Research Article
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Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis

Year 2019, , 805 - 814, 18.06.2019


amplitude-frequency characteristics of the late and early components of brain-
evoked potentials (EP) and the speed of motor (MK), central (
central information processing (CIP) and sensory (SC) component of the reaction of
choice 2 from 3 stimuli (RC2-3),
presented in mode go/nogo/gо investigated in children, teenagers and young
people. It was found that the formation of sensorimotor reactions of
differentiation in children, teenagers and young people is characterized by a
gradual decrease in the quantities of mistakes and time of RC2-3,
CIP, also latency and an increase in amplitude the evoked
(ЕP). In
children was invented simultaneous activation of the early (
N1, Р1, N2, Р2) and
deactivation of late (Р3)
ЕP of the cerebral cortex and significant more mistakes and
lower speed of
RC2-3, MC,
CIP which
the presence of
cortical-subcortical dysfunction of the sensor-motor system.
In young people high
speed of
RC2-3, MC,
and a smaller quantities of
mistakes coincided with short latencies and a high amplitude of inter-
peak intervals N1-P2
and P2-N2
and Р300. The results testify the formation of neurophysiological mechanisms of
sensory-motor differentiation reactions
happens with participation,
mainly, of the early (N1, P1, N2, P2)
components of children
whereas late components
of the
ЕP (P3) are more actively involved in young people.


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  • Bazanova OM. 2010. variability and reproducibility of the individual frequency of the maximum peak in various experimental conditions. Journal vys. nervous activities named after P.I. Pavlova. 60:767-776.
  • Bekhtereva NP. 2007. The magic of the brain and the maze of life. Moscow, St. Petersburg, 383.
  • Beleteleva TG, Sinitsin SV. 2008. Related potentials at the different stages of the realization of visual working memory. Physiology of man. 34:5-15.
  • Bondarenko MP, Kravchenko VI, Mukarchuk MYu. 2016. EEG-Activity of the brain of the right and left hands in mono-and binocular perception of verbal emotionally colored information. Neurophysiology. 48:47-57.
  • Faraci FM, Heistad DD. 1991. Regulation of cerebral blood vessels by humoral and endothelium-dependent mechanism. Update on humoral regulation of vascular tone. hypertension. 17:917-923.
  • Gnezditsky VV. 2003. Evoked brain potentials in clinical practice. Gnezditsky VV, Shamshinova AM, MED-press-inform. 264.
  • Gnezditsky VV, Endogenous VP. 2001. Experience of using evoked potentials in clinical practice. Antidor. 9:103-119.
  • Gould D, Flett, MR, Bean E. 2009. Mental preparation for training and competition. In: Brewer BW, ed., Sport Psychology, 1st ed. International Olympic Committee: Wiley–Blackwell, pp. 53-63.
  • Ilyukhina VA. 2010. Psychophysiology of functional states and cognitive activity of a healthy and sick person. St. Petersburg. 362.
  • Ivanitsky AM. 2015. The descending influences from mental to physiological level as a possible base for free will mechanism. Journal of higher nervous activity named after Pavlov I.P. 67:728-729.
  • Jebrailova TD, Korobeynikova II, Karatygin NA, Umryukhin EA. 2011. The spatial organization of the biopotentials of the cerebral cortex and the decision-making time for purposeful human activity. Journal of Higher Nervous Activity. 61:180-189.
  • Jonkman L, Kemner C, Verbaten M Engeland H, Camfferman G, Buitelaar J, Koelega H. 2000. Attentional capacity, a probe ERP study: Difference between children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal control children and effects of methylphenidate. Psychophysiology. 37:334-346.
  • Karayanidis F, Robaey P, Bourassa М, Koning D, Geoffroy G, Pelletier G. 2000. ERP Differences in visual attention processing between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and control boys in the absence of performance differences. Psychophysiology. 37:319-333.
  • Kokoszka A, Holas P, Bielecki A. Revised 2003. Version of the concept of digesting mental information. Psychiatr. 37:703-712.
  • Korobeinikova LH, Korobeinikov GV, Radchenko YA, Danko TG. 2016. Diagnosis of the psychophysiological state of the organism as one of the key problems of sports medicine sports medicine and physical rehabilitation. 1:3-10.
  • Kuptsova SV, Ivanova, MV, Petrushevsky AG, Fedina ON, Zhavoronkova LА. 2016 Sex and age features. Fiziol. hum, 62:15-26.
  • Linden М, Gevirtz R, Isenhart R, Fisher T. 1996. Event related potentials of subgroups of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the implications for EEG biofeedback. J. Neurotherapy. 1:1-11.
  • Livanov MN. 1972. Spatial organization of brain processes. Moscow, Nauka. 181.
  • Lizohub VS, Сhernenko NP, Palabiyik AA, Bezkopulna SV. 2018. Method of definitions mental performance during processing of information with different speed of presentation of stimuli. Cherkasy University bulletin: biological sciences series). 1:70-80.
  • Lizohub VS, Сhernenko NP, Pustovalov VA, Kozhemyako TV, Palabiyik AA, Khomenko SN. 201. Functional organization of brain mechanisms of information processing depending from age. Science and education a new dimension. natural and technical sciences 17: 30-34.
  • Lizohub VS, Сhernenko NP, Palabiyik AA, Bezkopulna SV. 2018. Mental working capacity of children 8-9 years old on the submission of irritants with different modulation and speed in the go / nogo / go mode Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences, 21:45-50.
  • Makarenko NV, Lizohub VS, Beskopulniy OP. 2014. Methodological instructions to the workshop on differential psychophysiology and physiology of higher nervous human activity. Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Kyiv-Cherkassy, 102.
  • Makarenko MV, Lyzohub VS, Galka MS, Yuhimenko LI, Khomenko SM. 2011. Psychophysiological evaluation of the functional state of the auditory analyzer. 02225, Bull. 21. Pat. 96496.
  • Makarenko MV, Lizohub VS, Kozhemyako TV, Chernenko NP. 2011. Age features of the speed of central processing of information in people with different levels of functional mobility of nerve processes. Physiological journal. 47:88-94.
  • Medvedev VI. 2003. Human adaptation. Publisher institute of the human brain. St. Petersburg, 584.
  • Minyaeva NR., Kyra VN., Gusach YuI. 2009. Called human brain activity in perception of illusing incentives. Physiology Of Man. 35:19-24.
  • Monastra V, Linden М, Green G, Phillips A, Lubar J, VanDeusen P, Wing, Fenger T. (1999. Assessing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder via quantitative electroencephalography: An initial validation study. Neuropsychology. 13:424-433.
  • Okhrei AG. 2016. Performance of working memory of musicians and non-musicians in tests with letters, digits, And geometrical shapes. Okhrei AG, Kutsenko TV, Makarchuk MY. Biologija. 62:207-215.
  • Riccio C Hynd G, Cohen M, Gonzalez J. 1993. Neurological basis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Exceptional children. 60:118-124.
  • Rovny, AS. 2016. Psychosensory mechanisms for controlling the movements of athletes: Monograph. Rovny AS, Lyzozhub VS. Cherkassy NU them. B. Khmelnitsky – Kharkiv. 360.
  • Satterfield JH, Schell AM, Nicholas T. 1994. Preferential neural processing of attended stimuli in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal boys. Psychophysiology. 31:1-10.
  • Yakovenko EA, Kropotov YuD, Chutko LS, Ponomarenko VA, Sushkina SYu. 2004. Changes in the component composition of evoked potentials in the GO/NOGO paradigm in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome. Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. 2:94-100.
Year 2019, , 805 - 814, 18.06.2019



  • Aloshina ED, Koberskaya NN, Dumalin IV. 2009. Cognitive evoked potential of R300: methods, experience of use, clinical significance. journal of neurology and psychiatry. 7:77-84.
  • Baevsky RM, Berseneva AP. 2008. Introduction to prenosological diagnostics. Moscow: Slovo, 220.
  • Bazanova OM. 2010. variability and reproducibility of the individual frequency of the maximum peak in various experimental conditions. Journal vys. nervous activities named after P.I. Pavlova. 60:767-776.
  • Bekhtereva NP. 2007. The magic of the brain and the maze of life. Moscow, St. Petersburg, 383.
  • Beleteleva TG, Sinitsin SV. 2008. Related potentials at the different stages of the realization of visual working memory. Physiology of man. 34:5-15.
  • Bondarenko MP, Kravchenko VI, Mukarchuk MYu. 2016. EEG-Activity of the brain of the right and left hands in mono-and binocular perception of verbal emotionally colored information. Neurophysiology. 48:47-57.
  • Faraci FM, Heistad DD. 1991. Regulation of cerebral blood vessels by humoral and endothelium-dependent mechanism. Update on humoral regulation of vascular tone. hypertension. 17:917-923.
  • Gnezditsky VV. 2003. Evoked brain potentials in clinical practice. Gnezditsky VV, Shamshinova AM, MED-press-inform. 264.
  • Gnezditsky VV, Endogenous VP. 2001. Experience of using evoked potentials in clinical practice. Antidor. 9:103-119.
  • Gould D, Flett, MR, Bean E. 2009. Mental preparation for training and competition. In: Brewer BW, ed., Sport Psychology, 1st ed. International Olympic Committee: Wiley–Blackwell, pp. 53-63.
  • Ilyukhina VA. 2010. Psychophysiology of functional states and cognitive activity of a healthy and sick person. St. Petersburg. 362.
  • Ivanitsky AM. 2015. The descending influences from mental to physiological level as a possible base for free will mechanism. Journal of higher nervous activity named after Pavlov I.P. 67:728-729.
  • Jebrailova TD, Korobeynikova II, Karatygin NA, Umryukhin EA. 2011. The spatial organization of the biopotentials of the cerebral cortex and the decision-making time for purposeful human activity. Journal of Higher Nervous Activity. 61:180-189.
  • Jonkman L, Kemner C, Verbaten M Engeland H, Camfferman G, Buitelaar J, Koelega H. 2000. Attentional capacity, a probe ERP study: Difference between children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal control children and effects of methylphenidate. Psychophysiology. 37:334-346.
  • Karayanidis F, Robaey P, Bourassa М, Koning D, Geoffroy G, Pelletier G. 2000. ERP Differences in visual attention processing between attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and control boys in the absence of performance differences. Psychophysiology. 37:319-333.
  • Kokoszka A, Holas P, Bielecki A. Revised 2003. Version of the concept of digesting mental information. Psychiatr. 37:703-712.
  • Korobeinikova LH, Korobeinikov GV, Radchenko YA, Danko TG. 2016. Diagnosis of the psychophysiological state of the organism as one of the key problems of sports medicine sports medicine and physical rehabilitation. 1:3-10.
  • Kuptsova SV, Ivanova, MV, Petrushevsky AG, Fedina ON, Zhavoronkova LА. 2016 Sex and age features. Fiziol. hum, 62:15-26.
  • Linden М, Gevirtz R, Isenhart R, Fisher T. 1996. Event related potentials of subgroups of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the implications for EEG biofeedback. J. Neurotherapy. 1:1-11.
  • Livanov MN. 1972. Spatial organization of brain processes. Moscow, Nauka. 181.
  • Lizohub VS, Сhernenko NP, Palabiyik AA, Bezkopulna SV. 2018. Method of definitions mental performance during processing of information with different speed of presentation of stimuli. Cherkasy University bulletin: biological sciences series). 1:70-80.
  • Lizohub VS, Сhernenko NP, Pustovalov VA, Kozhemyako TV, Palabiyik AA, Khomenko SN. 201. Functional organization of brain mechanisms of information processing depending from age. Science and education a new dimension. natural and technical sciences 17: 30-34.
  • Lizohub VS, Сhernenko NP, Palabiyik AA, Bezkopulna SV. 2018. Mental working capacity of children 8-9 years old on the submission of irritants with different modulation and speed in the go / nogo / go mode Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences, 21:45-50.
  • Makarenko NV, Lizohub VS, Beskopulniy OP. 2014. Methodological instructions to the workshop on differential psychophysiology and physiology of higher nervous human activity. Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Kyiv-Cherkassy, 102.
  • Makarenko MV, Lyzohub VS, Galka MS, Yuhimenko LI, Khomenko SM. 2011. Psychophysiological evaluation of the functional state of the auditory analyzer. 02225, Bull. 21. Pat. 96496.
  • Makarenko MV, Lizohub VS, Kozhemyako TV, Chernenko NP. 2011. Age features of the speed of central processing of information in people with different levels of functional mobility of nerve processes. Physiological journal. 47:88-94.
  • Medvedev VI. 2003. Human adaptation. Publisher institute of the human brain. St. Petersburg, 584.
  • Minyaeva NR., Kyra VN., Gusach YuI. 2009. Called human brain activity in perception of illusing incentives. Physiology Of Man. 35:19-24.
  • Monastra V, Linden М, Green G, Phillips A, Lubar J, VanDeusen P, Wing, Fenger T. (1999. Assessing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder via quantitative electroencephalography: An initial validation study. Neuropsychology. 13:424-433.
  • Okhrei AG. 2016. Performance of working memory of musicians and non-musicians in tests with letters, digits, And geometrical shapes. Okhrei AG, Kutsenko TV, Makarchuk MY. Biologija. 62:207-215.
  • Riccio C Hynd G, Cohen M, Gonzalez J. 1993. Neurological basis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Exceptional children. 60:118-124.
  • Rovny, AS. 2016. Psychosensory mechanisms for controlling the movements of athletes: Monograph. Rovny AS, Lyzozhub VS. Cherkassy NU them. B. Khmelnitsky – Kharkiv. 360.
  • Satterfield JH, Schell AM, Nicholas T. 1994. Preferential neural processing of attended stimuli in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and normal boys. Psychophysiology. 31:1-10.
  • Yakovenko EA, Kropotov YuD, Chutko LS, Ponomarenko VA, Sushkina SYu. 2004. Changes in the component composition of evoked potentials in the GO/NOGO paradigm in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome. Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. 2:94-100.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Medical Physiology
Journal Section Original Articles

Ahmet Alperen Palabıyık 0000-0002-8199-390X

Vladimir Sergeevich Lizohub This is me 0000-0002-3001-138X

Nataliia Pavlovna Chernenko This is me 0000-0002-8177-263X

Publication Date June 18, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Palabıyık, A. A., Lizohub, V. S., & Chernenko, N. P. (2019). Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis. Journal of Cellular Neuroscience and Oxidative Stress, 11(1), 805-814.
AMA Palabıyık AA, Lizohub VS, Chernenko NP. Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis. J Cell Neurosci Oxid Stress. June 2019;11(1):805-814. doi:10.37212/jcnos.613330
Chicago Palabıyık, Ahmet Alperen, Vladimir Sergeevich Lizohub, and Nataliia Pavlovna Chernenko. “Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis”. Journal of Cellular Neuroscience and Oxidative Stress 11, no. 1 (June 2019): 805-14.
EndNote Palabıyık AA, Lizohub VS, Chernenko NP (June 1, 2019) Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis. Journal of Cellular Neuroscience and Oxidative Stress 11 1 805–814.
IEEE A. A. Palabıyık, V. S. Lizohub, and N. P. Chernenko, “Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis”, J Cell Neurosci Oxid Stress, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 805–814, 2019, doi: 10.37212/jcnos.613330.
ISNAD Palabıyık, Ahmet Alperen et al. “Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis”. Journal of Cellular Neuroscience and Oxidative Stress 11/1 (June 2019), 805-814.
JAMA Palabıyık AA, Lizohub VS, Chernenko NP. Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis. J Cell Neurosci Oxid Stress. 2019;11:805–814.
MLA Palabıyık, Ahmet Alperen et al. “Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis”. Journal of Cellular Neuroscience and Oxidative Stress, vol. 11, no. 1, 2019, pp. 805-14, doi:10.37212/jcnos.613330.
Vancouver Palabıyık AA, Lizohub VS, Chernenko NP. Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Regulation of Sensomotor Reactions of Differentiation in Onthogenesis. J Cell Neurosci Oxid Stress. 2019;11(1):805-14.

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