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Ekonomik Diplomasinin Ekonomik Güvenliğe Etkisi: Çin-Afrika İlişkileri Analizi

Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 75 - 97, 30.06.2020


Finansal ve ekonomik küreselleşmenin yoğun şekilde hissedildiği 2008 küresel finans krizi ile birlikte
ekonomik güvenliğin, sadece ulus devletlerin değil her düzeyde uluslararası ilişkiler aktörün varlığı için
kritik bir unsur haline geldiği kanıtlanmıştır. Hayati bir önem taşıyan bu unsurun hangi araç, hangi
kurumlar ve nasıl yürütüleceği ise ekonomik diplomasiyi ön plana çıkarmıştır. Özellikle unsurun
ekonomik güvenlik ile ilişkisi ve dış politika stratejileri üzerindeki etkisinin daha iyi anlaşılmasına gün
geçtikçe ihtiyaç artmaktadır. Bu bakımdan çalışmanın ilk kısmında ekonomik diplomasinin iç içe geçmiş
yapısını ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanırken kavramsal ve analitik bir çerçeve çizilmeye çalışılacaktır. Ekonomik
güvenliği sağlama sürecinde araçsallaştırılan ekonomik diplomasinin bu süreç ile birlikte analizinin her
boyuttaki küresel projeksiyonları daha iyi anlamamıza yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Son kısımda ise
Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin ulusal ve küresel hâkimiyet hedeflerinde ekonomik güvenliğini sağlamak için
attığı adımlarda proaktif bir şekilde ekonomik diplomasiyi nasıl kullandığı başta Afrika kıtası ile ilişkileri
üzerinden analiz edilirken, bu iki unsurun etkileşiminin kıtaya dönük politikalarda açıkça izlendiği
savunulmaya çalışılacaktır.


  • Ahmed, Bashir (2018) “Accelerating economic diplomacy,, (e.t. 27.02.2020).
  • Adarov, Amat (2018) “China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunity or Threat?”, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies,, (e.t. 19.02.2019).
  • Aly, Maiga (2019) “The China-Africa Relations: Between the Development Cooperation and Economic Diplomacy”, Open Journal of Political Science, 2019, 9, 291-298,, (e.t. 20.2.2020).
  • Al Jazeera, (2018) “China's Xi offers $60bn in financial support to Africa”, 03.09.2018
  •, (e.t. 20.02.2020).
  • Arslan, İbrahim, (2018), “Bir Ülke-Bir Kıta İlişkileri: Çin-Afrika Örneği”, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 16, No: 31, ss. 125- 142.
  • Arystankulova, Gulsara (2018) “Economic Diplomacy – Important Component of Foreign Policy Important Component of Foreign Policy of Modern State”, The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication – TOJDAC Special Edition, 2864-2873.
  • Baranay Pavol, (2009) “Modern Economic Diplomacy”, Actual Problems of Economics, Publications of Diplomatic Economic Club, 1-9.
  • Bayne Nicholas, Stephen Woolcock, (2017), “What is economic diplomacy?”, The New Economic Diplomacy- Decision-making and negotiation in international economic relations, (ed.) Nicholas Bayne and Stephen Woolcock, Fourth edition, Routledge, New York, 1- 14.
  • Berridge Geoff R. Alan James, (2003) Dictionary of Diplomacy, Palgrave-Macmillan,, (e.t. 14.07.2018).
  • Brautigam, Deborah Xinshen Diao, Margaret McMillan, Jed Silver, (2017) “Chinese Investment in Africa: How Much Do We Know?, PEDL Synthesis Series, No. 2,, (e.t. 19.07.2018).
  • Brookes, Peter, Ji Hye Shin, (2006) “China’s Influence in Africa: Implications for the United States”, Backgrounder, No. 1916,, (e.t. 20.09.2018).
  • Chai, Peter, (2017) “Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative”, Lowy Institute for International Policy,, (e.t. 19.08.2019).
  • Chaziza, Mordechai, (2018) “China’s Military Base in Djibouti”, The Begın-Sadat Center For Strategıc Studıes Bar-Ilan Unıversıty Mideast Security and Policy Studies, No. 153,, (e.t. 19.02.2019).
  • China Foreign Direct Investment, (1998-2019), (e.t. 19.02.2019).
  • China Africa Project, (2015) bers/, (e.t. 22.04.2018).
  • Condon Madison, (2012), “China in Africa: What the Policy of Nonintervention Adds to the Western Development Dilemma”, Praxis : The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Vol. 27,, (e.t. 15.09.2018).
  • Corkin, Lucy, (2011) “China and Angola Strategic Partnership or Marriage of Convenience?”, Angola Brief, Vol.1, No.1, 1-5, (e.t. 12.09.2018).
  • Daojiong Zha, (2005) “Comment: Can China Rise?”, Review of International Studies, Vol. 31, 775–776.
  • Daojiong, Zha, (2015) “Chinese Economic Diplomacy: New Initiatives”, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 1-15,, (e.t. 27.10.2019).
  • “Data: China-Africa Trade”, China-Africa Research Initative,, (e.t. 11.09.2018).
  • EIA, (2014) “China is now the world’s largest net importer of petroleum and other liquid fuels”, U.S. Energy Information Administration,, (e.t. 15.02.2020).
  • Ergin Emre, Hasret Çomak, (2014) “Finansal Krizler ve Güvenlik: Küresel Bir Bakış”, Uluslararası Güvenlik Kongresi (8-9 Ekim 2013), 1.b., Kocaeli: Kocaeli Üniversitesi Yay., No. 447, 3, 1271-1288.
  • Foster, Vivien William Butterfiel, Chuan Chen, Nataliya Pushak, (2008) “Building Bridges: China's Growing Role as Infrastructure Financier for Sub-Saharan Africa”, World Bank/PPIAF Trend and Policy Options, No. 5, 4-9,, (e.t. 12.09.2018).
  • Fukuyama, Francis (2015) Devlet İnşası, 21. Yüzyılda Yönetişim ve Dünya Düzeni, Türkan Çolak, Profil Yay., İstanbul.
  • Goodman, Matthew P. (2017) “Downgrading state’s economic diplomacy”, Global Economics Monthly, Vol. 6, Issue 6, 1-2,, (e.t. 07.07.2018).
  • Genç, Mehmet, (1999) Birleşmiş Milletler ve Uzmanlık Örgütleri Mevzuatı 1. Cilt, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • Gottwald Jörn-Carsten, Niall Duggan, (2011) “Expectations and Adaptation: China’s Foreign Policies in a Changing Global Environment”, International Journal in a Changing Global Environment, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1-26,, (e.t. 17.02. 2019).
  • Heath, Timothy R. (2016) “China's Evolving Approach to Economic Diplomacy”, Asia Policy, No. 22, 157-192.
  • Kabakçı, Fuat, (2018) “Pekin 2018 Çin-Afrika İş Birliği Forumu'na ev sahipliği yapıyor”,, (e.t. 20.02.2020)
  • Klavins Didzis, (2011) “Understanding the Essence of Modern Diplomacy”, The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations; New Actors, New Initiatives, New Targets, Berlin, 1-7, (e.t. 28.02.2020).
  • Li Wang, Paul Dottin, (2011) “Behind China’s Peacekeeping Missions in Africa: Interpreting Beijing’s Strategic Considerations”, Security Strategies, Yıl 7, Sayı 14.
  • Lohmann, Sascha (2017) “Understanding Diplomacy in the 21st Century”, Working Paper Project, No.11, 1-12.
  • Markova Jana, (2019) “The importance of economic diplomacy in the further development of the EU”, International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development, 29-38, (e.t. 23.10.2020).
  • Michalowski, Thomasz (2012) “China’s Economic Activities in Africa : Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Aid”, International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, Vol.3, No.1, 61-63
  •, (e.t. 12.09.2018).
  • Muntenau, Corneliu, (2015) “The impact of economic diplomacy over national economic security. Case study on Eastern Partnership region”, Ekonomika a Management, University of Economics, Prague, Vol.3, 1-9,, (e.t. 07.07.2018).
  • Okano-Heijmans, Maaike (2011) “Conceptualizing Economic Diplomacy: The Crossroads of International Relations”, Economics, IPE and Diplomatic Studies, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 6, 7-36,, (e.t. 27.10.2019).
  • Oran, Baskın (2001), Türk Dış Politikası Kurtuluş Savaşından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar Cilt 1: 1919-1980, (ed.), Baskın Oran , İletişim Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • Özdal, Barış (2018). “Diplomasi”, Diplomasi Tarihi-I, Barış Özdal-R. Kutay Karaca, (Ed.), 3rd Press, Dora Publications, Bursa. Papadimitriou Pyrros, Victoria Pistikou, (2014) “Economic Diplomacy and Security in Sovereign States”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 9, 42–65.
  • Sam, Moyo (2016) “Perspectives on South-South Relations: China's Presence in Africa”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Vol. 17, No.1,, (e.t. 13.09.2018).
  • Santos Neves Miguel, (2017) “Economic Diplomacy, Geo-Economics and The External Strategy of Portugal”, Observare, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Vol. 8, No 1, 88-118.
  • Sun, Yun (2014) “Africa in China’s New Foreign Aid White Paper”,, (e.t. 19.09.2018).
  • Sun, Yun (2014) “Africa in China’s Foreign Policy”, Brookings, Washington, 1-49,, (e.t. 17.07.2019).
  • Szatlach Maria Ewa, (2018) “The importance of economic diplomacy in the era of globalization (the case of China”),, (e.t. 27.10.2019).
  • Şimşek, Orhan, (2015) “Yeni Devlet Kapitalizminin Yükselişi: Küresel Ekonomi-Politik Bir İnceleme”, Atılım Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 5, Sayı 2, 106-144.
  • Taylor, Ian (1998) “China’s Foreign Policy towards Africa in the 1990s”, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 6, No.3, 443- 460.
  • “The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Action Plan (2016-2018)”,(2015)
  •, (e.t. 24.02.2019).
  • UN Comtrade, data from 1992-2017,; 2018 data from Chinese Customs Van Bergeijk, Peter A.G., Selwyn Moons, (2007) “Economic Diplomacy and Economic Security”, New Frontiers for Economic Diplomacy Conference Paper, Lisbon, 1-18, (e.t. 15.07.2018).
  • Van Bergeijk, P. (2014) “Economic diplomacy and South-South trade: A new issue in development”, Great Insights, Vol.3, Issue 3,, (e.t. 05.07.2018).
  • Vihma, Antto (2017) “Geoeconomic Analysis and the Limits of Critical Geopolitics: A New Engagement with Edward Luttwak”, Geopolitics, 1-18, (e.t. 27.02.2019).
  • Wade Shepard, (2016) “China’s Growth in Energy Demand Drops to 17 Year Low”, Forbes,, (e.t. 22.10.2018).
  • “What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund?”, (2016), (e.t. 05.07.2018).
  • Woolcok, Stephen, (2017),“Economic Diplomacy”, Diplomacy in Globalized World-Theories and Practices, (ed.) Pauline Kerr, Geoffrey Wiseman, Ocford University Press, New York, 209-226.
  • Xiaoyang, Tang, (2015) Economic Diplomacy, Between China and Africa Transformation and Restructuring Pub, Phoenix Weekly,, (e.t. 13.07.2019)
  • Yıldırım, Elif (2019) “Yumuşak Güç Kavramı Bağlamında Çin’in Sahraaltı Afrika’ya Yönelik Kamu Diplomasisi Faaliyetleri”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, Yıl 9, Sayı 18, 2373-2403.
  • Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe, (2014) “The Africa-China Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 48, No.1,, (e.t. 19.07.2018).
  • Zhengyi Wang, (2004) “Conceptualizing Economic Security and Governance: China Confronts Globalization”, The Pacific Review, Vol. 17, No. 4.
  • Zhou Yixin, (2019) “Exploring U.S.-Chinese Economic Diplomacy”,, (e.t. 23.02.2020).
  • Zongwe, Dunia (2010) “On the Road to Post Conflict Reconstruction by Contract: The Angola Model”,, (e.t. 22.07.2019).
  • Yu, Zheng, (2018) Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy, China-US- Focus,, (e.t. 20.02.2020)
Year 2020, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 75 - 97, 30.06.2020



  • Ahmed, Bashir (2018) “Accelerating economic diplomacy,, (e.t. 27.02.2020).
  • Adarov, Amat (2018) “China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunity or Threat?”, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies,, (e.t. 19.02.2019).
  • Aly, Maiga (2019) “The China-Africa Relations: Between the Development Cooperation and Economic Diplomacy”, Open Journal of Political Science, 2019, 9, 291-298,, (e.t. 20.2.2020).
  • Al Jazeera, (2018) “China's Xi offers $60bn in financial support to Africa”, 03.09.2018
  •, (e.t. 20.02.2020).
  • Arslan, İbrahim, (2018), “Bir Ülke-Bir Kıta İlişkileri: Çin-Afrika Örneği”, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 16, No: 31, ss. 125- 142.
  • Arystankulova, Gulsara (2018) “Economic Diplomacy – Important Component of Foreign Policy Important Component of Foreign Policy of Modern State”, The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication – TOJDAC Special Edition, 2864-2873.
  • Baranay Pavol, (2009) “Modern Economic Diplomacy”, Actual Problems of Economics, Publications of Diplomatic Economic Club, 1-9.
  • Bayne Nicholas, Stephen Woolcock, (2017), “What is economic diplomacy?”, The New Economic Diplomacy- Decision-making and negotiation in international economic relations, (ed.) Nicholas Bayne and Stephen Woolcock, Fourth edition, Routledge, New York, 1- 14.
  • Berridge Geoff R. Alan James, (2003) Dictionary of Diplomacy, Palgrave-Macmillan,, (e.t. 14.07.2018).
  • Brautigam, Deborah Xinshen Diao, Margaret McMillan, Jed Silver, (2017) “Chinese Investment in Africa: How Much Do We Know?, PEDL Synthesis Series, No. 2,, (e.t. 19.07.2018).
  • Brookes, Peter, Ji Hye Shin, (2006) “China’s Influence in Africa: Implications for the United States”, Backgrounder, No. 1916,, (e.t. 20.09.2018).
  • Chai, Peter, (2017) “Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative”, Lowy Institute for International Policy,, (e.t. 19.08.2019).
  • Chaziza, Mordechai, (2018) “China’s Military Base in Djibouti”, The Begın-Sadat Center For Strategıc Studıes Bar-Ilan Unıversıty Mideast Security and Policy Studies, No. 153,, (e.t. 19.02.2019).
  • China Foreign Direct Investment, (1998-2019), (e.t. 19.02.2019).
  • China Africa Project, (2015) bers/, (e.t. 22.04.2018).
  • Condon Madison, (2012), “China in Africa: What the Policy of Nonintervention Adds to the Western Development Dilemma”, Praxis : The Fletcher Journal of Human Security, Vol. 27,, (e.t. 15.09.2018).
  • Corkin, Lucy, (2011) “China and Angola Strategic Partnership or Marriage of Convenience?”, Angola Brief, Vol.1, No.1, 1-5, (e.t. 12.09.2018).
  • Daojiong Zha, (2005) “Comment: Can China Rise?”, Review of International Studies, Vol. 31, 775–776.
  • Daojiong, Zha, (2015) “Chinese Economic Diplomacy: New Initiatives”, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 1-15,, (e.t. 27.10.2019).
  • “Data: China-Africa Trade”, China-Africa Research Initative,, (e.t. 11.09.2018).
  • EIA, (2014) “China is now the world’s largest net importer of petroleum and other liquid fuels”, U.S. Energy Information Administration,, (e.t. 15.02.2020).
  • Ergin Emre, Hasret Çomak, (2014) “Finansal Krizler ve Güvenlik: Küresel Bir Bakış”, Uluslararası Güvenlik Kongresi (8-9 Ekim 2013), 1.b., Kocaeli: Kocaeli Üniversitesi Yay., No. 447, 3, 1271-1288.
  • Foster, Vivien William Butterfiel, Chuan Chen, Nataliya Pushak, (2008) “Building Bridges: China's Growing Role as Infrastructure Financier for Sub-Saharan Africa”, World Bank/PPIAF Trend and Policy Options, No. 5, 4-9,, (e.t. 12.09.2018).
  • Fukuyama, Francis (2015) Devlet İnşası, 21. Yüzyılda Yönetişim ve Dünya Düzeni, Türkan Çolak, Profil Yay., İstanbul.
  • Goodman, Matthew P. (2017) “Downgrading state’s economic diplomacy”, Global Economics Monthly, Vol. 6, Issue 6, 1-2,, (e.t. 07.07.2018).
  • Genç, Mehmet, (1999) Birleşmiş Milletler ve Uzmanlık Örgütleri Mevzuatı 1. Cilt, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa.
  • Gottwald Jörn-Carsten, Niall Duggan, (2011) “Expectations and Adaptation: China’s Foreign Policies in a Changing Global Environment”, International Journal in a Changing Global Environment, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1-26,, (e.t. 17.02. 2019).
  • Heath, Timothy R. (2016) “China's Evolving Approach to Economic Diplomacy”, Asia Policy, No. 22, 157-192.
  • Kabakçı, Fuat, (2018) “Pekin 2018 Çin-Afrika İş Birliği Forumu'na ev sahipliği yapıyor”,, (e.t. 20.02.2020)
  • Klavins Didzis, (2011) “Understanding the Essence of Modern Diplomacy”, The ICD Annual Academic Conference on Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations; New Actors, New Initiatives, New Targets, Berlin, 1-7, (e.t. 28.02.2020).
  • Li Wang, Paul Dottin, (2011) “Behind China’s Peacekeeping Missions in Africa: Interpreting Beijing’s Strategic Considerations”, Security Strategies, Yıl 7, Sayı 14.
  • Lohmann, Sascha (2017) “Understanding Diplomacy in the 21st Century”, Working Paper Project, No.11, 1-12.
  • Markova Jana, (2019) “The importance of economic diplomacy in the further development of the EU”, International Journal of Public Administration, Management and Economic Development, 29-38, (e.t. 23.10.2020).
  • Michalowski, Thomasz (2012) “China’s Economic Activities in Africa : Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Aid”, International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, Vol.3, No.1, 61-63
  •, (e.t. 12.09.2018).
  • Muntenau, Corneliu, (2015) “The impact of economic diplomacy over national economic security. Case study on Eastern Partnership region”, Ekonomika a Management, University of Economics, Prague, Vol.3, 1-9,, (e.t. 07.07.2018).
  • Okano-Heijmans, Maaike (2011) “Conceptualizing Economic Diplomacy: The Crossroads of International Relations”, Economics, IPE and Diplomatic Studies, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 6, 7-36,, (e.t. 27.10.2019).
  • Oran, Baskın (2001), Türk Dış Politikası Kurtuluş Savaşından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar Cilt 1: 1919-1980, (ed.), Baskın Oran , İletişim Yayınları. İstanbul.
  • Özdal, Barış (2018). “Diplomasi”, Diplomasi Tarihi-I, Barış Özdal-R. Kutay Karaca, (Ed.), 3rd Press, Dora Publications, Bursa. Papadimitriou Pyrros, Victoria Pistikou, (2014) “Economic Diplomacy and Security in Sovereign States”, Procedia Economics and Finance, Vol. 9, 42–65.
  • Sam, Moyo (2016) “Perspectives on South-South Relations: China's Presence in Africa”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Vol. 17, No.1,, (e.t. 13.09.2018).
  • Santos Neves Miguel, (2017) “Economic Diplomacy, Geo-Economics and The External Strategy of Portugal”, Observare, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Vol. 8, No 1, 88-118.
  • Sun, Yun (2014) “Africa in China’s New Foreign Aid White Paper”,, (e.t. 19.09.2018).
  • Sun, Yun (2014) “Africa in China’s Foreign Policy”, Brookings, Washington, 1-49,, (e.t. 17.07.2019).
  • Szatlach Maria Ewa, (2018) “The importance of economic diplomacy in the era of globalization (the case of China”),, (e.t. 27.10.2019).
  • Şimşek, Orhan, (2015) “Yeni Devlet Kapitalizminin Yükselişi: Küresel Ekonomi-Politik Bir İnceleme”, Atılım Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 5, Sayı 2, 106-144.
  • Taylor, Ian (1998) “China’s Foreign Policy towards Africa in the 1990s”, Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 6, No.3, 443- 460.
  • “The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Johannesburg Action Plan (2016-2018)”,(2015)
  •, (e.t. 24.02.2019).
  • UN Comtrade, data from 1992-2017,; 2018 data from Chinese Customs Van Bergeijk, Peter A.G., Selwyn Moons, (2007) “Economic Diplomacy and Economic Security”, New Frontiers for Economic Diplomacy Conference Paper, Lisbon, 1-18, (e.t. 15.07.2018).
  • Van Bergeijk, P. (2014) “Economic diplomacy and South-South trade: A new issue in development”, Great Insights, Vol.3, Issue 3,, (e.t. 05.07.2018).
  • Vihma, Antto (2017) “Geoeconomic Analysis and the Limits of Critical Geopolitics: A New Engagement with Edward Luttwak”, Geopolitics, 1-18, (e.t. 27.02.2019).
  • Wade Shepard, (2016) “China’s Growth in Energy Demand Drops to 17 Year Low”, Forbes,, (e.t. 22.10.2018).
  • “What is a Sovereign Wealth Fund?”, (2016), (e.t. 05.07.2018).
  • Woolcok, Stephen, (2017),“Economic Diplomacy”, Diplomacy in Globalized World-Theories and Practices, (ed.) Pauline Kerr, Geoffrey Wiseman, Ocford University Press, New York, 209-226.
  • Xiaoyang, Tang, (2015) Economic Diplomacy, Between China and Africa Transformation and Restructuring Pub, Phoenix Weekly,, (e.t. 13.07.2019)
  • Yıldırım, Elif (2019) “Yumuşak Güç Kavramı Bağlamında Çin’in Sahraaltı Afrika’ya Yönelik Kamu Diplomasisi Faaliyetleri”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, Yıl 9, Sayı 18, 2373-2403.
  • Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe, (2014) “The Africa-China Relationship: Challenges and Opportunities”, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Vol. 48, No.1,, (e.t. 19.07.2018).
  • Zhengyi Wang, (2004) “Conceptualizing Economic Security and Governance: China Confronts Globalization”, The Pacific Review, Vol. 17, No. 4.
  • Zhou Yixin, (2019) “Exploring U.S.-Chinese Economic Diplomacy”,, (e.t. 23.02.2020).
  • Zongwe, Dunia (2010) “On the Road to Post Conflict Reconstruction by Contract: The Angola Model”,, (e.t. 22.07.2019).
  • Yu, Zheng, (2018) Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy, China-US- Focus,, (e.t. 20.02.2020)
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Kenan Turgutoğlu This is me 0000-0002-5267-466X

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date January 3, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Turgutoğlu, K. (2020). Ekonomik Diplomasinin Ekonomik Güvenliğe Etkisi: Çin-Afrika İlişkileri Analizi. Diplomasi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 75-97.