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Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 3/25/22

Year: 2022

The Journal of Communication and Social Studies is a national peer-reviewed journal that aims to contribute to knowledge by publishing scientific studies in all fields of communication sciences. Our magazine aspires to contribute to the scientific community by publishing original, quality studies in communication sciences and allied fields that have completed peer evaluation processes and are among the first references for individuals conducting research in the field. 

The Journal of Communication and Social Studies includes compilations, research articles and other types of work that have a unique value in communication sciences (public relations, advertising, journalism, radio, television and cinema, etc.). The Journal of Communication and Social Studies is published twice a year in September and March (except for special issues) accepts Turkish or English studies (works in other languages ​​are subject to the permission of the editorial board). Studies are expected to complete the peer-review process for publications to be accepted.

1.The Journal of Communication and Social Studies aims to contribute to the knowledge of those who do research in the relevant field by including original, qualified studies that have been written in accordance with academic standards related to communication sciences and different related disciplines and have successfully passed the referee evaluation processes. It is an academic journal that aims to be among the first reference sources.
2. The Journal of Communication and Social Studies is published twice a year, in September and March.
3. The publication languages of The Journal of Communication and Social Studies are Turkish and English, but the publication of articles written in other commonly used languages is subject to the decision of the editorial board.
4. Each volume of The Journal of Communication and Social Studies consists of the issues published during the year.
5. Manuscripts sent to the journal for publication are accepted provided that they have not been sent to another journal before and have not been published anywhere. While uploading the articles prepared for publication to the e-journal system, they must be uploaded under the correct option as a category.
6. Studies submitted to the journal are first reviewed by the editors and/or the editorial board. It is checked that the studies submitted to the journal are arranged according to the publication principles and writing rules of the journal. The Editorial Board and the editors have the authority not to publish the articles that do not comply with the writing rules, ethical principles, purpose and scope of the journal or to return them to the author for correction.
7. Compliance with national and international ethical rules is required in studies submitted to the journal. In this context;
7.1. By submitting their articles to The Journal of Communication and Social Studies for publication, the authors are deemed to have transferred their copyrights to The Journal of Communication and Social Studies.
7.2. The copyright of the published articles belongs to the journal and cannot be transferred without showing the source.
7.3. The personal rights and freedoms of anyone should not be attacked during the study. Insulting, targeting, demeaning, degrading, religion, language, race, etc., discriminatory expressions should not be used, and personal privacy should be taken care of. The Scientific, content, language and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.
7.4.. If the work is a translation, the original language text of the work is requested to be uploaded to the system as an additional file, with a document from the author(s) who did the work and from the publishing company if it is published.
7.5.. All citations must be shown in the bibliography.
7.6. Studies sent to the journal are evaluated within the framework of the plagiarism report declared at the application stage. Articles that do not comply with research and publication ethics or that have a risk of plagiarism are not evaluated. In this framework, if the similarity rate detected by the screening programs is above 15%, the relevant study cannot be published even if it is approved by the referee. If the study was published without noticing the situation, the access to the relevant study is blocked, and the study is removed from the publication list and the full issue when the situation is noticed. Journal management accepts the results of self-employed plagiarism/similarity programs as a corporate standard, not as a violation of ethics.
7.7. The Journal of Communication and Social Studies does not charge any application or publication fee from the authors.
7.8. Authors can withdraw their work before they go to the editing stage.
7.9. Articles containing quantitative/qualitative field research must have received "ethics committee approval". Articles without ethics committee approval will not be evaluated.
8. The authors know that if they do not complete the changes requested from them at the pre-check stage for the files they have uploaded within 15 days at the latest and upload them to the system, their submitted works will be rejected before they go to the editing stage.
9. Studies sent to the journal are evaluated by two referees appointed in line with the blind refereeing system. If deemed necessary, the study can be sent to a third referee. The referees of each issue may be from the advisory board of the journal or consist of the names determined from among the academic members who are experts in their fields. The publication of an article depends on the approval of the referees. Therefore, the authors are obliged to make the necessary corrections requested by the referees in their studies. Articles that receive a negative report from the referees are not published. The articles that the referees decide to publish after the corrections are made are rearranged in line with the referee's suggestions. The edited articles should be uploaded to the journal's website by the authors within 15 days at the latest, over the previous application.
10. The text should be within a certain plan; Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (problem presentation-purpose-importance-scope, limitation, etc.), Method, Findings, Conclusion and Evaluation, and References. Studies prepared according to this structure are prepared within the framework of the following order and uploaded to the system.
11. The studies should be prepared in Word program, in A4 size, standard page layout, regular writing style, Century Schoolbook font, 12 points, first 0 pt, then 6 pt and single line spacing.
12. The author(s) names and surnames, ORCID, academic titles, places of duty, phone numbers, e-mail addresses should be uploaded to the system as an additional file in the form of a separate document/file with the title "Identity Information".
13. The title of the article should be centred at the beginning of the first page, and the subtitles should be written left-aligned.
14. 150-200 words of Turkish and English abstracts must be included in all articles, and keywords should be given under the abstracts in the language of the abstract. If the article is written in another language, Turkish translations of the title and abstract should be given.
15. In the study, the names of the tables should be written on top, and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Pictures, figures and graphics should be displayed under the name of "Figure", figures and graphics should be drawn on the computer, numbered sequentially, figure texts should be written on the computer in small letters.
16. Turkish language rules should be followed in the manuscripts, and the most recent Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as a basis for the spelling of the words.
17. Submitted articles should be written with reference management tools in Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley or Microsoft Word. Studies submitted without using any reference management tool will not be considered.
18. APA (American Psychological Association) Style 6th Edition should be used for reference. Both in citations and the bibliography, authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychological Association Publication Guide published by the American Psychological Association. In this regard, the guide named "APA 6 Rules for Citing Sources, Creating Tables and Figures in Scientific Publications" prepared by the Turkish Librarians Association should be used. To Access the Directory: Click Here
19. All legal responsibilities in disputes that may arise within the framework of the above-mentioned principles and rules belong to the author or authors.
20. In case of possible disagreement or if the journal authorities deem it necessary, stopping the evaluation of the studies sent to the journal for evaluation without explanation, removing them from the publication process or removing the published work from publication, etc., have the power to make transactions.
21. The Journal of Communication and Social Studies officials have the right to make changes to the mentioned rules, to put additional rules, and to request the reorganization of the submitted works for evaluation according to the new rules, whenever they deem necessary, without informing them.

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The Journal of Communication and Social Studies undertakes to carry out publication ethics to the highest standards and comply with the Publication Ethics and Abuse Statement principles. This statement has been prepared based on the recommendations and guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Council of Science Editors (CSE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for journal editors.
• Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication should not have been previously published in another journal (including papers presented at scientific meetings and published in full text) or should not have been sent to any journal simultaneously for publication.
• Manuscripts sent to the journal are included in the double-blind peer review process after being reviewed by an editor and at least two referees. The right is reserved that the submitted articles can be examined for plagiarism at any stage by means of purpose-built software. For this purpose, articles that do not comply with the standards and are subject to plagiarism, unauthorized quotations or false data, forgery (the fabrication or manipulation of table figures or research data), and the use of inappropriate human or animal material in the research are not published in the journal. This rule also applies if the standard and its non-compliance are detected at the post-publishing stage and requires the article to be withdrawn from publication. Our journal reminds us of its responsibility to report cases of suspicion of plagiarism or double publication, as required by publication ethics.
The publishing processes implemented in The Journal of Communication and Social Studies form the basis for the development and distribution of information impartially and respectably. The processes carried out in this direction are directly reflected in the quality of the authors' work and the institutions that support the authors. Peer-reviewed studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. All stakeholders of the process (authors, readers and researchers, publisher, referees and editors) must comply with the standards for ethical principles. Within the scope of publication ethics, all stakeholders are expected by our journal to bear the following ethical responsibilities.
Editors are responsible for every publication published in the journal. In the context of this responsibility, editors have the following roles and responsibilities:
• Strive to meet the information needs of readers and authors
• Ensuring continuous improvement of the journal
• Conducting processes to improve the quality of studies published in the journal
• Supporting freedom of thought
• Ensuring academic integrity
• Continuing business processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards
• Demonstrating openness and transparency in publication on issues requiring correction and clarification.
Evaluation of all studies with "Blind Refereeing" directly affects the quality of the publication. In this process, the objective and independent evaluation of the publication creates trust. The Journal of Communication and Social Studies evaluation process is carried out with the principle of double-blind refereeing. Referees cannot directly communicate with authors; evaluations and comments are submitted through the journal management system. In this process, reviewer comments on evaluation forms and full texts are forwarded to the author(s) through the editor. In this context, it is expected that the reviewers evaluating the work for our journal will have the following ethical responsibilities:
• Accept to evaluate only studies related to their field of expertise.
• Evaluation should be done with impartiality and confidentiality.
• If (s)he thinks she faces a conflict of interest during the evaluation process, (s)he should refuse to review the study and inform the journal editor.
• In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, they should destroy the studies they have examined after the evaluation process. They can only use the final versions of the studies they have reviewed after they are published.
• Make the evaluation objectively only in relation to the content of the study. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not be allowed to influence the evaluation.
• Make the assessment in constructive and courteous language. Do not make derogatory personal comments that include hostility, slander and insults.
• They should perform the work they accept to evaluate in a timely manner and with the above ethical responsibilities.
The author(s) who submit a study to the Journal of Communication and Social Studies are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities:
• The works submitted by the author(s) are expected to be original. If the author(s) benefit from or use other works, they are required to cite completely and accurately.
• People who do not contribute to the content intellectually in the creation of the work should not be specified as authors.
• Situations and relationships that may constitute a conflict of interest, if any, of all studies submitted for publication should be disclosed.
• Raw data regarding their articles can be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the evaluation processes; in such a case, the author(s) should be ready to present the expected data and information to the editorial board and scientific committee.
• The author(s) must have a document showing that they have the right to use the data used, the necessary permissions for the research/analysis, or the consent of the experimental subjects.
• In case the author(s) notices an error in their published, early appearance or evaluation phase, they must cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing the journal editor or publisher.
• Authors cannot have their work in the application process of more than one journal simultaneously. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application. The work published in another journal cannot be sent.
• It cannot be proposed to change the author responsibilities of a work whose evaluation process has begun (Adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing an author, etc.).
Editors should make decisions by considering the knowledge, skills and experience expectations of all readers, researchers and practitioners. Attention should be paid to the fact that the published studies contribute to the reader, researcher, practitioner and scientific literature and are original. In addition, editors are obliged to consider the feedback from readers, researchers and practitioners and to provide explanatory and informative feedback.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors to the authors are as follows:
• Editors should make a positive or negative decision based on the importance, original value, validity, clarity of the narrative, and the journal's goals and objectives.
• Studies that are suitable for the scope of publication should be included in the preliminary evaluation stage unless there are other serious problems.
• Editors should not ignore positive referee suggestions unless there are contradictions to the academic writing and publication rules about the study.
• New editors should not change the decisions made by the previous editor(s) for studies unless there is a valid problem.
• "Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process" must be published, and the editors must prevent deviations from the defined processes.
• Editors should publish an "Author's Guide" that includes every subject the authors expect from them in detail. These guides should be updated periodically.
• Authors should be informed and returned in an explanatory and informative way.
The duties and responsibilities of the editors towards the referees are as follows:
• The referees should be determined in accordance with the subject of the study.
• The editors are responsible for providing the information and guides that the referees will need during the evaluation phase.
• Editors have to consider whether there is a conflict of interest between the authors and the referees.
• In the context of blind refereeing, the identity of the referees should be kept confidential.
•Editors should encourage reviewers to evaluate the work in an impartial, scientific and objective language.
• Referees should be evaluated with criteria such as timely return and performance.
• Editors should determine practices and policies that increase the performance of referees.
• Editors should take the necessary steps to update the referee pool dynamically.
• Editors should prevent rude and unscientific evaluations.
• Editors should take steps to ensure that the referee pool is broad.
• Editors must ensure that all members of the editorial board advance the processes in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines.
• The editorial board should inform its members about the publishing policies and keep them informed of the developments.
• New editorial board members should be trained on editorial policies and should provide the information they need.
• It should ensure that the members of the editorial board evaluate the work impartially and independently.
• New editorial board members should be determined as contributing and suitable.
• The members of the editorial board should send studies suitable for their field of expertise for evaluation.
• They must regularly interact with the editorial board.
• It should hold regular meetings with the editorial board for the development of publication policies and the journal.
Editorial and blind peer review processes
Editors are obliged to implement the "Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process" policies included in the journal's publication policies. In this context, the editors ensure that the fair, impartial and timely evaluation process of each work is completed.
Quality assurance
Editors are responsible for publishing every article published in the journal in accordance with journal publication policies and international standards.
The ethics committee, human and animal rights
Editors are responsible for refusing the study lacking the Ethics committee approval for the subjects used in the studies or in the absence of permission for experimental research.
Precaution against possible abuse and misconduct
Editors are obliged to take precautions against possible abuse and misconduct. It is among the responsibilities of the editor to share the relevant findings, as well as to carry out a rigorous and objective investigation regarding the identification and evaluation of complaints regarding this situation.
Ensuring academic publication integrity
Editors should ensure that judgments containing errors, inconsistencies or misdirection in studies are promptly corrected. Editors; is obliged to implement the "Blind Refereeing and Evaluation Process" policies included in the journal's publication policies. In this context, the editors ensure that the fair, impartial and timely evaluation process of each work is completed.
Protection of intellectual property rights
Editors are obliged to protect the intellectual property rights of all published articles and to defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of possible violations. In addition, the editors are obliged to take the necessary measures so that the contents of all published articles do not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications.

Constructiveness and openness to discussion
• should take into account the persuasive criticisms of the studies published in the journal and display a constructive attitude towards these criticisms.
• should give the right to reply to the author(s) of the criticized studies
• should not ignore or exclude studies with negative results.
Editors are obliged to carefully examine the complaints from the authors, referees or readers and respond in an enlightening and explanatory manner.
Political and Commercial Concerns
The journal owner, publisher and no other political or commercial factors affect the editors' independent decision making.
Conflicts of interest
Editors take into account the conflicts of interest among the author(s), referees and other editors and ensure that the publication process of the studies is completed independently and impartially.

• The Board of Directors of the Journal acts with the awareness of its ethical responsibilities:
• Editors are responsible for all processes of the works submitted to the journal. In this context, the decision-makers are the editors, regardless of economic or political gains.
• It undertakes to create an independent editorial decision.
• The Journal of Communication and Social Studies protects the property and copyright of every published article and undertakes to keep a record of every published copy.
• It has the responsibility to take precautions against all kinds of scientific abuse, citation fraud and plagiarism regarding the editors.
In case you face an Unethical Situation
If you encounter unethical behaviour or content other than the ethical responsibilities mentioned above in our journal, please send an e-mail from the contact section.
Journal Policy
The Journal of Communication and social studies does not charge any submission or publication fees from authors. The evaluation period of the articles sent to the journal is three (3) months on average. Submitted articles are sent to two blind referees after preliminary checks. The requests from the referees are forwarded to the author via the system, and they are asked to make the relevant corrections within the specified time.

The Journal of Communication and Social Studies demands no fee for the articles' submission, evaluation, and publication processes.