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Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology

Year 2023, , 141 - 163, 20.12.2023


The paper argues that post-socialist neoliberal democracy is hindered by the exposed or conditioned ethnic symbolic radical populism, particularly in the post-Yugoslav ethnonationalism political behavior. Moreover, the approach toward the fascist ideology symbols disregards the communist social memory of stability and human security and a collectivism-oriented community. Neoliberal globalization has strengthened national identities, supported by the war-related creation of ethnic homogenous territories. Consequently, former Yugoslavia’s historical conflicting memory cultures from WW2 to the Yugoslav wars present enduring processes within sociopolitical ethnic-religious traditions. The collective historical and social memory that forms people’s identities is manipulated, falsified, reduced, and politically instrumentalized. Contemporary ethnic-symbolic politics communicate through conservative political orientations: re-traditionalism behavior (including some left-wingers) advocates public acceptance. Historical anti-fascism actors have been stigmatized within attitudes toward fascist ideology symbolism and traditional Balkan sociopolitical mythologies. Frequent use of (often) antagonistic ethnic symbolism in textual, rhetorical and visual forms expresses it. Various methods of conducting historical revisionism in the symbolic and ideological vocations decrease Yugoslavia’s social memory. Institutional and non-institutional engagement is normatively needed in a battle for correct memory. Citizens’ participation in political decision-making outside the ethnoreligious paradigm is crucial. The consequence of populist political orders in ethnoreligious partitioned post-socialism is ethnic-symbolic collectivism. It oppresses individual identity and excludes the possibility of distinct classification. Contemporary notions of autonomy and mind, adapted to modern society, provide a theoretical framework for formulating political strategies in a post-national context. Acquisitive components of civil society and the society’s stagnation due to slow consolidation can abruptly transform into political apathy motivating violent disorder. Accordingly, many sociopolitical realities symbolize and indicate that "democratized" post-socialist and post-Yugoslav states are more "inadequate" and "ineffective" than Yugoslavia.


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Year 2023, , 141 - 163, 20.12.2023



  • Assmann, J. (2012). Cultural Memory and Early Civilization, Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imagination, UK, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Baker, C. (2016). Sounds of the Borderland, Popular Music, War and Nationalism in Croatia since 1991, London: Ruthledge. google scholar
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  • Butler, F. (2016). How Yugoslavia was Syrianized 25 years ago. Modern Diplomacy. google scholar
  • Bieber, F. (2021). The Rise of Authoritarianism in the Western Balkans, New Perspectives on South-East Europe, USA, New York: Springer International Publishing. google scholar
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  • Capo, J. (2015). Prijepori oko naslijeda proslosti i memorija u Hrvatskoj: znanstveno-popularna publikacija pod pritiskom ideologija, Stud. ethnol. Croat., 27, 5-129. 10.17234/SEC.27.3 google scholar
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  • Cipek, T. (2019). Historjski revizionizam u Bosni i Hercegovini, Socjaldemokratska politika sjecanja izmedu dva totalitarizma, B&H, Sarajevo: Friedrich Erbert Stifung. google scholar
  • Cipek, T. (2009). Remembering 1945: Saving and Erasing. On the power of family narratives, In S. Bosto & T. Cipek (Eds.), Culture of Memory: 1945. Historical Breaks and Overcoming the Past, Croatia, Zagreb: Disput. google scholar
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  • Gellner, E. (2009). Nations and Nationalism (New Perspectives on the Past) Second Edition, Ithaca: Cornell University Press google scholar
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  • Hadzic, F. (2020). The Politicization of Religion and the Sacralized Balkan Nations Regarding Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 40 (7), 105-131 google scholar
  • Hadzic, F. (2021). Global nationalism accumulation, value preservation, and anti-nationalism succession; circumstances of endangerment and discrepancy. Academia Letters, 1639. google scholar
  • Hadzic, F., (2021). Social And Political (The Others) Exclusions Within The Post-Yugoslav Ethnonational Insttututionalizatoon In Bosnia And Herzegovina, Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, [Individual & Society Journal of Social Science], 11, 171-195. google scholar
  • Hadzic, F. (2021). Agnosticism and Atheism as Amoralism and Anti-Ideological Sociopolitical Paradigm in the Balkans, Specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 41(2), 68-85. google scholar
  • Hadzic F. (2020) The global context of authoritarian populism as democratic pylon to Fascism, and a tutorial from the Balkans, Journal of Scientific Papers “Social Development and Security”, 10, 66-77. 10.33445/sds.2020.10.6.7 google scholar
  • Heywood, A. (2014), Global politics, UK, London: Palgrave Macmillan. google scholar
  • Hromadzic, H. (2020). Historizacija tranzicije - slucaj (post) jugoslavenskog prostora, Soc. ekol. Zagreb, 29, 82-95. 10.17234/SocEkol.29.1.4 google scholar
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  • Kirin, R. (2009). Rodni aspekti socjalisticke politike pamcenja drugoga svjetskog rata, In S. Bosto & T. Cipek (Eds.), Kultura sjecanja: 1945., Croatia, Zagreb: Biblioteka Srednji put. google scholar
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  • Oberschall, A. (2009). Nationalist Propaganda of Vojislav Seselj: Content, Techniques, Goals and Effects, 1990-1994. In Editor(s) Biserko. S -of book The Process of Vojislav Seselj: Disclosure of the Great Serbia Project, Zagreb: Biblioteka Svjedocanstva. google scholar
  • Outhwaite, W. and Larry, R. (2005). Social Theory and Postcommunism, USA, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. google scholar
  • Pajni, M. (2019). Populizam se poput kameleona prilagodava razlicitim politickim ciljevima google scholar
  • [Populism, like a chameleon, adapts to different political goals]. Voxfeminae. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Pavelic, B. (2021, December 5). Srpsko-Hrvatsko ispuhivanje genocida [Serbian/Croatian genocide blowing out]., Retrieved from google scholar
  • Pavlakovic, V. (2014). Fulfilling the Thousand-Year-Old Dream: Stretegies of Symbolic Nation-Building in Croatia”. In P. Kolsto (Eds.), Strategies of Symbolic Nation-Building in South Eastern Europe, UK, Farnham: Ashgate. google scholar
  • Perica, V. (2016, February 19). Hrvatska je danas najjaca scena etnickog i klerikalnog nacionalizma na Balkanu [Croatia is today the biggest scene of ethnic and clerical nationalism in the Balkans]. Radio Gornji Grad. Retrieved from google scholar
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  • RTS, (2009, September 21). Kerum: Ne zelim Srbe i Crnogorce u Splitu [Kerum: I do not want Serbs and Montenegrins in Split]. RTS. Retrieved from google scholar
  • Stanovsky, D. (2017). Remix Racism: The Visual Politics of the “Alt-Right” Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric, 7 (2/3), 130-138. google scholar
  • Stathi, S. & Guerra, R. (2021). Unpacking the social psychology of populism: A brief introductory note, Journal of theoretical social psychology, 5 (2), 50-53 10.1002/jts5.98 google scholar
  • Smith, K. & Larimer, C. (2009). The Public Policy Theory Primer, USA, Colorado: Westview Press. google scholar
  • Salaj, B. & Grbesa, M. (2021, July 7). Ljevi populizam trazi radikalnu demokratizacju socjalnog poretka, google scholar
  • desni iz ‘naroda’ iskljucuje djelove stanovnistva [Left populism calls for a radical democratization of the google scholar
  • social order; right populism excludes sections of the population from the ‘people]. Vecernji. Retrieved from google scholar
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  • Thomas, J. & Eley, G. (Eds.). (2020). Visualizing Fascism, The Twentieth-Century Rise of the Global Right. USA, Durham: Duke University Press. google scholar
  • Thompson, M. (2000) War forging, media in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Beograd: Medja centar Radio B92 google scholar
  • Vahtel, E. (1998). Making a Nation, Breaking a Nation: Literature and Cultural Politics in Yugoslavia (Cultural Memory in the Present). USA, Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. google scholar
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  • Zuquete, P. (2008). The Missionary Politics of Hugo Chavez, Latin American Politics and Society (50): 91-121 google scholar
There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Review Articles

Faruk Hadžić 0000-0003-1158-7858

Publication Date December 20, 2023
Submission Date December 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Hadžić, F. (2023). Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(68), 141-163.
AMA Hadžić F. Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. December 2023;(68):141-163. doi:10.26650/JECS2021-1036112
Chicago Hadžić, Faruk. “Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 68 (December 2023): 141-63.
EndNote Hadžić F (December 1, 2023) Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 68 141–163.
IEEE F. Hadžić, “Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 68, pp. 141–163, December 2023, doi: 10.26650/JECS2021-1036112.
ISNAD Hadžić, Faruk. “Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 68 (December 2023), 141-163.
JAMA Hadžić F. Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023;:141–163.
MLA Hadžić, Faruk. “Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 68, 2023, pp. 141-63, doi:10.26650/JECS2021-1036112.
Vancouver Hadžić F. Post-Socialist Ethnic Symbolism, Suppression of Yugoslav Social Memory, and Radical Populism Psychology. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2023(68):141-63.