (p<0,001).
Sonuç: Tercih edilen bitkisel destek ürünlerinin ilaçlarla potansiyel etkileşimlere yol açabileceği ve bireylerin bitkisel ürünlere yönelik tutumlarının farklılık gösterdiği dikkate alındığında, sağlık profesyonellerinin bireyleri doğru ve kapsamlı bir şekilde bilgilendirmesinin önemi vurgulanmaktadır.

Project Number



  • 1. Resmi gazete. Türk gıda kodeksi takviye edici gıdalar tebliği (tebliğ no: 2013/49). Cited: 25 December 2024. Available from:
  • 2. Lipman TO. Herbal supplements. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2005;7(4):302-307.
  • 3. Hassen G, Belete G, Carrera KG, Iriowen RO, Araya H, Alemu T, et al. Clinical implications of herbal supplements in conventional medical practice: a US perspective. Cureus 2022;14(7):e26893
  • 4. Bayer N, Uzuntarla Y. Kronik hastalığı olan yaşlı bireylerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı ve geleneksel tıp tutumlarının belirlenmesi: Akılcı ilaç kullanımı ve geleneksel tıp. JSOAH 2022;2(1):21-27.
  • 5. Ritchie MR. Use of herbal supplements and nutritional supplements in the UK: what do we know about their pattern of usage?. Proc Nutr Soc. 2007;66(4):479-482.
  • 6. Tangkiatkumjai M, Boardman H, Praditpornsilpa K, Walker DM. Reasons why Thai patients with chronic kidney disease use or do not use herbal and dietary supplements. BMC Complement. Alter Med. 2014;14:1-9.
  • 7. Tulunay M, Aypak C, Yikilkan H, Gorpelioglu S.Herbal medicine use among patients with chronic diseases. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. 2015;4(3):217.
  • 8. Kahraman C, Arituluk ZC, Cankaya IIT. The clinical importance of herb-drug interactions and toxicological risks of plants and herbal products. Erkekoglu P, Ogawa, T. Editors. Med. Toxicol. 2020;1-31.
  • 9. Izzo AA, Ernst E. Interactions between herbal medicines and prescribed drugs: an updated systematic review. Drugs 2009;69(13):1777-179.
  • 10. Bent S. Herbal Medicine in the United States: Review of Efficacy, Safety, and Regulation. J Gen Inter Med. 2008;23(6):854-859.
  • 11. El Khoury G, Ramadan W, Zeeni N. Herbal products and dietary supplements: a cross-sectional survey of use, attitudes, and knowledge among the Lebanese population. J Community Health 2016;41:566-573.
  • 12. Thiab S, Barakat M, Al‐Qudah RA, Abutaima R, Jamal R, Riby P. The perception of Jordanian population towards concomitant administration of food, beverages and herbs with drugs and their possible interactions: A cross‐sectional study. Int J Clin Pract. 2021;75(3):e13780.
  • 13. Ang L, Song E, Lee HW, Lee MS. Herbal medicine for the treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Clin Med. 2020;9(5):1583.
  • 14. Smith T, Kawa K, Eckl V, Morton C, Stredney R. Herbal Supplement Sales in US Increase. J Diet Suppl. 2020;17(1):95-109.
  • 15. Sharma AK, Kapoor VK, Kaur G. Herb–drug interactions: a mechanistic approach. Drug Chem Toxicol. 2022;45(2):594-603.
  • 16. Mohammadi S, Asghari G, Emami-Naini A, Mansourian M, Badri S. Herbal supplement use and herb–drug interactions among patients with kidney disease. JRPP 2020;9(2):61-67.
  • 17. Kanimozhi T, Hindu K, Maheshvari Y, Khushnidha YG, Kumaravel M, Srinivas KS, et al. Herbal supplement usage among cancer patients: A questionnaire-based survey. J Cancer Res Ther. 2021;17(1):136-141.
  • 18. Goldstein LH, Elias M, Ron‐Avraham G, Biniaurishvili BZ, Madjar M, Kamargash I, et al. Consumption of herbal remedies and dietary supplements amongst patients hospitalized in medical wards. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2007;64(3):373-380.
  • 19. Albassam AA, Alenzi AN, Alhaqbani NK, Alhouty FK, Almalki ZS, Alshehri AM et al. Beliefs, awareness, use, and factors associated with herbal supplements usage among patients with chronic diseases–A cross-sectional insight from Alkharj, Saudi Arabia. Plos one. 2024;19(1): e0295116.
  • 20. Kara B. Herbal product use in a sample of Turkish patients undergoing haemodialysis. J Clin Nurs. 2009;18(15):2197-2205.
  • 21. Welz AN, Emberger-Klein A, Menrad K. Why people use herbal medicine: insights from a focus-group study in Germany. BMC Complement. Alternat Med. 2018;18:1-9.
  • 22. Lubarska M, Hałasiński P, Hryhorowicz S, Mahadea DS, Łykowska-Szuber L, Eder P, et al. Liver dangers of herbal products: A case report of Ashwagandha-induced liver injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2023;20(5):3921.
  • 23. Khan H, Reyes JVM, Seen T, Irefej B, Ahmad S. Herbal supplement-induced liver injury: a case report. Cureus 2023;15(1):e33663.
  • 24. Uysal Aİ, Altıparmak B, Toker MK, Gümüş Demirbilek S. (2020). Ameliyat planlanan hastalar arasında bitkisel ürün kullanımı ve bitkisel ürünlerin nötrofil lenfosit oranına etkisi: Kesitsel araştırma. JARSS 2020;28(3):158-62.
  • 25. Hu Z, Yang X, Ho PCL, Chan SY, Heng PWS, Chan E, et al. Herb-drug interactions: a literature review. Drugs 2005;65:1239-1282.
  • 26. Samojlik I, Mijatović V, Gavarić N, Krstin S, Božin B. Consumers’ attitude towards the use and safety of herbal medicines and herbal dietary supplements in Serbia. Int J Clin Pharm. 2013;35:835-840.
  • 27. Marinac JS, Buchinger CL, Godfrey LA, Wooten JM, Sun C, Willsie SK. Herbal products and dietary supplements: a survey of use, attitudes, and knowledge among older adults. JOM 2007;107(1):13-23.
  • 28. Zaidi SF, Saeed SA, Khan MA, Khan A, Hazazi Y, Otayn M, et al. Public knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards herbal medicines; a cross-sectional study in Western Saudi Arabia. BMC Complement Med Ther. 2022;22(1), 326.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Services and Systems (Other)
Journal Section Original Research

Rahime Evra Karakaya 0000-0003-1368-3501

Project Number 06/798
Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date December 26, 2024
Acceptance Date January 30, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


AMA Karakaya RE. Assessment of the Use of Herbal Supplements and Attitudes of Adults Taking Medication. J Contemp Med. January 2025;15(1):45-50. doi:10.16899/jcm.1607686