Research Article
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Adding the “New” Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees

Year 2019, , 45 - 60, 22.10.2019


With the mass migration from Syria to Turkey in 2011, Gaziantep, the most developed city in the Syrian border, became a focal place. The high numbers of Syrian refugees led to an urban transformation, during which many international and national NGO’s started to work in the city. Both of the migrations ended up with an important raise in the rents, and created new strata. This paper, which covers the relations in 2016 and 2017 in Gaziantep, is an outcome of my own observations in the field I developed as a former NGO worker, and the findings of an independent field research I conducted in 2017. This work makes a reflexive reading of socio-spatial dynamics between locals, refugees and NGO workers to scrutinize the ways to engage socio-spatial dynamics to the social services mechanism. The reading aim is to pose the contribution of their combined value, in both implementation and evaluation processes. The presentation of the data aims to bring into discussion this power balance between the local, the refugee and the service provider over its impact on the city surface. It is believed that deciphering these paths and nodes would support a better understanding of the refugee situation and the newly developed urban dynamics.


  • Bakewell, O. (2008). ‘Keeping them in their place’: The ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa. Third World Quarterly, 29(7), 1341–1358.
  • Castells, M. (2017). Kent, sınıf, iktidar, Ankara:Phoenix
  • Castles, S. (2010). Understanding global migration: A social transformation perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), 1565–1586.
  • Convention relating to the status of refugees (adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954) 189 UNTS 137 (Geneva Convention),, accessed 2 April 2019.
  • Deniz et. al., (2016). Bizim müstakbel hep harap oldu [Our future is all ruined]. İstanbul:İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) (2016) Göç Raporu [Migration Report]. Ankara: İç İşleri Bakanlığı Göç İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Geniş, Ş. (2011). Gaziantep’te göçmen hane profilleri ve kentle bütünleşme dinamikleri [Migrant household profiles and their dynamics in unification with the urban area]. In Gültekin, M. (Ed.), Ta ezelden taşkındır Antep[Antep has always been disorderly] (pp. 335–370). Ankara: İletişim.
  • Gray, B. (2008). Putting emotion and reflexivity to work in researching migration. Sociology, 42(5), 935–952.
  • Haraway, D. (1991). Simians, cyborgs and women: the reinvention of nature. London: Free Association Books. IOM, Migrant presence monitoring. situation report, December 2016, 1, Turkey_December_2016.pdf, accessed 10 April 2019.
  • Karadağ, M. (2011). Gaziantep’te kentsel mekanın ve kültürel coğrafya’nın değişimi [The transformation of urban space and cultural geography in Gaziantep]. In Gültekin, M. (Ed.), Ta ezelden taşkındır Antep [Antep has always been disorderly] (pp. 393–413). Ankara: İletişim.
  • Lefebvre, H., (1991). The production of space. Oxford, OX, UK; Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell ———. (2003). The urban revolution. Minneapolis (Estados Unidos: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Security (2016). Work permits of foreigners’ report, Ankara: T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı.
  • Soja, E. (1980). The socio-spatial dialectic. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 70(2), 207–225.
  • Stanley, L. and Wise, S. (1993). Breaking out again. London: Routledge. UNHCR (2016), Evaluation of
  • UNHCR’s emergency response to the influx of Syrian Refugees into Turkey: full report, UNHCR, influx-syrian-refugees-turkey-full.html, accessed 02.04.2019
  • Yuva Association (2017). 2016 Activity report, İstanbul: Yuva Association
  • Cited Interviews:
  • A.K., academic personnel, interview with the author, 10.07.2017, Gaziantep
  • E.K., NGO responsible, interview with the author, 26.09.2017, Gaziantep
  • T.K., NGO responsible, interview with the author, 06.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • Y.V., Coffehouse owner, interview with the author, 16.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • S.M, Shopkeeper, interview with the author, 17.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • H.M., Syrian NGO worker, interview with the author, 28.09.2017, Gaziantep
  • M.C., house laborer4, interview with the author, 29.09.2017, Gaziantep
  • S.A., Syrian NGO worker, interview with the author, 05.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • Maps:
  • Map1Areas of Transformationin Gaziantep, p14,, Access: 01.09.2019.

Kentin “Yeni” Sakinini Kentsel Alan ve Mülteciler için Sosyal Hizmet Tasarımına Eklemek

Year 2019, , 45 - 60, 22.10.2019


Suriye’den Türkiye’ye 2011’de başlayan kitlesel göçle birlikte Gaziantep Suriye sınırındaki en gelişmiş kent olarak merkezi bir önem kazandı. Türkiye’nin Geçici Koruması altındaki çok sayıda Suriyeli mültecinin kente yerleşmesi aynı zamanda ulusal ve uluslararası STK çalışanlarının da kente gelmesine ve bu iki grubun yerleşmesiyle beraber kentte bir dönüşümün görülmesine yol açtı. Her iki göçün etkilerine bakıldığında kentte kiraların ve arsa bedellerinin arttığını ve yeni tabakalaşmaların oluşmaya başladığını görüyoruz. Bu çalışma 2016-2017 yılları arasında bir STK çalışanı olarak Gaziantep’teki gözlemlerime ve çalışmam bittikten sonra 2017’de kentte yaptığım bağımsız bir araştırmanın bulgularına dayanıyor. Makalede yerel halk, mülteciler ve STK çalışanları arasındaki karşılaşmaların sosyo-mekansal dinamiklerinin düşünümsel (reflexive) bir bakış açısından bir okuması yapılıyor. Böylece düşünümsellik ve sosyomekansal dinamiklere dair teorilerin hem uygulama hem de inceleme aşamasında bir arada elde alınmasının katkısını da ortaya koymayı hedefliyor. Bu bakış açısı üzerinden hedeflenen sosyal hizmet mekanizmasına sosyo-mekansal dinamiklerin nasıl eklenebileceğini tartışmaya açmak. Makalede verilerin sunumuyla birlikte hedeflenen yerli halk, mülteci ve hizmet sağlayıcı arasında kurulan hiyerarşinin kent yüzeyine etkisini tartışmaya açmak. Bu ilişkiler sonucunda kentte oluşan nokta ve izleklerin ortaya çıkarılmasının Türkiye’de mültecilerin durumunun ve yeni gelişen kent dinamiklerin daha iyi anlaşılmasına hizmet edeceği düşünülüyor.


  • Bakewell, O. (2008). ‘Keeping them in their place’: The ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa. Third World Quarterly, 29(7), 1341–1358.
  • Castells, M. (2017). Kent, sınıf, iktidar, Ankara:Phoenix
  • Castles, S. (2010). Understanding global migration: A social transformation perspective, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), 1565–1586.
  • Convention relating to the status of refugees (adopted 28 July 1951, entered into force 22 April 1954) 189 UNTS 137 (Geneva Convention),, accessed 2 April 2019.
  • Deniz et. al., (2016). Bizim müstakbel hep harap oldu [Our future is all ruined]. İstanbul:İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) (2016) Göç Raporu [Migration Report]. Ankara: İç İşleri Bakanlığı Göç İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Geniş, Ş. (2011). Gaziantep’te göçmen hane profilleri ve kentle bütünleşme dinamikleri [Migrant household profiles and their dynamics in unification with the urban area]. In Gültekin, M. (Ed.), Ta ezelden taşkındır Antep[Antep has always been disorderly] (pp. 335–370). Ankara: İletişim.
  • Gray, B. (2008). Putting emotion and reflexivity to work in researching migration. Sociology, 42(5), 935–952.
  • Haraway, D. (1991). Simians, cyborgs and women: the reinvention of nature. London: Free Association Books. IOM, Migrant presence monitoring. situation report, December 2016, 1, Turkey_December_2016.pdf, accessed 10 April 2019.
  • Karadağ, M. (2011). Gaziantep’te kentsel mekanın ve kültürel coğrafya’nın değişimi [The transformation of urban space and cultural geography in Gaziantep]. In Gültekin, M. (Ed.), Ta ezelden taşkındır Antep [Antep has always been disorderly] (pp. 393–413). Ankara: İletişim.
  • Lefebvre, H., (1991). The production of space. Oxford, OX, UK; Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell ———. (2003). The urban revolution. Minneapolis (Estados Unidos: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Ministry of Labor and Social Security (2016). Work permits of foreigners’ report, Ankara: T.C. Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı.
  • Soja, E. (1980). The socio-spatial dialectic. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 70(2), 207–225.
  • Stanley, L. and Wise, S. (1993). Breaking out again. London: Routledge. UNHCR (2016), Evaluation of
  • UNHCR’s emergency response to the influx of Syrian Refugees into Turkey: full report, UNHCR, influx-syrian-refugees-turkey-full.html, accessed 02.04.2019
  • Yuva Association (2017). 2016 Activity report, İstanbul: Yuva Association
  • Cited Interviews:
  • A.K., academic personnel, interview with the author, 10.07.2017, Gaziantep
  • E.K., NGO responsible, interview with the author, 26.09.2017, Gaziantep
  • T.K., NGO responsible, interview with the author, 06.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • Y.V., Coffehouse owner, interview with the author, 16.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • S.M, Shopkeeper, interview with the author, 17.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • H.M., Syrian NGO worker, interview with the author, 28.09.2017, Gaziantep
  • M.C., house laborer4, interview with the author, 29.09.2017, Gaziantep
  • S.A., Syrian NGO worker, interview with the author, 05.10.2017, Gaziantep
  • Maps:
  • Map1Areas of Transformationin Gaziantep, p14,, Access: 01.09.2019.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Themed Issue - Research Articles

Pınar Karababa 0000-0003-1565-9409

Publication Date October 22, 2019
Submission Date May 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Karababa, P. (2019). Adding the “New” Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees. Journal of Economy Culture and Society(60), 45-60.
AMA Karababa P. Adding the “New” Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. October 2019;(60):45-60. doi:10.26650/JECS2019-0045
Chicago Karababa, Pınar. “Adding the ‘New’ Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 60 (October 2019): 45-60.
EndNote Karababa P (October 1, 2019) Adding the “New” Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 60 45–60.
IEEE P. Karababa, “Adding the ‘New’ Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees”, Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 60, pp. 45–60, October 2019, doi: 10.26650/JECS2019-0045.
ISNAD Karababa, Pınar. “Adding the ‘New’ Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society 60 (October 2019), 45-60.
JAMA Karababa P. Adding the “New” Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2019;:45–60.
MLA Karababa, Pınar. “Adding the ‘New’ Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees”. Journal of Economy Culture and Society, no. 60, 2019, pp. 45-60, doi:10.26650/JECS2019-0045.
Vancouver Karababa P. Adding the “New” Inhabitant to the Design of Urban Area and Social Work for Refugees. Journal of Economy Culture and Society. 2019(60):45-60.